Loving Him: A New Adult International Romance Serial (Angelique's Greek Book 5) (2 page)

BOOK: Loving Him: A New Adult International Romance Serial (Angelique's Greek Book 5)
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They walked on in happy silence for a while until she tugged at his hand, a grin on her face. “So you’re not averse to grand gestures then?”

“Why?” he said, with playful suspicion. “What have you got in mind?”

“Oh nothing,” she replied airily. “Just keeping that in the back of my mind.” She winked at him, then led him by the hand to turn in the other direction. “Let’s go back home.”


Chapter 2

“Good morning!” The next day, Angelique bounded into Theo’s room as soon as the sun came up.

“Now,” she said, grinning all over her face at his confused blinking, “
going to do something for

“Okay,” he said, with a sleepy smile. He pushed the sheet back, revealing his strong white chest. She bit her lip and raised her eyebrows as she ran her brown fingers down his pale front. Stopping just barely before his briefs. “You’re lucky my parents won’t let us sleep in the same room, or I’d be… Well…” She turned to the window and looked out. “Well, never mind that. Let’s just say it’s a good thing they don’t believe in sex before marriage.” She spun back round with a smile. “Anyways, Carla sent me a Skype message, asking us to ring them when we’re free. Let’s ring them, then have breakfast, then I’m taking you out.”

Theo smiled, and he looked so aggravatingly attractive that she just wanted to jump on him. When she was around her family, it was like she couldn’t even think about sex. That’s one reason why she’d hatched her plan for the day.

“Sounds good to me,” he said.

“I’ll go get the iPad,” she said, leaving the room. “And put on a top before I come back, else my parents might just have to get extremely disappointed with me.”

She hurried to retrieve the iPad from her room and came back, secretly hoping he’d not heeded her advice. He had, though, and had slipped on a light gray shirt that only emphasized his eyes. His allure was magnetic.

She placed the iPad on the nightstand and began to set up Skype, when she felt his strong hand on her back, through her lightweight nightdress. It felt like electricity.

“Theo,” she whispered, feeling heat and tingling pleasure course through her body. “Not now.” It took so much self-control to say that, when all she wanted to do was slip her nightdress over her head, push him down on the bed and sit down on top of him. Her hand shook just a little as she reached out to ring Carla and Atreus. Just as she pressed the button, Theo’s finger pressed gently on her forehead. He’d reached over the top of her head, and applied just a little pressure, so that she fell back slowly, down onto the bed. No one had ever done that to her before. It was mesmerizing, and she looked up into his eyes from her place on the bed, willing him to lift her nightdress up. Damn her parents and their rules.

But he only ran the back of his hand, ever so gently, from under her chin, all the way down her full chest, grazing one of her dark nipples, to her belly. He did not go further down, but left his hand there, gazing into her eyes. All she could do was breathe, and feel the wetness between her legs as it gathered.

“Angelique? Theo?” Carla’s voice spoke into the room.

Angelique sat straight up, trying to regain her composure. Theo put his arm around her and began to laugh, and soon she was laughing too.

“Morning,” Angelique said, giggling.

Atreus came into the picture, carrying Dios. “Looks like you’re having a good time,” Atreus said with a cheeky smile.”

“We most certainly are,” Angelique said with a smile. “How are you guys?”

Carla grinned and looked at Atreus. Atreus grinned and looked at Carla. Then, almost out of nowhere, at exactly the same time, they said, “We’re getting married!”

Angelique jumped up and squealed. “Woohoo!” She’d known Atreus for such a long time, back to the days when he and his ex-wife Serene would come to their private Bahamian island. Serene used to order Angelique about like she was some kind of servant, though she had been hired as an experienced masseuse. Angelique had seen how disconnected Atreus had become, how he had tried valiantly to save their marriage, only to be buffeted and insulted by Serene at every turn. She had seen how his eyes lit up again when Carla had come into his life.

She sat back down on the bed, beaming. “Wow, congratulations.”

“Congratulations, guys,” Theo said with a smile.

“Now…” Carla said. “We’re gonna get married pretty soon. In the beginning of September, right here in Scotland. We’d be so honored if you guys would come, and, Angelique, if you’d be a bridesmaid.”

Angelique squealed again. “Wow, yes, of course I will!”

Atreus raised his eyebrows. “So, will you be coming as … a couple?”

Now it was Angelique and Theo’s turn to look at each other. Theo took her hand and squeezed it tight.

“Yes,” they both said in unison.

After breakfast, they took a stroll down to the beach.

“You still won’t tell me where we’re going?” Theo said, his bag slung over his shoulder. She’d told him to bring his laptop so he could work on his book.

She grinned as she tapped a message to Peterson on her smartphone. “No.”

They soon came to a beach bar and they ordered two colas. It was still early and no one was out except the men and women who cleaned the beach, raking leaves that had fallen from the almond trees. The sea lapped calmly in and out, barely making a sound as it touched the soft sand.

“This is a nice beach,” Theo said.

“It’s home,” Angelique said. “I always used to come here with my family.”

“Hey!” someone called out, and they both looked around.

There, with his dreadlocks swinging past his waist, was Peterson, in a bright orange polo shirt and long denim shorts. He wore his characteristic smile. Wherever Peterson was it seemed the sun shone a little brighter.

“Hey, Peterson!” Angelique said.

Peterson stopped dead when he saw Theo, rocking back on one leg and crossing his arms. “No, it can’t be.” Then he burst out laughing. “Theo!”

“Peterson,” Theo said, grinning.

Angelique watched them as they shook hands and embraced like old friends. “I didn’t know you knew each other!”

