Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)
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“Oh thank God for that. You had me seriously freaking worried then. Wait, who
on about?’’ she asks eyeing me suspiciously.

I can’t help that my eyes wander over to Malik to find him still talking to the bimbo across from him. I grit my teeth together for reasons I can’t fathom.

Shit, I’m jealous!

I hardly know him and yet here I am acting like I’ve got some sort of claim to him.

When I don’t answer Denny, she gives me a curious look before looking over my shoulder to where I was looking. She must click on about who I was looking at because her eyes go wide with surprise, looking between me and Malik.

Leaning towards me she whispers near my ear so no one else can eavesdrop, “I wouldn’t bother Harlow. Trying to please someone like him is like trying to please a gay bloke in the bedroom, it’s never going to happen. You’d have more chance of catching the eye of a gay man to be honest. Malik doesn’t
anyone. I’ve heard about him hooking up with girls, but none from this school, despite what I said yesterday about him I’ve never actually seen him with a girl from this school.’’

Too shocked to answer, I’m relieved when the bell rings for the first lesson. Not wanting her to see my flaming red face, I grab my stuff before waving bye over my shoulder, just wanting to get the hell out of there fast.


I’m the first one to arrive to the art room. The teacher greeted me happily; glad to have me in her class. According to what she was saying my old school sent some of my work over for them to look at which I am grateful for. Grayson High are strict on who they let take their art program for a G.C.S.E., as many pupils think it’s an easy ride when it’s not.

Since no one else has arrived, I choose a seat at the back nearest the windows. I love being able to look outside when I’m working or to find some sort of inspiration. This is the perfect spot for me as I get to see outside and what all the other students are doing. Watching people when they don’t know they’re being watched fascinates me and not in a creepy stalker kind of way, but in a way where you get to see the person for who they really are. Every day people put on a facade, only showing you what they want you to see. It’s like my mom always said, a smile can mean a thousand words, but it also hides a thousand problems.

When only a few students arrive my face must show confusion because the teacher walks over to me explaining.

“We only let a selected amount take this class. Most students thought of it as an easy class to pass, a few stick figures and they’re done. So a few years ago we did an exam for when they first start high school, picking out the talented and who takes it seriously. Most people we pick don’t even pick the class, but it saves time wasters coming in and disrupting the kids who actually want to learn and take it seriously.’’

Once she explains she walks over to the whiteboard gaining everyone’s attention. While the teacher writes on the board I take in the other students in the class, not recognising any from the day before. There are only a few work benches available and I’m the only one with a table to myself, at least, that’s what I think until the door flies open and Malik walks in looking out of breath and kind of annoyed.

“Sorry Miss, my brother needed to lend a pen off me,’’ he tells her. I’m most certain he’s lying from his body language. Don’t ask me why, I hardly know him, but something tells me that neither of his brothers would need a pen that bad; they could have just asked someone or used it as an excuse not to write any work down. The excuse part meant for Max.

“Take a seat please Malik,’’ she smiles.

My body freezes when I realise he has to come sit down next to me for the next two periods. Oh God, I have to do this twice a week with him sitting so close to me. I have double art on a Friday afternoon too.

This is going to be torture.

“Hey,’’ he says when he sits down next to me, his tone sounding off.

My face is already flushed when he takes his seat next to me. I’m too scared to look at him as I grab my pencils and pad from my bag. I prefer using my own stationary when I’m drawing and by the looks of it, so does Malik when I notice him taking out his own pad and pencil case too.

“Hey,’’ I whisper back once I realise I haven’t said anything it return.

“You okay?’’ he asks softly making me look over to him. Does he mean am I okay about having a panic attack last night or just in general?

“Yeah, you?’’

“Good babe. So, Myles said you had some shit done to your locker, do you know who did it?’’ He asks with an odd edge to his voice.

“Nope. I had ‘WHORE’ written on it last night so it could be anyone. Your pain in the ass brother Max didn’t help matters when he manhandled me in the hallway.’’

“He’s just overly friendly,’’ he winces, but then chuckles. “I’ll tell him to back off, but once he hears what someone did to your locker he’s going to be pissed.’’

“Why?’’ I wonder out loud, praying like hell it’s not because he likes me.

“Because no one is going to mess with you from now on, that’s why. I told him last night not to give you anymore shit, but I’ll make sure he understands. I was in the hallway yesterday,’’ he tells me rolling his eyes and I feel my face heat again. Damn my red cheeks. “But you’re like family now, and no one messes with our family,’’ he shrugs like it’s no big deal, but for some reason I feel like it is. For Malik anyway. He doesn’t seem like the person to just let anyone in.

“ I guess.’’

“No problem.’’

Just then the teacher grabs the class’s attention, so I turn and focus on her and not on the hot lad next to me. One that smells really fucking good. He’s wearing his spicy cologne, but the smell of him being freshly showered lingers in the air.

“Okay, we have a new student with us for the rest of the school year, so I would like you all to meet Harlow Evans,’’ She says, everyone turning their attention my way. I give them a tentative wave before focusing my attention back to the teacher. “I have some good news for you all. An art gallery in town has given us a chance to work with them for a charity event that they are throwing in a few months. Take a look at the person next to you; get to know them, because for the next few weeks you’ll be working closely with them. The theme that the gallery has asked us to concentrate on is emotion. They want you to be able to create a piece of work that shows an emotion in great detail. How you express that emotion on paper is up to you. Each of you will get to choose an emotion of your own choice, and then will combine the two together working as a team. The gallery will be auctioning off all pieces of art for the charity event, but the winner of their choice will be given a chance at a summer internship for their gallery. Does anyone have any questions?’’  

