Madam of Maple Court (28 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: Madam of Maple Court
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"This is truly delightful." He picked the bottle up, studied the label, then set it back on the small glass side table. "You're obviously a woman of many talents."

"You've no idea," she said with a wink. Was a paid escort supposed to flirt? She had no idea how she was "supposed" to behave, so she did what she felt and she felt like flirting.

"Tell me a little about yourself," he said.

She told him about her husband without giving him a last name, and a little about her life since his death, now almost a year in the past.

"How in the world did you become, well, what you are?"

"I'm not anything," she said. "But if you mean how did I get to be paid for my services? It sort of just happened."

He raised his glass. "To my good fortune."

She touched the rim of her glass to his and listened to the clear ring of the crystal. "I don't usually let anyone carry glass around the pool and hot tub, but in your case I'll make an exception." Actually, her parties had already caused her to relax.

Vin's rules about glass around the pool. She had a good, thorough cleaning service and she'd yet to have a problem with breakage.

They kicked off their shoes and with him carrying his case, they walked barefoot through the newly mown grass to the spa. "This is lovely," he said, "exactly what I had in mind when I first talked to Marcy. I didn't think she'd ever be able to pull it off, but here we are. I think the area needs more greenery around it. Give it a more private feel."

She looked around the spa area, and although taken aback by his frankness she allowed as how he might be right. She nodded slowly. She'd think seriously about changing the landscaping another time. Since her various business ventures were bringing in some cash, she might be able to swing some additional landscaping. "Interesting idea."

"Shall we get naked?" he said, setting the case on a bench and quickly removing his shirt, jeans, and underwear. She looked at his well-exercised body, lean and strong, his chest covered with a thin coating of deep brown hair, his cock only semi-erect.

She quickly dropped her skirt, blouse, and underwear on the knee-high rock wall beside the hot tub and watched his eyes as he looked her over.

"Nice. A beautiful body to go with a strong personality."

"Why do you say that?" she asked, turning the dials to make the water bubble and foam. "I never thought of myself as strong."

"Then you're wrong. A weak woman wouldn't be where you are today. She'd have depended on someone else to get her out of whatever crap her husband left her with."

"Why do you say Vin left me with crap?" Vin hated all vulgarity, so she had seldom used such language while she was married and it still felt a little strange coming from her lips. She laughed inwardly. A prudish prostitute? Because of her new business she'd practiced "talking dirty" reading from stories to help her learn her new language. So much was changing about herself. No. So much was changing about the way she appeared to others. Inside she was still the same Pam DePalma, wasn't she?

"I can size people up pretty quickly. I have to in my business." He lowered himself into the heated water. "Your late husband was a weak man and depended on you to hold him together. He needed things like this house to bolster his ego. You were probably always the one who got the lawn mowed, saw that he always had clean shirts, entertained his business associates, kept him going in lots of ways. He probably hated that. Am I wrong?"

She settled beside him and considered what he'd said. Months before, Mark Redmond had told her that Vin had said she depended on him. Chase was probably more accurate. "No, probably not." She'd give his comments more thought later. Right now she had a job to do, one she was being very well paid for.

"Good. I like strong women," he said.

She remembered what Marcy had told her that he wanted and knew what he wanted. She'd read a few stories on the Net to help her achieve a persona he'd appreciate.
Get tough
, she told herself. Her voice became more forceful. "Then let's get this show on the road. From now on you'll play by my rules, and rule one says that you're not allowed to come until I say so." She felt his body stiffen.


"No buts. My rules. No coming." She saw a small smile flash across his lips, then disappear.

They sat side by side, leaning against the side of the tub, up to their shoulders in water. She reached over and took his cock in her hand. It was suddenly rock hard. She knew from experience that keeping an erection wasn't easy in hot water, but she was sure she could help him do that. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and squeezed lightly. His soft moan told her she was getting to him. They played and teased, then knowing his preferences, she slid her hand between his thighs and grasped his testicles. He gasped as her hand slipped farther back until she touched his anus. Then, using the water as a lubricant, she slipped a finger inside. "Oh God, Pam," he yelled. "Oh God. Get the case."

