Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)
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“No, we don’t. Maverick tried to look for her once after dad died, but we could never find her. Granddad thinks she died of an overdose. She got into drugs before she left according to Maverick. He never liked talking about her that much.’’

“What would you do if she ever came back?’’

“Nothing. I don’t want anything to do with her. She abandoned us, left us with that monster,’’ he tells me heatedly, his whole body tense from mentioning his dad.

“What happened with your father?’’ I breathe out, already knowing I don’t want to know the answer. “That’s if you want to talk about it.’’

“I hate talking about him Harlow. Don’t take it to heart. He wasn’t nice. For some reason he loved taking his anger out on me or Mav. But then when Mav started to grow up he got stronger and started hitting my dad back which he didn’t like. There were times when Mav would stand up for me too, but most of the time we avoided going back to the house until late so our dad wouldn’t have a chance at touching any of us. He still did it though, for some reason he always found a way to get me alone. The beatings got bad towards the end, before he died. At that point he got good at hiding the beatings from other people but mostly Mav.

When Maverick had moved out to live with a friend thinking the beatings had stopped it got really bad. He didn’t know anything about them otherwise he wouldn’t have left or would have come back. He never knew how my dad’s friends would all join in, or how they kept me there, they did some pretty twisted shit that I don’t want you having in your pretty little head, so please don’t make me talk about it. I’ve already told you more than I’ve told anyone, including my brothers,’’ he pleads, his voice full of anguish and hurt.

“I won’t, I promise, but you need to know I’m here for you always. Don’t think something is too much for me to bear, let me decide that okay? Just promise me that when you’re ready you’ll talk to me. I don’t want you to have to carry this burden alone when you have someone you can talk to. I’m not going to judge, I promise,’’ I tell him softly, a slight crack in my voice.

The pain he must have gone through living with a monster like that for a dad hurts my heart. Any child that has to face abuse from their parents hurts me. It’s sickening to think how someone that is meant to be your protector, your guide, your hero, can hurt you so badly. My eyes start watering thinking about it. I’m blessed having the parents I have – had - even if it was short lived.

“I know babe, it’s just too hard for me.’’

“What was it like moving in with your granddad?’’ hoping I’m not being too nosey.

He laughs startling me, so I turn to look up at him to see a wide smile across his face, “It was great. We had gotten to see him when we lived with our parents, but then it all stopped. Out of all my childhood memories he’s the only person I really remember. We would all look forward to him coming over to see us. When we found out we were moving in with him, we were all relieved. All of us wished we could have moved in with him for as long as I remember. He’s strict at times, but we loved it. We all loved that he cared enough about us to discipline us the way he did.

“I remember the first time I stayed out all night. I got in around seven in the morning and I walked in to find him sitting on the sofa. He burst into tears hugging me before he started raising his voice. I’d be so shocked, so overwhelmed by him caring where I was, I enjoyed being grounded for the two weeks. I even told him that or thanked him over it.’’

“You’re the first person I know who wants to be disciplined,’’ I chuckle, but I understand what he’s saying. His parents never cared what they did, whether they were out all night doing drugs, so having someone actually care for their wellbeing felt good to them. I know most kids don’t want their parent’s butting into their lives, but when you have parents that don’t you will wish they paid attention, even to the little things.

My parents were like their granddad Mark, they would constantly want to know where I am, how I’m doing in school and turn up to every parent’s evening, school play, or what have you. They were the best parents I could ever wish for.

“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t change it for the world,’’ he chuckles.

“What side is your granddad from? Mom or dad?’’

“Our moms, she never lived with him though. My Nan had taken my mom away as a baby, not telling my granddad where to when they broke up. He only met her for the first time the day she turned sixteen. He told us the day he met her he didn’t know what to feel. He’d always loved her, but when she turned up he knew my Nan had ruined her life by keeping her out of his life. She’d been a mess. She was into drugs, staying out and pretty much only showed up for money. He tried everything to have a relationship with her, giving her the money, but then she got pregnant and moved in with my dad. He said things changed for a while. She doted on us kids and changed everything he ever knew about her. Then she changed. He never agreed with the way they raised us and even said he tried to get custody of us once, but the courts denied him. That’s when he lost access to us. My mom refused to let him near us and got a restraining order. It was hard not having him there. Especially after mom had left us and the beatings started.’’

