Luxuria (11 page)

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Authors: James Fuller

BOOK: Luxuria
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“I am glad to see your mood has improved, Jess.” He smiled lovingly at her.

“We are all alive and soon to be stinking rich, what’s there to be upset about right?”

“Agreed.” He smiled. “When Mark and Josh are done whatever it is they have to do for them, we can see about finding a safe way back to the city and back home.” He paused as he looked at her.

“What is it?”

He looked away suddenly nervous. “Are we ever going to talk about…you know?”

Jessica sighed. “What’s there to talk about Dustin? We had sex and it was good, really good. What more do you want?”

“You know I like you Jess - I have for years.” It was his turn to sigh. “I guess I am hoping for something more than one night of passion.”

She smiled at him. “I know how you feel for me, and when we get back home maybe we can see where it goes, but not now, let’s just have fun okay?”

Dustin grinned. “Okay Jess, you’re right…fun.”

“Damn it, I wish I would have brought my camera with me,” Jessica muttered, hoping to change the topic, “all these sculptures and carvings are amazing! My mother would love to see them.”

Dustin looked around. “We were staying just over there.” He pointed. “Go grab it; I’ll wait here for you.”

“You sure?”

“Of course,” he smiled, “besides, I need to take a leak.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be back in a few minutes then…don’t go anywhere.”

Dustin continued to walk down the alleyway, awed at the delicate carvings within the structures. When they had all first left home to go on this trip, he never expected anything as wild as this to happen. He chuckled and shook his head. “Well Josh, you wanted an adventure and we damn well got one, and it looks like everything will actually turn out better than we really expected…for once.”

He checked down the alley - he knew Jessica wouldn’t be gone long. He positioned himself by the wall, unzipped and sighed as he began to relieve himself. He put his hand against the brick wall, to help balance himself. The stone beneath moved and his hand sank with a scrape. A loud click and the scraping of stone was all he heard before he plummeted forward into the grasping darkness beyond.

He tumbled and slid awkwardly and painfully down a steep ramp for what seemed like an eternity, before he crashed into the hard dirt and stone below.

Dustin pushed himself up, coughing fitfully as he choked on dust and could not see anything in the pitch blackness that enshrouded him. Not even his hand a mere inch from his face.

“Hello?” He called out weakly. “Is anyone around? I could really use some help!” He could feel his breath constricting in his chest and he reached for his inhaler, breathing two deep puffs from it. “Someone, please answer me!” He knew the likelihood of anyone being there was slim, but he had to try.

When no answer was forthcoming he knew wherever he was, he was alone and the only way to get out was for him to move around and find a way. Slowly, he fumbled around his arms stretched out in front of him, hoping to find a wall or something that he could follow, anything but the gloom that surrounded him completely.

Terror nipped at him with every minute that passed as he stumbled around in the dark finding nothing but openness. Several times, he had to stop and use his inhaler to calm himself - an overwhelming panic attack threatened to overtake him, at the edge of his breathing.

“Just when I thought things were going well.” He whispered bitterly.

His foot caught on something and he fell forward, crashing into the damp dirt again. He cursed loudly and moved around on his hands and knees, trying to find what had tripped him up. His hands found something hard and smooth. The more he looked the more he found all different shapes and sizes until finally his hands found something large and round almost like a ball. He picked it up; it was too light to be a rock. His fingers felt around its odd, hollow curves and found several openings into it.

“Jesus Christ!” He cried out, throwing the skull away and scurried backwards, trying to get as far away from the human remains as he could.

He could feel his lungs closing off to him again. He reached for his inhaler again but found his pockets empty. Then he remembered it had been in his hand when he had fallen. In a panic, he searched all around him praying he would find it before it was too late.

“I can help you,” an angelic voice whispered through the darkness.

Dustin stopped and listened, but nothing stirred around him. “Hello? Who’s there?” He managed to choke out.

“I can take all your weakness away.” The sweet voice offered from somewhere in the bleakness.

“”How? Please help me!” He coughed out, barely able to draw breath now - he wondered if it was already too late and the voice was merely in his head.

“All you must do is promise,” the voice said behind him, “to pay the price.”

Dustin could feel his chest tightening dangerously and felt his mind begin to blur from lack of air. “Yes I promise!” he gasped with the last of his strength before he collapsed.

Dustin vaguely felt supple lips upon his own and air filling his lungs. With each moment his strength and senses returned. His eyes slowly opened and he saw the once black room was now dimly lit with low, pitch-burning torches.

He got to his feet and looked around and was near mortified to find himself in what looked to be a dungeon. Shackles and ghastly-shaped hooks hung from the walls and roof. A large and rotting, wood-planked table on rusted gears rested in the corner of the large room. He shivered, knowing the device was for torturing prisoners by stretching their limps until they tore off or they confessed to sins they likely didn’t even commit.

He walked over to the stone slab tables that lines the far wall and felt his stomach constrict at the sight of all the rusted and tarnished instruments of torture. Chest tightening again, he instinctively reached for his inhaler before he remembered that he had lost it.

He turned around his eyes searching the floor in the low light. They stopped on a pair of slender feet clad in black, leather-stripped, ankle-high sandals. They drifted up - Alcina was standing before him, wearing a revealing, tight leather-strapped outfit, covering what he was sure was less than what he had seen her in before. She held his inhaler in her hand.

