Madam of Maple Court (30 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: Madam of Maple Court
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She felt him tense and tried a new tack. "Is there a bar in here? I could use a glass of something cool."

"It's in the next room," he said.

She moved toward the connecting door with Manny following. The second room of the suite had two large double beds and the other usual hotel accoutrements, including a fully stocked bar. When Manny went to close the door one of the guys winked at him, so he left it open. "May I have a glass of white wine?" she asked, eager to give him something to do to ease his discomfort.

"Of course. I'll have one with you."

He poured, and as he moved to reenter the living room she patted the edge of one of the beds. "I'd rather just sit and talk, if it's all right with you."

Manny looked terribly uncomfortable as they settled on the edge of one of the beds. "Don't worry about all this," she said in a low whisper so only he could hear. "I get it. You won't embarrass yourself." Louder, she said, "Tell me a little about yourself," then sipped the really fine chardonnay.

He seemed tongue-tied. "I'm sorry," he whispered, almost in tears. "I'm not used to this sort of thing."

"I know," she said so the others could easily hear. "First dates are always difficult for anyone. There's really nothing to it. Let me start. I'm almost thirty-five and a widow. My husband was killed in a traffic accident almost a year ago. I live in Westchester County, no kids, and right now I'm a party planner. I organize big weddings, bar mitzvahs, like that."

"You mean this isn't your real job?" He glanced at the door and lowered his voice. "I thought that the guys hired you to show me up, you know, make a fool of me."

"They probably did, but we're going to turn the tables on them," she whispered, then raised her voice to normal volume. "For me, this isn't a job, although I do get paid. Most of the time it's a pleasure. And I'm sure it will be for us tonight." Again whispering, she added, "Say something. Ask me about my parties. It will make them crazy to hear us having an adult conversation."

For the first time that evening she saw the hint of a smile. "You plan parties?"

"Right. Planning weddings is my main occupation." She spent the next fifteen minutes regaling him with stories of the disastrous people she'd had to deal with and the screwups and their fixes. At first his laugh was tentative, then he began to relax and enjoy her stories. The noise from the next room led her to believe that the folks in there had gotten bored and weren't listening too closely anymore. She saw that Manny had finished his wine, so, while his back was turned, she poured some of her drink into his glass.

Slowly the alcohol loosened his tongue. "I'm twenty-five and I'm not very good with girls. I've never been married," he told her. "I'm a computer nerd and, with the help of a production scheme I came up with for the company, Paramount Packaging, our firm just completed a contract with a large manufacturer to take all the production we can turn out for the next two years. Did I tell you that we make plastic packaging?"

"No, you didn't." Softly she asked, "Did you know what was going on tonight?" When he nodded, she continued, "So why did you come if you knew what they were up to?"

His eyes moistened. "I don't have many other friends. Actually none."

"Those guys aren't your friends."

"They're better than nothing."

She raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Are they?" When he didn't reply, she changed the subject. "Tell me about your company and this great new contract."

He told her a few details. "Without the really unusual production scheduling scheme I worked out, the deal wouldn't have gotten done." He droned on, now comfortable talking about his job, so she listened, seeming to pay strict attention while her mind wandered. Eventually he said, "So when they told me about this little party, I agreed. I kept hoping one of them would break a leg or something so it wouldn't happen."

The others were laughing and telling jokes in the next room, not paying attention to Manny's troubles. Occasionally one of the guys wandered in, stared at them, refreshed drinks, and left. Softly she asked, "Are you a virgin?" His flush told her that her instincts had been correct.

"I promise we won't do anything you don't want to do, but I'm here for you if you want me." There was a lull in the noise from the next room, so Pam said, loudly, "It's getting a little warm in here and my feet are killing me. Do you mind if I make myself a little more comfortable?" She could imagine six sets of ears straining to hear all the details.

"Not at all," he said, his face terrified.

Don't worry, Manny
, she thought,
I won't hurt or embarrass you
. She stood, kicked off her shoes, and rubbed the small of her back. "With no chairs in here, sitting on the edge of the bed like this is a bit uncomfortable. I guess I'm not much of a bed person." She'd said it deliberately but she managed to look embarrassed and giggled softly. "Put my foot in that one, didn't I? You know that's not what I meant."

"Of course not," he said, unsure how to proceed.

She rolled over on her back against the pillows and unbuttoned the top buttons on her dress. She patted the bed beside her. "Why don't you kick off your shoes and make yourself a little more comfortable over here?"

Seeming reluctant but toughing it out, he removed his shoes and stretched out beside her. She found she was enjoying herself, doing a service for this sweet, shy young man. She took his arm and pulled it over her shoulders. "Isn't that a little better?"

He merely nodded and she could feel his hand tremble. She took his free hand and placed it on her breast. "We can get much more comfortable if you like," she said, pulling the tails of his shirt from his waistband.

He stared at the open door to the next room and she nodded. "Why don't we close that door and get a little more privacy?" she suggested, rising and unbuttoning her dress so it hung on her shoulders, revealing a skimpy bright red teddy beneath. She pinched her lips to make them look well kissed, lifted her breasts almost out of the top of the teddy, and pulled at her nipples to swell them. Then she swung her hips as she walked to the connecting door, putting on her most heated, heavy-lidded expression. "Hey guys, refill your drinks if you want to, then we're going to close this door so we can have a little privacy."

Phil stared at her breasts, his eyes widening. "You and Manny?"

"Sure," she said. "And in case you didn't know it, he's got great hands."

"He does?"

She merely smiled and turned her back.

"Hey. We'll want that room, too," one of the other guys said.

"In due time," Pam said. "Drinks, anyone?"

