Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel (20 page)

BOOK: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel
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fter a walk by one of the pretty canals running through Manchester, they had a drink in a local pub, sitting outside in the beer garden and chatting more about normal things. Family. Growing up. Samuel was eager to hear more about Milo and Daniel’s life and he laughed with them, cried at some parts. Especially about Daniel’s mum passing away. But they all left on a good high, Samuel pressed in between them as they walked back to the car.

It was almost dusk when they got back home and Daniel suggested a bath followed by an early night, one with all three of them being together in both the bath and the bed. Samuel hadn’t ever shared a bath before, not even with one person, so being with the two men who he loved and wanted so desperately made him agree a little too quickly.

It wasn’t until he was watching Milo strip off that he began to question his decision. The room was overly bright and he looked down at his wrist, seeing the thin silver scars which ran all the way around them and knowing there were more all over his body which would be seen.

Their times in bed had involved them being partially undressed most times. Only once had Samuel laid naked between them, and it was dark and he felt more confident because they were so high on sexual feelings. The thought if they’d seen his body and questioned it hadn’t entered his mind until now, but they must have seen something.

“Hey,” Daniel whispered behind his ear, the sound of the huge tub filling up beside them almost drowning him out. “Everything okay?”

“I'm fine.” Samuel couldn't see Daniel, but he felt him react to his lie and he stiffened against Samuel’s back. Milo lifted his dark eyes to his immediately, causing Samuel to sigh. He couldn't lie to them. It wasn’t fair. In a way, they would be taking advantage of him because they knew he didn’t really want this and he couldn't do that to them. “I want the bath, I just… It’s very bright and I'm a bit…” He looked down at his wrist again, both of them following his gaze and understanding without saying anything further.

“I'm going to light some candles.” Daniel kissed the back of his neck. “We can turn the light out and fill the bath with bubbles.”

“You have candles and bubbles?” Milo half grunted half laughed. “Bring them on.” He was naked now, and as he stood up, casually throwing his clothes on the wash basket before walking to them, Samuel and Daniel’s bodies reacted to the glorious sight of his dark skin and muscles gleaming in the cream room.

Daniel reached around Samuel and kissed Milo. “I get the strangest gifts from my family at Christmas. They seem to think I like these sorts of things. Like vases and dried flowers which smell like roses. It’s a gay thing. Didn’t you know?”

Milo chuckled. “Hmmm. Well, don’t complain. They’re coming in handy. Go get them.” Milo turned his gaze to Samuel and he wrapped his arms around him. “If you're not comfortable, Princess, don’t do this. It’s okay. We’ll understand.”

Samuel hid his face in the warm skin on Milo’s chest, rubbing his cheek on the downy hair which covered it. “I don’t want to hurt either of you or make you mad.”

“Why would you do that?” Milo sounded gruff, a little angry, but Samuel knew it was the protective streak he had running deep inside him and that he wasn’t angry at him.

“The scars.” Samuel knew Milo would understand without saying much. Milo knew basically everything which had happened to him by now. He may not have seen them in the flesh but he’d seen the pictures Samuel had posed for, read the doctors notes and listened to his own tapes recalling how they were inflicted on him. “Even I don’t look at them much. I don’t want you two to see them and
see them. See the bad things which happened and not
. They’re just something that happened to me, not who I am.”

Milo stepped back, taking hold of Samuel’s face in those big hands of his and staring down at him with such conviction, such confidence and determination. “I always see you, Samuel. I won't lie and say I don’t feel fucking angry these bastards touched you and hurt you. I won't ever be able to change what they did, but I won't let them ruin any more of your life—our life. These are part of you. And because of that, I’ll love them just as much as I love the rest of you.”

Samuel smiled. “Thank you. For saying the words and for being so strong about my past.”

Milo shook his head. “I keep telling you, it’s you who’s strong. These scars show how strong you’ve been. I know this will sound weird, even to me, but be proud of living through all this shit, be proud and accept these marks they left as a sign of how much you’ve gone through and survived. As a big middle finger to the lot of them. Like a fuck you.” Milo grinned and Samuel heard Daniel laugh behind him.

