Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (38 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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The barrel of the rifle had moved again and the shot rang out. Storm felt the intense sting and then burning as a bullet embedded itself into his left bicep while the impact sent him falling against the door of the pickup. “Fuck!” he shouted as he grabbed the wound instinctively, feeling the blood ooze from it. As he fell against the truck Lyndee pulled out from under him. Looking him over, he knew she saw the blood darkening the already dark shirt on his left arm. They heard her name called, and as she looked over to see who had called her a large object was coming at her. Grabbing it, she pulled open the first aid kit and pulled out the gauze pads and spool of tape. Helping him out of his shirt, she placed the pads on the wound and then wrapped tape around it.

“Keep pressure on it!” she demanded and started to pull away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him.

“You are not going out there!” he ground through his teeth. “We will handle this!”

Exasperated Lyndee pulled against him. “I’m protected. I’ll be fine.”

His hand gripped tighter and he growled. “If you defy me, darlin’, you will be punished and it won’t be the pleasurable kind.”

Kneeling back down, she stayed at this side and handed him her Sig.


* * * *


Sirens began to fill the air as reinforcements came screaming to a halt on the street and parking lot. John, Connor, and the uniformed officers had taken off as soon as the barrel of the rifle had been pulled out of sight and Trey and Austin stood in front of Storm and Lyndee. Wolf had hunched down in the bed of the pickup while Lawrence stood next to it, protecting his man.

Another shot sounded, this time hitting the ground about five feet away from Trey and Austin. This time, the rifle didn’t retreat but another shot sounded, the bullet hitting another car behind the truck. A woman’s scream came from the vehicle and Lawrence glanced over to see that Connor’s car had been the one hit and Angela was crouching in the backseat.

Running in a zigzag pattern, he ran over to the car to the driver’s side, which was the protected side, and pulled her out. They sat on the ground, letting the car protect them from the barrage of bullets as the windows shattered above them.


* * * *


Pistol shots erupted and then another shot rang out from the rifle and yet the bullet didn’t strike in their vicinity and they had to wonder where it had landed. Storm and the other men stayed alert and then screams could be heard from the front of the courthouse. Trey and Austin took off running toward the front of the courthouse to see what was going on there while Storm continued to cover Lyndee’s body with his.

When Trey and Austin reappeared, Austin’s phone began ringing. Pushing the button to answer it, he listened for a minute before he turned to look up at the rooftop across the street and waved at John who was standing at the edge. Disconnecting the call, he put his hand out to Lyndee. “It’s over. John got the sniper. Markova won’t be bothering you anymore.”

Lyndee pushed against Storm to dislodge herself from under him, which wasn’t hard since he was getting weak from the loss of blood. Standing up she helped Trey get Storm to his feet. He was a bit unsteady for a moment before he leaned against the truck. “Why won’t he?” Lyndee asked hesitantly.

“The last bullet apparently found Markova in the head instead of one of us. Apparently when John and the guys shot the gunman, his finger was still on the trigger and when the rifle moved, the bullet caught Markova.”

Storm watched as a smile and tears appeared on his woman. Lyndee’s shoulders sagged in relief, and he, his brother, and cousin surrounded her as they hugged her, murmuring their love. Wolf came over to give her a hug also and soon the media was surrounding them again. John arrived along with two of the uniformed officers and was able to disperse the crowd by promising a press conference the next morning. He reminded the reporters that Lyndee had just spent a whole day in court and had been shot at so she needed to get some rest and tend to her friends. Grumbles and murmurs sounded through the crowd though they finally began to go their separate ways.

The medics who tended to Storm wanted to take him to the hospital via ambulance, but he refused. He let Lawrence take him and Wolf in. Lawrence just wanted to make sure that Wolf hadn’t torn anything open while climbing around in the back of the truck. When the threesome arrived back at the hotel Storm found Lyndee asleep and Austin and Trey playing cards. When they walked over to the table, Austin and Trey stood to greet them. Wolf was fine, no damage done. Storm had to have the bullet removed but there would be no lasting damage. It was time to put this mess behind them.


