Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk (39 page)

BOOK: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk
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Carefully not to disturb Lacey’s sleep, Trevor reached for his phone and sent a quick text. Minutes later he got the response he was hoping for. Soon it would all be taken care of and hopefully Lacey could be free of her demons.


When Lacey opened her eyes she was staring at an unfamiliar, dark blue ceiling. She frowned. Where in the hell was she? As that thought crossed her mind, she felt a warm breath against her ear and for a moment she tensed. The arm around her waist tightened.

“Go back to sleep,” Trevor whispered, his voice still gravely with sleep.

At the sound of Trevor’s familiar voice, everything came rushing back, all with the exception of how she got in his bed. She looked down and discovered she was wearing only her bra and panties. She smiled at the comfort of his strong arm slung brought her. She snuggled closer into him, pushing her ass tighter against him.

“If you keep wiggling like that, we’re not going to make it out of this bed.”  She felt his erection press against her ass. His hand slid over her hip and dipped down the front of her panties. The minute his finger found her center, she sighed and arched into his touch.

“I’m okay with that,” she breathed, as she slowly started to part her legs, lifting one and draping it over his hip. This position opened her up to his fingers and he did not hesitate to thrust them into her wetness.

“You’re wet for me,” he murmured into her neck as his teeth nipped and grazed at her neck.

Lacey smiled as she reached behind her and began to stroke Trevor through his boxer briefs. He filled her hand and he groaned as she slipped her hand beneath the band and began to stroke him up and down. She could tell without looking that the tip of his cock was wet with pre-come. She shuddered as she slid her thumb through the moisture and teased his head with it.

“You’re playing with fire again,” he said as he bit down on her shoulder roughly.  Lacey’s eyes rolled back in her head as the pain caused fireworks of pleasures to explode through her.

He chuckled as his fingers continued to work inside of her. “You just soaked my hand and I swear you nearly squeezed my fingers off.”

She didn’t reply as his teeth sank into the soft flesh where her neck met her shoulder. A throaty moan escaped her lips as she stroked him faster and harder. “Fuck,” he rasped as she stroked him faster. His fingers inside matched her rhythm.

He pushed her forward slightly and pressed kisses to the back of her neck and down her back. Each time his teeth raked against her she moaned a little louder.

“Trevor,” she moaned.

“I want you so bad,” he hissed.

Slowly she turned her head and met his gaze over her shoulder. His eyes were cloudy with a lust and passion that met her own.

“Then take me,” she whispered.

That was all the encouragement he needed before he rolled her onto her back. The movement was so quick she barely knew what happened. He stretched his body out on top of hers and, using one hand, he pinned both of hers high above her head. His hard thigh forced her thighs apart and, as they did, he pressed one against her soaking wet core. He pressed an urgent kiss to her mouth before kissing down her neck.

Once he found the slopes of her breasts he moaned against the soft flesh. He tugged the lace cups down, fully exposing the supple pink flesh to his eyes. “So perfect,” he said as he used his tongue to burn a trail of white hot passion across her nipples. Firmly he sucked a nipple between his teeth and gave it a sharp tug. Fire exploded between Lacey’s legs as she arched up. She didn’t get too far because Trevor’s weight was keeping her pinned. She tried to move her hands to run her fingers through his hair, but his grasp around her wrist tightened.

She growled out in frustration as Trevor chuckled around her. First he would bite down on her nipple, applying just enough pressure to sting a little. Then he would release it and roll his tongue over it, teasing and coaxing it into a tight little pebble. Next he would gently suck on it, drawing it deeply into his mouth. Finally he would release it and blow a stream of cool air against her dampened flesh. Each time he performed each step, Lacey was sure she was going to lose her mind.

She bucked and arched against him but found that the more she moved against his thigh the more pressure she added to her clit. That torture only made things so much more deliciously worse. She tried to fight against him, but he held her strong.

“Are you having fun yet, baby?” he crowed as he pressed a kiss to the gentle slope of her belly.

Her head was tossed back and forth in a fever pitch as he went lower. Slowly he blew cool air against her slick folds through the lace of her panties. Her head was spinning out of control. Every inch of her body was alive and screaming to be touched.

“Fuck me, please,” she whimpered, unable to keep her brash tongue at bay any longer.

“If I move my hands are you going to leave them above your head like a good girl?”

“Probably not,” she said honestly.

“I guess we’ll have to make sure you’re properly punished then, won’t we?”

“We’ll see about that,” she grunted.

He released her hands and moved away from her. The absence of his weight left her feeling oddly cold.  She watched with hungry eyes as he stood beside the bed and shimmied out of his boxer briefs. The morning sun streaming through the window landed on his body perfectly, making him look as if he were a Greek god stepping from the pages of Greek Mythology. His muscles rippled in the shafts of light as her eyes slowly traveled over every inch of him. Finally her eyes came to rest on his very large and very proud cock.

It was the first time she’d actually gotten to see him in all of his naked splendor. She licked her lips hungrily, eager to taste him. His rod reached upward, stretching away from the downy nest of neatly trimmed blond curls. Her pussy began to throb harder, something she had no idea was even possible.

Moisture glistened on his tip as she watched him palm his shaft and give it a few solid strokes. Okay, watching as his hand slid up and down his cock did something to her. It was hot. She licked her dry lips as she watched him move.

“You like watching me stroke myself don’t you? My, my, my, aren’t you the dirty little girl?” he said with a snicker.

Feeling bold, Lacey lifted herself up onto her knees. She walked across the rumpled sheets on her knees until her breasts pressed against Trevor’s chest. Leaning forward, she placed her mouth near his ear and whispered, “I can be as dirty as you want me to be.”

