Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds) (21 page)

BOOK: Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds)
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Shayne looked forward to getting home. Behind the wheel of her car, she barely registered the
journey from
Point A to Point B. Her
mind whirled. One thought crashed over the next. Memories dominated reality.

She probably should have, but she hadn’t antici
pated the tailspin seeing Alex w
ould throw her into. Naïve? Definitely. But she truly thought she’d gotten over what had happened to her. She had a wonderful life, found someone who loved her. Unconditionally.

Pulling into the long, paved driveway, Shayne slowed and
hit the garage door opener
. The door rolled heavenward. Ricky’s huge SUV took up half the garage. She smiled. To her, he was larger than life, bigger than big. His body, his personality,
his mode of transportation, and

She eased her smaller SUV next to his and cut the engine. As perfect as he
r life seemed on the outside, Shayne spun
out of control.
The only thing she knew for sure was how much she loved her men. They were her lifeline, her rock, her gravity. Her everything.

When the light overhead turned off, plunging the garage into darkness, Shayne vowed she’d never lie to them again. Not even white lies. Or ones to keep Christmas a secret. She owed them that much.

She grabbed her things, opened the door of her
car. Her heels
on the painted floor. She turned the knob and hit the big button to close the garage door.

Inside, the dark kitchen and boisterous commentary greeted her. She sat her purse and keys on the kitchen counter, kicking her shoes off to continue into the family room on bare feet.

“That ref needs glasses!” Matt bounced on the couch cushion

Ricky, stretched out in his recliner, had his arm behind his head. His bicep bulged against the sleeve of his t-shirt. He focused on the television, grunting an approval as the player missed a free-throw. “At least he made it up by missing… Hey,
mujer bonita
.” He sat up a bit and slid over as if he made room for her to sit beside him. “How long you been home?”

“Just long enough to hear the refs aren’t very good.” She smiled.

Matt didn’t take his gaze from the
. “They suck, Mom. Even Uncle X could do better.”

As Shayne laughed, Ricky nodded. “Thanks for not sayin’ me, my man.”

Their son grinned. “Any time.”

She tipped her head toward the bedroom. “I’m gonna go in and change my clothes.”

Ricky jogged his brows. “Need some help?”

Matt snorted and used a great deal of exaggeration to roll his eyes.

She didn’t answer, didn’t have to. Ricky knew
never really
his help. She always welcomed it. His chair snapped closed. She
into the bedroom and leaving the door wide. She fiddled with the buckle on her belt. The door closed with an almost silent
and then a soft
locked it. Her slacks slid down her legs. She walked out of them, leaving a pile on the floor. Ricky growled low.

His huge hands encased her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh. He kissed the side of her neck. “How’d everything go today?”


He sucked on the muscle in her neck. Her knees weakened. His arms went around her middle, clutching her back to his front. “What happened?”

His tongue teased. His breath tempted. Her thought
disappeared. Her eyes closed. She swayed. He held her close with one hand while the other lifted the hem of her tank top. He pushed it up and covered her abdomen with his palm.

“What happened today?”


He stepped away so fast she stumbled. He took her arm to both steady and turn her. His grin said what he didn’t. He loved the effect he had on her. That made two of them.

“What’s next?”

She whipped off her tank top. His eyes dropped to her chest. “The forms just have to be notarized.”

Hunger burned in his dark eyes as he watched her reach behind for her bra. “When will that be?”

“Tomorrow.” She released the hook and let her bra fall to the floor.

He licked his lips. “Then what?”

She cupped her br
easts in her hands and
could have
sworn he stopped breathing. “Then they’ll be filed with the court.”

—” He groaned and ran a hand through his hair when she pe
eled off her panties. “How long…
does that take?”

She shrugged. “Not sure.” She turned her back on him and sauntered to the shower, flipping it on.

When he stepped up behind her again, he pressed a whole lot of naked against her backside. He reached around her and turned the water off. He scooped her into his arms. Sitting down on the edge of the enormous garden tub
he leaned forward, pressed the plug down and turned on the water. He added a squirt of bubble bath
, going with the lavender instead of the vanilla

“My girl’s had a hard day.” He checked the water temperature. “
I intend to pamper every inch of her.”