* * * *


Two weeks later, the last box was packed into the trailer that was attached to Austin’s pickup. Lyndee stood at the doorway of her apartment and took one last look around at the emptiness that engulfed it. It represented her past and the man that had come up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist represented her future. Childish giggles caused them both to turn around to find several small children watching them. Smiling at each other, Austin leaned down and kissed his bride-to-be gently before several snickers sounded and then running feet. They had to laugh.

Wolf stood near the truck along with Lawrence. They both looked sad as Austin and Lyndee made their way to them. They had all gotten closer in the past few weeks and Lyndee knew she was going to miss Wolf terribly. He wasn’t wearing his sling now. The doctor said he could go without it. He needed another month of rehab on his shoulder, and she had offered her apartment, but Lawrence said he felt better if Wolf wasn’t alone so he was staying with him. Plus it was closer to the rehab center.

Pulling her into his arms, Wolf buried his face in her hair. “I’m going to miss you. You have become a great friend,” he said.

“No,” she said stepping away from the man. “We are family. We expect to see both of you in a month. Don’t make us come down here to get you. Though, I wouldn’t mind seeing that club that Storm keeps talking about.”

Lawrence’s face flushed at the mention of the club and now Lyndee’s curiosity was peaked. Perhaps they did need to go. She hugged Lawrence before Austin swung her up into his arms and placed her on the front seat of the truck. Turning around, he shook Lawrence’s hand and then hugged Wolf. No words needed to be spoken. They would be missed but seen again soon. Climbing into the truck, he started it up and drove away. Heading north, Austin was going to take Lyndee to her new home and her new life.



The homecoming that awaited Lyndee and Austin as the truck rounded the horse barn and turned into the circular driveway surprised her. It was actually as if she was truly coming home. The ranch hands, sans Wolf, were all there along with Anita and her three sons, as were Doc Anderson, Martha, though she hadn’t met her yet, and her two other men. Throwing the door open and jumping out as soon as the vehicle stopped, she was running to Trey and Storm.

Storm got to her first as she threw herself into his arms, holding her to him as she kissed him furiously. Trey brushed up against her and she turned to him, letting him take her as she kissed him as she had his brother. A throat clearing somewhere had them pulling away from each other and Trey set her down, turning to face the small crowd.

“Lyndee, I would like for you to meet our housekeeper, Martha. Martha, this is the lady we are going to marry, Lyndee Dwyer.” Trey made the introductions.

Surprise lit on Lyndee’s face when Martha grasped the petite woman into her arms and against her bosom as she gushed, “I am so happy you have made my boys so happy. It’ll be a pleasure having you around.”

When the woman let her go, Lyndee smiled at her, feeling the woman’s maternal nature emanate from her. “Pleased to meet you too, Martha, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

The older woman looked at each of the men and then groaned a, “Hmph!” as if she knew exactly what these men were like. Lyndee had to laugh. She was going to like Martha.

Doc Anderson was next to gather her in his arms to welcome her home. “I’m glad that whole mess is behind you now. I hope I won’t have to come out here for any more mishaps. Perhaps I wouldn’t mind coming out here to deliver a baby or two though.”

Everyone laughed. All the ranch hands came over to give Lyndee a hug to welcome her home and then Anita came over, shyly though. The two women hugged and then Lyndee was introduced to the little men. James, Dave, and Kevin were all very protective of the woman and the kids, and Lyndee knew the family was going to be all right. Anita blushed when James and Dave held her close and Lyndee knew how she felt.

Since it was late in the afternoon, Doc announced he would walk Martha to her cottage before heading home, while the three men with Anita said they were going to drive her home. Arturo headed back to the bunkhouse. That left four people standing on the porch. The three men were fidgeting in nervous anticipation, which wasn’t missed on Lyndee.

