Luxuria (2 page)

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Authors: James Fuller

BOOK: Luxuria
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“Shut up Dustin, I know that.” Josh grumbled. “But something hardcore like that. Something when we’re old we can talk about…or at the very least, something I can use to pick up more girls.”

Mark’s eyebrow rose. “So you mean something that might get someone killed or seriously injured?”

“Yes exactly!”

“Mark actually ate all those chicken wings, which might kill him.”

Josh looked from the empty plate to his friend again. “Really man? You ate those things?”

“They weren’t that bad.”

“I swear if you bitch like a little girl again, I will leave you in Brazil to rot on the toilet.” Josh snorted.

Mark laughed. “No honestly I think it’s okay now; I think I have finally built up a tolerance to their food.”

“That’s just disgusting…and not something I would brag about.” Dustin muttered.

Jessica returned with a tray of shots and began handing them out. “So have we figured out where we are going?”

“No, but it’s got to be something that might get us killed or injured.” Mark accepted the drink she handed him.

“Sounds like fun, but I don’t want to die or be maimed sober, so let’s drink up and see where it takes us!” Jessica drank her shot and slammed it on the bar table.

“Now that’s more like it!” Josh roared and they all followed suit, downing their drinks. “Now let’s get out of this shithole, smoke this hash I have been saving and see what we can find.”


A gibbous moon crowned the clear night sky, its pale light shining down on the oddly quiet city as the four wandered about.

“Maybe the middle of the night isn’t the right time to try and find something adventurous to do.” Mark laughed, handing the joint back to Josh. His dark eyes watching the dark form of bats flicker across the moon.

“Damn it, all the fun stuff happens at night in the movies.” Josh inhaled deeply and held it in, handing the joint to Jessica.

Jessica waved her hand. “No, I don’t need any more, I am more than stoned enough and this isn’t a movie, its real life. If something fun does decide to jump out at us, I want to be smart enough to run still. I don’t want to be like one of those statistics posters at the airport.”

“Have it your way.” Josh coughed. “And don’t burst my bubble. I hope that if something jumps out at us, I will become a ninja and be able to save the day.” They all shared a laugh.

“I think I have had all I can handle for tonight too.” Dustin said, staggering as he pulled out his inhaler, taking two long puffs. “Man what is in that hash anyways?” He blinked several times, trying to clear his sight. “I am getting really fucked up.”

“Good, isn’t it? It had better be for the price I paid.” Josh grinned, taking another toke. “You know Dustin, that inhaler ruins it though.”

“I have asthma, but I really like getting high.” He held up his inhaler. “This is the balance in my life. I have accepted it…and after ten years so should you.”

Josh’s face bunched up in thought. “Have I really known your nerdy ass that long now? Damn it Mark wasn’t he just going to be around until he finished our socials studies assignment in the 5th grade?”

“Thanks... asshole.”

“You know he is only kidding.” Mark added.

“Since our hotel is only a little ways over there, I think I am gonna call it a night guys.” Jessica yawned.

“Really Jess? You’re the first one out tonight?” Mark poked. “That’s not like you at all - it’s normally Dustin or me that bitch out first.”

Jessica shrugged. “What can I say… sometimes a girl needs her beauty sleep.”

“You’re more than beautiful enough, Jess.” The words slipped out of Dustin’s mouth before he even realized - he could feel the tightness in his chest again and used his inhaler once more. “Damn that hash was strong.” He muttered, hoping no one had heard him.

“Well have fun - us men are going to find ourselves an adventure tonight, one way or another.” Josh boasted puffing out his chest and striking a heroic cartoon pose.

“So what? You assholes are going to let me walk back to the hotel by myself?” Jessica said, folding her arms across her chest. “Really guys, you see nothing wrong with a lone, beautiful American girl walking in the middle of the night in this dump?”

“Again… where is this fifth person we have seemed to acquire?” Josh teased. “If she’s hot, I think I should meet her.”

“You really are an ass Josh.” Jessica shot back.

“It’s your choice.”

“I will go back with you, Jess. This hash is doing all sorts of crazy shit to me anyway.” Dustin told her, looking at has hand as if it were doing something strange and once more, shook his head.

“Well it’s good to know there’s at least one gentleman in the group tonight.”

“That’s not a gentleman, that’s a pussy.” Josh countered with a grin.

Dustin rolled his eyes. “Get bent Josh.”

“Fine… both of you go back!” Josh called to them as they started away. “The real men will find the adventure! Come on Mark.”


“Holy damn Jess, that hash is doing all sorts of weird shit to me. How about you?” Dustin closed the door to the large hotel room they were all sharing.

Jessica turned to face him, her eyes dancing with excitement. “It’s not the hash that’s doing it to you.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

“What are you talking about? What else would it be?”

“I slipped ecstasy in our shot glasses at the bar.”

Dustin’s eyes widened. “That explains a lot, but why would you do that? You know I am giving up the hard stuff. I need what’s left of my brain cells for college.”

Her grin was mischievous, “I know, but I wanted to make this a lot more exciting.” She pulled her yellow tank top over her head, exposing her perky, round tits.

“Holy sweet shit.” Dustin muttered, his eyes widening as he took in the stunning sight.

“Ya Dustin, I promise this is happening right now.” She stepped in and grabbed his shirt pulling him into a hard kiss, her tongue leading the lustful dance.