When no one moved she closed the door behind herself and returned to the bed. "Manny, the guys are now pretty sure they know what's going on in here, so we've covered our bases. For the rest of the time, nothing has to happen unless you want it to."

She watched his chest deflate and heard his long sigh. "I really don't know what to do," he confessed.

"After tonight you won't have to lie about your sex life anymore. I've already made sure that you'll be famous around your place. So now we can do whatever you're up for." Laughing, she added, "You know what I mean."

"Thanks. You're really nice. I never expected a"—he stumbled over his words—"woman like you to be so understanding."

"Don't think about that right now." She stood at the foot of the bed, kicked off her shoes, and let her dress slip to the floor so she was now clad in only the teddy and the red stockings that were hooked to its garters. She unfastened the detachable cups so her large breasts were exposed. "Or do nothing." She moved her body slowly, not wanting to scare him but knowing that he wanted what she was offering.

"I like what you're wearing," Manny managed to say around the obvious lump in his throat.

"In case you hadn't noticed, there's no crotch to this teddy," she said, sliding one finger between her legs.

His eyes widened. "There isn't?"

She walked to the side of the bed. "Want to check it out?" She took his hand and guided it to her wet center.

Suddenly the door to the adjoining room opened and the three men walked in, grinning, camera phone held out. "We thought we'd surprise you," one of them said, then saw Pam's bare breasts and Manny's hand buried between her legs. She took hold of his wrist, lifted his hand and licked his index finger. "You want to watch?" Pam asked. "I don't know whether Manny wants to put on a show or not, but it's his call. And of course I charge more for voyeurs."

"Hey, Manny," Phil said, suddenly serious, "maybe we were wrong about you. We thought you were a virgin and wanted to help you get your first one tonight. You're a good guy and deserve it."

She watched Manny's spine straighten. "Well, obviously we're having a great time," he said.

"At your expense by the way, guys."

"Right," Manny said while Pam unzipped his fly, allowing his large, thick cock to spring free. As she'd discovered while they were dancing, Manny was amazingly well endowed, and the three guys merely stared at his large phallus. She knelt beside the bed and licked the length of him. "Manny and I are busy, so unless you've got more cash so you can watch, beat it."

Looking sheepish, the three men disappeared, closing the door behind them. "I'm sorry about that," Manny said. "They're really nice guys."

"They don't seem like nice guys to me. You're a really nice guy and shouldn't be that desperate for friends, Manny."

"They aren't so bad."

"They aren't? What's the old saying, With friends like that…"

Manny dropped his chin. "I guess you're right."

"I suppose you have to work with them, but you don't have to put up with all their crap. Hopefully after this evening you won't have to."

"Actually, the company that just signed the contract with us offered me a job."

"Really? That must be a great compliment." He blushed and she continued, "Maybe you should take it."

"Maybe I should. I'll think about it." He smiled one of the first genuine smiles he'd had all evening. "You know, you're a wonderful woman, Pam. I like you a lot."

"I like you too, Manny." While they'd talked she'd been stroking his cock. "I'd like to show you things we could do together, but now that we've made the point with your
, the rest is up to you."

He grinned. "I think I'll take the new job and you, too." He stood and quickly removed his clothes. As Pam started to remove her teddy, he said, "Could you leave that on? You look really hot in it."

"Of course." She stretched out beside him and took the lead in their lovemaking. They kissed and she guided his hands to her breasts. She heard his breathing quicken as his hands roamed her flesh. When he started to roll on top of her, she slid off the bed, retrieved a condom from her purse, and pushed him onto his back. Slowly she unrolled the latex over his large cock, squeezing and fondling him as she did so. "You're amazingly well endowed," she purred. Exaggeration was often a necessary, but in his case it was true.

"I'm glad you think so," he said, his voice hoarse. He quickly rolled on top of her and plunged inside. Fortunately the condom was well lubricated, so her body put up no resistance despite the fact that she wasn't really aroused. She played the part well, however, and he climaxed quickly. She let out a deliberately loud moan, hopefully audible in the next room.

They lay side by side and talked for quite a while. She learned about his hobbies, his love of classical music and John
Wayne movies. "I just saw
Sands of Iwo Jima
for the dozenth time a few nights ago on Turner Classic Movies," he said.

"I watched it, too," Pam said truthfully. "I love that film. The Mexican Hat Dance scene where he's teaching Forrest Tucker about the bayonet is one of my favorites."

Together they started humming, "Da dum, da dum, da dum…" Together they had a good laugh. Later they dressed and heard a knock on the door from the other room. "Go away," Pam said.

"Listen, Manny, you don't have exclusive rights to that room." The voice sounded impatient, especially since their little game had gone wrong. "We need it, too."

"When I'm done," Manny called, now sounding confident. Then he said to Pam, "You know, you're right about everything. I don't have to put up with their crap. However, I'm not going to tell them that I'm leaving the company just yet. I want to enjoy the fallout from this evening for a while first. I've never been thought of as a Super Stud. We really socked it to them, didn't we? Would it be all right if we left together? Let's leave them guessing about where we're going."

"Good idea. And thanks for a lovely evening, Manny."

"You, too," he said as he opened the door to the adjoining room and grabbed his coat and hers. "Okay, you guys, we're getting out of here. Sorry we messed up one of the beds, but the other is still
He grinned at Pam. "I hope you all enjoy the rest of the evening."

"Uh, yeah," someone said as Manny closed the door behind them.

In the elevator, Manny kissed Pam soundly. "That was quite an awakening in many ways," he said, glowing. "I thank you for everything."

"No problem. Have some faith in yourself and you'll be great."


Chapter 20

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