Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)
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“I know. I’m starting to wonder if it’s Malik that should have gone to the police to file a restraining order,’’ I laugh, Denny joining me.

“Let’s go get you ready, you’ve got a big night a head of you.


*** *** *** *** *** ***


Gram’s is at the house once we get back drinking a cup of tea, “Hey girls, you have a good day shopping?’’ she asks looking at our bags.

Denny hid the Ann Summers bag inside another. I’m just praying Gram’s doesn’t make me take out the items we bought. I’m afraid I’d give the poor woman a heart attack.

“Yes Miss Joan.’’

Denny excused herself to go upstairs to the toilet while I sit down with my Gram’s. I haven’t seen her properly since Thursday night after school. I’ve become used to spending so much time with her, but my life has become full of friends that I never had before moving here. Not friends like these anyway. Lilly hasn’t spoken to me since I called her a few days after my panic attack. Gram’s had bought me a new phone so I could call her. We ended the phone call promising to keep in touch. The first few weeks I texted her to see if she was free to talk, for her to only reply, ‘I’m busy’ or no I’d get no reply at all. After that I’ve not bothered to text her.

“What time will you be back on Monday?’’

“Before you finish school I hope. Edna said the hospital has organised some home care until she can find someone to take care of her. She needs a live in caregiver. What she’s going to do I don’t know because there is no way she is going to want a live in nurse. She hates people she knows, so I dread to think her reaction to a stranger. Hopefully it’s just temporary and they don’t need to put her in a home.

“Is she that bad?’’

“She struggles getting around. Runs out of breath quicker, and has to rest making her way from room to room. She has chairs in the hallway for it. I think she’s been hiding it for longer than she told us, but there’s nothing we can do.’’

Gram’s looks saddened by Edna’s health and that she’s kept it from her. I reach out taking her cold hand in mine, comforting her.

“Hope she will be okay Grandma.’’

“Me too dear. Now, rules for tonight. No going out because I’m not here to make sure you get back safely. I’ll worry all night Harlow so please don’t deceive me.’’

“I promise Grandma. Malik and I are going to be watching a movie and having takeout, so we’re staying in.’’

“That’s the other thing. You know I don’t mind Malik staying over. I trust both of you to make good choices, but when you two become intimate,’’ she begins looking uncomfortable now. My palms begin to sweat, panicking she’s figured out what I’m planning on tonight. “I want to know that you’ll come to me.’’

“I don’t understand,’’ I tell her quietly.

“I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable Harlow. It pains me not knowing what your mother would do in this position. But I went wrong with your mother and I don’t want to do the same to you, so I trust you to make good choices where sex is concerned. You don’t need to tell me when you do it or if you have, but I want you to tell me when you need to be taken to the doctors or the local family planning clinic to start going on contraception.’’

My mouth is agape looking at my Gram’s. I cannot believe she is talking about this with me. It’s embarrassing. Especially since my mom had the birds and the bee’s talk once I hit sixteen. That had to have been the most awkward conversation we ever had. We laughed about it afterwards, but still, awkward. She also had me on the pill when I started my period at thirteen. My periods had been heavy and irregular.

“If it’s okay, I’d like to book an appointment. When mom and dad died I never got a repeat prescription. I guess I forgot about it until now,’’ I shrug, hating the fact my cheeks are heating.

“I should have asked you when you moved here,’’ she says smiling sadly. “I’ll register you with my doctors practice, and he can get your file from your old doctors.’’

“Thank you.’’ Giving her a hug, I take her empty cup of tea and take it to the kitchen. By the time I walk back in to the front room Gram’s is standing with her overnight bag in her hand by the door.

“Mark is waiting outside to drop me off. I’ll see you Monday. Be safe. I love you.’’

“Love you too Gram’s.’’

We give each other another hug before she kisses me on the cheek, before turning to leave. Whenever she leaves the house like this it reminds me of my parents and the night they left. No matter how old I got I always told them that I loved them. The night they went for their work meal was no different. I waved goodbye to them at the door after giving them a kiss and telling them I loved them. Never did I think that it would be the last time. I suppose if I knew that I would never have let them leave.

“Hey has she gone?’’ Denny shouts interrupting my thoughts.

Looking round she’s standing at the top of the stairs holding up her curling iron and brush. Grinning I shake my head at her eagerness to get me laid. If it wasn’t for the fact I knew she had lost hers only a few weeks ago, I’d think she was trying to lose hers.

“Yes. Now you can make me look sexy for my man,’’ I grin.

“Yay,’’ she squeals.


Two hours later and my body has been scrubbed raw, shaved in all the right places and moisturised. I’ve also had to sit through Denny pulling my hair, burning my scalp a few times in the process.