He put her on her feet, stepped into the rising water and helped her over the side.
He dropped to his knees. She went to sit and he shook his head. He reached for the loofa and filled it with body wash, working it between his palms until fluffy white bubbles fell in clumps. He tapped
her foot. She lifted her leg. H
e supported her calf in his hand.
After thoroughly cleaning her right foot, he lowered it into the water and took her left one.

He scooted toward her, turned off the water, then rubbed the loofa over her leg, circling it around her knee before working up the outside of her thigh to her hip. He kissed just below her belly button, a gentle sweep of his mouth quickly followed by the scratching loofa.

After her
other leg received his attentive
scrubbing, he grabbed her by the hips and with gentle pressure summoned her down. She sank down into the water. He sat back, stretching his legs out.
Oh man
, he looked

He’d told her his intention, but she had a few intentions, too. She leaned forward, did a little stretching of her own.
He groaned. His eyes drifted closed. She rubbed her pelvis against his growing interest. He groaned again, cupped her ass and held her tight.

On the emotional scale, today had topped out at an eleven
—and a half
. She needed the
kind of
comfort she could only receive by communing with the one man who’d made love to her. She reached between them and sighed at his entry. He let her take control, allowed her to
set the pace
. Water lapped at her butt, sloshing at the sides of the tub. She rested ag
ainst his chest, absorbing
as much of him
into herself
as she could. His arms swathed her to him, comforting her.

She found completion in a wonderfully gentle, sinfully
sweet wave. Not long after, Ricky stiffened. His arms tightened. His breath hitched, held and released in a soft rush over her brow. She laid her head on his shoulder. His strength seeped into her, recharging her. She closed her eyes. His fingers ran over her back, shoulder blades to buttocks. His touch was neither hard nor gentle. It just was; soothing, easing, succoring.

Serenity, unlike she’d ever experienced before, covered her like a warm blanket, calming her from the inside. Her body relaxed, became heavy. Her eyelids refused to open. With each brea
she drifted further into peace.




Ricky knew the moment she’d fallen asleep.
When she’d come through the door just a little bit ago, the look on her face
comforted him. No doubt his beautiful wife fought exhaustion.
She appeared to be dead on her feet.
But her soft smile finally shone the adoration that’d been missing for too long.

d followed her into the bathroom with
every intention of seducing her, but as she’d taken control, he’d recognized her desire for slow instead of fevered. He gladly gave whatever she required.

He cuddled her close and wished they could simply sleep in the tub. He was certainly comfortable enough. Except for the water, which at the moment lingered just south of luke warm.

Well, hell. Getting out without waking her would take skill. Like superhero kinda skill.

He tightened his hold on her, crushing her to his chest, leaned forward.
He bent his knees and flattened the bottom of his feet on the bottom of the tub, pressing their bodies upward.

The task wasn’t easy, not because of her weight
but the awkward angles. And that she was out-cold, dead-to-the-world. The water
would wait until morning. Goose
bumps covered her damp skin. He kissed a few before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his wife. Thankfully most of her hair remained dry.

He peeled back the sheets and slid her onto the mattress. She sighed softly, her body undulating the relief she didn’t speak.

Just call him

wrapped the towel around his waist. With his wife safely tucked away in their bed, he needed to check on his son.

He flipped the lock and stepped
into their dark home. The television no longer showed basketball. He went down the hall and a sliver of light glowed from under Matt’s door. He rapped his knuckles on the jamb.

” came the reply.

Ricky opene
d the door. Matt sat
propped against the headboard
in his bed
. He set the book in his lap upside down to keep his page. “She okay?”

“Yeah, she’s asleep.”

“I’m glad.” Matt smoothed his hand over the hardcover. “I’m not sure how she made it home without falling asleep.”

“She should sleep good tonight.” Ricky pointed at the book. “
You like it

One shoulder lifted. One side of his mouth dropped. “Not really. Assigned reading, ya know. It’s never as good as when you get to pick it yourself. But it’s better than the one last semester.”