“Oh my God, poor Mark. I can’t imagine what it was like for him not seeing you guys. I’m glad he has you lot now. I bet he loved it didn’t he?’’

“Yeah, he’d make us do so much shit the first few months of moving in. It’s actually how our camping trips every term break started. He wanted us to have the life we never had, but sometimes I think he wanted to catch up on the years of being a dad that he missed. He’s an amazing person. In fact, the only time he has never come on a camping trip was this last break. He didn’t get mobile phone signal, then week or two into the trip he got a voicemail from your Nan telling her that you were on the way and she was nervous as hell. He came back to support her. Turns out he didn’t need to.’’

“He is so lovely. My Gram’s is pretty smitten with him,’’ I giggle remembering their flirting.

“Please don’t remind me. Sometimes I wish they’d just get it on, but then I remember who I’m talking about and feel sick,’’ he says dryly.

“Why aren’t they together? They do pretty much everything together and to be honest, there isn’t a time I’ve noticed them not staring at one another or not flirting.’’

“It’s been like this since we moved here. Sometimes I think we act more mature than those pair. Did you hear what they did to Max once?’’ he chuckles.

“No, what did they do?’’ I ask grinning, knowing how they love playing pranks on people. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s them pinching old Edna’s gnomes.

“He’d brought a chick home after granddad had told him not to anymore. So after she left my granddad asked if he’d used protection with her. Max being Max, and not being embarrassed told them yeah. That’s when your Gram’s walked in and said to Max I hope you kept that girls number. Oh my God, you should have seen his face,’’ Malik laughs. “He said no, because he wasn’t planning on calling her again, looking at your Gram’s all confused and shit. That’s when she screamed at him to go after her, that she’d be carrying his child in a few weeks. It was so funny. She looked like she was going to run after the girl herself.

“Max went pale as a ghost and said he used protection,’’ Malik’s full on laughing now, and I can’t help but laugh with him, it’s infectious. “Your Gram’s only admitted to poking holes in the condoms. He ran upstairs to find out it was true. When he was gone I saw Granddad wink at Gram’s and I knew that’s what she had been doing before coming downstairs. I heard the commotion between Max and Granddad and on my way to listen in your Nan had been running up the stairs with a grin on her face. Fuck it was so funny.’’

“Oh My God, when was this?’’ I laugh loudly, wondering if my Gram’s is really a teenager and not an old lady.

“Last year. They wanted to teach him a lesson, it worked for about a couple of months then he went back to sleeping around with a bunch of girls. I swear though, those two together are lethal. All our mates love them, but they make sure to stay on their good side,’’ he chuckles.

“That they are,’’ I giggle, my hand splayed across his stomach. “Oh shit. Where’s Denny? I can’t believe I forgot about her,’’ I say jumping up.

“Calm down, she’s staying over at mine. I called her when I found you asleep and told her to take my bed.’’

“Ahh, so she sleeps in your bed before me?’’ I tease, but secretly kind of jealous.

“Not really. You’ve slept in there once remember?’’ he smirks.

“That doesn’t count,’’ I grin, leaning over him to give him another kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry about running off tonight. I kind of feel stupid about it.’’

“Don’t,’’ he shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I’m actually kind of glad you did. I’d rather spend the night cuddled up to your warm body then spend the night at a party listening to girls scream, and the lads start fights thinking they can take on The Hulk after a sip of beer.’’

Laughing, I curl myself into his chest, loving his arms wrapped around me. I feel safe here, and loved.

My eyes start dropping after a minute of silence, but I don’t want to miss anything with Malik. I’m afraid I’ll wake up and all this will be a dream.

