Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds) (18 page)

BOOK: Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds)
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Tears speared his eyes. He’d never given much thought to being a dad, much less the best one ever. Hearing the phrase come out of the boy he’d give his life for
topped the charts. E
motions he’d never experienced before overwhelmed him.
He wanted to gather his family close and never, ever let them go, to protect them, love them, cherish them.

Of course he loved his mother, his nephew, and even his brother. But the love he felt for Shayne and
their son existed on an entirely different

As Matt bent to hug him, Ricky
had to blink—a lot—to keep from crying like a little girl.
Matt jumped back over, and hopped to the tree. He very carefully pulled out a box just big enough to fit a baseball. He handed it to Ricky.

“This is for you. From my mom.”

Color seeped into her cheeks. “Don’t get too excited. It’s not exactly a basketball court.”

He studied the silver and red striped paper, topped with its perfect crimson bow. He didn’t have the heart to untie it, so worked it off the box.

Matt groaned. “Oh geez! You’re one of
present openers. Great!” He dove back under the tree.

Ricky looked at Shayne. “What exactly is one of
present openers?”

“The kind that takes forever to open their gifts because they don’t want to rip the paper or ruin the bows.”  Shayne laughed softly and put her hand on his forearm. “My grandmother would fold up the paper and reuse it. Drove Matt nuts.”

Matt resurfaced. “The best though was the
sack with the stickers on it!” And then he disappeared beneath the evergreen boughs.

Not to be outdone, Ricky donned a straight face. “
My brother once gave me a dog turd in a

Matt sat up and nearly took the tree down with him. He whipped around, his eyes enormous, his mouth hanging open. “Nuh-uh.”

Ricky nodded, totally enjoying the expression on the kid’s face. “And it wasn’t even the really cool zipper kind, just the fold over ones and it was kinda oozing—”

Shayne’s gag stopped his story. Her hand covered her mouth, her throat working convulsively.

Matt, however, burst out laughing. He plopped down on the floor and crossed his legs. He leaned forward
, his elbows on his thighs
. “How’d you get back at him?”

“I gave him a tarantula I caught in the yard.”

Matt frowned. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“He is deathly afraid of them. Threw the box in the air and danced around like a total pansy.”

“And then what?”

“Then he put Nair in my shampoo. It didn’t work as well as he’d hoped because I smelled the chemicals and washed it out pretty fast.” On reflex
he plowed his hand through his hair, grateful not to find any bald spots. “My hair wasn’t the same for a long time.”

“Oh my gosh!” Matt clutched at his sides. “What’d you do?”

Ricky grinned, loving this particular memory. “I put this industrial-strength
spray-on adhesive
on the toilet seat.”

Shayne gasped. Matt’s eyes bugged out of his head.

“Yep. He stuck.”

looked mortified. “How old were you guys?”

Ricky shrugged. “I was about
, I think.”

She cringed. “Which would make Eddie how old?”


Matt did his best hyena impression, rolling over onto his side.

“Mom had to call the fire department.”

Shayne smothered a
by pursing her lips. “What’d they do?”

“Yanked him free.” Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. “Best Brazilian wax money can buy.”

Matt recovered first. He wiped at his eyes and rubbed at his stomach.
Then, still chuckling, h
e pointed at the gift he’d set on the coffee table. “Are you going to open that?”

His answer was to pick up the box. He slipped a finger under the paper and broke the tape’s hold to reveal a plain white box. His heart pounded in his chest as he opened the lid. Lots of plain white tissue paper and a piece of red notepaper.

“Open it, then read the note. I
’ll make more sense.” She took the note and sat back against the cushions, her lip between her teeth. 

Peeling back the tissue paper, he found the most beautiful Christmas ornament he’d ever seen. Red blown glass in the shape of a heart suspended on a gold cord. He held it up, letting it dangle from his finger.
Its delicate beauty made his hands look haggard and clumsy.

“I love it.” He bent to kiss her.
“Thank you.”

She handed him back the note and took the ornament. A sigh of relief wafted from his lungs. He’d been afraid of breaking it.

Matt jumped up. “Bathroom break.”

The kid was intuitive. Ricky didn’t know what the note held, but had an idea emotions would run high. So, apparently, did Matt.

Ricky unfolded the red paper
and smiled to see Shayne’s handwriting.
He glanced at her. She flicked her gaze to his, then back down at the stationary. He began to read and felt his throat tighten.



Matt and I have a tradition. Every year we exchange ornaments. We try to find the perfect one to express our love.
When I saw this
I knew it was the one for you this Christmas, even before I was ready to admit
were the one for me.
I gave you my hea
rt the first time you kissed me, and I will never take it back. Every time you see this heart, know that you hold mine.