“What if we win, but don’t want the internship? That doesn’t seem fair to a person who wants it,’’ a voice from a chubby kid sitting in the front says.

“Ahh yes, I did ask about this one myself. Some of you will be going off to college to take art, but I also know some of you don’t wish to take it further. They have said to make it fair that the winners, if they decline, can pick another student to take their place. Same goes if only one of you decline. This is the first year they’ve offered an internship at the gallery and it will look good on your college application forms to have as experience,’’ she says, smiling widely at us. “So, for today’s lesson, I want you to pick an emotion, make notes of certain things that remind you of that emotion. Once the emotion has been chosen you won’t be able to go back and change it, so make sure it’s one you want to stick with. I’ll expect your chosen emotion by Friday’s lesson. The storage room is open for anyone who wants any supplies, get started,’’ she says dismissing us.

I look over to Malik not knowing how to feel about working closely with him for the next few weeks. I am kind of excited about the chance at winning the internship, though if we didn’t win I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. I’m still undecided about what I want to do once I leave school, but having this opportunity is too great to miss out on.

“Shall I go grab an A3 piece of card so we can get started?’’ I ask shyly.

“Sure,’’ he says turning his head to look at me.

My breathing hitches when his eyes land on mine. They seem darker than usual, more intense if that’s even possible. His eyes soften towards me, and I realise I’ve been gawking at him for a minute or two.

I mutter about being back in a second, not waiting around to make a bigger fool of myself. I wait in the line for the storage room, waiting for the other students to grab their supplies. When the girl in front of me turns around suddenly, I have to take a step back before she ends up knocking me over.

“Hey, you’re the new girl huh?’’ She says smiling, but the tone is anything but happy.

“Yep that’s me,’’ I fake smile back.

“You’re going to go up to the teacher and tell her you want to swap partners with me,’’ she says flicking her black hair over her shoulder.

“And why would I do that?’’ I ask confused.

“Because if you don’t I’ll make your life here at Grayson High a living hell.’’

I want to laugh in the poor girls face, but I know it will only make the situation worse. The fact she even thinks she can make my already miserable life worse is laughable. If only she knew how broken I really was. How much I couldn’t care less what she does to me because the hurt of losing my parents trumps anything this pathetic little mouse could do to me.

“Will you now Hannah,’’ a husky voice says from behind me, his breath fanning my neck. Feeling his body heat behind me has my body swaying back into him. Then he has to go put his hands on my hips, and I have to bite my lips together to keep me from making a noise.

“I... huh... Hi Malik. Harlow here wanted to change partners, but I’m okay with Jimmy. She wouldn’t accept that, so she started going on at me. I was just informing her I could make her life hell if she didn’t leave me alone is all,’’ she stutters, her cheeks pink, and her eyes wild like she can’t believe she got caught. I’m hoping Malik doesn’t believe her lie; he will lose some major points with me if he does.

“Is that right babe?’’ he asks nuzzling my neck. What the hell is he doing? I’d love to slap him across the face, anyone else and I would have, but it feels too good to have him stop.

I shake my head no, hoping I’m doing the right thing by grassing on her. All I can do to justify it is remind myself that I can’t lie to Malik. Yep, less than 24 hours and I can’t lie to the lad. I’m definitely going to hell.

“Hannah, why don’t you run along and go play your pathetic school yard games with someone else and leave Harlow alone. In fact, tell all of your friends to leave her alone,’’ he says, his voice deadly laced with authority. Even my back straightens from the tone in his voice. He’s being serious as shit and I don’t know whether to be grateful or worried.

“Whatever. I didn’t want to be stuck with you for weeks anyway,’’ she huffs before going back to her seat, but not before sending me a deadly glare.

When she leaves Malik still has his hands on my hips. Even when I step forward in the line he keep his hands there torturing me into oblivion.

“You can let me go now,’’ I whisper to him, my voice sounding husky and so not like me.

“I would, but I like touching you,’’ he whispers back into my neck sending my body aflame.

Not answering him I move forward in the line again when I notice it’s our turn to grab our stuff. Students walking out from the storage room send us curious looks. Some, once they’ve moved past us start to whisper, not knowing we can hear them, or maybe they do and they don’t care. Malik just chuckles, following close behind me.

Walking in, the room is a total mess, paper, pencils, paints and stencils are strewn everywhere. Looking through the mess on the work bench, I try to locate what we need but it’s useless. The door slamming behind me has me jumping, my head jerking over to the sound.

“What...’’ the words die in my throat when I see Malik locking the door. Gaining my composure I look at him like he’s lost his goddamn mind. “What the hell are you doing?’’ I whisper hiss.

He doesn’t say anything as he prowls towards me slowly, his lips formed into a sexy smirk. What the hell is he up to? Taking a step back my back slams into the bench behind me giving me nowhere to go.

“You’ve got nowhere to go,’’ he smirks.

“What are you up to?’’ I glare, hoping this isn’t another stint to get all the girls to hate me. I’ve only been here two days, but even I can see he has some control over the girls here at Grayson High. He’s obviously a big deal in this school and someone like him could crush me in a second.

“Nothing much,’’ he shrugs. “I’ve wanted to get you alone since you walked into registration this morning. Then I found out your locker got vandalized from my brother and not you. I thought we were friends,’’ he says, his body a breath away from mine. His proximity has my mind doing funny things and I can’t think straight.

“We just met,’’ I state flabbergasted.

“We also spent the night together, or did you forget about that?’’ he says raising his eyebrows.

“Huh, what?’’

“Your Nan forgot I kept you company last night. When she checked on you when she got back she must not have seen me in bed with you,’’ he grins. “I woke up when you started crying out in your sleep, after you calmed down I walked back home,’’ he shrugs.

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