She left him, Chase's eyes following her, his head propped on the side of the tub, climbed out, and opened the small leather folio. Inside was a slender anal dildo with a wide flange. She took a deep breath. Now she felt like a hooker, and although it felt strange, she knew she could pull this off.

She climbed back into the water and said, "You're a really naughty guy." She slid her hand beneath one of his buttocks and lifted. "Just hold still right there."

She wondered whether the dildo would go in without lubricant, but the spa water proved sufficient and it slid into his ass easily. She pushed it in as far as it would go, then, holding the flange in one hand, she grasped his cock with the other. Marcy had been right. Anal sex and power. She was new to both but it seemed to come naturally to her and she loved it all.

She kept fucking his ass and manipulating his cock as he moaned and thrashed in the water. She timed her strokes so as that as she stroked downward on his cock, she pushed the anal dildo in tighter, then reversed the motions. "I might let you come soon," she told him, "so get out and lie on that bench." On a whim, she added, "And don't let that cock in your ass fall out!" She watched him breathe still faster as he stretched out on his back and knew she'd hit just the right note. As if newly born, she climbed out of the water.

She moved beside him and stared down at his cock, sticking straight up from his groin. His eyes were closed with obvious pleasure. "Now remember the rule. No coming until I tell you you may. Right now I'm going to watch you fuck yourself." She was experimenting with words and ideas, watching him to see whether her ideas aroused him and was pleased when they did. "I want you to play with that dildo in your ass while you masturbate."

He opened his eyes, stared at her, then closed them again, his excitement obvious. He reached behind him and held the flange tightly against him, then grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his cock. Then he thrust through her tightly clenched fingers, showing her exactly what he wanted.

His moans and sighs told her he was close to coming, so she used everything she knew about a man's body to hasten his orgasm. "It must be difficult not to come," she said.

"Pam, I can't hold back."

"Just another moment, and I know you can do it. Another minute." She kept him waiting until the strain on his face showed he couldn't keep his climax under control much longer.

"Please?" he begged, his voice trembling, showing the difficulty he was having holding back.

She smiled. "All right, but you'll have to do something to increase your stamina if we're going to be together again."

His bellow told her that he'd let orgasm overtake him, and as she watched, semen boiled up between her fingers. "My God," he said when he was able to catch his breath, removing the dildo from his ass and dropping it on the slate around the bench. "That was quite something."

Although she'd enjoyed watching his excitement, she was relatively calm. Chase didn't appear to care about her pleasure, and she wasn't being paid to come unless he wanted her to. "Certainly was," she said. Unbidden, the memory of what Liza had told her about Vin and how they played together slipped into her mind. It was so sad, she thought, that he couldn't have shared his desires with her. They might have had an enjoyable sex life if he had. She now understood that, for him, Liza was just about sex.

Later she walked Chase to the door, opened it, and as he started down the front walk he said, "Another time?"

"Of course."

"Marcy said you host parties here, too, of all kinds. I'd like to use this place for business gatherings, but I also have several friends I'd like to invite here for fun and games."

"I'm sure I can accommodate you either way."

"Can I invite some of Marcy's girls, too?"

"Sure. The more the merrier." Did she mean that? It sounded like he wanted to set up an orgy. Oh, what the hell. In for a penny…

"I'll call."

She knew he would.

Late the following week Rob invited her to dinner at Chez Marcel, a very chic East Side restaurant. She enjoyed his company and they usually ended up in his apartment afterward. Once, however, she'd been surprised when he'd guided her into the elevator of the posh hotel in which they'd eaten. "I like a change of scene now and then."

The hotel had a Jacuzzi tub and, as it filled, Rob had added a generous amount of bubble bath. Bubbles filled the tub, then sloshed onto the floor. They'd giggled like naughty children, then made slippery, slithery love on the bath mat.