Not waiting for his response, she slid from the bed and to her knees in front of him. She wasn’t super experienced with blow jobs, but she knew the basics of it. Her tongue darted out and licked away the bead of moisture that had gathered on the tip of his shaft. The minute her tongue made contact, he sucked in a sharp breath and released it on a rasping hiss, but she wasn’t focused on that. She was focused on the salty muskiness settling on her tongue, surprised at how it turned her on.

Carefully tucking her teeth behind her lips, she slowly slid his cock into her mouth, massaging the underside gently with her tongue as she began to move her mouth up and down his length. The muscles in her jaw flexed and were pushed as far as they could possibly go. She sucked him as far into her mouth as she could before the tip hit the back of her throat. She moaned around him as he threaded his fingers through her hair and clutched her head.

“Shit,” he growled as he began to move her head up and down on his throbbing cock.

Acting on instinct, she reached up and cupped his balls, applying slight pressure.

“Fuck, baby,” he moaned as he flexed his hips and pushed himself deeper and deeper into her throat.

Lacey wanted desperately to reach down between her thighs and massage the ache that was growing close to unbearable. She resisted the urge and focused on pleasuring Trevor. She lifted her gaze and watched him. His head was thrown back as she sucked harder and harder on his dick. His nostrils flared and his jaw was clenched tightly together. When he looked down at her, his eyes were like two glassy orbs, shiny with passion.

“You need to stop now,” he hissed, taking a step back and pulling himself from her mouth.

She stayed on her knees, looking up at him, and he smirked.

“That’s a good look for you.”

“You like me down on my knees? Did you like slamming that cock down my throat?” she purred as she climbed onto the bed and presented him with her ass.  She gave it a little wiggle as she slowly crawled across.

“Do you like to tempt the devil?” he growled as he followed.

“Only if the devil wants to show me who’s in charge,” she slung black playfully.

Trevor pounced, throwing her roughly onto her back and covering her body with his. With a flick of his wrist, he snapped the thin band on her thong and tore it away. His urgency was palpable but her need was greater. She spread her legs wide as he roughly knelt between her thighs and thrust into her in one swift motion.

Lacey barely had time to catch her breath as Trevor began slamming into her as hard as he could. Her fists knotted in the sheets as she arched up from the bed and bucked against him. Harder and harder he pounded into her. Her breasts bounced with each forward thrust.

Trevor’s hands gripped her tightly by the thighs as he lifted her backside from the bed and changed the angle.

“Oh shit, Trevor,” she screamed as he thrust deeper. Her breaths were coming out in ragged pants as she raked her nails down his chest.

“FUUUUUCK,” he growled as he threw his head back.

He withdrew and roughly flipped her over onto her stomach. Lifting a hand he brought it down roughly across her ass. She yelped at the sudden stinging but a deep moan followed after.

“Again,” she pleaded.


“Please, again,” she moaned.

Again and again his hand slapped against her bare ass. She was about to come simply from the rough contact. Dipping down, Trevor drew his tongue against her throbbing little slit.

“I want to fuck this little ass,” he groaned as he spread her cheeks wide.

“Yesssss,” she moaned.

He stopped suddenly, surprised at what he heard.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He drew the tip of his cock through her juices and soaked the tiny star, prepping it for his entry. She wasn’t sure what she was getting into, but Trevor could have asked her to jump off the Niagara Falls and she would have. She tensed up when his cock began to enter her tight hole.

“Relax, baby. There ya go. That’s…oh shit,” he growled as he slipped inside her.

The discomfort that had been present at first disappeared as he fully entered her. An entirely new pleasure took over and she could feel it pushing her higher than ever. Gently coaxing her onto her knees, Trevor took his time as he began to pump into her.

With each slow stroke, she felt the pressure growing in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t long before she was rocking back and forth, meeting him thrust for thrust. Their pace began to pick up and her climax was growing closer.

“T—Trevor,” she stuttered as her back began to arch. He clasped her hips firmly as he picked up speed. Then he slipped his hand around her and began to stroke her clit. That was all it took. She catapulted over the edge as she screamed her release. She felt her release splash against his thighs and down her legs and yet her body continued to convulse. Over and over again the waves slammed into her. He didn’t stop as he kept them coming. Lacey began to lose track and she realized that she no longer had control of her body.

“Oh Trevor,” she gasped as she sucked in a breath.

“One more for me baby. Give me one more and I’ll come with you,” he said as he slipped two fingers inside her pussy as he pumped into her ass. Again, another orgasm slammed down on her, and this time she could feel his cock jump and twitch as he bellowed out his release.

Time seemed to stand still as they stayed locked together for several long moments. Then slowly she felt him withdraw from her and she collapsed into a puddle onto his sheets. She couldn’t feel her body. Maybe she could feel her body, but it was tingling everywhere. Her head was cloudy and thoughts were having a hard time forming.

She was vaguely aware of Trevor slipping from the bed, but the giddiness she felt kept her from complaining. Soon he was back and lifting her into his arms.

“What are you doing?” she asked sleepily.

“Taking a bath,” he said as he placed her feet on the marble floor.

Lacey looked around and her eyes grew wide. The tub was massive and resembled more of a hot tub than a bathtub. It was surrounded on all sides by two steps.

“This is amazing,” she said as steam curled upward.

Together they climbed in. Trevor settled in on one of the seats and pulled her down against him, her back resting on his chest. His arms curved around and held her tightly. It would be so easy to forget about everything.

He must have sensed her thoughts because he kissed her cheek. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he whispered.

“I’m not really worried about Robert,” she said honestly.

“What are you worried about then?”

BOOK: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk
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