I love you.

Yours Forever,



His heart promised to jump out of his chest. He cleared his throat, swallowed hard a couple of times. He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand. He gathered her close
until she straddled him, a thigh on each side of his. He
kissed her
, sweeping his tongue across the seam of her mouth. “I love you, Shayne Xavier.”

She kissed the corners of his lips then wrapped her arms around his neck. She simply held on tight, as though he were her lifeline in a torrent storm. “You are my hero, Enrique Santiago.”

He’d never wanted to be a hero before, but having her dub him with the title made him feel invi
ible. He’d managed to capture the heart of the pr
incess and now he wanted to slay
the damn dragon.

As he looked at the tree, his small gift stood out like a beacon on a dark night. When he’d purc
hased it, it’d seemed perfect. N
ow, it didn’t seem like nearly enough.




This was her favorite place in the entire world. Shayne could spend the rest of her life straddling Ricky, feeling his arms wrapped around her, his strength warming her soul
and never regret a moment. Hi
s hands roamed over her back, slipping down onto her butt.

She didn’t think it possible, but his hold on her tightened. He slid off the couch and maneuvered them until they were right next to the tree. He eased her away from him, although didn’t let her off of his lap. He handed her a glittery green box.

She clutched it to her chest. “Is it a basketball court?”

“Not exactly.” His smile made his eyes twinkle. “Open it.”

She’d never been nervous to open a Christmas gift. Excited, yes. Nervous, no. However, as she began the process of ripping the paper, butterflies flew through her intestines.

The box she found wasn’t all that
different from the one she’d put the ornament in. She glanced at him.

He shook his head. “Nope. I didn’t get the memo.” He nodded at the box. “Open it.”

She wiggled the lid free and inside, amongst a bunch of tissue, found a black leather jewelry box. Not just a jewelry box, a ring box. Their whirlwind romance happened quick and they hadn’t had a chance to go ring shopping. Or rather, it seemed, he’d done it on his own.

The tissue crinkled and crunched as she pulled the box out. She cracked the lid and her heart swelled. Tears filled her eyes until all the sparkly shimmered and wavered.

“If you don’t like it, we can get you something else.”

“It’s the best basketball court ever.” She kissed him quickly then pulled back to examine her ring again.

A large
cut diamond set in an eternity band of channel set sapphires. Another band of emeralds sat on one side.

She slipped the rings on her finger. Perfect fit. “How’d you—”

Ricky jogged his brows, flashed a teasing smile. “My partner in crime helped me out a bit.”

“I’m guessing this green one is for said partner in crime.”

Ricky nodded.

“And the blue

His elation
ed into anguish.

Unable to tease when he looked like he did, she poked him in the chest. “You really think I don’t know your birthday.
thirteenth. You wanna quiz me on the year?”

He smiled. “I didn’t think—”

“Yes, you did.” She looked down at her hand, twisting it to make all the gems sparkle. “I’ll admit we have a lot to learn about each other, but that date is forever locked in my head and isn’t going anywhere.”

He reached for her hand and held it up. “See, there’s lots of room to add more bands as needed.”

“As we add kids, you mean.”

“Yeah, there’s gotta be room for at least a dozen, huh?”

“Why don’t you try livin’ with Matt for a while
, then we’ll talk




When Shayne was a little girl
she’d given a lot of thought to her wedding day. She’d dreamed of a white dress and lavender roses and a loving father to walk her down the aisle. She’d even acted the scene out with her Barbie dolls.

But life stepped in, gave her Matt and all those fantasies vanished like fog kissed by sunlight.

She’d moved on with her life, lived for her son, made his happiness hers. She’d told herself she didn’t need love and companionship beyond that of her son.

Enter Ricky.

That chance meeting at her brother’s reception only a few short months ago changed Shayne’s whole world. Matt’s too.

Feeling like a princess, Shayne held her arms out wide and spun in a circle. Her bell shaped dress, flared out. Cool air rushed up underneath.

ed. “I felt the same way when I married

The bride’s room had everything a girl could want. Except her groom. She hadn’t seen her boys all morning. “They are here, right?”

“Yes. They’re just down the hall.” Frankie stepped over to block the door. “M
atthias told me Ricky has asked about you since the moment he walked in the door

“And Matt. He’s got somebody to help him get dressed?”

One blond brow rose. “
He’s twelve.” She put her hand up when Shayne opened her mouth. “And I’m sure Matthias and Ricky will be able to help him with his tie and

Shayne knew her requests and questions were ridiculous. Of course her son could dress himself. And—
—her brother and her fiancé could offer the assist.

