Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (35 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Yes, sir. I’ll be fine with it,” she said meekly, trying not to show her excitement.

A chuckle resonated from Austin’s chest as he bent over and tied the cool strip of material around her head, covering her eyes. “Not too tight?” Negatively shaking her head, she sighed. He saw her hand move so he whispered in her ear, “And no playing with yourself.”

A growl of frustration emanated from the lovely lady in the tub and Austin had to chuckle. “I promise I will make this extra special for you, little one. Just relax.”

Leaning her head back again, Lyndee sighed and tried to relax, though the anticipation kept shooting electrodes out to her nipples and clit. Trying not to squirm, she was unsuccessful as she knew that Austin hadn’t left the room yet. Another chuckle rumbled from him before she heard him exit the room, or had he?

Chapter Twenty-Five


A featherlight touch on her lips brought her attention to the present. Had she dozed off? She must have, she thought. Trying to be still, she felt the touch again. It was skin brushing across her lips with a bit of hardness behind it. As it came across her lips again, she felt a pearl of moisture there as the skin branded the bead of moisture to her lower lip. Breathing in, she smelled a familiar muskiness so she let her tongue touch her lips and she tasted pre-cum. It wasn’t Austin’s though. Were they actually here? A bolt of anticipation shot straight to her pussy and she could feel the cream ooze through her tunnel there.

Reaching up she tried to pull off the blindfold but strong hands stopped her. Storm, she smiled. Fur touched her right wrist before she heard the click and then the same happened to the left wrist, trapping her hands together. One hand held onto the small chain that connected the cuffs as another hand slid down over her shoulder and captured her breast. The hand squeezed tightly at her ample flesh as the cock at her lips pushed for entrance. Opening her mouth, she felt the silk-covered piece of steel push through to the back of her throat. Savoring the feel and taste of the cock as it slid in, she knew it was Trey.

She found it amazing that she could tell who they were just by their taste, smell, and the feel of their hands. Even blindfolded as she was she could tell. Storm’s lips came down on her neck, nipping at the skin as his hand continued to squeeze her tit. Her moans began to fill the room at her men’s ministrations. Trey’s cock, hot and velvety, pistoned in and out of her mouth as his hands came around her head and held it in place. Water sloshed around her breasts as the thrusts became more violent, his legs moving within the water as Storm nipped his way up to her ear.

Lyndee wanted to move, to love on her men, but this was their moment to relish and she would cede to them. Trey’s cock was beginning to pulsate and his movements became more jerky and quicker and as he began to shoot his cum down her throat, Storm bit her earlobe. Swallowing the bounty that Trey gave her, she licked him clean before he pulled out of her hot mouth. Storm let go of her ear and her breast and she felt hands slide under her knees and around her back. She felt herself lifted out of the hot water and carried, the cool air of the room brushing skin that had been heated by the water and from their loving. She was stood on her feet and a soft towel began to dry her off. The cuffs remained.

Again she was picked up and she felt the coolness of the sheets beneath her back and bottom. Her hands were pulled up over her head and attached to a rope that had been tied under the mattress. She felt Storm’s hand on her left ankle as he pulled a loop of rope around it while Trey’s hand did the same to her right one. Being spread out openly on the king-sized bed made her pussy weep and her nipples harden even more. She didn’t think her breasts could become more aroused, but they did. They were tight and ached while her pussy clenched and longed to be fucked.

Once she was spread open for the pleasure of her two men, a feeling of pride enveloped her as she felt them watching her. She remained still and quiet, sensing their arousal as their heat and musk filled the room. She had to wonder if Austin was there for she hadn’t felt his hands on her, but she knew that the two brothers would be able to please her.

Light pieces of leather stroked at her skin. She could tell it was real leather for the aroma of it assaulted her senses as much as the aroma of the men had. At first she wasn’t sure what it was, but when the tendrils began to swish against the skin of her abs she knew it was a flogger. After a few moments, the strips began to come down harder upon her, striking her abs first so she could adjust to the erotic feeling. Ten strokes on her abs, each getting harder with each infliction, before they moved on, and when the first one hit her breasts, her body bowed off the bed as much as possible and a moan escaped her lips.

The leather sent zaps of sensations throughout her body, but they all led to her cunt. Cream oozed from her as her nipples hardened into nubs that ached and moans continued to emanate from her. Her breathing came in short pants as her head moved from side to side.

The flogger came down again but instead of stopping this time to let her adjust, it came down repeatedly on her breasts before moving down to her thighs. It struck the tops of them and reached to the inner thighs, moving closer to her pussy. Her body anticipated the blows and her body kept bowing into them. When the first strike of leather hit her pussy, she pulled against her bonds as her orgasm shot through her with ferocity. Her limbs seized up as electricity zinged to every nerve within her body, her scream caught silently in her throat, her breath held in her lungs. Bursts of color appeared within the darkness of her vision before they went dark and she began to drift.

The blows came repeatedly upon her, striking swiftly and across the entire expanse of skin open to their viewing pleasure. She felt the blows but she seemed to be floating out of her body as if she was watching the whole experience from above herself. She could see the men perfectly as they stood beside the bed, Storm being the handler of the whip. Being the alpha male he was, she knew it would be him. Not that the others didn’t have it in them, just that Storm seemed to be the more experienced of the three.

When her pussy was struck again, she came again, this time crying out loud, and she felt a hand come down on her mouth, pulling her back into reality. Her pussy clenched and released over and over again as the cream gushed from her. Again she pulled against her restraints, gasping for air, still crying out. She was thankful she was blindfolded because she didn’t think she would be able to see clearly anyway with the dark dots that seemed to encompass the space behind her eyes.

