Heat Waves

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Authors: Carrie Anne Ward

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #holiday, #sex, #desire, #passion, #hot, #bdsm, #heat, #lust, #summer, #dominance, #steamy, #waves, #sumission

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Heat Waves
Erotic Summer-Themed Anthology

Created By Carrie Anne Ward



Sharon Cummin

Paige Matthews

Edward Naughty

John Satisfy

Rebecca Sherwin

RT Steory

AJ Walters

Carrie Anne Ward






Heat Waves copyright 2014 By Carrie Anne

Smashwords Edition. All Rights Reserved


All stories are copyrighted to their
respective authors, and used here with their permission


No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored or transmitted in any forms or by any means
whether graphic electronic photo copying, mechanical, recording or
otherwise, with the exception of the reproduction of the designs
expressly for personal use only, not for financial gain. Unless
expressed consent for lending is allowed for the particular


Cover design by Carrie Anne Ward


Special thanks to
for providing their expert formatting services
on this project.


Also, special thanks to Ashen White for her
editorial service on these stories.




Table of Contents




The Holiday
RT Steory

A Picture of Hope
AJ Walters

A Quick Trip to Heaven

Throwing Caution to the Heat
Carrie Anne

It Happened in Vegas

Summer Lovin’
Edward Naughty

The Yacht
Paige Matthews

Waves of Pleasure



Hello sexy peeps,


My name is Carrie Anne Ward and I am an
erotic author who - after finally finding a spare five minutes -
wanted to do something extra for both myself and my fellow authors,
to show you how truly talented we are. So with the summer time heat
vastly rising, I thought I would make things that little stickier
for you. Yes, I know, I’m evil. Well, I am a switch after all.

Anyway, each author has provided a heart
racing, palms sweating story for your enjoyment, all of which have
a summer time vibe to it. All stories are erotic, some with a hint
of romance and some have BDSM elements intertwined.

I have made some great friends bringing these
stories together in this one book, not to mention how talented
every one of them is.

So get out those Popsicle, have you fans at
the ready, and let these steamy reads raise the temperatures
beneath your sheets.


Enjoy yourselves, you naughty minxes. You
deserve it.


Carrie xx



The Holiday
RT Steory


Emma got off the plane and stepped into a
wall of heat; her eyes adjusted to the bright blue sky, and took in
the view of the distant sun-kissed hills. Bringing her gaze back to
the bustling airport, she once again hoped that this holiday would
be different. Rick cleared his throat behind her, his little way of
getting her to move faster. He gave a weary sigh, and pushed her
forward when she did not respond quickly enough. Emma stomped down
on the irritation she felt, and got off the plane to begin her

The first two days drifted by, leaving Emma
under no illusion, in spite all of his words describing this trip
as “their chance to start over”, and his promise “I will change, I
will make it up to you, I only have eyes for you,” that Rick was
full of Shit!. He had spent two days flirting with the waitress at
dinner, and the pretty blond wearing the skimpy bikini by the pool.
Why had she thought that he could change? Maybe it was not a case
he, but
he. Right at that moment, Emma
decided to ride out the holiday, and then kick him out of her flat
and out of her life.

The decision made, a weight lifted from her,
and she actually started to enjoy herself. For a treat, Emma
decided a Spa day was in order, and booked herself in for the ‘All
Day Special’ the following day; she felt a minor irritation when
Rick said he would join her, but quashed it, determined that she
would enjoy herself no matter what. In fact, to get started, she
caught the waiter’s eye and ordered herself a large wine, the first
of many.

Emma woke up to a pounding headache.
Groaning, she sat up in bed. She looked down at the bed beside her
and noted the undisturbed sheets. Without a doubt, Rick had not
slept next to her last night. She went to grab a glass of water and
a couple of paracetamol; looking at her face in the mirror, Emma
was not surprised at how pale she looked. The thought of grabbing a
bite to eat turned her complexion from white to green. She sat on
the side of the bath, held her head in her hands, closed her eyes,
and waited for her stomach to settle.

She cast her mind back to the previous night,
and remembered the row with Rick, held in hushed tones at the
table; he had stormed off, and that explained the undisturbed
sheets, although not where he had decided to hang his hat. The
memories for the rest of the night were pretty hazy; there was a
cute guy who had tried it on with her, what was his name again?
Damn it, she could not remember! He had kept her company until she
had called it a night; there had been a moment as they’d said
goodnight at her door, a little peck of their lips had become a
passionate embrace, until she had
what she was doing, and pulled away.

A feeling of guilt washed over her, but then
she thought,
it! Rick had spent the whole night
. If previous form was anything to go by, the blond in the
skimpy bikini probably had not gotten much sleep. Emma checked the
time, and saw she still had an hour to get herself ready. A shower
left her feeling more human, the hot water sluicing away the
grogginess and nausea. She
herself dry, picked out her bikini, and a
light maxi dress to wear over it for breakfast.

The restaurant was noisy, and made Emma glad
she had taken the
; the morning conversations on top of the
pounding in her head would have sent her back to her room, probably
for the whole day. Breakfast consisted of a black coffee and some
plain toast. Her stomach nearly baulked at the first mouthful, but
pushing on, she felt much better. In her new positive state, she
felt ready for a day of indulgent pampering.

