Authors: Danielle Sibarium
Chapter 9
I can't tell what game she's playing, one minute she's fired up and giving me hell, the next she's kissing me, or using that mouth of hers to tease me in ways a girl shouldn't unless she's willing to follow up the insinuation.
One minute I think we're friends, the next she reminds me we're not. I think she wants me, but then she's headed off to see Drake. She has my mind spinning like a roundabout, and I can't help but think it all goes back to her believing I'm all about partying and getting laid. Not that I haven't enjoyed myself when I do it, but that's Coop's scene. I just go along for the ride. And what a ride it is.
But, here and now, with Lexi, I want more than that. I want to grab her and kiss her again so we can reignite the flames burning last night, but I don't. I can't touch her. She's not a casual hook up. Besides I'm ready for something more. I want a relationship; someone I can have in my life for more than a night or two. Someone I could hold and wrap myself around under the sheets, not just when we're getting tangled in them.
Should I chance it with her? I'm not sure. For one thing, half the time she doesn't seem to like me all that much. But, it's the other half that's making me want her with a desperation I've never felt before. It's like my body knows it can never be satisfied until I have her; until I've touched and kissed every inch of her skin, until she screams my name so loud the windows rattle and the earth shakes. It's like my body knows she's a disease, a poison running through my veins, and the only way to survive her, is to have more of her; to have all of her. That's the part that thinks I should go for it. Besides, what do I have to lose?
A lot.
I can lose my best friend.
I think about contacting Cooper, just to make sure he's okay with it, but hesitate. As long as he doesn't suspect I have any sort of interest in Lexi, he can't do anything to sabotage it. I'm not worried about him coming after me, I can hold my own against him. I'm worried about what other untruths he might pass to Lexi that I won't be able to shatter.
I'm sitting on the bed staring at my laptop when I hear a soft knock at my door.
I'm not expecting the tug on my heart when my eyes meet hers. Her hair is up in a bun, and I have to control the urge to pull it down and thread my fingers through it. Her make-up is simple. Maybe she isn't even wearing make-up, maybe her skin naturally glows.
I want Lexi.
I fucking want all of her.
"Why don't you want to see your father?" I ask making small talk as Lexi leads the way down the boardwalk.
"None of your business."
"I think it's at least a little bit of my business since I am your boyfriend and I'm in charge of getting you there."
"Not my boyfriend, more like delusional, and I'm not going."
She's going. If I have to carry her there. I have no allegiance to the man, but he freaking begged me to get her there, so I know it's important.
"I'm begging you. Please, I need to see my daughter. I need to tell her things. She has no idea and it has to come from me, or I'm afraid she won't understand. I need to tell her or she'll never allow herself to fall in love and be happy. Neither of my kids will until they understand."
Guys don't do that unless they're desperate.
"If your father is off limits for now, tell me about Drake. You into him?"
"I'm spending my afternoon watching him play, what does that tell you, party boy?"
That stupid fucking nick name again. It wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't know she means it to be derogatory. Then again, maybe it's the party boy persona that she's into.
"Yeah, you're going to watch him play, but you're going with me. And, I'm going to be watching you."
"I thought you were going to check out the girls."
I smirk at her, "Last I checked, you're a girl." I allow my eyes to drop and I swear as they roam over her tits they fucking dilate. My eyes, not her tits. I wouldn't want them any bigger, already I have a hard time keeping my eyes off them. Besides, they look like a perfect fit for my hands just as they are.
"Huh?" Shit she caught me staring. I force my eyes back up to her face. Pink color tinges her cheeks. She looks so damn adorable right now, I can't help but laugh.
"Sorry. What can I say, you have some pretty nice party favors I'd like to get my hands on."
Lexi opens her mouth. She wants to say something. I can see the fire in her eyes, she wants to unleash on me. I'm preparing myself for the insult I know is coming. Maybe she'll even throw a punch in my direction. Instead she closes her mouth and turns toward the ocean without saying a word.