She just couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so happy. Or so nervous. And her cheeks were beginning to hurt from the perma-grin she couldn’t wipe off her face. Not that she’d tried.

once again stood in front of the full-length mirror. She swished from side to side, loving the way her dress swayed with her movement. She
smoothed her hands down the front of her
white gown, the tiny jewels and pearls bumpy under her palms.

Frankie handed over her bouquet of white and lavender roses. “You ready?”

Shayne let out a happy sigh. “Never been readier.”

A knock preceded the opening door
. X’s head appeared then he hurried inside, closing them in together. The moment his eyes caught her, he shook his head slowly and smiled. “Oh
baby sister, you look gorgeous.”

Heat rushed to her cheeks. “Thanks. You look pretty good too.”

“Good enough to eat.”

X only looked at Frankie, completely emotionless, completely wordless. She stared back. Shayne wasn’t privy to their unspoken communication. Judging by the intensity in X’s hazels, she counted her lucky stars.

Another knock put a halt to their silent standoff.
He shot a glare at the door then responded to Frankie with narrowed eyes and a low growl. “When we get home, sweetness.”

Frankie tossed him a cheeky grin. “I look forward to it.”

Matt raced into the room, slamming the door. Shayne’s eyes misted. Somewhere along the line her son had turned into a miniature man and
looking at him now in a tux, she realized just how few years she had with him.

“Oh, come on, Mom, don’t cry.” He ran his hands over his jacket and he looked down at his shoes. “I know I look good, but not

X walked over and, without a word, cuffed Matt in the back of the head. “You never admit to looking good on a woman’s wedding day. She’s the only one who looks good.”

Matt rolled his eyes. “You look really good, Mom. And I’m not just sayin’ that because Uncle X would kick my butt if I didn’t.” He looked at his uncle.

X nodded and put his arm around Frankie. “We’ll give you a few minutes.” He checked his watch. “But a very few. Ricky’
been pacin’ in front of that do
or since he got his tux on

As soon as X opened the door, she heard Ricky’s, “Is she ready yet?” and then the door closed again.

Matt shoved his hands in his pockets and pursed his lips. He looked her up and down then nodded. “You look really, really pretty, Mom.”

“So you approve?”

He grinned. “Yeah, I definitely approve.” His shoulder lifted nonchalantly. “I don’t know about Ricky though. He’d probably prefer you went topless.”

She reached out and slapped her son on the
His chuckles lingered as he took her in a hug. “I love you, Mom.”




The wait was going to kill him. If Shayne didn’t come out of the damn room soon, they’d have to scoop him up off the floor
just to put him in the ground.
thought his heart might bust right out of his chest and pull a hop-skip-and-jump down the hall. He rubbed at his sternum. A hand landed on his shoulder. He jumped and whirled around.

Mason’s grin split his face in two. “Hey, man, how’s it goin’?”

He shook hands with his friend and did his best to ignore Chloe. She looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. Nothing new there.

Ricky ran his hands over his thighs. “I gotta say I’m really nervous.”

Mason leaned in close. “I got the getaway car waiting right outside with Kane ready and able.”

“What am I ready for?”

Ricky looked over his shoulder to find Kane, smiling like an idiot.

Mason snorted. “You were supposed to be manning the getaway car.”

Kane’s brows creased in confusion, Chloe’s in annoyance.

Mason backhanded their buddy in the arm. “In case he changed his mind.”

The getaway car. Gotcha.”

Chloe clucked her tongue. “You are so dense sometimes.” She cocked a hip and flipped her blond hair over her shoulder. “Where’s the ladies room?”

Ricky pointed down the hallway. “Chapel’s down the opposite way.”

After Princess Chloe disappeared, Kane groaned. “Wow, she’s in perfect form this afternoon.”

Mason pointedly disregarded Kane. “So, you’re gonna chicken out?” 

“No, it’s not that.” Ricky shook his head
, hoping his glance at the bride’s room door would go unnoticed
. “I’m afraid she’ll wise up and pull a no-show.”

Kane’s laugh cracked like thunder. “That girl adores you. She’s not goin’ anywhere.” He looked at his watch and patted Mason on the back. “We’d better get a seat.”

After quick handshakes and hugs, his buddies sauntered away. He paced back down the hall.
When he got to the end, he turned around and stopped. Chloe stood
the corridor, her phone to her ear. He couldn’t hear her conversation, but the passion in her expression didn’t bode well.

He didn’t have time for her drama today. Only one woman had any place in his heart—or his thoughts—today.
, how
long did it take to get ready?