The makeup part is the only part I had been dreading, but believe it or not I actually relaxed through it. I didn’t have her pulling at my hair, nagging at me to keep still or giving me third degree burns. It’s been complete torture. The funny thing is Denny does this on a daily basis. She doesn’t leave the house unless her makeup is done perfectly, her clothes are immaculate and her hair is perfection. I’d have to get up five hours or more before school just so I could make it in time if I had to do what she does every morning.

“You look so freaking hot,’’ she squeals when I emerge from the bathroom.

She kept my makeup light, and my hair is actually tamed compared to her first try. We ended up agreeing on curling it then putting it in a sleek ponytail on the side. It looks good. I’ve never gotten dressed up before and I know this is something girls do on a normal day, but to me it’s like I’m going out on the town, not having a romantic night in with the boyfriend.

My tummy flutters when I remind myself he’s my boyfriend. I still find it hard to believe that he wants to be with a nerd like me.

“Are you sure this is okay until I change?’’ I worry, biting my bottom lip.

“Are you blind? You look freaking hot girl. If I turned that way I’d so do you,’’ she winks grabbing the last of her stuff.

She let me borrow one of the dresses she packed for the party last night, but didn’t wear. It’s a white skater dress with a black belt around the waist. There was no way around the corset, so we came up with a plan. After the movie I’m to get changed into my pyjamas, but really, I’ll be changing into the corset. I’m nervous as hell about it all. Not about the actual act part but the rejection part. I’m so petrified he’s going to say no. Denny assures me that it’s not going to happen, but a part of me believes he doesn’t want me. That Hannah and her friends are right.

“I’m going to call you tomorrow, so you better pick up,’’ she winks then squeals when we hear the doorbell ring.

Malik is supposed to be here any minute, and so is the Chinese I ordered. After spending the past month with him and his brothers I know what he likes to eat from there.

“Come on,’’ I rush out wide eyed.

Both of us run down the stairs in time to see Malik walk in with the bags of Chinese. He obviously turned up at the same time as the delivery bloke.

“Hey, this is my treat,’’ I pout.

“Hey babe,’’ he grins. “Hey Den, you off home or staying for something to eat?’’

I want to shout out she’s going home, but then he’ll know something is up, so I bite my bottom lip to stop me from speaking.

“No thank you. My mom has a dinner on for when I get back so I really need to get going. Thanks for the offer. Have a good night guys,’’ she says before giving me a secretive wink.

My face flames as I see her out, shooting her a glare when she turns to wave. Then I shut the door slowly, my heart beating fast, and my palms sweating with nerves.

Chapter Fourteen


We head to the kitchen in silence. Malik doesn’t turn around to look at me which I’m thankful for because my face is still hot.

We work around each other grabbing what we need to set the table before dishing out what we want from out of the containers. Whatever is left over Malik will either eat later on or in the morning. How he can reheat food up in the microwave then eat it is beyond me because I tried it once when I was late for dinner. I’d been asked to stay behind at school to help clear away the gym and my dinner had gone cold. My mom had reheated it up in the microwave and it tasted disgusting. It was dry as hell and the chips tasted rubbery. So eating reheated rice and curry sauce does not appeal to me.

“You look beautiful by the way,’’ Malik says coming up from behind me before I take my seat.

At my mom’s she allowed me to eat on the sofa in front of the television, but when I came here to live with Gram’s, she told me I had to eat at the table. Since it was the only rule she gave me, I didn’t argue. I guess it kind of stuck with me and it’s the reason we aren’t in the front room now eating our food.

“Thank you,’’ I whisper huskily, liking his hands rubbing gently across my stomach. I lean my head back resting it across his chest as he kisses his favourite spot at the crease of my neck. My stomach flutters again, my bare arms spreading out in goosebumps.

“Don’t take this the wrong way because you’re beautiful without makeup, but your fucking eyes look fucking gorgeous with that black stuff on,’’ he grunts, shoving his erection into my back.

Moaning I turn my head to the side giving him better access.

“Come on, we’ll never get this eaten if I stand here mauling you to death.’’

“I don’t mind,’’ I blurt out before I can stop myself. As soon as I realise what I’ve said I want to smack myself in the face.

“I bet you don’t,’’ he chuckles, giving me one more kiss before taking his seat.

“Did you get your parts?’’ I ask him once we’ve sat down.

“Yeah, but cost us a fucking fortune. I swear the one guy was trying to rip us off at one point until Mason pointed out we could go elsewhere cheaper. The guy was pissed off, but fuck him.’’

“When do you next race? I heard there was going to be a break or something.’’

“Yeah, we have that art project gallery thing next week, so it worked out well.’’