We don't speak anymore before arriving at the tournament area. Six different games are going on. A crowd has gathered around each of the matches. Girls mostly. I don't bother looking at them. I'm more interested in Lexi; in studying her and how she's doing everything possible to avoid me. She won't even glance at me.
Lexi seeks out the spot she wants to settle into. I notice some of the people are sitting in beach chairs; others on towels. We didn't bring anything with us. We're not here thirty seconds before the bare chested ass-hat spots her. He waves and tosses her a smile. Lexi drops down into the sand, and I sit beside her. Not too close. I don't want her to up and move just to prove we're not together. Still, I think if I can keep in close proximity to her, it'll keep his hands and lips from touching her. I'm sitting close enough that someone looking at us wouldn't know for sure if we're together or not.
We watch in silence as the game continues. Drake and his partner score. The idiot he's paired with celebrates the point by hooting while thrusting his hips forward and pretend spanking the air in front of him. Drake slaps his buddy on the chest to get him refocused on the game. After winning another few points Drake jogs over.
"I knew you were my good luck charm. With you here, I'll win the championship for sure."
I want to punch him in the face and tell him to keep his distance from Lexi, but I can't, I have no right to. I can play the 'she's my best friend's sister, and that gives me the right card,' but I want to forget that fact. And I want her to forget it, too.
Drake's team is about to win, and she still hasn't looked my way. She's not talking to me either. All I get are grunts and one word answers.
"Sorry if I was out of line."
"Um hmm."
"Are you mad?"
"Maybe I should go swim in the ocean and get eaten by a shark?"
She's not even listening to me right now. I'm freaking white noise, static. How can she be so into dick-face over here that I don't even register? I stand up and walk away hoping she'll come after me. She doesn't. She doesn't even turn to see where I'm going. Fuck!
There's a concession stand on the boardwalk I head over there for a couple of bottles of water. I'll bring her one as a peace offering, but knowing Lexi, she won't take it. Before I have a chance to pay the girl at the register, a body flies over the counter to the inside. Arms wrap around the pretty girl and the couple shares a quick peck on the lips. He reaches under the cabinet and pulls out an energy bar and bottle of water, before he acknowledges my presence.
Now for real I want to lay this prick out. He's got a girl but he's leading Lexi on. I take my change, grab the water, and turn to head back.
"Oh, hey," Drake addresses me before hopping back over the counter. "What's the deal with you and Lexi? You exclusive? Looking for a threesome? You swingers?"
I'm a hair away from clocking him.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Last night, she's coming on to me while you're chatting some chick up, then you and Lexi lip lock before leaving together, so it's pretty fucking clear you're together. Now you both show up to watch me. I'm trying to figure shit out."
"There's nothing to figure out. And why are you thinking about Lexi when it's clear you've got something going on here?" I motion to the girl he just kissed.
"Look dude, if Lexi's part of the deal it's all good. You need to understand, if we do this, we take turns. Or else we're on separate ends. I'm just gonna lay it out there. Guys don't do it for me. As long as we understand each other, we can make it work."
What a fucking douchebag! My fists are clenched tight as I struggle with my self-control. Instinct says deck him, but I'm smarter than that. I inch forward not sure I can keep my hands from wrapping around his neck. I have no doubt I can take him. Even if I couldn't I have enough adrenaline shooting through my veins right now I can overturn a tank.
"You keep your fucking hands off, Lexi," I jab my finger in the air in front of his face. "In fact, you stay away from her. Far, far away from her."
"Ah, so you want to be exclusive but she doesn't."
"It's none of your fucking business."
To my surprise he's not running off with his tail between his legs. He gives me a taunting smirk.
"Great chatting with you, but if you'll excuse me, I have a tournament to go win, and a girl to impress."
That mother fucker isn't backing down. I might have even just given him a reason to try harder. He's not going to get near Lexi. Not if I can help it. I curse under my breath as Drake jogs back to the volleyball court. I won't rush back like a fifteen year old hoping to ditch his v-card, and make a scene.