Tonight he'd insisted that she wear a dress with a full skirt, so she found a lightweight summer floral print with a spaghetti straps and cummerbund-style waist. They sipped fine wine and ate perfectly prepared salmon with a creamy dill sauce. While they talked about nothing of import, they shared the house special dessert, a chocolate gateau with an outrageously rich fudge sauce. Rob licked a bit of fudge from her index finger, sucking it like a small cock.

As she sipped the last of her burgundy, Rob moved from the seat opposite her to the banquette at her side. "Go into the ladies room and take off all your underwear," he whispered into her ear.

She whirled and stared at him. "Do what?"

"Stop stalling. I love the way your breasts jiggle and I want to watch that as you return. Then I want to be able to gaze down the front of that lovely dress and see your nipples. I want to know that your pussy is naked, too."

When she looked incredulous, he smiled his amazingly charming, enticing smile. "Please," Rob said.

She grabbed her purse and stood. As she disrobed in the stall she wondered where the little woman was who'd been married to Vin. Gone. Long gone. Now she was a bold, sexually liberated woman, and she liked herself this way. It might not be anyone else's cup of tea, but she was having the time of her life. When she returned to the table she'd done what he asked, and her wispy bra and panties were now stuffed into her purse. She slipped onto the banquette beside him.

"I love to watch your breasts sway, knowing my hands will be touching you later, pinching your beautiful nipples and watching them harden beneath my fingers."

As he talked he stared down the front of her dress. She knew that, indeed, her nipples were tightening. "Delicious," he said. Then she started as she felt his hand on her knee. "Don't look so startled," he purred. "It's just me, touching you the way I know you like to be touched."

"Rob, stop," she protested softly. "Everyone will see." Rather than stop, he slid his hand up the inside of her stocking-covered thigh. So this was why he wanted her to wear a dress with a full skirt.

"No one is paying any attention, sweet," he said into her ear, his breath heating her blood, "and anyway, the tablecloth is long enough that no one can see anything." His fingers found the top of her thigh-high stockings and then the bare flesh above. He was embarrassing her a bit and she wanted to squirm away, but there was another woman sitting at the next table on the banquette facing her dinner companion. She couldn't make a fuss, although Rob was crowding her. She had nowhere to go.

"Just relax," he said into her ear. "I'm having fun."

"I can't think when you do that," she murmured.

"What do you have to think about? Just go with it." He paused and his index finger found her pubic hair and brushed against it. "But don't let anyone know what's going on."

His movements were heating her blood and she wanted nothing more than to stretch out and let him have his way with her. But she couldn't, not here in public. His finger tunneled through her hair and found her wet center. "You know," he said conversationally, "I'd like a liqueur and I think you would, too. Would you signal the waiter?" He chuckled softly. "My hand is a little busy."

She couldn't help but chuckle. "You are so outrageous."

"I know," he said with a grin. "Ain't I the very devil."

She motioned to the waiter, who scurried over. "I'd like an Amaretto," she said. She was almost unable to utter a coherent sentence while his finger was rubbing her clit. She could barely control her trembling voice.

"Make that two," Rob said, still rubbing, keeping her just below explosion.

It took only a few moments until the waiter returned with their drinks and, totally calm, Rob lifted his small snifter with his free hand and sipped. "This is really good," he said. "You really should taste it."

She lifted her tiny glass but set it down immediately when she couldn't control her shaking hands. "Difficult?"


"I'm going to make it harder," he said, laughing at his double entendre. "I mean for you, although I'm pretty hard here as well."

Then his finger found her channel and slid inside. His thumb massaged her clit and she knew she was close to coming. "Don't make any of those delightful little noises you make when you come," he warned. "That lady beside you is getting really curious about what's going on."

Pam glanced to her left and, sure enough, conversation at that table had ceased and the woman frequently glanced over at her. Pam tented the napkin in her lap lest the nosy lady see anything unusual. She was scandalized but loving every minute of Rob's ministrations. She vowed that she'd never visit this restaurant again.

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