Her blood was pumping hungrily and she wasted no time sliding an impatient hand down his pants, gripping his smooth, large cock. She loved feeling the way a dick got hard in her hand - it was such a turn-on knowing she was the reason for it. “You’ve been holding out on me Dustin. Had I known you were hiding such a treasure...” she cooed.

He grinned sheepishly, “Jess, I have wanted this for so long,” he gasped as his pants slipped to the floor.

She smirked up at him as she tore open his shirt, spraying the ivory buttons all across the dingy room. “I know.” She pressed passionate kisses across his firm, hairy chest. The ecstasy in her system made the feeling of the soft hair on her lips even more exhilarating as she nipped at his skin.

She pushed him up against the wall, her eyes burning with shameless lust. Her hand stroked his cock in a gentle rhythm, making sure he was fully aroused. She stared into his eager green eyes. “Now that you finally have me, what do you want to do with me?” His breathing was deep and she almost feared he would need his inhaler.

“To taste you.” He swung her around and it was her turn to be pushed against the wall roughly. He ran his hand through her long blonde hair and pulled her in to a deep, rough kiss. His hand traced the small of her back, drawing her closer to him. He moved his lips down her neck, rousing gasps with each as he worked his way to her firm, perfect breasts. His tongue teased her as it ringed her soft pink nipples. Lightly, he nibbled and felt her nails press into his back.

“You fucking tease!” She moaned, her nails raking his muscular shoulders.

“You’ve been teasing me for years; it’s about time I get some revenge.” He replied, kneeling down. He pulled her black, thigh length skirt down and tore off her red lace panties, not caring about ruining them. He hooked his arms under her thighs and slid her up the wall, her legs straddled across his shoulders, her wet pussy smooth, bare and open to him.

His tongue plunged deep into her, tasting her moist sweetness with a greedy hunger. She cried out fervently, her hands now buried into his thick, curly blond hair as his tongue explored her, searching out all the sweet secrets it could find.

“I’m going to cum!” she panted, “I’m going to fucking cum!” Her hands reached up to the roof, franticly trying to find something she could grab a hold of in her wild state.

Dustin swirled his tongue inside her and he knew that was her tipping point. Her back arched and her thighs squeezed together against his head, as a piercing scream of rapture escaped her. But he didn’t slow his tongues and each time her squeeze became tighter around his head he knew she had orgasmed again. By the time he lowered her back to the floor, her hair was as feral as the starvation in her eyes.

She threw herself at Dustin as a fever of sexual desire overwhelmed her; they toppled to the dirty shag rug floor. “It’s my turn to make you cum.”

She pushed her hips back until she could feel the tip of his cock threatening to slip into her. Slowly, she worked the head with her dripping pussy lips, seeing in his eyes that was driving him crazy. “You want me?”

“So badly.” He groaned trying to lift his hips so he could enter her but she held him down firmly, denying him.

“How badly do you want me?” She slipped down, allowing the head of his cock to penetrate her but nothing more.

“More than anything else in the world Jess!” He gasped.

Finally she sunk down, letting the full length of his shaft fill her. She moaned with satisfaction, her hands squeezing her tits, heightening the sensation as she ground her hips atop him. “Then fuck me Dustin…like you mean it!”

He grabbed her hips and began to thrust, going deeper every time. His thrusts grew harder and faster every time she gasped or moaned. Her breasts bounced in mesmerizing unison each time he slammed into her, his own lustful desires amplified, knowing he was finally the one giving it to her.

“I’m going to cum again!” she cried out, “cum with me, damn it!”

The feeling of her pussy tightening around his cock as she came pushed him over the edge and he could hold off no longer.

Jessica collapsed on top of him trying to catch her breath. Their bodies glistened with sweat and shuddered lightly with pleasurable aftershocks.

“You are just full of surprises.” She whispered as she rolled off of him.

Dustin chuckled. “I was about to say the same thing about you.”


The night was warm, muggy and oddly quiet for such a large city. It was almost eerie as the two walked around alone in their drunken state.

“It’s 3am,” Mark said with an audible yawn, “I don’t think we are going to find an adventure tonight my friend, maybe we should just call it a night?”

Josh scowled drunkenly. “You’re probably right. Let’s head back to the hotel, I am losing my buzz with all this disappointment anyway.”

“We will figure something out tomorrow… when we are sober and there are shops open and people to talk to.”

Josh stopped suddenly. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

Josh cupped his ears with his hands. “That noise…it sounds like someone is moaning or something.”

Mark rolled his eyes. “Just means someone other than you got lucky tonight. Let’s go - I’m tired.”

“No, not that kind of moan, jackass,” he grumbled. “Like a painful one or something.” Josh moved towards an alleyway. “I think it’s coming from in here.”

“Ya because going down a dark alley, drunk, at night in a strange city seems like a swell idea. You don’t watch many movies, do you?”

“Shut up! Come here and listen.”

Mark cursed as he stood by his friend - almost instantly, he could hear the moaning of someone inside. “I can hear it now!”

“See, I told you.” Josh stepped into the mouth of the narrow alleyway. “Hello?” He called and waited a second for a response; a painful groan came in reply. “Are you alright in there? Do you need any help?”

“Here,” Mark pulled out his lighter and sparked it to life; the darkness of the alley shrunk back. “Where are you?”

“” A weak voice whispered hoarsely.

Mark stepped in further, the faint light of his lighter pushing the darkness back deeper into the alley revealing a pair of tattered and bloody legs. “There is someone in here! Help me get him out.”

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