"So dinner tonight?" He's crouching down in front of Lexi when I get back.
She shrugs. "Maybe."
"She has plans."
She throws a dirty look my way.
"I told you, a promise is a promise. I gave my word, and I have every intention of seeing this through."
"Okay, fine." She huffs. "Tomorrow night."
"You're on. But as long as you promise to keep watching me play. I knew you were my good luck charm. With you on the sidelines, I can't help but win."
Prick. Too bad, fuck face. She's busy tomorrow night, and the night after that. In fact she'll be busy every fucking night we're here. With me. She just doesn't know it yet.
Chapter 10
If only I could tell what he's thinking. If I had the slightest clue as to what's running around Noah's mind, I might be able to set my own straight. There are lines drawn between us. Some are mine, some are his, and some overlap and circle around us because of our relationship with Cooper. One thing is for sure, where the lines were sharp and bold yesterday, they seem to have blurred and moved overnight.
I don't even know for sure which lines are most important, mine, his, or Coop's. I wonder what my brother would think of whatever is going on with Noah and me; the fact we kissed twice and I can't stop thinking about his mouth and his arms slung around me, holding me tight, against his hard body, or the fact that Noah's insisting on taking me to see my father tonight. I can't wrap my mind around why he's doing it. Is it just his loyalty to Cooper?
And then there's the way he acted today with Drake. I seriously thought the two idiots were going to pull their dicks out to compare whose was bigger. Talk about a pissing contest. Every time Drake looked at me, Noah inched in closer. I thought at one point he was going to pick me up and sit me on his lap. Not that I would've minded. But then Drake kept looking over at me, smiling or blowing me kisses. He played harder every time he noticed Noah move closer, and followed that up by scoring a point, glancing and winking at me.
When Drake came over to talk, I felt Noah's eyes burn into me. I'm just not sure if they were burning with jealousy like I hoped, or if it was out of some sort of protective loyalty to my brother. Cooper told me Noah would be keeping an eye on me to make sure I behaved myself, but I didn't believe him. Whatever the reason behind his territorial behavior and dark stares, I like being the focus of Noah's attention. No, I don't like it, I freaking love it. If I need to spend every free minute on the beach watching Drake in order to keep Noah close to me, I'm willing to do it. And that's the reason I'm sitting in the passenger seat of his car allowing him to take me to see my father. Because, it keeps me close to Noah.
"So," he starts tapping his index finger on the steering wheel. I've been waiting for him to mention it. He didn't say anything on the walk to the car, but I knew, each time he'd glance at his hands and then back at me, it pissed him off. "You wouldn't happen to have any idea why I'm looking a little smurfish would you?"
I fight the urge to laugh, pulling my lips together tight. Only I'm not able to do this and keep a straight face. I'm sure my face looks like I sucked on a lemon.
"Nope," I manage to get out.
He shakes his head.
"You know it's not just my hands, Lexi. Good thing I caught onto it quick or else I'd be saying you gave me blue balls in a very literal way."
I giggle at the ridiculousness of thinking I could give him blue balls in any way.
"I have half a mind to have you scrub it all off me when we get back."
"You couldn't." Even though the idea of soaping him up in the shower is making me wet, I keep up my side of the act. "Besides, you have no proof that I did anything."
"Cut the shit, I know it was you," he says as he turns the engine off.
I glance at the coffee shop and then back at Noah. "I can't believe you're making me do this. I hate him so much. He doesn't give a shit about me. If he did, he never would've left."
Noah leans toward me. He brushes my hair away from my face before placing his hand over mine. Warmth spreads throughout my body. Instead of thinking about going in and talking to my father, I allow my brain to go back to the idea of bathing Noah.
"You'll never know what's in his heart if you don't hear him out. I promise we can leave whenever you want."
"Now seems like a good time," I say turning my back to the cafe wondering if he's in there. I know I'm acting like a spoiled brat, but everything I just said to Noah is true. I do hate my father, and I don't want anything to do with him. So if acting like a child might get me my way, then that's what I'll do.