“Stop thinking babe,’’ he tells me, amusement laced in his voice. “Go to sleep.’’

I’m just about to say okay, when I yawn loudly, making an awful sound. My face turns beet red when I hear Malik laugh.

“You’re too cute sometimes,’’ he chuckles, his arms tightening around me.

“Goodnight Malik,’’ I say sleepily kissing his chest.

“Night babe,’’ he says, kissing the top of my head.

Chapter Eleven


Waking up the next morning, I feel disappointed to find the bed next to me empty. Maybe it had all just been a dream.

Sliding my legs off the bed, a note on the bedside table next to my flashing phone grabs my attention.

Gone for a run
is all the note says making me grin. He has such a way with words, I laugh to myself. I’m just about to go empty my bladder when Denny charges into my room. She looks a mess wearing the same clothes she wore last night to the field. It’s her pain stricken, tear stained face though that has me worried and instantly by her side. Her cheeks have mascara lines running down them, and her eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep.

“I just made a huge mistake,’’ she cries and I stand closer ready to catch her.

She holds onto me tightly as I give her a hug, waiting for her to get herself together before I ask what’s wrong. Her sobs wrack through the walls of my bedroom and I pray Malik doesn’t show up interrupting us. Something tells me she won’t tell me if we’re interrupted.

“What’s happened? Are you okay?’’ I ask softly.

“No. I’ve made a mistake that I can’t take back,’’ she sobs, moving out of my arms to sit down on the bed. I sit down next to her, watching as she fiddles with her fingers that are clasped together in her lap. She’s nervous that much is true, but there’s something else, fear maybe? I don’t know. Whatever it is, it has me worrying more.

“You’re scaring me, Denny, what’s wrong?’’ I ask, putting my arm around her shoulder. She leans her head onto my shoulder which makes me relax knowing she isn’t pulling away from me.

“I slept with him,’’ she whispers so quietly I have to ask her what she said again to be sure. “I said I slept with him.’’

“With who?’’ I ask feeling my palms sweat.


“As in, you slept in the same bed?’’ I ask not wanting to believe what she’s telling me.

“No, as in I gave him my virginity,’’ she snaps on a cry. I know her anger isn’t aimed at me, so I let her say what she needs to. I’m surprised to find she’s a virgin. Well was a virgin. That’s really blown me away. I always thought she had experience in that department with the way she talks about boys and what she’d love to do to them. In graphic detail I’d like to add.

“I thought that’s what you wanted?’’ I ask treading carefully.

“It was. Then he ruined it this morning when he found out I’d been a virgin.’’

“Didn’t he know when you were, you know, doing it?’’ I ask, feeling my cheeks redden.

“Last night things got too intense between us and I never got around to telling him. I was scared he’d treat me different, ya know?’’ I nod my head even though I have no idea what she is talking about, but I want her to talk, so I agree. “So I never said anything. It was perfect Harlow, it was everything I imagined and more,’’ she says as tears fall from her eyes.

“Isn’t it meant to hurt?’’ I blurt out, wondering if what all my friends said now is lies.

“It did at first. To be honest the whole time it stung, but the way he made me feel... God, it felt so good. I’ve never experienced anything like it.’’

“So why are you crying?’’ I ask confused.

“Because when we woke up this morning he saw the blood on the sheets. He had taken one look at it then at me and freaked out. He said some really horrible things. After all the sweet stuff he said last night, and over the past week, I never thought he could be so vile. Especially after what I gave to him last night, whether he knew or not about me being a virgin.’’

Her tears have my heart breaking for her.  I want to tell her everything is okay, but I know nothing about the situation she’s in to comment. I wonder if it’s him that she’s been constantly texting all week. I’d secretly hoped it would be, but with Denny you never know. She’s sociable, but she doesn’t have many friends as such. Yeah she talks to people, hangs out with them, but I seem to be the only person she goes out with or
talks to.

“What did he say?’’

