Madam of Maple Court (29 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: Madam of Maple Court
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Finally she gritted her teeth against any outward show of the orgasm she knew was bubbling up inside her. When she came, she knew Rob could feel the rolling waves of pleasure as they echoed through her. The only outward sign, however, was the further quickening of her breathing. Otherwise, difficult as it was, she remained silent.

When she calmed a little she looked over and saw that the front of his slacks bulged with his obvious arousal. With as little movement as she could, she shifted her napkin into his lap and, from beneath, unzipped his fly and maneuvered his cock free. With a grin she squeezed tightly around the base the way she knew he liked it, then moved his erection so it rubbed back and forth against the linen. "Witch," he hissed.

"Right," she said, now able to sip her drink with her free hand.

She manipulated his cock until she knew he was fighting for control. She didn't let him. Instead she began long, slow strokes from base to tip and back, increasing the pressure and frequency until she felt him start to spasm. She moved her free hand until she held the napkin tightly against his cock as he spurted into it.

Staring at him as the pleasure washed over his face, she didn't really believe she'd done something so outrageous. But she had.

Chapter 19


Throughout the remainder of the summer and early fall Pam's life sparkled. She hosted a society wedding and several smaller engagement, birthday, and anniversary parties. The only party she found a little difficult was the baby shower, but she tried to focus on the joy of the mother-to-be rather than the hole in her own life. She discovered a company that made heated tents and had a connector made that could temporarily and warmly attach one to her patio doors. With that, her entertaining continued even as the weather cooled. She had also become an expert in organizing and hosting parties in other locations and became something of a phenomenon in central Westchester. Parties arranged by Pam DePalma quickly attained considerable cachet.

The other side of her life flourished, too, and her bank account began to climb above its low water mark. She thought she might make it without another job, at least through the end of the following year. Pam saw Matt several times and, although they enjoyed each other's company and she often forgot that he was a customer, she was always well paid. She also entertained clients at Club Fantasy several times a month and she'd branched out in her sexual activities, learning to give pleasure with oral and anal sex and old-fashioned hand jobs like she and Rob had done in the restaurant. She now had a collection of toys that she and clients played with.

In mid-October she had a small group to her house, for the first time since Chase's party, for an evening of strip poker. She'd debated using her house for what would certainly turn out to be an orgy, but she'd decided that she'd just do it and worry about the consequences, in the rare event that there were any, later. She wondered whether she should have Linc around, but their sexual relationship made it impossible for her to entertain with him in attendance. She could only be this outrageous with strangers.

A man she and Marcy had met with arranged for everything, paying a small fortune for the evening. He invited six guys and, in addition to Pam, three of Marcy's girls were attending. When Liza arrived she'd taken a moment to whisper, "Quite a change from the first time we met."

With a quiet giggle, Pam had to agree.

The ten of them sat around a large table in the living room, sipping drinks of all kinds. Before the game began, each person had added or subtracted items from their person until each had the same number of articles of clothing.

"Texas hold 'em," the leader, a stick of a man named Jim had said. "Ante will be ten chips. Once you're out of chips, it's up to us to decide what each article of your clothing is worth. It's up to you to make taking off your bra or shorts worth as much as you can."

The game moved along with one of the women and two of the guys eventually possessing most of the chips. A woman named Angela was out of chips and wanted to bet. "Ah," Jim said, "our first casuality." Angela stood up and pranced around the table, wiggling her shoulders, causing her large breasts to jiggle. "I want a hundred chips for my blouse and for a glimpse of what's underneath." The offers grew and eventually, for a considerable stack of chips, she pulled off her jersey top, her prominent nipples obvious beneath her lacy bra.

Then she pulled one cup quickly aside and flashed the flesh beneath, to the cheers of the guys.

"It's all going too slowly," Jim said. "I'm upping the ante to a thousand chips or a shirt."

Soon several of the women were shirtless and one had removed her skirt and was down to panties and a bra. Pam still wore her panties but had broken the bra barrier, much to the guys' delight. A few of the guys were down to shorts and Tshirts and Jim, who'd had a run of bad luck, was sitting in only shorts. Shorts were covering gigantic hardons.

"Okay," a man named Ralph said to Pam, "you're out of cash again. I'll give you a hundred chips for a suck of your beautiful tits."

"Two hundred," she insisted.

A third man chimed in. "I'll give you a thousand if you can make him come in his shorts, using only your hand."

"Damn," Ralph said, "I'll add another thousand to that."

"An offer I can't turn down," Pam said. She was quite mellow from the wine she'd had and it had silenced any little negative words in her head. She knew what she'd become and was enjoying the hell out of it.

"Can I play?" Liza said. "I'm in need of chips, too."