"Lexi, I won't let him hurt you."
"You're about a decade too late for that. At least if Cooper was here, he'd understand."
"Did he ever do anything to you? I mean touch you or . . ."
I shake my head. I hate the man, but he's not a monster, at least not that kind of monster. "No. He just ignored and abandoned us. I hate him because he makes me feel . . . He makes me feel worthless."
Noah lets out a long breath, shakes his head, and bores his blue/green eyes into mine. The tender look in his eyes makes me think he can see right into my soul.
"Lexi. You are many things, but worthless isn't one of them. If he thought that, I don't think he'd be here."
I shrug. "I haven't seen him in two years. Two fucking years! He's my father. He's supposed to be there for me, how is that being there?"
"It's just a cup of coffee. You don't, I mean, we don't have to stay any longer than that. I'm sorry you don't have Coop here with you. But, if it's any consolation you have me. And while I haven't known you your whole life, I've known you a long time. Long enough to know how special you are."
, as in I can't think of anything better to say.
Noah leans over and pulls me into an embrace. At this moment I have no doubt, this isn't about an attraction, this is him being a good friend to Cooper. Maybe even a friend to me. That's what it's all been about, his protectiveness with Drake this afternoon, making me breakfast this morning. It isn't because he wants me. I confused things by kissing him last night. That's all it was, just some confused emotions running wild. I've been building things with him up in my head, and it needs to stop now before I allow myself to be immersed in a pool of hope. Hope that might end up drowning me in the end.
"Come on. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can take you out for ice cream."
"Oh, no. I don't eat ice cream."
"You don't? Why not?"
Because once upon a time ago you said I was fat and hideous. It hurt so bad I wanted to slit my wrists and bleed out, and I never want to feel that kind of shame again.
"I just don't."
"Tonight you're making an exception."
We walk into the shop holding hands. Noah squeezes my hand tight inside his, and leads me to the counter.
"See, we're just here for coffee. This isn't so bad is it?" he asks as he passes a twenty dollar bill to the barista.
I shake my head and look around. I spot a pair of familiar green eyes in the back. He's on the phone. "Prick can't even go a few minutes without talking to one of his whores."
Noah looks at me, then he searches the seating area. "The man all the way in the back?"
I nod.
Hugging the coffee cups to his body, Noah lets his hand slip from mine. Once he secures his grip on the cups, he slides his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close.
"You've got this, Lexi. And you've got me."
Maybe if I really had him, if I knew I could really nab the party boy, I'd feel confident enough to know I'll be okay facing my father.
"I love you. Bye," My father says ending his call as we approach.
My stomach clenches. Whoever she is, he loves her. He chooses to be with her, to talk to her, to spend time with her, instead of choosing me, his own daughter.
He stands and greets us with a smile. "Alexis, you're more beautiful with each passing day." He leans forward as if he wants to wrap his arms around me.
I shrink away. Uh uh. No hugging and acting all fatherly.
"Maybe that would hold some water if you ever saw me for more than one day every few years."
He pulls back, the stupid smile he wore a moment ago, gone. Good. My father looks to Noah, with frightened eyes. He looks scared. Of what? Me?
"Hello, Mr. Sutton, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Never letting go of me, Noah maneuvers the cups he's holding onto the table between us and my father, then extends his light blue hand to the man I'm wishing would disappear. "Noah York, sir."
My father gives Noah's hand a funny look before meeting his eyes once again. "It's nice to meet you, Noah. And thank you for convincing Alexis to come."
"First of all, it's Lexi. Second of all, how do you know he convinced me? Maybe I changed my mind. Ever think of that?"
"Sorry, Lexi." My father sits and motions for us to sit as well. Noah does, but I remain standing, not all together certain I'm staying. I showed up, I walked in and I spoke to him. As far as I'm concerned, I checked all the boxes.
My father smiles at me, "Because, dear. You have always been stubborn like me. Lucky for you, you also have the ability to see reason in a situation like your mother."
