Loving Angel 3 (13 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“We’re dinin
g by the water.” She smiled slyly at me.

d come to my room earlier and ordered me to get dressed because she wanted us to have some girl bonding time with each other. And although I was tired from a day in the sun, I wasn’t going to decline spending alone time with my BFF.

We had been in Jamaica for two days now and the peace of the resort was already starting to permeate our systems
, while alleviating the stress that we had been experiencing. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves because we were determined to leave all our worries back in New York.

“You do realize my big ass isn’t up for a long walk after such a tiring day?” I complained.

“Stop whining because you know you enjoyed your day,” my cousin teased.

I had in fact enjoyed my day immensely. I had spent the morning relaxing on the beach with my family
, then in the evening my bay and I had taken Ricky and Kiki out on the water for a ride on a glass bottom boat. The kids had really enjoyed looking at the pretty underwater life. After we got back from our boat trip, the kids had wanted to take a quick dip so I went with them and now I was feeling exhausted as hell, from being in the sun all day.

re almost there,” Daisy announced.

I could make out a group of people standing on the beach in the distance and as we got closer to them
, I realized it was my family.

Tyga broke off from the group and jogged over to us.

“What are you guys up to?” I asked suspiciously even though I was wearing a smile on my lips.

“We’re gonna renew our vows.” He smiled in return, taking my hand and
then leading me over to the pastor.

I never thought that
three years after getting married, my husband and I would be renewing our vows. But as the beautiful golden sun was going down in the west, my bay and I were standing on the beach holding hands as we recommitted ourselves to each other before a pastor and our family.

“Sexy, I promise to love you with all my heart until the end of my days
,” Tyga promised as he stared into my eyes with nothing but adoration swimming in his hazel orbs. “I know I’ve messed up in the past but if it takes until my last breath, I’m gonna prove to you just how much you and my kids mean to me.”

“I love you too bay,” I smiled with tears in my eyes, “and I’m happy to be spending the rest of my life with you. Although we’ve had our ups and downs
, there isn’t anyone in this world that I’d rather be with.”

“Now that you have exchanged your vows to each other I pronounce you recommitted,” the pastor said. It was the same pastor who had married us before.

Everyone cheered at his pronouncement; hugging and congratulating us.

“I should have known you were up to something when you told
me we were going to dinner and instead you took me to the beach,” I said to Daisy as she hugged me. “Dinner on the beach is for couples, unless you’re into girls now.”

“Girl please,” she chuckled
. “You already know it’s all about Delco.”

“Don’t we all,” Keya agreed. “I’m surprised he didn’t plan a surprised wedding for you on the island too.”

“Getting hitched here would have been very romantic, but Delco knows I want a huge church wedding.”

“I can just imagine how much of his money you’re gonna spend on that shit,” Keya chuckled, high-fiving her sister.

After the ceremony on the beach, we went back to the hotel for dinner. Almost the entire gang was present except for Keya and Kita. Keya was feeling tired from a day on the beach and decided to stay in while babysitting Makita for Daisy.

The hotel’s chef had prepared a special meal for us
, served banquet style at our table. We had steamed red snapper, stewed oxtail, curried goat and jerk chicken, which went along with steamed white rice or rice and peas and boiled green bananas. There were also two types of soup, stew peas which was my favorite and mannish water which I learnt contained a goats head as one of the main ingredients. For vegetables there was steamed callaloo, cabbage and tossed lettuce salad with baby tomatoes and cucumbers.

Everything was delicious
, and I couldn’t stop myself from having two helpings of the stew peas soup.

The nine
of us in our party was lively as hell. Ricky and Kiki were babbling to each other as they sat in their high-chairs playing with their food, rather than eating it. Delco kept instigating Chance to flirt with our waitress, while Mina was being rude to her and glaring at the girl because Chance kept complementing her.

“I don’t know why she feels the need to come over here every five minutes asking if we need anything,” Mina complained
, burning a hole through the waitress’ back with her stare as the girl walked away.

“She’s just doing her job by trying to be polite,” Aunt Missy placated. I think she was the only person at the table who didn’t know
that my mother had had an affair with my brother-in-law and was now trying to get him back into her clutches. But the pretty little Jamaican had snagged Chance’s attention away from her and that was why Mina was hating on the girl.

“She can be polite to me anytime she wants,” Chance joked.

“Nigga please, you don’t know how to pull a chick like that,” Delco provoked.

“Watch and see what happens
by the end of the night.” Chance took the bait.

Mina glared at Chance before abruptly rising, almost knocking over her chair in her haste. She stormed away from the table without saying goodnight to anyone.

Aunt Missy looked after my mother’s departing form with a puzzled frown on her face. “I really don’t know what’s up with her lately.”

I couldn’t believe Mina was making a damn fool of herself over an eighteen
year old boy, but I should have known better because she always making a fool of herself over men. And the age of her victims seemed to be getting lower and lower.

“Are you ready to head back to the room yet?” Tyga whispered in my ear before nibbling on it. It seemed my man was in the mood for some of my good loving
, although we had already went at it a couple hours ago. We have been going at it like a bunch of bunny rabbits since we got to the island. For some reason Jamaica always brought out the lust in us.

I was very happy I could now enjoy sex with my husband without remembering the terrible things Ninja had done to me. For months I had suffered through nightmares of my rape, even when I was in Miami they hadn’t gone away completely, but now it was going on two months since I had my last one.
And I was very happy about that.

