Luxuria (10 page)

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Authors: James Fuller

BOOK: Luxuria
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“The other was to mend the wound fully with the healing powers Alcina has been ever blessed with.” Callisto said. “That was Josh’s promise and we granted it.”

“And if we just leave?” Jessica asked, “what would you do?”

“You two may leave at your leisure with no recourse,” Callisto looked at her with hard eyes, “but for them that would be unwise.”

“Gifts granted by Senhor Escuro will be annulled if the price is not honored.” Kassandra finished flatly.

“That sounds like a threat.” Jessica said hotly.

“Jess stop,” Mark said, “they saved Josh’s life and possibly all of ours by allowing us to be here and not suffering whatever fate we might have met, out there.”

Dustin was nodding. “He makes a good point, Jess. They have done a lot for us. I see no harm in honoring promises for that.”

Jessica’s eyes softened at the truth of their words. “Fine, what is it we have to do?”

Callisto gingerly pushed a lock of Jessica’s hair behind her ear, her fingers delicately brushing against her cheek. “Only those who have given their word may complete the tasks required of them, to fulfill the deal.”

“Seems fair enough,” Josh shrugged, as if it didn’t really matter, “what is it we have to do?”

“If you would follow us, we will set you to task.” Kassandra smiled.

Dustin licked his lips nervously, “and what of us while we wait?”

Callisto spread her arms out wide. “Enjoy all that O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida has to offer you. Explore and find the treasures you desire and wish to take.” She smiled at their nervous looks. “We have no use for gold and jewels - all that you can carry, you may take when you decide to leave here.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Josh beamed, his eyes gleaming.

“Please follow.” Kassandra said walking down the terrace Callisto in graceful tow.


They stood atop the highest tower, at the western end of the ancient city. A breathtaking view of the ruins, spread out around them showing them the city was larger than it appeared to be. They faced west, towards an imposing cliff face that was no more than a mile from the city walls.

“Within that cliff is the first temple of our sisterhood.” Callisto started.

Mark shaded his eyes against the brightness of the sun and looked at the sinister looking cliffs. “Why would the first temple be so far from the city?”

“The first sisters of Senhor Escuro were not accepted by the people and were cast out from the city.” She explained.

“Why would they have been cast out?” Josh asked confused.

Kassandra smiled softly, as if in memory. “Centuries ago, the people of this city did not worship the god we do now. Instead they still begged the sky gods to accept them as their children from the shadows of the jungle. It was the first of our sisters who realized the sky gods would never accept us and that we needed to embrace the god that would.”

Mark licked his lips nervously. “Aren’t the ‘dark’ gods the evil ones?”

Callisto laughed. “Are not all gods evil - depending on which side you stand upon”

Josh shared in her laugh. “True enough, so what happened?”

“Senhor Escuro granted us powers beyond comprehension for our growing loyalty so they we could serve him and show others what he offered, if they embraced him. Most feared us because of those powers, but soon some came to see the faults in their false prayers. They flocked to us when a scourge spread through the city; we took them in and healed them with Senhor’s blessing. The King of the city had them all put to death for denying the sky gods and bringing the plague to the city for their blasphemy.” Kassandra explained. “Until he himself fell ill. By cover of darkness he came crawling to the temple, begging for his life, forsaking the sky gods and their shunning of the people. A deal was made for his life and a new temple constructed within the heart of the city.”

“What kind of deal?” Mark wondered out loud.

“We shall talk more of our histories, when you have returned.” Callisto stated turning the conversation back to the task at hand. “Now within the bowels of the temple rests an altar room. Embedded within the altar table will be the purest of white diamonds - one will stand out from the others it must be retrieved and brought here to us.”

“That’s it?” Josh asked bewildered. “That sounds easy enough.”

“That is it,” Kassandra confirmed, “but only one of the diamonds must be removed, the others must remain untouched.”

“Alright, let’s get this done then buddy.” Josh said clasping Mark on the shoulder.

“This task is not yours but Mark’s - he must go it alone to fulfill his promise made.” Callisto informed them.

“Why don’t you just go and retrieve the diamond on your own?” Josh asked in curious wonder.

“We are forbidden to leave the walls of the city.” Kassandra replied. “To do so would be to breech part of the pact that was made so long ago, to protect our order and anger our god.”

He raised a brow. “But why would he care now? The city is in ruins and all the people long gone.”

“It is not for us to question the will of a god.”

“I just have to go in there and retrieve the diamond from some stone altar and bring it back here to you?” Mark asked suspicion in his tone.

“There are dangers you may face, once within the temple.” Callisto told him taking his arm in hers. “I will see you to the city gates and explain more to you on the way.”

“What of my task?” Josh asked, confused as his friend disappeared down a flight of stairs.

Kassandra placed her arm in his. “Come with me and I shall prepare you for the task you shall see through.”


They walked through the silent, ghostly city to the western gateway, building turmoil building with each step.

“What dangers am I really to expect in doing this?” Mark asked as they neared the edge of the city. “Pitfalls, snakes...falling debris?”

“I shall not lie to you. The long dead ruler of our sisterhood remains within the bowels of the temple. She defied Senhor Escuro and her soul was never accepted into his care in the afterlife.”

Mark furrowed his brow. “So you are saying it is haunted?” He wanted to laugh, but didn’t want to offend her.

“No, it is not merely haunted. Navia has become a powerful wraith and no longer favors the sisterhood, or life of any kind. She will try and stop you from retrieving the diamond at all costs.” Callisto warned him.