“He said I was too young, that the evidence on the bed was proof of that. Then he continued to rant to himself about how he shouldn’t have given me his number, that he knew it would end up like this and blah blah blah. I just sat there with the sheet still wrapped around me with tears running down my face. He turned to me with a sad look on his face when he heard me cry out. I thought he regretted what he said and that he really wanted me,’’ she sobs.

Rubbing my hand down her back to comfort her I start to feel like I’m at a dead end. How can I give her advice when I don’t know what I’d do myself? I’d be in the same state she is in now.

When her sobs turn quiet she locks eyes with me, her eyes sad and distraught, “I knew he never loved me last night, I knew what I was getting into, I guess I just hoped he would change his mind. All week he’s been flirty and fun, but never pushed past those boundary’s until last night.

He told me I was just a kid that should be with boys my own age. I tried telling him I didn’t want to be with anyone else and that the boys at school were all immature jerks,’’ she breathes out before looking at me. “Apart from Malik,’’ she adds. “ All he could answer was that I was acting like a kid, that it was nothing more than a one-night stand and he couldn’t be with someone my age. When he said he thought I understood that last night I cried even harder. He told me to get dressed and go home, that he never wants to talk to me again. Oh and the best part?’’ she sobs. “He told me not to brag to all my friends about fucking him, that it’s embarrassing.’’

“Oh my God, what a complete fucking jerk,’’ I snap.

I cannot believe he has treated Denny like this. Yeah, he’s a player, but I honestly thought they had morals over in that house. The way their granddad has raised them I honestly thought they had more compassion towards people, especially women. Feeling angry, I grab a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoody to put over my tank top.

“What are you doing?’’ Denny asks through her tears.

“Going to give him a piece of my mind,’’ I cry.

“No, no please don’t. I can’t handle any more heartache or embarrassment,’’ she pleads, almost convincing me.

“No Denny. You’re my friend and I know for a fact if this was reversed you’d do the same. He shouldn’t lead you on to just throw you out like that. Don’t worry; if anyone else is there I won’t say anything. Be back in a minute,’’ I tell her before giving her a hug. “Why don’t you lie down? You look like you could use some sleep.’’

“You don’t mind?’’ she asks looking longingly at the bed.

I chuckle, “No I don’t mind. Trust me that bed is used to tears’’ I tell her.

“Oh yeah, don’t think you’re off the hook either about last night. I didn’t believe your excuse for a second,’’ she says raising her eyebrows at me.

“Okay, okay,’’ I tell her holding my hands up in surrender. “We can talk about it later once you’ve had some sleep. Have you got to be home by a certain time?’’

“Yeah, I have curfew at nine.’’

“Okay, get some rest.’’


*** *** *** ***


Storming into the house, I ignore Mark’s greeting and curious gaze and make my way upstairs to Max and Mason’s room.

Thankfully Gram’s didn’t stop me from leaving; she just said she wanted a word once I got back. After seeing the state of Denny this morning, I’m sure she knows what I’m up to. I’m most likely in trouble for having Malik sleep over.

“Hey, what the fuck?’’ Mason screeches as I storm into the room.

“You,’’ I shout poking him in the chest. “You are a piece of fucking work. I thought better of you than to do that to Denny. How dare you use her then discard her like tomorrows trash. How dare you?’’ I scream in his face.

“Harlow, don’t get involved,’’ he growls.

“Get involved? My friend is in my bed as we speak crying her fucking eyes out whilst you’re here acting like you didn’t just break her flipping heart. You meant something to her Mason and you knew that. Why would you treat her like this?’’

“I didn’t promise her anything Harlow, and if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk to you about this right now. It feels really uncomfortable,’’ he says running his hands through his hair.

“Well I hope it was worth it,’’ I snap, moving towards the door.

“I am sorry,’’ he whispers before I step outside into the hallway.

Before leaving I turn around to look at him in the eye, “It’s not me you should be apologising to,’’ and with that I slam the door behind me and I walk back downstairs, ignoring the amused stares from Mark and Maverick on my way out.