“Good advice, Officer. I like it.” Daniel poured a little musky-smelling liquid into the tub. A few candles were now dotted around the room and Samuel realised he must have been in here for most of their talk.

“It looks lovely,” Samuel said softly as he looked around, then back at Daniel’s naked body, skin flickering in the candle light and making it glow and move sensually. “So do you.”

Daniel flicked the light off and the room slipped into a soft, orangey glow. “Shall we get you naked now and see how lovely you look?”

Samuel nodded, letting Daniel move behind him, encasing his body in between the both of them before nuzzling his neck, his fingers already pushing Samuel’s t-shirt up his stomach, Daniel’s palm lying flat on the taut skin there. Samuel shivered at the contact—such a small touch, but it was all it took for him to react. Any time they touched him, it lit his body up and burned him from the inside.

Milo helped strip the t-shirt off him, moving it slowly up his outstretched arms, noticing how they paused with it at his wrists to move one of their hands over his chest and stomach.

“So beautiful,” Daniel whispered against his neck, releasing his t-shirt from his wrists and dropping it to the floor. “So perfect.”

“Every inch of you,” Milo hoarsely agreed, voice thick and deep, just how Daniel and Samuel liked it the best. He moved his thick fingers down to the waistband of Samuel’s jeans, running them purposefully around to his back before dipping his fingers further inside to stroke his tailbone. Daniel’s hands were now at his zipper and easing them down, allowing Milo’s palm to cup his arse and squeeze.

“Oh…” Samuel moaned, his cock already filling out. He let his gaze drop and saw Milo was the same and reached out, taking hold of his heavy length and watching his cock running through his fingers.

“Samuel,” Milo groaned out his name.

Not wanting to leave Daniel out, he reached behind his back and sought out Daniel’s cock. Encasing him in the same gentle touch as he had on Milo’s and pulling them both as they moaned and moved closer to him, kissing his neck and shoulders, both of them floating their hands over every inch of Samuel before pushing his shorts and jeans to his thighs and moving to his cock.

They manipulated Samuel to the point of pain, both working his cock, his balls, his arse. Spreading his thighs wider and both of them wrapping a hand over his cock, they moved in time with each other as Samuel leaned back onto Daniel, unable to concentrate on touching them anymore, his hands stilling on their cocks, just holding them, occasionally tensing his fingers and grabbing them harder. He could feel them pulsing, both of them pushing into his hands as their touches became more demanding.

Milo had his balls in one of his big hands, massaging them, pulling and rubbing them as Daniel fisted his leaking cock. Samuel didn’t have long before he either came or passed out, so he removed his hands from their bodies and pressed them on Milo’s chest before gently moving out from between them and sitting on the edge of the bath.

“Time out please.” Samuel took a few deep breaths.

Daniel moved to sit beside him, holding him in his arms and kissing his shoulder as Milo moved in front of him, kneeling between his thighs and running his palms up them, causing Samuel to lift his hips and moan again.

Any touch was too much right now and Milo removed his hands and chuckled. “How about that bath?”

Daniel stood up, pulling Samuel with him and lifting him over his shoulder, just like the very first time they met when he rescued him from the fire and climbed into the bathtub. Samuel laughed as Daniel delivered a soft slap on his arse before lowering him back down, his legs slowly entering the hot, scented water and making him sigh.

“That feels good.”

“Hmmm.” Daniel squeezed his arse and grinned. “It does.”

“I meant the water, not my arse.”

Milo was standing behind him when he grabbed his other cheek and massaged it. “I don’t know, this feels much better than hot water.”

Milo sat down and Samuel sat in between his open thighs, both of their legs opened and twined together as Daniel settled opposite them, looking a little squashed.

“We’re going to need a bigger bath and I thought this was huge.”