“So how am I to get the jewel, if it is protected by her?”

They stopped at the crumbled gateway that led to the cliff-side temple. Callisto took a leather pouch from one of the eroded stones of the once great wall. “Within this bladder is the water from our sacred fountain, at its last full strength.” She handed it to him carefully. “When you reach the temple, drink half for it will help protect you from her powers, though her strength is impressive and the longer you face her, the less likely you will return.”

He felt his skin prickle. “And the other half?”

“It will be your only weapon against her. The water will not vanquish her, but it will subdue her enough for you to be able to escape with the diamond. Upon your return, you will be freed from your promise…and generously rewarded if it pleases you.” Her eyes glowed enticingly as she ran a hand down his chest.

He couldn’t help but grin at the thought and had to quickly shake the thought from his mind. He looked down the ingrown pathway he was to walk. “Before I do this and potentially risk my life, why do you need this diamond so badly?”

Callisto’s hand graced his stubble-shadowed face and pulled his dark eyes back to hers. “The diamond is the soul of our sister before us trapped at the hand of Navia and her betrayal. With the coming of the full moon we are granted the ability to free her in ritual, so her soul may once again know peace.”

“A noble cause I guess.” The thought eased his mind only a little.

She leaned in and rested a soft kiss upon his lips. “May you return quickly and safely.”


Josh followed the enticing sway of Kassandra’s flawless curves into the awaiting candlelit room within the towering building. The room itself seemed to grow brighter as they entered, revealing the lavish comforts within. Cotton tapestries lined the walls - their images were of dark and sexual scenes of lustful orgies. Gold, silver, and jade sculpted beasts and creatures from worlds forgotten lined the walls and were carved into the pillars and stonework.

She filled a gem-studded goblet with water and turned to face Josh as he walked the draped room, curiously eyeing each wondrous piece.

He could feel her emerald eyes upon him and turned to regard her. “So what task am I to see to, to repay what the beautiful and ever so talented Alcina has done for me?” He slapped his leg and grinned, remembering the woman’s form of treatment.

Kassandra moved closer with a leer matching his own. “Alcina does have a rare and great aptitude, does she not?” She sipped at the drink, stopping before him.

“I would hurt myself a lot more to receive that kind of healing.”

“You need not be wounded to receive such favorable ‘comforts’ here.” She mused. “Nor to bathe in the riches we possess.”

Josh stepped closer to her. “And what must one do, to receive such comforts and riches?”

She ran a finger along his strong jawline and stopped at his chin, leaning in so closely he could feel her sweet breath upon his lips. “Complete the task required of you and you may know pleasures beyond anything you could ever dream of.” The tip of her tongue flicked his lips teasingly as she handed him the goblet of water before unclasping the exiguous apparel that embraced her.

Josh downed the bitter water in a single gulp and dropped the cup; it was strangely thick upon his tongue as his eyes took in the goddess-like woman before him. “And what must I do?”

“You must recover the dagger of Senhor Escuro, from the sacred heart tree within the grove of Almas Esquecidas.” She stepped into him and could feel his stiff cock wanting to be freed from his pants.

“I will do it and more if need be.” He whispered in a near trance, his eyes devouring her naked form.

“Then let me give you a reminder of the pleasures to come.” She pulled the cotton shirt from him.

Josh wrapped his arms around her slender form and pulled her hard against him, feeling her large tits against his bare chest. He pressed his mouth hungrily on hers, his hands explored greedily every smooth inch they could find.

He pushed her back against the stone table and flung everything on it to the floor. He trailed kisses down her neck making his way down her sculpted navel her gasps guiding each placement of his lips until he found the treasure he had been searching for.

He teased her clit with his tongue, as he felt the heat of her arousal growing. His fingers probing her gently working in perfect unison with his mouth and by her quickened breathing knew she was growing more aroused with every stroke.

She grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up, her eyes burning with need. Satisfied, he grinned pushing his hard cock into her and relished in her contented cry and widening eyes. He lifted her legs up around his head as he thrust into her selfishly, lost in his own desires now.

The sound of the stone legs of the table grating across the marble floor rang out nearly as loudly as their mixed carnal moans.

Josh wiped the sweat from his eyes and flipped Kassandra over onto her stomach and plunged himself into her again, harder and faster than before, driven by self-indulgence. He grabbed both her arms and pulled them straight back giving more power to his thrusts as he held them tightly.

Her back arched and her cries of ecstasy echoed off the walls as she came again and again. Burying himself as deeply as he could, release found him.


“This place is truly amazing.” Dustin mumbled walking down one of the city’s many alleyways. “I wonder how many people have actually seen it.” He ran his fingers across a carved stone of what appeared to be several naked women soothing a huge two headed beast, with golden gifts and their soft erotic touch.

“I doubt very many, or else others would have come here by now and plundered this place dry.” Jessica replied. Her dour thoughts of the morning lifting the more they explored and she found herself actually having fun again. And why shouldn’t she? Josh was alive and more than well, as thankfully, they all were. The sisters of the city had even given them permission to explore to their heart’s content and take all the treasure they could find and carry. She had already found several rubies, opal rings and a gold and pearl necklace, which she had pocketed. When they left here they would be rich beyond their wildest dreams. She smiled at that - she and her mother would never have to worry about money again. Their lives would finally be better and that lifted her mood greatly.

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