Soon each of the ladies, now naked, was crouched between the bare legs of a man, the two men left over playing with available breasts. "Whoever gets the guy to come first wins his entire pile of chips."

"Hands only? How about tits?"

"Shit," Ralph said to Pam. "I'd love to come between those gorgeous boobs of yours. It would make losing so worthwhile."

"Okay. Hands and tits," Jim said. "Shorts off."

Ralph and his friends removed the rest of their clothing, the poker game forgotten. Pam crouched between Ralph's knees and cupped her breasts, letting his long, slender cock nestle between them. "On your mark, get set, go!"

There was cheering from several of the guys, then the room filled with moans and groans. The strain showed on each man's face as he tried not to climax. Soon, however, a man named Jack came in Liza's hand, quickly followed by most of the remaining guys.

Ralph held out until Pam reached between his legs and cupped his sac, scratching the tender area between his testicles and anus. "Not fair," he said when his breathing finally slowed.

She grinned and winked at him. "Who said anything about fair?"

For more than an hour after, couples wandered upstairs, then came back down, until everyone was sated and ready to depart in the waiting limos. "A hell of a party, Pam," Jim said. "A hell of a party."

As she watched the limos leave Pam said aloud, "The Madam of Maple Court is in business for real."

During the week after Thanksgiving, Marcy called with another client for Pam's escort services. "The guy called and wants to give one of my ladies as a present to a coworker who helped the company big time with some contract or other. Something seems off with this one."

"Legal problems?"

"No, no, that's not it. I wouldn't get involved with anything I was the least bit leery of that way. No, the guy who called me is the younger brother of a very good and trusted client. However, I got the impression that the guy whose present you might be isn't much into women."


"No, just young and maybe virginal. He said that he had the names of several other escort services and implied that if it weren't going to be through Club Fantasy he'd call someplace else. I'm afraid some poor slob might be the butt of some kind of practical joke, so I need someone like you who can think quickly on her feet and make it all work out right for everyone concerned. I thought of you. Interested?"

Pam was complimented by Marcy's words. "Maybe you should just turn him down."

"I will if you won't do it. There's no one else who's right for this. I'll trust your judgement. Frankly, I feel very sorry for the poor guy who's being set up."

An amazing vote of confidence, Pam thought. "As long as you're sure there's no danger, sure," she said.
The Madam of Maple Court strikes again

The gathering was set for a suite at an exclusive Midtown hotel, and Pam knocked lightly at the door of room 417. A small, ruddy-faced young man, wearing a lime green sport shirt and slacks answered. "Well, hello," he said appreciatively.

"I'm Pam."

"It's nice to meet you." He extended his hand and guided her into the room. "I'm Phil."

This was a new experience for her, meeting someone in a hotel room. It made her feel more like a call girl. The room had no bed, just a wide sofa, two upholstered chairs, and a few tables with lamps and potted plants. Two couples were trying to slow dance to a CD of new-age jazz and a third women stood beside Phil, her arm around his waist. "It looks like I'm a little late," Pam said, glancing at her watch.

"Not at all," the man said, looking her over with obvious appreciation. "You're here for Manny." He indicated a small young man, sitting in the corner looking very uncomfortable. "Manny is single-handedly responsible for a great new contract the company just landed, and we wanted to give him a present."

Manny was probably no more than twenty-five, nondescript with unruly, mousy brown hair, soft brown eyes that looked like they'd work better on a basset hound, and soft baby skin that looked as though he didn't have to shave. He also looked like a deer in the headlights. Phil's date glanced at Manny, a wide but slightly nasty grin on her face, as the other two couples looked on, one of the girls appearing very uncomfortable. Pam felt bad for Manny and angry at Phil and his cohorts. She'd make this all work out if it was the last thing she did.

"It's very nice to meet you all." She took off her coat and dropped it with all the others on a chair. She'd worn a red jersey dress that hugged her ample curves and buttoned from plunging neckline to hem. She walked over to Manny and extended her hands. "Shall we dance a little?" With her back to the rest of the group, she winked at Manny and mouthed silently, "It will be okay. I promise."

It took him a moment to answer, then he said, "Okay, but I'm not usually a dancer." She watched him paint on a coat of bravado and stand up, facing his companions. "But for you…" His effort to appear unfazed impressed her.
He must be mortified

"Dancing isn't much more than moving your feet up and down from time to time, and it's a lovely way to get to hold each other." And break the ice.

"Yeah," one of the other men yelled, "dance with the lady."

"Gome on, Manny. Be a sport. This is your party, after all."

Pam extended her arms and whispered, "Please."

He put his right arm around her waist and held her hand with his slightly sweaty left. She took their joined hands and tucked them against her chest, moving very little, allowing him to shuffle his feet and get a feel of her breast through her dress. "Mmm," she purred. "You've got the idea."

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