"Don't talk about my mother as if there's anything about her you like."
My father's eyes close, his head drops, and he runs a hand through his hair.
"Come here, Lexi." Noah takes my hand and pulls me close to him. "Why don't you sit." He stands to give me his chair, while taking me by the shoulders and settling me down in the seat. That's why he wanted me to come close, so he could maneuver me the way he did the coffee.
My father takes a deep breath and looks to Noah.
"Tell me a little about yourself son, what do you do?"
"I'm a research market analyst."
"You work with stocks and bonds?"
"No. Basically clients come to me with a need, maybe they want to see how their product is received across a certain demographic," Noah explains as he pulls a chair over. "I use a focus group or a series of individual interviews where specific questions will be answered. When it's all done, I compile the information into a report, and go back to the client with my findings along with a plan suggesting how I think they should proceed based on what the findings were, and what they are hoping to accomplish."
"Sounds interesting."
"It is, sir. I love what I do."
Noah's sitting right against me, thighs touching. He takes my hand in his, and I know he's serious about being here to help me through this.
"And what about you, Lexi? Have you found a job yet?"
I suck my teeth annoyed at the mundaneness of the conversation. This isn't a question he should ask. He should already know the answer.
"Sir," Noah begins. "It might be a good idea if you just get to what it is you want to say to Lexi."
My father nods, and again the hand runs through his hair. "The real reason I'm here, Alexis--"
"See," I turn to Noah. "I knew it was bullshit."
"Sweetheart, give your father the chance to say what's on his mind."
Sweetheart? I'm so surprised by the endearment Noah just used, and the sincerity of it, that I stare at him with my mouth open a second too long. A moment of weakness my father uses to hone in on the kill.
"I'm getting married, Lexi. And I'd like for you to be there."
"Married? Does she know you believe in fidelity about as much as a prostitute believes in abstinence?" I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. Noah's rubbing his forehead.
"Maybe you should let him finish speaking, Lexi."
"Thank you, son." My father clears his throat. "See this is the part I needed to tell you in person. You know how thirty seconds ago I said your mother could see reason? Well I'm the one thing that made her lose all sense of reason. I never cheated on your mother, Lexi. I respected her too much for that."
"Bullshit. You're a fucking liar. She kicked you out, and she was devastated. Completely heartbroken. I heard her cry herself to sleep for months after you left. She wouldn't have done that unless you destroyed her."
He nods. "I hurt her. That's for sure. But it wasn't because I was seeing other women."
"Come on, Noah." I jump to my feet. "I want to leave now.
Noah doesn't move. He and my father are locked in a stare-down. I think he's about to back me up and tell my father to go to hell. Instead he stands, and cups my face. His eyes are serious, maybe even sad.
"Lexi, you're amazingly strong, and beautiful and . . ." He stops speaking. His eyes drop to my lips. I can see the deliberation in those deep blue pools before he dips down and brushes his lips against mine. He's kissing me, making my heart flutter and my skin tingle. I'm lost. I'm confused. I don't want him to stop, but he does. He pulls back just a bit, and rests his forehead against mine.
"You need to hear him out." Noah closes his eyes. "Can you just let him finish?" His face takes on a pained look. "For me?"
I can see the toll this boyfriend act is having on him. Guilt floods my veins. He didn't want to say that, but he had to keep up the charade. He probably didn't want to kiss me either. I try to turn away, but he's still holding my face, and doesn't let me.
I don't get why this is so important to him. What does he have to gain? All at once I'm flooded with understanding. Cooper. He wants to be able to give my brother all the details so he could make his own decision. If we leave right now Noah won't have enough to relay to my brother.
I look back at my father. I'm angry and hurt, but I'm still in one piece. And Noah just kissed me. Again. Before I make my mind up, Noah is settling me back into the chair, and I notice for the first time how uncomfortable my father looks. Little beads of sweat are forming along his forehead. He even looks a little flush.