I chuckled. “In a minute.”

“You better not throw that,” Tyga warned Ricky. Our little booger was about to hurl a piece of meat at Chance because his uncle was provoking him.

He gave his father an impish look and returned his food to his plate.

“I swear that boy needs a beating,” I said while shaking my head at my son. “I bet you were just as bad as him when you were young. I hope my baby girl doesn’t come out acting like you two.” Before we’d left New York we had found out the sex of the baby.

chuckled. “If she’s anything like her daddy, she’ll be bad as hell too.” He rubbed my belly lovingly and gave me a quick kiss.

I smiled at him
, but deep inside I couldn’t help the worry I always felt when I thought about the fact that Ninja could actually be the one who was the biological father of my baby. Sometimes I wondered if nature was more powerful than nurture. I worried that if she was Ninja’s biological child, she would inherit his polluted ways and be as cruel as him no matter how much love and affection my bay and I doted on her.

Tyga had come a very long way from wanting me to have an abortion. He had accepted this baby fully
, whether she was his by blood or not. Once we got back from Miami, he was there for me like he was when I was pregnant with Ricky. He rubbed my feet for me when I was tired, rubbed coco-butter on my belly to prevent stretch marks, gave me massages when my back was hurting and was there for every doctor’s appointment.

“I think I’m about to head up to bed,” I yawned. I
’d had a full day and was now tired.

“I’m heading up with you
,” Tyga said, helping me from my seat.

“I’ll take care of Ricky for you,” Daisy offered.

I knew that my aunt was probably going to be the one who ended up with the kids, because since we’d gotten to the island Daisy and Delco have been keeping themselves very busy in the bedroom making up for the time they were apart.

After sayin
g goodnight to everyone, Tyga and I headed up to our hotel suite. It was very similar to the one we had on our honeymoon, with a wall of glass looking out onto the beach.

I washed up and then climbed into bed with my husband. He was checking the messages on his phone, probably seeing how business was going.

“How are things in New York?” I asked, reaching for my phone to check my own messages. We were having some remodeling done at the house while we were away and I liked staying in contact with the contractor. They were turning an upstairs bedroom that was attached to the master, into a miniature living room. That way my bay and I would have a suite of rooms. So now when I wanted to lounge, I could just walk into the room next door.

“Ty said everything is fine so far,” Tyga replied.

I scrolled through my messages but didn’t find anything from the contractor, but there was a text from an unidentified number.

When I read the message
, the phone fell from my fingers as my anger quickly built to a crescendo.

What’s wrong?” Tyga asked me, but my only reply was to glare at the phone. He snatched it off my lap and read the message. “That motherfucker,” he growled.

The message was from Ninja
, although I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how he’d gotten my phone number. It read: ‘
I see that you’re away from the city. Just know when you get back you and I have got some unfinished business to take care of.’





“Will you please get that?” I mumbled to Delco. It was the middle of the night and the constant ringing of his cellphone had not only woken me from my sleep, it was also keeping me up.

“I wish I’d turned that shit off before I went to bed
,” he grumbled as he sat up in bed and then retrieved his phone from the bedside table. “What the fuck do you want bitch?” Was the greeting to the person on the end of the line. “Why do you keep tormenting me?”

I immediately knew he was ta
lking to Maria. She called his phone constantly, always creating excuses for him to drop by her house. That was why I’d been happy when we were on vacation in Jamaica, because it had also been a vacation from her. We’d been home a month now and with the way she kept tormenting us, I wished we’d stayed on the island. In the last week this was her sixteenth phone call. Yeah, I was keeping track of the number of times she called.

he was obviously just doing this shit to make our lives miserable and in a way she was being successful. I should have been enjoying this time in my life; planning my wedding and looking forward to my future with the man I loved. But having her constantly popping up in our lives was sucking away some of my happiness. And the worst part was that when Delco ignored her, she would just pop up at our house, making demands of him. She wanted him to follow her to her doctor’s appointments. She wanted him to go baby shopping with her. She wanted help fixing up the baby’s room. Sometimes I would just tell Delco to go with her so we could get rid of her for a while, but most of the time I showed the bitch’s ass to the door.

“I’m not coming by your house right now Mari,”
Delco was saying. “You know damn well there ain’t nothing wrong with you.” He paused. “I swear to god, if you make me drive all the way over there and you’re lying you’re not gonna like what I’ll do to you.” He hung up the phone.

“What’s wrong now?”

“She said she’s having cramps and needs a ride to the emergency room,” he groaned in frustration. “But with her, you never know if she’s lying.” He had already gotten up and was dragging on some clothes.

I rose too and grabbed something from my drawer then started pulling it on.

“What are you doing?” Delco asked.

“Getting ready too. I don’t believe for a minute that there is anything wrong with that trick and since the kids aren’t here I’m coming with you tonight.”

He nodded. “Maybe if she sees that you’ll just show up with me, she’ll stop this shit.”

It took us forty-five minutes to drive all the way to Maria’s house.
And I spent the entire ride yawning. That hoe had no idea how pissed I was going to be if she was playing one of her games tonight. I really needed my sleep. With two young children and the task of planning a wedding, I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately. That was why the kids were currently at my mom’s house. She was giving me a break to catch up on my rest. But now this bitch had ruined it.

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