My walk back home is slower than the walk over here. I think about Denny heartbroken upstairs in my room alone. It reminds me of how I felt last night when I thought Malik had betrayed me.

My thoughts come to a halt when the front door flies open with Malik storming out with an angry expression. I take a moment to ogle him; he’s wearing his running shorts with a tight tank top showing off his impeccable muscles. Fuck! He looks hot.

“Your Nan is crazy,’’ he cries, throwing his hands up in the air.

I take a step back from him, shocked by his sudden outburst. Then I take a look behind him and find Gram’s grinning from ear to ear.

What the hell has she done now?
I groan.

“What did she do?’’ I demand, giving her a glare which just makes her chuckle.

“She never told me you were at mine, she said ‘Go on up Malik, she needs to get up to eat something’, so being the good boyfriend that I am, I walk upstairs and get into bed with my girl...’’ I can’t help it, I don’t let him finish before I burst out laughing. “It’s not funny Harlow. One, I got into
with another girl,’’ he says making me lose my smile. “And two, I scared the fucking shit out of Denny. Look what the fuck she did to me!’’ he says showing me the bruise forming on his jaw.

“I’m sure she didn’t mean to,’’ I tell him softly, trying to hold back my grin. Actually, I’m pretty sure Denny wouldn’t have cared which Carter brother it was as long as she got to let out some aggression she’s holding in.

“Didn’t mean to? I would have said the same thing had she not started bitching about me being a Carter and sharing the same blood. I’m going home to shower. Let me know when it’s safe to come back,’’ he says giving me a quick kiss before walking off muttering about how crazy women are.

I look back up the path to Gram’s who is wearing a massive grin on her face and can’t help but return it with a grin of my own.

“You’re trouble, you know that don’t you?’’

“Sweet girl, you have a lot to learn. It will teach him for sneaking into our home when he thinks I can’t hear him. Does he forget I watch crime shows every night? The boy needs to be sneakier if he thinks he can get past me.’’

“I’m taking that this is about last night then?’’ I blush. I step past her to get inside, heading towards the kitchen. I need a cold glass of water or juice since my throat still feels raw from all the crying I did last night. I also need a cup of tea to wake me up.

“Yes and no. I want to know what is going on with that boy from school. I had a phone call this morning from another parent checking up on you, saying she saw a dispute between you, Craig, Mason and Malik last night. She also said her daughter saw him verbally abusing you too. Now, I’ve spoken to Malik and he assures me they’ve got everything under control, but I need to hear your side of the story.’’

“He’s a bully,’’ I shrug.

She doesn’t know what he did to me at school. She got the same made up story I told Mr. Rogers when he noticed my face.

“Is that why you never told me that he hit you at school?’’

“What?’’ I gasp, my head snapping up to look at her stern face.

“Yes, I know. I made Malik tell me this morning before he went on his run. Well, he didn’t tell me, I kind of... well... I suppose some would say I manipulated it out of him, so don’t be mad at him.’’

“I didn’t want you to worry.’’

“Sweet girl, I worry about you all the time anyway. There will never be a time when I won’t worry. Why you couldn’t come to me I’ll never know, but you are making a complaint even though you don’t want to press charges.’’

“What? No. That’s just going to make it worse Gram’s. People like that don’t need any more ammunition.’’

“No, what they need is a cane across their backside to straighten them out,’’ she says seriously making me grin.

“I dunno.’’

“Well I do, so I’ve called a good friend of mine from church whose son is a police officer. They’ve called him to come around to advise us on what to do. He’ll be here in about an hour or so.’’

“What? You’ve already called them? Gram’s you should have spoken to me first,’’ I stress, knowing in my gut this is going to make it all much worse.

Sensing my fear she comes around the table towards where I’m leaning against the cabinet by the sink. When she hugs me, I return the hug.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you. That boy is pure evil. Getting this on file will help you if there are any other incidents in the future, but I don’t think there will be.’’

I’m not so sure about that, but I don’t voice it out loud. Instead, I nod my head giving her another hug, which she returns.

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