Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk (37 page)

BOOK: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk
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“Okay, well that was my last appointment. I’m going to take off.”

She didn’t offer any explanation as she hurried to the door. With this cancelation, she had an extra hour to find the right dress to wear to the meeting. Mon Ami was a formal place and nothing she had was up to snuff. She toyed with the idea of calling Bridget but figured her friend would be preparing for her weekend getaway. So, she just decided to go alone.

The sun slammed down on her head as she made her way to her car. It was miserably humid and she was grateful when she slid behind the wheel of her car and turned on the engine. Sweet relief came when the vents began to blow cold air.

From the front of her scrubs, her phone dinged.

What are you doing?

Lacey smiled at the text from Trevor.

Leaving work. Bout to run some errands. You?

Thinking about you.
His response was almost immediate.

You’re sweet.

I try. You ready for tonight?

Not really. I don’t like not knowing.

Trust me.

Without hesitation she tapped out her response.
I do.

Can’t wait to see you.

Can’t wait to see you either.

I’ve got to run. TTUL!

You bet.


Feeling more anxious than ever, Lacey threw her phone back inside her purse and pulled out of the parking lot. While the prospect of the meeting made her physically nauseous, the idea of seeing Trevor excited her. She was almost giddy at the thought.  As she turned onto the street that held most of the shopping centers, she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. Suddenly she spotted the perfect store. With a wide smile she put the car into park and hurried in.

It didn’t take long for her to find the perfect dress. She just hoped that Trevor would appreciate it. Excitedly, she made her way home.


Lacey looked at the clock hanging in her kitchen—6:45
She helped herself to another glass of wine as she waited. It was her second one and it was doing very little to ease her nerves. Even with taking her time to get ready, she had still finished early. Now, every five minutes she was checking her reflection to make sure her make-up remained flawless—what little make-up she wore. 

She’d opted to go for a subtle look with her eyes, lining them and brushing on just a touch of shimmer. Her lashes were combed and lengthened with new mascara that made them look incredible. The most dramatic part of her face was her lips. She’d painstakingly applied red matte lipstick that was supposed to stay in place.

“So far, so good,” she said as she checked her reflection in the side of the toaster.

Since Trevor liked her hair down, she’d opted to add slight waves to it, gathered the right side behind her ear and secured it with a jewel-studded clip.

“You’ve got to calm down,” she told herself as she paced back and forth, her heels clicking on the tiled floor as she walked.

She was about to pick up her phone when a knock sounded on the door. Her heart began to speed through her chest like a jet. She was fairly certain there would be bruises on her chest from the strength of the beating.

Taking a deep calming breath, she made her way to the front door and pulled it open. Her mouth fell open slightly when she saw Trevor standing in front of her. Immediately her body responded to his and she had to shift in order to clench her lower muscles. Never before in her life had she seen a man sexier than the one standing in front of her.

“Wow…” she gasped.

Trevor’s usually unruly hair had been cut. While it was shorter on the sides, the top was still slightly longer and wavy.  He wore a white shirt tucked into a pair of fancy black slacks. Around his neck he wore a skinny tie that wasn’t tightened completely. He was well put together and, when she found his gaze, his eyes were looking at her hungrily, slowly taking her in just as she had been doing to him.

“Wow doesn’t even cover the vision I am looking at right now,” he rasped.

As soon as Lacey had opened the door and Trevor caught sight of her, his dick had sprung to life. A blue dress—matching his new team colors—hugged her like a second skin. There was nothing fancy or elaborate about it. It had a single strap cutting diagonally over her right shoulder. Her breasts were pushed up high and he nearly groaned as he remembered how beautiful they’d tasted. They rose and fell steadily with her breathing and, more than anything, he wanted to pull them free and suck on those pretty pink nipples until she cried out his name.

The color of the dress made her already brilliant blue eyes stand out just a little more. He liked the fact that she wasn’t one of those women who wore a ton of make-up. She didn’t need it and he was glad that she hadn’t put on much tonight. Her golden hair fell in shiny waves over her shoulder and he smiled.

“You wore your hair down?”

She blushed and looked down. “You like it down, right?”

Warmth spread through his chest. She did something for him because she knew he liked it. It didn’t matter that it was close to one hundred degrees outside. She was wearing her hair down because of him. What was this woman doing to him?

“Should we go now?” she asked anxiously.

“Oh, right. It’s probably a good idea. Because if we go any further inside your apartment, we most definitely will not make it to our meeting,” he said in a low, gravelly voice.

Lacey shivered with delight. “That’s okay with me,” she said as she took a step closer and pressed her hand onto his chest.

Leaning down, Trevor pressed his forehead against hers. “Woman, don’t tempt the devil,” he growled.

She looked up at him, a saucy smile tilting her lips. Very slowly, she allowed her hand to travel down his chest and across his stomach. She felt his muscles flex beneath her fingers. The entire time, she held his gaze. Her hand slipped lower until she was cupping the bulge in his pants.

“What’s this?” she purred as she stood on her tiptoes and teased his bottom lip with her tongue. Normally she wasn’t so bold, but there was just something about Trevor that put her at ease. She stroked his hardness through his pants, pulling out a long and low hiss from his lips.  She could feel moisture gathering between her legs and beginning to drip down her thighs. She suddenly regretted not wearing any panties.

“Fuck it,” he growled. He moved so quickly, Lacey squeaked when his arms snaked around her waist and lifted her from the floor. He walked into her apartment and kicked the door closed behind them. Then, spinning them around, he slammed her against the closed door so hard her teeth clacked together. It didn’t faze her though.

