Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk (42 page)

BOOK: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk
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“Moooom, Jenna called Tommy stupid,” another girl yelled.

Meg appeared in the room. “Get out of here all of ya, let your uncle breathe,” she said as she shooed the kids out of the room.

The name calling forgotten, the kids raced from the room. Lacey watched as Trevor stared longingly after them. She would never be able to give him those kids. It was very apparent that he wanted them. Her heart broke a little bit.

Trevor came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her back into the hard planes of his chest. She sighed and allowed her head to fall back and rest against him. He smelled of sweat, dirt and hard work. It was an intoxicating scent.

“I missed you today,” he whispered against her ear.

She smiled and patted his hand. “I missed you too.”


The remainder of the evening was spent around a bonfire outside. After the kids had gone to bed, the adults drank and had a good time. Temporarily, everything felt right in Lacey’s world, but she knew in order for Trevor to be truly happy, his future had to have kids in it. And she couldn’t give him that.

The two of them turned in early. There was no love making, only gentle kisses and caresses. She fell asleep content to be held. If her time with Trevor and his family was limited, she was going to sure make the best out of it.


The following day was a flurry of activity as friends and neighbors began showing up a little around noon. The women—including Lacey herself—had been up since dawn baking, cooking and preparing for the giant barbeque. It was exhausting but at the same time, she’d never had more fun. Trevor had been right about Dylan. She was a live wire with a personality as big as the sky.

There were at least one hundred people in attendance. Trevor remained in the spotlight but he graciously accepted the attention. The entire time he clung to her hand as if she were the anchor tethering him to reality. When they got the chance, they stole a few kisses here and there, but as the evening grew on, the kisses became more urgent, passionate.

When dusk was finally settling around and everyone had gathered around the back of the house to get the perfect seat for the fireworks, Trevor took her by the hand and pulled her along the shadows and into the barn.

Once inside the dark recesses, he roughly pushed her against the door and hiked her leg around his hip. His mouth slammed down against hers as his hand reached behind her and moved up the back of her sun dress, kneading and massaging her ass.

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to get you to myself?” he growled as he nipped at her neck.

She was having a very hard time focusing on anything as he rolled his jean clad erection against the wet spot of her thin panties.

“I’ve wanted to…” His fingers dipped beneath the cotton and began to stroke her. “You’re so wet,” he said finishing his sentence. 

“Uhhh,” she whimpered as his fingers slid into her hole and began to pump her.  Her fingers dug into his arms as she clung to him.

“Two days,” he rasped. “It’s been two days since I’ve had you. Two days since I’ve felt you tighten around me. Two days since I’ve tasted you.”

She shuddered as he continued to talk.

“I’m going to make you come right here and then I am going to take you upstairs in the loft and make you come again.”

“Shit, Trevor,” she gasped as he stroked her clit with the rough pad of his thumb. Then his fingers were gone. She growled in frustration but he fell to his knees in front of her. She watched in the dim light as he stared up at her. He pulled her panties down over her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them and he tucked them in his pocket.

“I’m going to keep these. I don’t want you ever wearing panties when you wear dresses like this, do you understand me?”

She nodded.

“That’s my good girl.”

He lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder and in the same motion he pushed her dress above her hips. The rough surface of the wooden barn door bit into her backside but, before she could thing of the discomfort, Trevor spread her swollen lips and raked his tongue over her slickened flesh.

She bucked away from the door as white-hot passion spilled out through every cell of her body.

“You taste so good.” His words were muffled as he sucked her clit between his lips and teased it with his tongue. Harder and harder he licked, sliding his tongue from top to bottom and then back again. As he teased her mercilessly, his fingers slipped in and began to press against that spot that drove her completely mad.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she began to pant. She bit down on her lip because she could hear people walking around outside. It would be all too easy for someone to walk in and see the Dodger’s newest pitcher on his knees, face buried deep between a woman’s legs. That would look great for his image.

She began to pant softly as he worked her into a frenzy.

“Trevor,” she whispered frantically. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she pressed him tighter against her dripping pussy. Harder and harder he sucked. Her nostrils flared as her orgasm grabbed a hold of her. She clamped her teeth down on her bottom lip as her body exploded in a mind blowing, soul shattering orgasm.

It was only after her body stopped trembling that he moved away and climbed to his feet. She could see her juices soaking his face. Standing on her tiptoes, she planted a firm kiss on his mouth. She could taste herself and it was oddly arousing.

“I do believe you mentioned a hay loft?”

He didn’t reply as he scooped her into his arms and marched across the dark room and to a staircase in the back. When they reached the top, the front of the barn was open. Below she could see all the people at the side of the house with their backs turned to the barn. The people weren’t close, but if they stood to close to the edge, they could easily be spotted.

Trevor carried her part of the way and then set her on her feet in the middle of a giant pile of blankets.

“You had this planned?”

He looked at her impishly. “Maybe.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. The bulge in the front of his pants pressed at her urgently. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, she hauled it up and over his head. In the dying light of the sun, his body glistened and rippled. Reaching out, she drew the tips of her fingers over the muscles. They twitched under her touch and she giggled. She leaned down and sucked a tight little nipple between her lips, grazing her teeth along the sensitive bud.

She didn’t linger long because her mouth was watering just at the thought of tasting him. So as she slid to her knees in front of him, she kissed a trail over each muscle and dip of his chest and abdomen. With steady fingers, she popped the button through the hole on his jeans and yanked the zipper down.