Samuel brought his knees to his chest and suggested they lay top to tail while he rested on top of them. They both seemed to think that was a glorious ides and he was soon floating around on the water with their bodies underneath him, wet skin gliding against his own and warm hands all over his legs and chest.

He massaged Daniel’s chest with his toes, leaning his arms behind his head so he could wrap them around Milo’s neck and anchor himself a little in the water. Soapy hands were everywhere, scenting his skin and filling the room with a heavy musk. His scalp was massaged as Milo worked the shampoo through his long locks. Daniel tilted his head back so he could rinse it off and add the conditioner. When they were both fulfilled with his hair, which he understood was a bit of a fetish for both of them at this point, he turned around so he was sitting over Daniel’s thighs, smoothing the soapy cloth over his chest as they kissed, feeling Milo’s fingers massaging his arse with those strong fingers and working the soap into a thick, creamy foam over his skin.

Milo moved behind them, pressing his body up against Samuel’s, lathering his back up and rubbing his shoulder, watching as Samuel lifted up, taking hold of the tub and holding himself up so they could both touch him.

Samuel moaned when Daniel rinsed his chest then sucked a nipple into his mouth, working his teeth gently over the hard nub.

“Like that, Samuel?” Milo whispered on the hot skin of his back.

“Yes.” Samuel was half conscious by this time, not really able to vocalise how he felt. Their touch wiped everything out and left him floating.

He gripped the tub harder, letting Daniel’s teeth play with his chest, nipping and sucking as Milo poured hot water over his back, rinsing the suds from him before he began to do the same thing to his spine, working down to the base, where he began licking and nibbling the tender flesh.

“Oh.” Samuel’s attention then blinked back to his chest and he moaned loudly feeling Daniel twisting his nipple in his teeth. “Daniel.”

Milo was licking further down, past his spine, his tongue traveling into the crack of his cheeks and Samuel’s whole body tensed, every muscle going stiff and his breath halting in his throat.

Daniel noticed and pulled his head back to see what changed things so suddenly. “Milo!”

Milo gently eased his mouth from Samuel, voice thick with need. “What?”

Daniel just shook his head and Milo looked at Samuel who was half turned to him, still frozen.

“I'm sorry…” Milo moved back, obviously ashamed to have stepped over a line which even Samuel didn’t know was there. “I didn’t know, I was just…”

Samuel released the breath he was holding and nodded his head. Anal play hadn't come up between them yet. He’d thought of it and he was just as shocked as they were that it was going to be an issue. “I didn’t know… I'm sorry. It felt good.”

“Yeah, maybe a bit of heads up, huh, Milo?” Daniel sat up, pulling Samuel onto his thighs and giving a hard glare at Milo.

“No! There’s no blame here. Milo didn’t do anything wrong.” Samuel leaned over and pulled Milo to him. “I liked what you were doing. I didn’t even know myself it would be a problem. I want you to touch me like that. I want it from both of you.”

He kneeled in between them, encouraging Daniel to kneel on his other side before he took hold of both of their cocks, kissing them both, then letting them work their mouths over each other’s. When they broke apart, it was so they could both ravish Samuel’s mouth, both taking turns, sharing his lips, all three of them moaning and sharing breath.

“I want you inside me,” Samuel moaned into their mouths. “I want to feel you filling me. Feel your cocks hard and thick, taking turns at being inside me.”

“Jesus, Samuel,” Milo growled out, his cock spilling precum over Samuel’s fingers.

“Whenever you're ready, Baby.” Daniel was like steel in his hand, his words gritted through his teeth. “Not before. No matter how much we both want you, it won't happen until we’re all in the same place.”

“Baby steps,” Milo whispered against his mouth. “How about we get dried and move into bed? Finish things off in there.”

Samuel nodded. Bed sounded good and the few moments getting out and dried would give him time to centre himself a little and sort his mind out.

“How about I get us all something cool to drink?” Daniel was standing up, his cock hard and pointing at the ceiling.

BOOK: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel
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