His mouth slammed down over hers, prying her lips apart with his tongue. As his mouth worked against hers, his hard thigh pushed between her legs forcefully.

He pulled back and looked down at her with lust filled eyes. “You, my dear sweet girl, will pay dearly for that.” Leaning down, he nipped her neck with his teeth and skimmed his tongue up to nibbled on her earlobe.

“Am I?” she gasped.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard and fast right here against this door, you won’t know what hit you. And after you come...” He slid his hands beneath the front of her dress and pushed two fingers into her dripping hole. “I’m going to turn you around and fuck you all over again.”

Lacey could barely register what was happening as his fingers pumped quickly in and out of her. She was already close to coming. Her body was trembling violently. Trevor pulled her dress up above her hips, raking his nails along her skin.

“That pussy is already so wet for me,” he growled.

Lacey’s nipples strained and pushed against the fabric of her dress. She knew they would get no relief though because of how the dress was made. It was either rip the dress or take the time to take it off. Neither option was that appealing to her.

Trevor circled his thumb against her clit as he stretched her with his fingers. She cried out as he tortured her. Vaguely she could hear the rustling sound of fabric followed by the rasp of a zipper, but she couldn’t be sure.

Clutching her by the knee, Trevor hitched her right leg around his hip and dove into her with one fierce thrust, grunting loudly as he seated himself completely inside her.

“Oh fuck,” she screamed. There was a good likelihood that the cops would be called for either a domestic crime or disrupting the peace. She couldn’t find it in her mind to care. The only thing she could focus on was the powerful thrusting and slamming of Trevor’s hips against hers. With each hammering thrust, her back lifted and slammed against the door.

“You’re so tight. Fuck baby,” he grunted. In and out…in and out he slid as he braced his hand on the door beside her head and clutched her thigh in his bruising grip. A smile tilted on his lips as his open palm landed on the curve of her ass.

Her eyes snapped open at the sudden intrusion of pain, but to her surprise the pain pushed her closer to her release. Her eyes rolled and her head fell back.

“So you like it a little rough huh?” he asked as he repeated the movement. The loud smack echoed through her apartment.

“Trevor…oh fuck, Trevor…I’m going to come…shiiiiiiit,” she panted. Harder and harder he thrust as his hand came down harder and harder against her ass. She was certain she would have a hard time sitting, but she didn’t care.

Her back arched from the door violently. With his hands around her waist, he lifted her from the floor and secured both legs around his back. She locked her ankles and tightened her muscles around his throbbing cock as he dove into her from this new angle. With each upward thrust he pushed against her g-spot.

“That’s right… Oh…right there. Uh huh…uh huh. I’m coming, shit I’m…coming,” she screamed as her body took over. Her thighs tightened around Trevor as her inner walls squeezed him.

“Oh shit, baby,” he grunted as he tried not to let go just yet. He was having a hard time focusing on her when her pussy walls were coaxing him forward. No he couldn’t come yet.

Before she completely came down from her high, he pulled out of her and spun her around, pressing her cheek into the door. Lifting her leg, he placed her heel-clad foot on the top of the entryway table, opening her. Headless of messing her hair up, he knotted his fingers through the mass and pressed her head down.

“I was going to take time and make love to you tonight. Long, sweet, slow love,” he growled as he teased the entrance to her dripping wet pussy with the tip of his cock. “But you, being the little cock tease that you are, changed my plans.”

“Who said I wanted it slow or sweet?” she tossed back over her shoulder.

He chuckled and grabbed her ass, spreading her cheeks wide enough to see the tiny little star. He slid down the length of her body and pressed his hand to the center of her back.  “Mmm,” he growled as he fell to his knees and buried his face in her pussy. As his tongue flicked out and licked away the evidence of her orgasm, she tried to buck and push away from the door.

“Be still,” he growled as he sank his teeth firmly into the ass cheek that wasn’t red from his spanking. She squealed but stood still. His tongue slithered from her throbbing hole and circled around the tiny star of her ass. She shivered. It was the first time she’d ever allowed anyone to get that close to her. It was very personal and, while she thought she would hate it, she was rapidly discovering how much she loved it.

“Mmmm,” he mumbled as he flicked his tongue in her slit one more time before slowly climbing to his feet. “What do you want, baby?”

“You . . .” she whimpered.  Even though she’d already come, her body was still aching and needing more. She had to have more.

“What do you want, sweetheart?” he coaxed as he massaged her ass until her legs trembled.

“You. Please…I need you inside me,” she whimpered.

There wasn’t another response as he entered her and began with fast maddening strokes. This angle was something completely different, and Lacey could feel every ridge and vein in his cock as it rubbed against the most sensitive spot in her body. She was losing control again. The arms of her orgasm were reaching down once more and were about to lift her high.

“You going to come for me again, baby?”

Words that were garbled and mashed together slipped from her lips. Trevor’s hand landed against her ass.

“Come for me.”


“Come on baby.”



His body was trembling as he clamped down his control. He wanted to come with her this time, but if she didn’t come soon that was not going to happen. Reaching around in front of her, he began to stroke her clit. That did the trick because she threw her head back and screamed loudly. Her pussy convulsed and squeezed his dick, pulling his release from him violently.

He bit down on her shoulder as he slammed into her one last time. Remembering that bite marks would be visible, he pulled his mouth away and roared out his release.

After their bodies stopped shuddering and throbbing, Trevor slipped from inside Lacey’s warmth.

She turned around and looked at him with a sleepy smile. “Do we have to go?” she asked as she looked at him through hooded eyes.

BOOK: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk
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