“You don’t know everything,” Peterson said, giving her a playful nudge with his elbow. He was like a teasing uncle. “Now, let’s get us on this boat.”

“Boat?” said Theo, as they began to pad across the sand to where Peterson’s motorboat bobbed in the water. “Where are we going?”

Before Peterson could blab, Angelique said, “Aha! That’s for me to know and you to find out. But how do you guys know each other?”

“Atreus brought me down to Little Ekali once,” Theo said. “That was really some place, huh?”

“Sure was,” Peterson said.

They stepped out onto the jetty to get in the boat, then Peterson fired up the engine. “Here we go!”

Soon they were zooming over the sea. Angelique loved speeding over the glassy, turquoise waters, the breeze blowing into their faces. Theo grinned from ear to ear and she felt the same joy bubble up in her heart. The sun was not yet at its peak, and shone down upon them in warm, gold rays.

Peterson navigated around the tip of the island and soon their destination became visible.

“Right there,” Angelique said to Theo, pointing at a tiny little island in the distance. “Just you and me.”

Peterson brought the boat to a standstill just a little way from the shore, so Theo and Angelique had to step into the crystal clear water.

“I’ll call you when we want a ride back,” Angelique said.

Peterson grinned and winked. “See you later.”

They waded through the water to the pristine white sand beach, glancing back now and then and waving to Peterson as he made his way back toward Cat Island.

“Emerald Island,” Angelique said as they got to the shore, standing tall and looking over it. The open beach led onto an area shaded with trees, and then thickened into jungle a little further back. It felt like the only place in the world where they’d be truly alone.

“This is … wow,” Theo said.

Angelique looked at him, how he stood so tall with his bag slung over his shoulder, his life’s work inside. How his hazel eyes were wide open, despite the sun. How his hair the color of brown sugar wisped around his milky face.

She reached out and grabbed his hand, then pulled him toward the shore. “Come,” she said.

He ran with her, and they dropped their flip flops on the beach as they continued into the shaded area. When they were far enough in they couldn’t be seen from the water, they began to kiss. There was none of their previous tentativeness. They dived straight in, passionately pressing their bodies up against each other as they kissed. Angelique could feel Theo’s dick harden as their kiss intensified, and that only fueled her passion.

She broke away from the kiss and pulled her sundress over her head revealing her chocolate skin. Before she’d even thought, she snapped her bra open and tossed it away and pulled her thong off. She stood, totally naked, her sex feeling wet and hot and ready between her legs, her large breasts proud, her nipples sensitive.

Theo was a strong, experienced man, not easily shocked, but he stared in awe at her body.


But his inaction didn’t last long. He stepped close to her and slowly lifted his strong pale hand to her breast. His palm open, he rubbed it against her dark nipple until it hardened and she moaned. Then he took the same hand and pressed his palm against the front of her sex. Then he put his other hand on the back of her neck, and pressed his fingers against her clit.

“Oh my,” he whispered. “You’re so wet.”

“Yes,” she moaned back. “Baby, I want you to take me right here, right now. On the sand.” She reached forward for the string of his long shorts and pulled, until they slackened and slid down to his ankles. He hadn’t worn any underwear and his cock was hard and ready. Angelique moaned at the sight of it, imagining it penetrating deep inside her.

“How do you want it?” he whispered.

Her pussy was so hot she didn’t care how. She lay back in the sand, and drew her thighs up either side of her. “Go on in, baby, please.”

Theo dropped to his knees and gently eased his hard cock inside. It was so perfect that Angelique found herself orgasming right away.

“I love you,” she said, as the ripples of ecstasy overtook her.

“I love you,” Theo replied, his face a picture of pleasure and passion as he pushed his dick inside over and over, slowly and ever so deeply. Their two bodies becoming one.

Angelique must have orgasmed a hundred times before they were through. They lay back in the sand, staring up at the bright blue sky through the canopy of the palm trees, breathing deeply and laughing with pleasure.

“Wow,” Angelique said.

“Wow,” he repeated. “Now that was something else.”

“Truly.” She leaned over on her side and ran her hand over his chest. “That was incredible.”

were incredible,” he said.

“We were incredible,” she argued, giggling. “I guess that’s what love can do.”

He looked into her eyes, suddenly quite serious. “Yes.”

Then, naturally, they began to kiss. It seemed like neither of them initiated it, but that their lips were drawn together by some magnetic passion. Angelique felt her heart might explode with love. Their kisses softened, eventually, then she pulled away.

After a happy, lingering moment, she got up and shook the sand out of her braids.

“Anyhow, I didn’t bring you here for that. Though it was a very, very,
nice bonus. I brought you here as a good place to finish your book. I know you’re nearly at the end, right?”

“Right,” he said, sitting up. “Well, I’ve got plenty of inspiration.”

Angelique gestured around her. “Sure. Don’t think you could get anywhere better than this, huh?”

“I meant you.”

She laughed, and felt the happiest she had in a long time. “Oh, stop.”


Chapter 3

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Theo jumped up from his place on the sand and punched his fist in the air. “It’s done!”

Angelique had been looking over the perfect turquoise sea, Cat Island in the distance, wondering what she was going to do with her life. Theo’s joy was infectious and she jumped right up too. “Yes!”

He threw his arms around her and squeezed her tight. “This is
, you know,” he said happily. “Without you I would have never gotten it done so fast.”

“You’re the one that wrote it,” she said, squeezing back. “And I can’t wait to read it all.” As soon as she said that, she remembered the disastrous time they’d had after she’d read the early pages of his memoir. It showed her how far they had come, for now she felt no fear in reading his memoir—whatever it contained. She was more secure in who he was, and what their relationship meant to her.

“You’ll do some editing for me?” he asked.

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