Authors: Danielle Sibarium
"Your dinner?" I look at the floor around us. "It looks like you made enough for the week."
"Fuck you, Noah. You're such a fucking asshole."
"Hey," I take hold of her hands again. "I got this. You go get cleaned up, and we'll go out to dinner."
"I don't need your pity. And no, we won't go out to dinner. I'm going out with Drake tonight."
"Drake?" His name is like a cattle prod in my eye.
"You never showed up today, so when he asked I said yes."
"I'm here now, so you can call him and tell him you changed your mind."
"You don't tell me what to do, party boy."
"Too bad, because right now, I'm telling you."
There's no way I'm going to let her go out with that prick. I know what he's after, and he's not going to get it. Not from Lexi. I lift my hand and try to shake off the creamy substance I got all over me.
"I think we should talk before you go out with Drake." Or anyone else.
"We have nothing to talk about."
"We have a lot to talk about. You can start by telling me what I did to hurt you."
This seems to have gotten her attention. She stops what she's doing and looks at me. Her lips are pressed into a thin line as she shakes her head. "I keep telling you, you were never that important."
She's lying. She shut down completely. We're right back to where we were the other night. I know it's a scumbag move, but I need to make sure she doesn't leave this house with the ass-hat. I reach for her hair with my gloppy hand, and push it back behind her ear, getting the creamy substance in it.
"Maybe you don't have anything to say, but I have a lot I want you to hear."
"No deal." She runs her hand through her hair and right into the wet spot full of the creamy dressing I placed there. "Fuck!"
I do my best to keep a straight face while we finish cleaning in silence. I can't look at her, because I think I'm going to laugh in her face. Once she's done, she goes upstairs to get changed.
"You're a prick, Noah," I hear before the shower starts.
It's the perfect time for me to jump in the shower, too. I make mine super-fast, and finish before she does. I know because I haven't heard her scream yet. I'm not fully dressed when I hear the doorbell ring. That's good. I can make it work to my advantage. Instead of putting my shirt on, I toss it back on the bed.
Before heading downstairs to open the door, I unbutton my jean shorts, and pull the zipper down just a bit. Next, I use my hands to mess up my hair. I answer the door, and there he is, captain douche-nozzle.
"I'm here for Lexi," he says, raising an eyebrow as he takes in my appearance.
"Yeah, Lexi," I say running my hand through my hair. "Sorry, we sort of lost track of time. I guess if you want to wait, I can tell her to go get cleaned up."
"She's not ready? Fine. I'll wait inside."
He moves to take a step in the house, but I place my hand on his chest and shake my head. "Maybe you should wait out there. At least until she leaves my bedroom. I don't think she'd feel comfortable . . ."
"So you
fucking her?"
I shrug. Technically it's not a lie. I'm not saying yes or no. And if visualization counts, boy am I fucking her.
"I've been with some pretty screwed up girls before, but you two bring it to a new level."
"NOAH!" She screams.
"Give us about five more minutes to finish up, then I'll come back and let you in."
"No fucking way. Tell Lexi it was nice knowing her."
"Sorry it didn't work out, Drake." I pat his shoulder.
"Noah, get your ass in here, now!"
"Would love to stay and chat, but I need to go finish what I started."
I shut the door, and I know he's done with her. His ego just took a hit, and he doesn't strike me as the type of guy that knows how to get past that. Besides, he's got the girl at the concession stand, and I spotted at least a dozen more watching him on the beach yesterday. I have little doubt he was going to be done with Lexi after tonight no matter what.
"I hate you, Noah. Do you know that? I fucking hate you!" The secret's out. She knows I rigged her hair dryer. "You're childish and immature . . ."
I lean against the doorframe of the bathroom with my arms folded across my chest listening to her rant as I take in her pale, pasty appearance. Baby powder covers the side of her face and hair. There's a foggy mist clouding the tiny room. I'd enjoy my revenge so much more if she had clothes on instead of the flimsy bath towel that's barely covering her. I know that's the only thing between me and her naked body; it's all I can think about.
"Did you hear a word I said?"
"Because turning my skin blue is the pinnacle of maturity."
"I have to take another shower. Do you realize that? I'm not even sure this will come out. And Drake will be here any minute."
I shake my head. "You don't have to worry about him, He just left."
"What? Why? Because I wasn't ready?"
"Something like that."
"Did he say when he'd be back?"
"He's not coming back"
Her eyes leave mine and run over my body. It's as if she didn't actually see what I looked like until right this moment. Instead of seeing red, hot desire burn in her eyes, she looks horrified.
"What did you do?"
My lips curl up into a satisfied grin. "Nothing."
"You answered the door like that?"
My smirk grows into a smile.
"You answering the door is bad enough, but come on, Noah. Your pants aren't even closed. They're barely even on."
I shrug, as if it's no big deal.
"He's going to think we're sleeping together."
I take a step closer to her, curious to see her reaction. "Trust me, our sleeping arrangement was the last thing on his mind."
"You had no right."
I move further into the room, positioning myself so that I'm standing in front of her, leaning against the counter housing the sink. She takes a tiny step back.
"I told you I wanted to talk. Now you have no excuse. Besides, you knew he was coming. If it meant that much you would've been ready. Maybe you wanted Drake and me to come face to face."
"Why would I want that?"
"I don't know? To see if any fireworks took off?"