“I need it!” He said holding out his hand. “Please give it to me.”

“I promise you, you do not.”

“But I do, I have asthma,” he stopped himself as he realized his chest wasn’t burning, his vision was fine and he was not struggling for breathe as he should have been. “How is this...” he muttered and looked back to Alcina, “did you heal me as you did Josh?”

“You are not cured fully yet, but the healing process has started and you shall be freed from all weaknesses you were plagued with.” She handed him an ivory cup, full of water. “Drink this, it will help.”

Dustin remembered his desperate words. “I made a promise didn’t I?” He took the cup nervously and stared down into the clear water within. Water that he knew was somehow blessed by a god. He sipped it hesitantly.

“Fear not, gentle one,” Alcina purred stepping closer to him, “you will be freed of such crippling quandaries that have stolen so much from you.” She held up his inhaler and dropped it to the ground, then reached for his glasses.

“I can hardly see without them.”

“A thing of the past, I promise.” She lifted them from his face as tossed them aside.

He blinked several times and his eyes rapidly came into clear and perfect focus. “I have spent my whole life in glasses.” He whispered in awe. “Never before have I seen so clearly.”

“Not anymore will you be forced to succumb to them.”

“Thank you...” Dustin turned to look back at the table and its cruel instruments. “Those things look like they could cause a lot of pain.”

Alcina ran a hand down his arm. “There is a very thin line between pleasure and pain.” She cooed, her hazel eyes burning with yearning.

“You are even more beautiful now that I can see clearly.” He whispered nervously.

Alcina simpered devilishly. “You want to fuck me, do you not?”

“What... no...well… I... I mean you are...”

She placed a finger against his lips, silencing his stuttering. “The flesh of my body is yours to command, to fulfill whatever lustful desires you may have. You have no need to fear me or feel shame for what you truly desire. Those weaknesses do not need to follow you still.”

“I... I want to fuck you.” He said his nerve growing stronger as he was lost in the dominant sexuality that radiated off her.

“Then take me - my body is yours to command, your pleasures are mine.”

Dustin was overcome by a wild avidity and he grabbed her roughly and kissed her with a raw intention he never knew he had and she succumbed willingly, which only fueled him further.

He slipped between the leather of her outfit and he gripped her firm breasts, finding her pierced nipples with near boyish excitement. He grinned, pinching them hard, drawing a yearning gasp from her. He tore at the many thin leather straps that made up her provocative coverings, exposing more of her sweet flesh to feast on. His mouth ravished her - kisses and tender nips of his teeth upon bare skin driving her harder against him.

Dustin pulled the belt from his pants with a devilish grin and secured it like a collar and leash around her delicate neck. He pulled down on the belt and Alcina obeyed, going to her knees. He slipped out of his pants, freeing his fully erect cock and rested the tip upon her waiting lips.

“Do you want it?” He asked her as he rubbed the head of his cock across her scarlet smile.

Her silken lips caressed him. “Yes.”

She opened for him and he slid himself into the warmth of her mouth. He groaned as she skillfully went to work, his hips instinctively started moving with her, pushing him further into her greedy mouth. He could feel the tightness of her throat upon the head of his cock. The sensation drove him wild and he pushed further, watching his cock disappear as her lips reach the base of his shaft.

“Hold it!” He moaned - he could feel her throat tighten as she struggled for air. “Not yet.” He watched her eyes well up as she looked up at him. He pulled out, allowing her to draw in several quick breaths. “Do you want more?”

“Yes!” she gasped, “please more, choke me more!” She begged him and he pushed his way down again and again.

Dustin pulled on the leash and she rose for him as his cock dripped with her saliva. He led her to the center of the room and clasped her hands in a pair of hanging shackles. He took the belt from around her neck, helplessly awaiting his command. “You said there is a fine line between pleasure and pain.” He slapped the end of the belt against her ass, causing her to cry out in satisfaction. “Let’s see how close we can get.”

“Yes master, again!” Alcina yelped as the belt licked her bare flesh again.

Dustin circled her, his eyes taking in all her perfection, the tip of his belt tasting it all as he went. With each slap of his belt, another shriek or moan of arousal escaped her, stirring his own lustful needs.

He stopped in front of her running the tip of the belt down her smooth cheek and down between her perky tits, her eyes were burning feverishly as she awaited more. He could see the extent of her arousal dripping down her thighs as soft whispers beg him for something more.

He moved behind her and placed his throbbing cock between her legs rubbing it against her, teasing her cruelly. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes!” she cried out.

He slapped the belt down on her rosy ass again. “Where?”

“My ass,” she begged him, pressing her hips back against him eagerly.

He slid the tip of his cock up and placed it upon her awaiting ass. “Here?”

She whimpered in longing. “Yes Master!”

He pushed the head of his cock slowly into her tight ass, savoring the sensation of every inch that disappeared. She moaned, desperately pushing herself back, greedily taking him all the way within her.

He slapped the belt down upon her ass again, as he began thrusting into her, he could not contain the wild groans that left him the faster he went. He reached around her, his fingers finding her pussy still dripping. He plunged them in as far as he could, her back arched and she howled in a near feral ecstasy.

He grabbed her long, fiery hair and pulled back, arching her back further as he fucked her, her cries near deafening in the confined dungeon. He felt her cum again and she clenched her ass, trapping him within her as he too came.

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