Ricky wasn’t a reader. Never had been. That didn’t mean he didn’t understand, though. Nine times outta ten, no matter w
was, it didn’t measure up if somebody else did the pick and choose.

“Night, bud.”

Matt picked up his book. “Night.”

The kid had not only moved into Ricky’s guest room, making it his own, he’d moved in and set up camp in his heart. His son. He wanted to hug him, give him a high-five or something. Given that he wore only a towel, definitely not a good idea. Yet standing there in the doorway, he couldn’t bring himself to close the door on the opportunity.

He cleared his throat. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Matt raised his head from h
is book, his brows pinched. “Um…
I’m glad to be here, too.”

All the rah-rah fizzled. He shook his head. “No, that didn’t come out right.”

“So you’re
glad I’m here.”

“No, no, I—” Matt’s chuckle stopped his defense.
“I just want you to know that I
…I’m really glad you’re
in my life.”

Matt grinned. “I’m really glad to be

Always with the sarcasm. Instead of feeling all warm and gushy inside, Ricky fought the urge to cuff his son upside the head.

“I love you, too, Dad.”

Emotion unlike anything he’d ever experienced before engulfed him. Tears stung his eyes. He blinked. His throat thickened. He swallowed.
He cleared his throat. Twice. “I, ah, I do love you, Matt.”

“I know. Now get outta here. I’ve gotta finish this crappy book by Friday.”

Ricky had no problem leaving that time. He closed the door and headed for the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Not a big deal. Cupboard. Glass. Water. Drink. Sink.

stop: the bedroom.

Shayne hadn’t moved since he
left. Still on her back, her arms at her sides. He dropped the towel and slid in next to her. Despite his efforts to do so without disturbing her, she seemed drawn to him. It started with an outstretched arm brushing his thigh. Next came an audible breath, followed by
her rolling onto her side
and inching toward him

He had no doubt she remained in dreamland, which made the transition that much sweeter. She sought him. Subconsciously she pursued him. And he was damn easy to catch. In fact, he would make it easier for her.

Lying down, he put his arm under her neck and drew her into him. Like she did every night, her head came to rest on his shoulder. Her arm draped over his abdomen. Her leg curved over his leg. He curled his forearm around her thin body. Every night
the rest of eternity
he planned to sleep
like this.

Smile firmly in place, he closed his eyes and let his body drift into oblivion.




Panic jolted him into awareness. He sat straight up in the bed. His eyes scanning for the danger threatening his family. Nothing.

screamed. She
Her legs sawed under the sheets, twisting them around her lower body
. Her hands formed fists. Her head jerked
back and forth
. Inaudible grunts accompanied her fitful movements. Another scream ripped from her throat and peeled his skin off.

She sat up, tearing the sheets away from her legs. She slipped from the bed to land in a heap on the floor. She scuttled backward until her back hit the wall.

He turned on the lamp and followed her.

More violent head shaking.

He touched her shoulder and
her fist met his cheek. Impressive. As the starbursts cleared, he captured her flailing arms, shaking her gently. “Shayne.”

She panted. Her hand flashed o
ut for another jab. He caught her wrist
, holding on tight. He put his face right in front of hers. She didn’t register. The lights were on, but Shayne was d
efinitely not at home

He’d never hit a woman before.
Desperate times and all that. His f
lat palm to her cheek didn’t faze her.
He took her by the shoulders and shook her. “Shayne!”

She pushed against his chest, kicking out with her foot, narrowly missing his family jewels. He let her go. A kick to the nads wasn’t necessary unless she was going to hurt herself. She climbed back into the bed, pressing her back against the headboard, clutching a pillow to her chest.

“Mom!” was followed up by Matt racing into the room. “What’s wrong?”

Ricky put his hands on his hips and watched his wife cower against the headboard. He really should care his bare ass was waving in the wind, but all he could think about was Shayne. “Her eyes are open, but she’s definitely not awake.”

Matt nodded and without another word ran into the bathroom. He came back with a glass of water. And doused her.