I reach out and swipe a bit of powder off her lips with my thumb. I'm struck with the memory of her lips on mine; how soft, how sweet they were. I want to cover her mouth and demand she succumb to me the way she did on the beach. I imagine backing her into the wall, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. It would be so easy to press my hardening cock against her opening so she can feel it, so she can know what she does to me. I want to give in to the urge I have to yank the towel off her and run my hands over her silky skin. They yearn to explore her body, touch her in ways that will make her blush. I fight the need to take her right here and now; to lift her up and fuck her until she screams my name so loud every person on the boardwalk, including the fucktard Drake, will hear it.
I'm about to bring my mouth to hers and start acting out every scenario running through my head, when I see a tear fall from her eye. Just that tiny drop of salty wetness extinguishes the heat surging through my veins. I feel like I've been submerged in a pool of ice. I meet her eyes for a clue as to what she's thinking. They're watery and scared. She looks frightened, and it wrings my heart.
I don't understand what went wrong? What did I do? I brush the streak of wetness off her cheek with my thumb, and back myself away, out of the bathroom.
I need to get out, to get away from Lexi. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore. I thought she wanted me. I've seen it in her eyes, and in the moments she allowed herself to be vulnerable. Or is it that I want her so bad I'll convince myself I saw something I didn't? I hear the shower water running. I don't bother telling her I'm leaving. I don't know if it would upset or console her.
I return an hour later with food, a veggie pizza and a Caesar salad. I knock at her door. I hear her in there, but she doesn't respond.
"I know your dinner was ruined, so I bought you some food."
I sit on the couch with a bottle of vodka and down shots while waiting for her to join me. She never comes down. Once again I want to kill Cooper. This is really turning out to be some fucking vacation. Disgusted, I turn in early. Tomorrow I start over. Tomorrow I focus on me and doing stuff I want to do. Tonight I leave Lexi and her baggage of shit behind. I tried to be nice, I extended the hand of friendship to her, but she shot me down every step of the way. She's too fucking erratic- running hot and cold every other minute. I've fucking had it with her.
"The sooner I end this shit day the sooner tomorrow starts."
I get up off the couch and head to my room. I'm not tired, but I want to sleep off the memory of Lexi. I'm grateful for the private bathroom. This way I don't have to worry about passing her in the hall. It means I could avoid her altogether if I choose to. I step in front of the bowl to whiz, cursing her under my breath when I feel a warm wetness envelope my feet.
She covered the bowl with cellophane. I fucking had it with her. I drop two towels on the floor to clean up the mess, and turn the shower on. Before I jump in, I take off for her room. The door is closed. I turn the knob to find it's locked. Great.
"Open this damn door Alexis, or I swear I'll break it down."
"You wouldn't. You'd have to pay to replace it."
"What do you think the security deposit was for? Go ahead and try me." I give the door a kick to see how strong it is. It's nothing. A piece of cheap plastic. One good swift kick is all I'll need.
The door opens. "What's your problem?" she asks, hand on her hip.
I don't bother answering. I lift her up and throw her over my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" she screeches. "Come on, party boy. Put me down."
I slap my hand over her firm ass. I like the loud sound it makes. It feels good. Too good. I want to do it again and again, but I don't. She punches at my back. It barely registers. I'm too focused on what I'm doing. She pushed me too far, and now I intend on taking her right over the fucking cliff with me.
"Put me down!" she yells again as we walk into my bedroom.
"Shut up," I snap heading straight for the bathroom.
"I'll stop alright." I open the door to the shower stall and carry her in with me.
I pull the door closed and settle her down on her feet under the cascading flow of water.
"My clothes, you stupid, jerk . . ." She hits my chest, and once again I don't feel it. I'm solely focused on her. On the way her wavy, dark hair and lips look in the water.
My hands hold her head just behind her ears, and pull her toward me until I crush my mouth against hers. With our lips sealed, I back her up against the wall just the way I wanted to earlier in the night. I let one hand slide down her neck, straight down to her breast. I cup the firm, round mound, squeezing it, kneading it. Her fingers pull at my hair, while I kiss her neck and she moans my name.
I want to see her. I pull back enough to see the need in her eyes, the longing on her face. Droplets of water settle on her lips. I feel myself shake with need as I kiss them away. After another breathtaking kiss, I look at her again. This time I allow my eyes to drop. The water causes her white shirt to pull against her tits, clinging to her. At this moment I don't care if she does think I'm a pervert, I can't pull my eyes away. Her nipples are standing at attention, and the brown area surrounding them is pebbled. She wants me as much as I want her. I meet her mouth again, hard. I want to own her with this kiss. I want it to claim her; break her will to walk away from me again.
I take her nipple between my fingers and roll and pinch it. I continue playing with one, while I clasp my teeth over the other. Taking my time teasing her through the wet material of her shirt, I glance up and find her head leaning back against the tile. When I've had my fill for the moment I straighten back up. Her hands run the length of my spine as she looks me over. I follow her gaze, down my chest, all the way down to my harder than steel cock. Her eyes meet mine again, and there it is, hesitation. Fear.
"Noah?" She says my name like it's a question, and I realize what I did. I took this too far. I fucked up any shot I might have had with her, and probably lost my best friend all in one stupid, thoughtless, passion filled moment. I knew from her reaction before she didn't want me. But she does damn it. Even if she can't admit it to herself, I
she wants me.
I don't say anything, as I step out of the shower. I grab a towel from the closet and run it over my body fast and furious, as if the house is on fire, and I need to escape; which is exactly how I feel. She shuts the water and opens the shower door. I toss the towel to her and rush out of the bathroom; out of the house. In nothing but my soaking wet boxers, I head for the beach.