Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (30 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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His words touched her heart, and she raised her other hand to his cheek and laid a gentle caress upon it. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she whispered, “Me too.”

The three men stared at their woman for a few more seconds before Storm cleared his throat. “We need to get going. It’s going to be a long day.”

Escorting Lyndee out to the pickup truck that was waiting in the rounded driveway, they met James and David, who were dressed in their Sunday best also and all crowded in. Once everyone was situated, they headed to the C.E. Conrad Memorial Cemetery in Kalispell.

Chapter Twenty-One


Two days after the funeral, Austin and Lyndee stood in the living room for a tearful good-bye. The suitcases had already been taken out to Austin’s black pickup along with a cooler full of sodas so they wouldn’t have to stop on the road too often. She had been crying since they had tucked her into bed after a long session of lovemaking. She would miss the two men that were staying behind as they had been with her since they had found her and all her emotional baggage.

Austin hung back by the door, giving Lyndee a bit of room to deal with Trey and Storm since he was the one going as her bodyguard. Storm stepped up to her and pulled her into his arms, holding her against his chest where she buried her face in his blue plaid flannel shirt. They both breathed in each other’s scents, trying to memorize them. Their hands roamed each other’s backs and sides, frantic to feel as much as possible of each other. After several minutes of this, Storm pulled a hand around and tipped her chin up with his fist before his mouth descended on hers.

It was a carnal kiss as his lips slashed over hers, both of them seeking out the other’s tongue. Lips smashed and teeth clicked as they tried to memorize the feel of each other’s mouths, inside and out. Their tongues swirled together or licked at the interior, not leaving a spot untouched. They ravished each other’s mouth before finally coming up for air. Storm supped at her lips a few more times before pulling back slightly.

“Ah, darlin’, I’m gonna miss you. But we’ll be down in a couple of weeks to visit or hopefully bring you guys back home,” he whispered as he wiped her tears away with his thumbs, but couldn’t seem to catch them all.

Nodding, she gave a weak smile. “I’m going to miss you, too. I love you.”

“Love you, too,” he said as he pulled her in for one last hug. Letting her go, he turned her to his brother, who was waiting his turn.

Trey draped her with his strong muscular arms, drawing her to him and held her. Her arms slid around his waist, trying to pull him closer to her, though they were as close as two people could get. He was wearing his uniform as Connor had told him that he’d had enough time playing with his woman and needed to get back to work, though he had been officially on duty since the day after they found her. He was protecting a victim of a crime and Connor could spare him to do so.

Lifting her head, Lyndee smiled through her tears. “You look very handsome, Officer Goodall.”

Chuckling, he looked down into her soft iris eyes. “And you look very beautiful, Agent Dwyer. I love you.”

He didn’t have to hear the words from her. He knew she loved him and he knew this was hard on her. Leaning down, he laid his lips gently on hers and drank from them. He didn’t have to be as dominant as his brother but kissed her in his own way to let her know he was going to miss her. When he pulled back, her eyelids were lowered as she licked his flavor from her lips. They untangled their arms and she stepped over to Austin.

The Native American escorted their woman out to the truck, his hand on the small of her back. Storm and Trey followed somberly. Austin opened the passenger door and helped the petite woman into the seat and waited until she had buckled her seatbelt before shutting the door. The window was down and Lyndee reached her arm out and clasped the two hands that came up to hers.

“I love you both so much,” she said, trying to fight back the tears. “Take care of each other.”

Each man took her hand and kissed her palm before declaring their love for her. As they looked at each other Lyndee noticed a secret smile pass between them. “What was that?”

The driver’s side door slammed shut as Austin adjusted himself in the seat before putting the gear shift into drive. He chuckled at his cousin’s perfect timing. Lyndee whipped her head around to glance at him and knew something was up, looking back out the window as the half-ton vehicle began to move slowly.

“Why are you smiling like that?” she asked Storm and Trey.

Shrugging then grinning, Storm nonchalantly said, “When you get home there will be a surprise for you.”

Before she could ask what it was, Austin sped up and pulled around the circular drive to the road that would lead them off the ranch. Twisting around, she watched two of her men waving and smiling until the truck passed the horse barn and she wasn’t able to see them anymore. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she turned back to face the windshield. Austin reached over and wiped them away before patting the seat next to him. Unbuckling herself, she slid over to the middle and buckled up. The large man’s arm slid around the back of the seat and hugged her to his side. They drove like that in silence until they got to the Kalispell hospital.

Wolf had agreed to go to Denver with them for rehabilitation on his shoulder. The doctors had referred him to a physical therapist there and that way he had Lyndee and Austin to help him while they awaited the trial.

Once all the paper work was finalized, the two lovers helped the injured man into the truck and set out on their journey to Denver. Austin had planned on a two day trip since it would take about sixteen hours to get to their destination. Lyndee had volunteered to do some driving also, and Austin had told her he was anxious to see her petite form at the helm of his truck. Then he went on to say that since she had harnessed the power of the three of them, it would be interesting to see if she could handle the power behind it.

Wolf settled in the backseat. Blankets and pillows had been placed back there so he could rest when he got bored or tired. He had told them that being able to look at the scenery and not have to lie in bed all day was fine with him, though he didn’t last an hour before his painkiller kicked in and he laid back, his eyes drifting closed.

As his soft snores sounded, Lyndee unbuckled and climbed onto her knees, her ass in the air in full view of passing vehicles, to reach back and pull a blanket up over the man and tuck it under his chin. Austin reached his hand around and caressed the denim-clad bottom and thigh before she could turn around.

“Hey,” she hissed lowly, as not to wake Wolf. “Keep your hands to yourself, mister!”