Lyndee knew the flogging had ended when she felt the bed dip at the end between her legs, and as she anticipated the next move, a mouth covered her pussy, suckling at the juice that she had so freely given when she came. Crying out at the sensation, the hand on her mouth moved, and she felt a mouth replace it, capturing her sobs of ecstasy.

Contentment began to overtake her as she came down from her orgasmic high. Two sets of lips were hungrily dining on both sets of her lips and she moaned against the ones on her mouth. If she could move her legs she would have captured Trey’s head between her legs for she knew he was the one that was drinking her cream that her body provided for all of her men. He was her pussy man, though all of them seemed to like to eat her pussy. Austin liked her ass, but she felt he wasn’t there to share with his cousins this time, so she was content with the two making love to her right now.

The bed moved again and this time she felt the body between her legs rise up over her and felt the hard, wide cock at her cunt, demanding entrance. Even if she hadn’t been tied down, she would have granted him openly as that was where she wanted them, where she had ached for them for the past week. Even though Austin fulfilled her needs, they were all a part of her now, and she literally ached for them each day. She didn’t know how it happened that they had consumed her, body, heart, and soul, but they had. She loved each of them with her whole heart. They completed her, filled her with joy and happiness that she had never known, or thought she ever would.

Trey slid in to the root of his cock, filling her until his balls hit her ass. Air hissed through her teeth at the invasion. She loved the way all of them filled her pussy to capacity. It was enlightening that they could do that for she had heard stories from the girls of the johns that they had slept with who had very small cocks that barely fit just inside their cunts. She now felt sorry for those women and a fleeting hope went out to them that they would possibly find what she had found.


* * * *


Trey didn’t move. He relished the feeling of being inside his woman, their woman. He had missed the hot, moist pussy that fit him like a glove. He missed the feel of her, the taste of her. He missed the unconditional love she showed them, and most of all, he missed her company. She had embedded herself into their lives since the moment Austin brought her up from the ravine.

Slowly he began to pull out and stopped short of pulling out altogether. Thrusting back into her he filled her up and she cried out. In and out, in and out, his hips pistoning in and out, thrusting harder and faster. The root of his cock rubbing the turgid nub of her clit with each stroke driving her closer and closer, and when he thrust once more, he hit her cervix with the head of his cock and her clit at the same time, which set off her climax.

Somehow she had forgotten about the mouth that was drawing hers into his, his tongue assaulting hers. Storm’s hand was on her breast, squeezing the nipple between his forefinger and thumb driving her orgasm further up the scale and then the red-hot cum shooting out of Trey’s cock shook her while the darkness behind her eyes enveloped her into unconsciousness.


* * * *


Featherlight touches of callused fingers rubbing her belly and her hip, drawing her out of her orgasmic bliss, as light began to invade her sight. Kisses were laid upon her neck on one side and her shoulder on the other as she moved her arms to grasp both hands in hers. Smiling, she realized she was no longer bound. Opening her eyes, she found Storm to her right and Trey to her left, both smiling down at the center of their new family. Pulling each of their captured hands up, she kissed the palms of each of them then held them both close to her heart.

“I’ve missed you both so much,” she whispered.

“I’ve missed you also, sweetheart,” Trey said, kissing her lips chastely.

“I have missed you too, darlin’.” Storm smiled. “Was I too rough on you?”

Blushing, she shyly closed her eyes. When a hand slapped her thigh on her right side, she snapped her iris eyes open to look into Storm’s cobalt-blue eyes, a touch of anger along with the lust settled into them.

“Remember, little one, you are to answer when you are asked a question,” Austin said from the doorway. “It is not only for us to know the answer, but it is also so we know that you are comfortable and content. That we aren’t hurting you.”

“I know,” Lyndee whispered, looking first at Austin, then Trey, and then finally Storm. “I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, Sirs, but I am embarrassed to say that I enjoyed it immensely.”

Rising to his knees, Storm looked down at her in disbelief. “Why would you be embarrassed about something that gives you pleasure along with us?”

“I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be enjoying it,” she said meekly.

All three chuckled, the sound joyous. “Oh, little one,” Austin said sauntering over to the bed. “A flogging will bring you pleasure. A paddling will give you pain that will turn into pleasure. You still have a lot to learn, but you have all three of us to teach you.”

Leaning up to her, Trey smiled before kissing her again. “And sweetheart, we are all going to enjoy teaching you.”

“I’m sure you will,” she sighed as she felt their hands and mouths begin to pleasure her again.

They each took their turns with her, the two brothers showing her how much they missed her, but they didn’t want to overindulge as their woman needed her sleep to be ready for court the next morning.


* * * *


The next morning the foursome rose early and had a hearty breakfast, and while they were finishing up, Wolf’s door opened and Lawrence walked out followed by the man himself. Both looked over at the table when they realized they weren’t alone and both men blushed, though it was harder to see on Wolf. Lawrence glanced between Wolf, the small group now standing, and the door, as if he was deciding what he should do at the moment.

The decision was removed from him when Lyndee stepped forward in the dark-blue suit she had chosen to wear to court. The skirt was a pencil skirt, accentuating her rounded ass, and the blazer strained at the buttons a bit to keep it closed over the red blouse she wore. She had remained barefoot as she was dreading wearing the heels she was going to need to wear with the outfit and would only put them on when she had to leave.

“Lawrence,” she said as she made her way over to both men. “You should have said you would be here this morning. We would have ordered breakfast for you also.”

Looking down into her eyes, he smiled. He reminded her of a high school kid when he smiled, he looked so young then. “Thank you, Lyndee. You are so kind. I think it’s best if we forget I was here this morning. But I appreciate the offer.”

“Nonsense,” Storm said cheerfully, stepping over to the group. Holding out his hand to the younger man, he drew him in with his smile and dominant form. “I’m Storm Goodall, Wolf’s employer. It’s nice to meet you.”

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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