The Spa was blessedly quiet; a calm oasis of
soft lighting, and the gentle sounds of waves breaking on the
shore. The receptionist was a cheerful young girl called Hope, and
she whisked Emma through the options for the day, and the menu for
lunch, which would be brought through to the private restaurant for
Spa guests. Emma chose a facial; a full body massage, and a
manicure to finish, and for lunch, a chicken club sandwich. She
went through to her private changing room, put her valuables in the
locker, and donned the robe provided before starting her first

The facial was just what the doctor ordered,
and by the end she felt so relaxed and comfortable that she nearly
drifted off to sleep. She lay there for a little while, just
enjoying the feeling of
, before heading for the Jacuzzi. There
was just enough time to have a glass of something bubbly, whilst
sitting in something bubbly, and the thought made her giggle aloud.
Emma grabbed one of the waiting staff and ordered her drink, before
slipping the robe from her shoulders and stepping into the hot,
bubbling Jacuzzi.

The water was warm, and the jets soothing.
The waiter brought her drink over, and he was followed by a man who
looked like he could model for Abercrombie & Fitch. Emma
reached for the glass, but nearly missed it as the model dropped
his robe, revealing a lean, muscular body that was pure heaven.
Emma flushed red, and the waiter smiled at her discomfort, moving
the tray so that the glass was once more within her reach. She
gripped the glass hard, like a lifeline, as flashbacks of a
passionate goodbye kiss flooded her memory. Emma turned to meet his
eyes, a beautiful emerald green.

He sat there looking at her until the waiter
had taken his order and moved off. He then moved until he was
sitting next to her. Emma felt her heart flutter at his sudden
closeness; his size made her feel small and vulnerable, but his
gaze made her feel safe and in control. It was a strange feeling,
and not at all unpleasant. He asked her how her head was this
morning, and laughed when she told him; she felt comfortable in his
presence but embarrassed she could not remember his name, there was
no easy way to do it so she decided honesty was the best policy. As
she confessed, and felt her face turn maroon, he burst out
laughing, and told her he could not remember her name, either. They
were both still laughing hard when the waiter brought his drink
over. Slowly they got control of themselves, and he introduced
himself as James.

Once Emma had re-introduced herself, the
conversation began to flow, and she found out she had a lot in
common with James; they liked the same kind of movies, and were
both into Jazz. It even turned out that they only lived around 30
miles from each other. It was a small world, and she was glad. She
felt comfortable, there was a chemistry between them; they were
both tactile with each other as they talked. Eventually, James
asked who she was here with; it was a question she had been
dreading. Emma explained about Rick, his roving eye, and her
decision that it was over between them. She had just finished,
when, as if on cue, Rick strolled over to the Jacuzzi. Settling
down on the other side of her, he looked at James with open
hostility, and then proceeded to ignore him completely.

Emma felt a flush of anger at the smug look
on Rick’s face as he leaned in to kiss her. Leaning away from him
and turning her head, she felt herself pressed up against James,
who seemed quite happy to have her invade his personal space. Rick
resumed his seat, the smug look was still there; he smirked at her,
and asked her how her night had been. Really angry now, she flipped
it back on him with a question of her own.

“My night was fine; I should be asking how
yours was, all night!”

His smirk deepened. “I spent the night with a
friend; after our disagreement, I knew you needed time to cool
down.” His
tone, and the smug look as he put the whole onus on her over what
had happened; the fact that he had disappeared with who knew who,
doing who knew what, and still managed to make her feel like she
was in the wrong, well, it just made her want to slap him hard. She
decided that enough was enough, and that there was no point
entering into another conversation that would lead to more
arguments and recriminations.

“Rick, I had planned to do this when we got
home, but now, seeing that smug, self-righteous look on your face,
I am going to do this right now.” There must have been something in
her tone, but Rick was suddenly not looking so cocky. She
continued, “It's over between us, it has been for a long time. I am
sick to death of how you make me feel, and I deserve better. You've
had it all your own way for too long, and it ends right now.”

Finished, Emma settled herself back down in
the Jacuzzi, aware of how close she was to James. Rick looked
stunned, but the smirk returned, and he settled himself back, too.
There was an uncomfortable silence, broken when Rick called the
waiter over to order a beer. Emma nearly jumped out of her skin,
not at the sudden noise, but at the light touch on her thigh.
Looking at James, he gave nothing away other than a mischievous
twinkle in his eye. The waiter appeared with the beer, and still
James kept tracing small circles on her thigh, each circle taking
his hand ever so slightly higher.

Emma made no attempt to stop him; she felt a
flush in her chest, her breathing quickening under his touch. She
was aware of Rick’s scrutiny as he sipped his beer; she could not
stop a smile playing on her lips, from the knowledge of what was
happening right under the smug bastard’s nose. If he had any
inkling, it would wipe that smirk off his face for good. It seemed
that with each gentle sweep of his fingers, James passed an
electric current straight to her sex. Emma had never done anything
like this before, and the danger of being caught only added to the
pleasure she was feeling. James had reached the top of her thighs,
and Emma opened her legs just enough to allow his fingers to move
between them. Now the only thing between her sex and his touch was
her bikini bottom.

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