Shit, I forgot about our art work project. We completed it two weeks ago and handed it in on time. We sketched the picture, whereas most students painted or used pastels.

We had drawn up a plan of our emotions, of what we see in each other and decided on a graveyard scene. Both of us have suffered from death in our lives, so it seemed appropriate. Then Malik sketched a swing with a girl that somewhat resembles me. She’s looking down to the floor sitting down on the swing, her legs dangling. She’s also the only thing on the sketch that is in colour. We decided as I was his light, she needed to be the only light in the picture. The moon is set in the background along with dark stormy clouds. It’s a beautiful piece. The art teacher seemed pleased with what we did and asked us to transfer it onto a canvas which we spent most of last week doing.

We carry on talking about his motocross and his other races then move on to other random subjects like his brothers, earlier Facebook drama and about my run in with Hannah. He said not to worry, that she will get what’s coming to her, but I begged him not to do something that will get him in trouble. He assured me he wouldn’t, but I can’t be too sure as he won’t tell me anything he has planned.

Once we make our way upstairs after cleaning up the plates, I’m a nervous wreck. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to watch the film and be able to concentrate. All I can think about is him between my legs, and then as soon as I do, Malik rejecting me enters my mind.

“I haven’t seen this one, is it any good?’’ he asks, holding up the movie case.

“It’s supposed to be. It has really good ratings. I had got it last year some time, but never got around to watching it,’’ I tell him. We’re watching
with Liam Neeson in it. He’s one of my favourite actors. Ever since I watched him in Taken I started having a massive crush on him. I’m surprised myself I haven’t watched this movie yet when I’ve watched all his other movies.

“Come on then,’’ he tells me holding the thin comforter blanket on the top of my bed up.

Snuggling in next to him my mind ignores the trailers and wonders back to Malik, and how he will react.

Once the movie starts, I’m able to concentrate, but then every so often Malik would brush his fingers down my arm or across my stomach making me tremble.

The movie has been on for an hour when I’ve had enough of his torturing light touches. I excuse myself to the bathroom, grabbing my outfit. We hid it behind the shower curtain already thinking ahead just in case Malik decided to use the toilet before the end of the movie. He hasn’t yet thank God, as I think I would have had a nervous breakdown waiting for him to come out. Then I’d probably spend the rest of the movie wondering if he found the bag.

I nervously make quick work of getting the outfit on, getting tangled in some places because of my hands shaking like mad. When I’m done I take a seat on the toilet lid trying to compose myself.

Once I’m calm enough I stand up unlocking the bathroom door. My hand takes the handle and my mind rushes with a billion thoughts of what is going to happen. I know if I don’t try this then I’ll regret it. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves for the rest of the weekend, it’s the perfect time.

Finally out of the bathroom, I walk out to find Malik engrossed in the film. I shift my hip to the side, placing my trembling hand on it hoping it looks sexy before I cough quietly enough to get his attention.

It takes me two tries until I’m able to grab his attention and when I do, all my nerves disappear. The look on his face is nothing I could have conjured up in my imagination. His eyes are fastened to me, his eyes completely black, his mouth agape and his chest rising and falling like he just finished one of his runs.

“Do you like?’’ I tease, hoping I sound confident and sexy as I turn around in a circle to give him a better view. My movements are slow, so by the time I turn around he’s already there, his body slamming against mine then his mouth coming down to mine in a fast, hungry kiss making a deep sound at the back of his throat.

My body and mind are blown away. Not once did I fantasize this happening when he saw me. It’s such a surprise that my whole body is burning for him. I grab a hold of his hair pulling him closer to me and rubbing myself up against him. He growls deep in his throat holding onto me tighter as he lifts me up into his arms. My legs immediately go around him; holding onto him as he walks us over to what I hope is the bed. My eyes are closed, but I don’t care, I want to feel him, feel everything he is doing to me. When I feel the softness of my mattress I sigh with relief. My body instantly relaxes into him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still strung up tight, but this time it’s because of the way he’s making me want to scream out his name and not because I’m nervous as hell.

Our hands exploring each other’s bodies, our mouths locked in a heated kiss that has my mind swimming with desire, not letting me have a coherent thought.

Malik groans, his mouth leaving mine. A disappointed grunt slips past my lips making Malik grin against my neck. My face flames with heat at my eagerness.

The corset starts digging into my sides and I’m just about to ask Malik to take it off when his hands roam to the clips holding it together at the front. He makes quick work freeing my large breasts, the sensations making me moan and Malik to groan as he takes one of my breasts, squeezing it gently.

Everything from there is a blur, one minute he’s paying close attention to my nipples, driving me completely wild then the next he’s kissing his way down my stomach.