Just then the door to the bride’s room opened and Matt stepped out. He flashed a big-and-cheesy
. “She’s ready. But you can’t see her yet.” He made a shooing motion with his hand. “Go on. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Ricky didn’t remember much about the journey to stand at the front of the chapel, but here he was, facing a bunch of smiling faces. His mother sat on the front row next to Eddie. She practically beamed.
didn’t, but at least
hadn’t pulled an ass-of-the-month-award-winning-moment. Yet.
Well, except for his choice in dates. Teresa smirked.

Music started to play and a hush fell over the crowd. Frankie and Xavier started down the aisle.
As they took their seats on the front row on the opposite side, the doors at the back of the chapel closed. Anxiety swelled
in his gut
. He had to force his feet to stay planted. He knew this was part of the game plan. They’d rehearsed it, but his worst fear kept replaying over and over in his mind.

If he ever lost Shayne…

The doors opened and all thought faded.

His eyes met hers. She smiled.

Time ceased to exist.

The world no longer revolved.

In her chocolate eyes
he saw his forever. His very
happily ever after. He wasn’t sure that either
of them blinked during the time
it took her to walk
down the aisle

“Who gives this woman to this man?”

“I do.” Matt gave his mom a hug and put her hand in Ricky’s. “I most definitely do.” He took his place at Ricky’s side.

Frankie stepped forward to take Shayne’s bouquet.
Ricky cleared his throat, swallowed a few times. Together they turned to face the minister.

The guy
rambled on about marriage being a forever type thing and that God
was happy with their decision. Truthfully, all Ricky could think was,
hurry up, buddy!

“Do you have the rings?”

Matt patted his pockets, panicked. Ricky rolled his eyes. Shayne narrowed hers. “Not funny.”

shook his head and took off down the aisle, his enormous feet clip-clopping on the carpeting. The crowd erupted in laughter. Ricky once again couldn’t take his eyes off his bride. She kept biting her lip and watching the doorway.

“Do you think he knows where they are?”
she asked.

“I’m not lettin’ a couple missing rings stop me from marrying you.” He bent forward and placed a kiss on her lips. 

roared from the back. “You haven’t been given permission to do that yet.”

As another wave of
swamped the tiny chapel, galloping footsteps got louder. Matt
tried to stop at the doorway…
and kept right on going
, arms pinwheeling
. The kid obviously hadn’t ever worn tuxedo shoes before. Seconds later
he showed up in the doorway. He held up the ring box as though it contained the Holy Grail.

He rushed up the aisle and slid to a stop, only because Xavier had the foresight to step in his way. He caught his nephew, set him to rights and patted him on the back.

The minister, completely unamused, grunted. “The rings, please.”

Matt cracked open the ring box and handed two shiny rings over, keeping one.

The minister handed Ricky the diamond and sapphire ring. “You’ve got your own vows?”

“Um…” His mind went blank, forgetting
everything he’d planned to say. His thumb ran over her knuckles. She licked her lips. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears. So, he did the only thing he could. “I love you, Shayne. With everything I am and everything I hope to be.” He slid the ring onto her finger, kissing her hand. “I promise to lov
e you, respect you, cherish you…
and buy you tampons.”

Her soft, sniffling giggle made him laugh too.

“Shayne?” The minister handed her a ring.

Ricky couldn’t wait to see what she’d picked out for him. Matt said it was “super cool”.

A tear slipped over her lid, rolled over her cheek until it splashed on her cleavage. She squeezed his hand. “I always
thought I could do everything
on my own, that I didn’
t need anyone. I believed I had the superpower entitled self-sufficiency.” She shook her head and cleared her throat. “I was so wrong. Thankfully my brother rescued me, but then you came along and saved me. Enrique Santiago, you are
my hero. I will love you forever.”

Ricky wiped the steady stream of tears from her cheek with his thumb. She put the ring on his finger. The cool weight was shiny and had a red line waving through it. Like a baseball.
efinitely super cool.

Matt inched his way forward and held out his ring, the band of emeralds.  The minister motioned for him to say his peace. “Mom, I’v
e never seen you happier. Dad, t
hank you. I love you guys.” He put the ring on his mom’s finger.

“I now pronounce you…
a family.” Ricky’s heart swelled until his chest ached as he got to hug his new family for the first time.

Matt backed away. “Don’t you think you ought to kiss her to make it official?”

Nobody had to tell him twice. He grabbed a hold of Shayne, bent her over backward and planted a good one on her. He tried to convey all of his fee
lings in that meeting of mouths;
his love, his adoration, his possession, his
hunger. He loved this woman more than life itself and he would take his dying breath protecting her.

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