She blinked
. She shook her head, rubbed at her face. When the sheet dropped down, exposing her breasts, she clutched the soaked white cotton to her chest. Yeah, no cover to be found there.

Matt looked at Ricky. “She used to have them when I was little.” He shrugged. “Water always does the trick. I’ll grab some

Ricky muttered a, “Thanks, man,” as the door closed.

Shayne gathered her hair and twisted it into a knot on the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

Although tears streamed down her face—or maybe it was just
from her impromptu shower
—she shook her head. “No, it was just a nightmare.”

“How often do you get them?”

“I haven’t had
in a really long time,” she verified Matt’s story.

“It’s recurring?

She bit her lip, her eyes dropping to her lap. “Something like that.”

She didn’t want to talk about it. That much was obvious with all the evasion.

“What aren’t you telling me, Shayne?”

“It was just a nightmare. I’m fine.”

Frustration smacked him in the ass. He ran his hand over his face. “Okay. I’m here when you decide to tell me the truth.”

He didn’t want to look at her, all warm and vulnerable with her sexy sloppy hair and see-through sheet, but he did anyway. No mistaking the shimmer in her eyes for anything other
than the unshed tears it was.

“I’m telling you the truth, Ricky. I’m fine. We’re fine. After today, everything will be fine.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

One big fat tear escaped, joining the water droplets clinging to her cheeks. “I love you.”

Putting out a hand to support himself, he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. “And I love you, too,
mujer bonita
. But t
his I’m-an-island shit you’re pullin’ is makin’ me mental. You gotta talk to me, okay?”

She pressed herself up. Her lips had never tasted so sweet. He threaded his fingers into her hair, feeling the resistance
. He took what she offered, his body tightening, preparing. With their messenger returning soon, he needed to cool his jets or embarrass them both. He gave a final peck and sat back.

“Is that a yes?”

Her casual smile shot straight to his groin. “That is most definitely a yes. No secrets.” She ran her finger over her chest
, forming an X
. “I promise.”

“Good. Now, you’d better get up and put your robe on. Matt’ll be back with the sheets.”

She got up and disappeared into the bathroom. He went to the dresser, took out a pair of boxers and covered his ass.

Stripping the bed didn’t take long. In fact, by the time Shayne showed up in the doorway, shoving her arms into her robe, all the sheets, including the mattress protector
made an impressive mountain on the floor. She went to her side of the bed and ran a hand over the mattress. She frowned. “It’s still damp.”

“We should probably let it dry, huh?”


Ricky fished their pillows out of the pile. “I guess we’ll have to sleep on the couch then.”

“I didn’t know the couch pulled out.”

“It doesn’t.”

“Oh.” She tipped her head to the side. “Will there be room?”

“Are you saying I’m fat?”

She laughed, just like he’d hoped.

“It’ll be just like when we watch
. We fit then.”

Matt finally came back with the sheets under his arm. There was no way in hell it took that long to go to the linen closet and come back. The kid
had more intuition than most adults. He’d taken his good ol’ sweet time to give Ricky a
nd Shayne some time to talk

“You guys can take my bed.”

“Nah, we’ll be f
ine.” Shayne smiled at their son.
“Go on, bud, head back to bed. We’re just going to put the damp sheets in the washer and go back to sleep.” She bent down, arms wide, to scoop up the load.

Although he’d been dismissed, Matt hesitated. He crossed his arms, watched his mother. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Like I told Ricky,
I am fine. We are fine. And after today, everything is fine.”  

“Why after today?” Matt asked the question Ricky’d wanted to voice.

Her brows frowned. “Because the papers were signed today.”

“I didn’t sign anything,” Ricky reminded them all.

Shayne shook her head. “It’s too damn late for me to be trying to form coherent sentences. Let’s talk about this in the morning.”

Matt retreated to his
room. Ricky
some extra blankets from the linen closet while Shayne fiddled with the sheets in the laundry room. He laid down on the couch. The washer turned on. He opened the sheet and she shed her robe before easing down next to him. Actually, she rested more on top of him than next to him. Which was just fine with him.

BOOK: Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds)
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