His cock sprang free almost immediately, causing her to rock back on her heels. He truly was magnificent. The dark tip glistened with moisture and she leaned forward and sucked it from him, earning a long hiss from above her.

“You drive me wild when you do that,” he growled.

“Do I?” she asked, feigning innocence.

“Yes, you do.”

“Good,” she said saucily. “You’re going to love this.”

She didn’t give him a chance to respond as she sucked him into her mouth and down her throat. Eagerly she worked her mouth against him, trying to take in as much as she physically could. She moaned around his cock as she sucked him up and down. Using one hand she stroked his hard shaft while she sucked, and using the other hand she reached inside his jeans and cupped his balls, giving them a firm squeeze.

“Fuck, Lacey baby. You’re going to make me come too soon,” he said as he tried to move away.

She didn’t care. The need that burned inside her pushed her on. If this was going to be their last night together then she sure as hell was going to make it one he remembered for the rest of his life. Harder and faster she sucked.

“Lacey, I can’t…Oh fuck…” He threw back his head and growled long and low.

His hand fisted in her hair as he pulled her mouth down hard and fast on his cock. She’d released his shaft and balls and now clung to his muscular hips, pulling her into her mouth. His hips began to jerk and twitch as his hot seed shot to the back of her throat. She drank him in, sucking down every last drop he had to offer.

After he was spent, he pulled from her mouth. He fell to his knees in front of her. “What in the hell was that?” he panted.

“I love you,” she whispered through tears.

“Hey? Hey, what’s going on right now? Why are you crying?”

“I can’t give you what you want, so I thought this last time I’d do something special for you just like you’ve been doing for me since we met. I know you want to be happy and you can’t be happy with me.” Her words came out in one long rambling sentence.

He lifted her face.

“What do you mean, last time? Baby, you’re not making any sense. Talk to me.”

“Children. I can’t give you children. I see how you are with your brother and sister’s kids and I can see the look in your eyes. I can’t bear you looking at me one day down the road, knowing that I robbed you of that because I was stupid.”

“Are you kidding me right now? You think I don’t want you because of that? Baby,” he said, pulling her in and kissing her forehead. “We’ve only just begun to get to know each other. Sure we went faster than most, but our relationship is just starting. We are going to have plenty of time to discuss this. Because I sure as hell am not letting you get away from me that easily.”

Lacey felt as if her heart was going to explode. He wanted to stay with her. He wasn’t going to leave her.

“I love you so much,” she said.

“And I love you, in fact, I do believe I am going to show you how much I love you. I’m also going to spank the hell out of that little ass for making me come much sooner than I wanted.”

Her body immediately reacted to his words. She hoped she never got tired of hearing him talk dirty to her.

“Are you?” she purred as she slowly pulled her dress up and over her head. She unfastened her bra and let her breasts fall in front of his face. His eyes grew wide and he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth as he reached forward and teased her nipples with his fingers, pinching them roughly.

“Uhhh,” she moaned as he rolled them with his thumb and finger. When he released them, the blood raced back into the tips and caused buds of pleasure to erupt through her breasts.

Slowly she turned around and lifted her ass for him to see. She gave it a little wiggle. “I do believe you promised to spank my ass for being naughty.”

“I did,” he growled.

He stood up and removed his boots and jeans and then knelt behind her. His cock was already coming to life again and her pussy ached to feel him buried inside her.

“Put your hands out in front of you and your head on the quilt.”

She did as he asked, and this position opened her up wider and further for his inspection. “Mmhmm. Such a pretty little ass,” he growled as he gripped both cheeks in his hands and squeezed painfully. She shuddered and moaned into the blanket but kept her forehead down.

“How many do you want baby?”

“As many as you want to give me,” she answered back.

“What a good answer,” he said playfully.

He gave her no warning as his hand landed with a resounding smack across her bared ass. She jumped and squealed but kept her head down.

“Harder,” she begged.

“That’s my girl.”

Over and over his slapped her ass until her core was throbbing and dripping wet once more. After he was finished he slipped his fingers into her slit.

“You are wetter than ever,” he said, amazed.

Lacey couldn’t form words as she panted through the stinging and the euphoria she was feeling at the same time.

“Sit up,” he demanded.

When she did she found him on his back, both arms resting behind his head.

“Fuck me,” he commanded.

She stared at his glorious cock and wasted no time getting to him. She positioned herself over the head and he held it steady as she lowered herself down on him, filling her fuller than she’d ever been before. This was the first time she’d ridden top and so far she was enjoying it.

This was still new to her, but her body seemed to know what it was doing as she began to roll her hips in slow circular motions.  She stared at his face, never taking her eyes from his. His mouth opened as he moaned low.

“That’s right baby, ride that cock.”

His words urged her on as she began to lift herself up and slam herself down. She set the pace and, each time she lifted up, he bucked his hips up, causing her to slam down harder and harder. The faster she rode the harder her breasts bounced. She couldn’t fight the urge as her hand reached up and clutched at her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple between her fingers.

“Baby,” she moaned. “Oh baby you’re so deep.”

Faster and faster she moved. Her body was beginning to tense around him. Her hands fell from her breasts and pressed against his chest. Her fingernails began to dig into his sensitive skin as the pleasure became too much for her to bear. She was going to explode into a million pieces.

BOOK: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk
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