I’m lying down on the bed naked from the waist up, until Malik unclips my garters, tormenting me as he slowly peels them down my legs, kissing my inner thigh downwards as he goes. My body is already close to exploding. There isn’t a single part of my body that is not on fire, that isn’t hyper aware that he’s above me, torturing me, building me up for something that will be explosive.

My mind must have clouded over with lustful thoughts because when he peels down my panties the cool air hits my sex, shooting rays of pleasure through my entire body. The moan erupts from my mouth, long and loud as I enjoy the cool air hitting my burning sex.

It all starts to begin to become too much, especially when Malik’s tongue licks through my wet slit.

My back arches off the bed, “Oh my God, don’t stop,’’ I scream, not even mortified that I’m begging.

It’s no secret that this is the first time anyone has ever gone down on me. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be this good.

Fingers enter me at the same time he sucks my clit hard into his mouth. I’m screaming in ecstasy as he continues to pleasure me with his mouth and fingers.

I’m bucking wildly beneath him, not sure whether it’s to get closer or to move away, but his strong hands take a hold of my hips to pin me down as he wedges his shoulders between my legs, spreading them wide. He continues to devour me, adding another finger as he finger fucks me at the same time his tongue devours my sex.

“Oh, I’m close, oh God, you need to stop,’’ I beg, my body trembling as my climax builds up.

His fingers thrust harder just as he sucks my clit hard into his mouth again. My whole body shakes with release, exploding into a million pieces. Malik continues to torture me, sucking the juices of my release. My eyes are closed tightly, as my body savours the tremors still coursing through my body, wave after wave. By the time he pulls away I’m completely spent, my chest rising and falling from exhaustion. 

Malik makes his way up my body, his lips hovering over mine, “You taste so fucking good Babe,’’ he grins before his lips slam down against mine.

Only now do I notice Malik is still fully dressed and it has me feeling vulnerable. Taking advantage of his distraction I grab the hem of his t-shirt, lifting it slowly up his body. He lifts up, grabbing the t-shirt with one hand behind his head, efficiently removing it to reveal his god like body.

His muscles are defined on his stomach, showcasing his magnificent six pack, but my favourite is the muscles on either side of his hips. Reaching for the button on his jeans his hands shoot out to stop me and I look up at him feeling panicked.

“Are you sure?’’ he asks me, his eyes hooded.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,’’ I tell him honestly.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,’’ he tells me, his eyes following the movement of his hand as it slowly makes it’s way down to my stomach. His eyes reach mine again, looking into my eyes for any doubt.

Standing up off the bed he removes his jeans, my eyes wide with shock when I see he’s gone commando, his large erection pointing towards me. The fear I never felt earlier seeps through, clouding my mind. He’s so large, and I panic about him fitting inside me. I know women have babies every day, but to me, this is different, I’m worried my body won’t handle it.

“I promise I’ll be gentle, we’ll take it slow I promise. If it becomes too much I’ll stop baby,’’ he promises softly.

“Okay.’’ I smile up at him, loving how easily he can read me. The nerves start to ease away by his words, trusting he’ll be gentle with me, and will stop if I ask.

He makes his way on to the bed, his large frame hovering over me. He’s looking down at me, a mixture of awe and conflict written on his face. Palming his cheek with my hand I look into his eyes, giving him a silent message that this is what I really want.

Shifting his weight above me, so that he’s leaning against his one arm, he positions himself at my entrance. My belly is doing summersaults, and my whole body is trembling.

The pressure and slight sting when he first enters isn’t that bad, but it still managed to steal my breath away. He stills for a moment above me, his eyes closed tightly before he opens them looking down at me.

“I don’t want to hurt you,’’ he groans, shoving his face into my neck. He hasn’t gotten in an inch yet and he’s panicking more than I am. Well, not panicking per se, but you know, I’m nervous as fucking shit. The tingles spreading throughout my body is enough for me to beg him to move.

“Please,’’ I beg, moving my hips down so he moves further inside me, the sting making my eyes water.

“I’m going to have to be quick babe, once I’m all the way in I’ll stop and let you adjust, okay?’’

Nodding my head in agreement, knowing he’s talking about my hymen, I brace myself for the pain. Malik slams his lips down on mine just as he slams himself inside me. His scream swallows my screams as a burst of burning pain courses between my legs, the sensation overwhelming me to the point I have to pull back from his lips and bite down on my bottom lip to try and stop the tears. The pain is easing off, but the burning is still there along with his erection. 

“I’m sorry,’’ he whispers, his body rigid and tense as his cock throbs inside me.

I nod my head not able to talk just then. Once I feel like I’m ready, I find my courage and move my hips a little, the sensation completely bizarre to me.

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