“Ok guys, what’s going on?”

Storm, who was usually so centered and serious, grabbed her hand and practically dragged her into the house and down the hallway to her bedroom. She remembered his parting words as Austin drove away toward Denver, that there would be a surprise for her when she returned. The door was closed and Storm stepped behind her, covering her eyes with one hand while he opened the door with the other. She giggled as she heard Trey and Austin come up behind them. Gently pushing her inside, he stopped her. “Are you ready?” he asked.

Nodding, she whispered, “Yes.”

Pulling his hand from her eyes, she had to blink to take in the remodel that had been done. The outer walls had been extended out and where the walk-in closet had been that had been extended also. There was a fireplace on one wall and opposite that was the biggest bed she had ever seen. The bed was made up with a blue-and-white wedding ring quilt, which shone stark against the dark wood of the four posters and other furniture in the room. The wall to the room that had been next to hers had been knocked out, which extended the room also, but also gave room for the new closet. Where the walk-in closet used to sit was a sitting area with a loveseat and a chair along with a low table with a lamp sitting upon it. Further back from that was the top of a spiral staircase leading down.

The men watched their woman’s expression at the revelation. Her smile said it all as she touched the furniture and even tested the bed. As she tried to settle back on it, Trey stepped forward and scooped her up. “Not right now, sweetheart. We have another surprise for you.”

Squealing as she was lifted into his bulging muscular arms, she saw they were heading for the spiral staircase. Down they went and she saw they came out in the playroom, which had received a makeover also. Trey set her down so she could explore. The bed was bigger and there were more devices sitting around the room. The bathroom had been completely renovated since Philip had demolished the small one. This one had been enlarged and a large hot tub had been installed.

As she moved back toward the three, muscular men who seemed to dominate the room, she felt the mood of the room had shifted. Her nipples puckered and she felt wetness flood her panties as she looked up at her men. They stood with arms crossing their chests, their legs apart with their hips thrust forward. The bulges in their jeans were evident and she licked her lips in anticipation. Austin had been teaching her about the lifestyle in which she was entering into, not just the polyamorous one, but the D/s side of what the men expected of her.

Slowly she removed her shirt, pulling it up over her head then tossed it onto the bench near her. Reaching behind her she undid her bra, letting her breasts fall clear of their confinement. Her nipples were a deep, dusky rose and puckered and her breasts were beginning to feel heavier than before. Aware that all three of them were staring at her, she felt self-conscious, though she knew she shouldn’t. She loved them and they loved her. Boldly she undid the button on her jeans and then slid the zipper down slowly, teasing them. A growl sounded from one of them. She wasn’t sure who, but it didn’t matter. It achieved what it was meant to. Sliding the denim material down her legs, she kicked them off along with her tennis shoes. Then hooking her thumbs in the tiny band of her thong panties, she slowly slid them down and kicked them off.

Lyndee Dwyer stood proudly naked before her men. Each of them stepped forward and took a turn around her as if examining her before returning to their original spot and stood over her. Storm breathed in and then out audibly before issuing his first command of their woman, their sex slave. “Position!”

Lyndee sank to her knees in one fluid motion. Back straight, knees shoulder-width apart and head bowed. She placed her hands on her thighs, palm up. She was relaxed in this pose as she knew she was pleasing her men.


* * * *


Storm stepped forward and bent down in front of her, the back of his hand grazing her hardened nipple. A tremor flashed through her but she didn’t make an audible sound. He was pleased. Slowly moving his hand down over her abs, he moved to her newly waxed mound, reveling in the smoothness there before slipping his hand further down. Sliding into her slit, he felt the involuntary muscle twitch as he passed over the hardened pearl at the top, but he continued on, finding what he wanted. Her pussy was slick with her juices. Removing his hand, he licked her cream from his fingers. Growls came from the other two men.

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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