Climbing back into her spot next to her man, she leaned into him as his arm came around her shoulder again. Giggling when his hand brushed her breast she looked up at him and saw the slightest smile on his face under his dark aviator shades. Taking his hand, she kissed the palm before holding it in her hand. Watching the beautiful scenery roll by, she marveled at the mountains surrounding them, knowing this was going to be her new home and the man next to her was all hers for the taking. After a while she dozed next to him, his clean scent wafting through her nose, a content smile on her face.


* * * *


Austin couldn’t be happier then to escort their woman to Denver. To have her to himself was going to be heavenly, though they would have to be quiet since Wolf was going to be around. He and Storm had talked about taking her to the BDSM club they belonged to while they were there just so she could get an idea of what was going to be in store for her, but he opted to wait until his cousin arrived. If they were going to be teaching her submission, they might was well all be there. Perhaps when he and Trey came down in a few weeks they could go then.

Looking down at his lover, he saw the contentment in her face as she slept against his side, one hand on his thigh, the other clutching his other hand near her shoulder. The hand on his thigh seemed to burn through the denim of his jeans at the near proximity of his cock, which he tried to talk down from its arousal. It was going to be a long two days he smiled, thinking to himself.


* * * *


After spending the night in Buffalo, Wyoming, the trio was back on the road. They would hit Denver late in the afternoon, taking Lyndee back to her home and her job for the time being, something neither she nor Austin really cared to do. Wolf was on his way to restart his life after the injury he took in her defense. It all led back to Denver.


* * * *


It was near six in the evening when Austin pulled his black pickup into the parking lot of a restaurant in the downtown district where Lyndee had directed him. Wolf protested his involvement with dinner but both his employer and Lyndee insisted he was going to enjoy a nice meal before getting settled in at the apartment. As Austin got out and helped Wolf down from the back, Lyndee quickly ran a brush through her hair, letting it fall freely down her back and then applied a layer of lip gloss. She had applied some makeup as they had maneuvered through traffic.

Scooting over past the steering wheel she swung her legs around and let Austin lift her down from the lifted vehicle, setting her down on her feet. After closing the door the three of them made their way through the parking lot to the front door. They made an odd-looking group. One tall Native American that looked like a wrestler with his large, muscular frame and long hair, the other several inches shorter but still muscularly built, though the sling on his arm showed his vulnerability. Both wore black jeans and T-shirts that looked like the seams would rip at any minute while cowboy boots and hats adorned the polar ends of their bodies. Dark sunglasses shaded their eyes as if protecting them from the elements of the city instead of the ball of fire in the sky.

The woman that walked between them, at least a foot shorter than each of them, wore blue jeans, a white blouse over a spaghetti-strapped purple tank, and her new black cowboy boots. Her long blonde hair shone in the late afternoon sun as it hung down her back, swaying with the movement of her ample hips that Austin liked to look at while she walked away from him. Her face was relaxed for the first time since she had been rescued, but her nerves were evident when she slid her small hand into Austin’s large one for comfort.

Austin opened the large wooden door and let Lyndee and Wolf enter first before stepping into the dimly lit building. Surprised to see a long bar down one side of the room while booths lined the other side of the room with tables set up in between, Austin just stopped inside the door. The restaurant was teeming with men in suits, casual wear, and even jeans and T-shirts. Women in dresses and jeans and T-shirts milled around also, though the majority of the patrons were men. The din of voices and laughter died out quickly when they looked up to see who had entered their haven, which caused the two men to become nervous.

Possessiveness gripped both men as they grasped Lyndee by the arms and began to pull her back toward the door. All of a sudden John was before them, a glass of beer in one hand as he reached for Lyndee with the other.

“Lyndee! I’m so glad you were able to make it for happy hour!” he said exuberantly, giving the petite woman a hug. Looking over at Austin, he put his hand out in greeting. “Austin, wasn’t it?”

Grasping the man’s hand, Austin shook it. “John. Good to see you again.”

Chatter picked up again throughout the restaurant as people milled around or made their way over to the threesome. Several men threw their arms around Lyndee’s shoulders and hugged her or shook her hand, all congratulating her on busting up the crime ring. Jubilation was the order of the evening as this was a celebratory dinner for all the law enforcement involved.

John escorted the trio over to the bar where several men cleared the area for them while everyone turned to watch them. John shouted, gaining everyone’s undivided attention. “We would all like to welcome Lyndee back, though we know she won’t be staying. And I’d like to introduce you to two of the men who helped take down five members of the Markova gang. Welcome Austin and Wolf. Wolf took a bullet during the incident and he’s here to get some therapy.” Turning to face the trio, he added, “We will all be at your disposal for any help you need, rides to the hospital, errands, and food deliveries. Don’t hesitate to call us.”

The bombardment of bodies pressing up to them to congratulate the men and offer assistance, handing them business cards, was nearly too much for the two cowboys. Their world was quiet with only a few people around at a time. Six or seven dozen people or more was too much for them. When the barrage finally settled, they each ordered a drink, a beer for Austin while Lyndee and Wolf took a soda before finding a booth. Austin scooted in and left Lyndee on the end as he knew people would continue to come over and talk to her, and he didn’t want people talking over him. Wolf scooted as much as he could to put himself in the corner, leaving an empty spot, which John filled rather quickly.

“I want to thank you guys again for stepping in like you did to help out Lyndee. My wife would never forgive me if something had happened to her,” John said before taking a swig of his drink.

Austin’s irritability was evident as he glared at Lyndee’s commanding officer. “Something did happen to her. If we weren’t lucky enough to have found her, she would be dead.”

Lyndee covered his hand with hers trying to calm his anger. It dawned on her that of the three men, Austin was her protector. Storm was her strength, the one who kept her in line and honest with her feelings, while Trey was the one who kept everyone grounded, even though he had his mischievous moments.

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