Loving Angel 3 (10 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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, we had Ty hook-up with some big money hustlers from New Jersey who he had done business with in the past. They went partying on Boston Road every night because that was where the Jamaicans hung out. They were flossing and spending paper like they were the Bank of America. Buying out the bar and shit so that everyone could see that money ain’t nothing but a thang.

Dread and Ninja immediately saw dollar signs and got caught in our web wh
en Tyrone approached them with his business proposal. He offered to sell them the product two grand below regular market value. At first they were a little leery that the product was gonna be garbage. But when he gave them a sample of that Sour Diesel that was taking people to another dimension and allowed them to puff on it, they took the bait immediately and demanded 300 pounds ASAP.

Tonight was the night. The deal was going down at an out of the way house in the country side of New Jersey. I had sent my boys Lux and John ahead to scope out the scene. Last I heard from them, which was an hour ago, that nigga Ninja
and three others were on the scene but Dread was currently a no show. I had confidence that the greedy motherfucker would show up for his funeral though. He was desperate for these three hundred pounds. I had fucked up his cash flow with my raids and now he was trying to build himself up again.

had repeatedly wrapped the bricks of Sour in green plastic wrap because that shit smelled stronger than a skunk; good weed was always like that. After wrapping it tight we loaded it into the van and we were ready for business.

The plan w
as to let the deal go through because they would expect something popping off before or during the transaction. But once money was exchanged for product and Ty left the scene, they would be fooled into thinking everything was now copasetic.

Tyrone was riding in the weed van with Soner, a cat w
ho came up from Boston with him. While Dwayne, Delco, Biz, Chance and I were loaded in another van riding four car spans behind them.

We were all packing; from Glocks to AK-47s and even Biz’s famous bottle bombs. Biz had been making those bombs since we were teens. He poured lighter fluid into glass bottles and then used cloth to create wicks. His bombs were flammable as hell. Throw a couple of them in
to a building and it would go up in flames in a couple of minutes.

Although we were in straight goon mode it didn’t stop the crew from ribbing on Chance.

“We’re surprised your mother allowed you to come out tonight baby bro,” Delco joked from the front seat. “We all know how protective mothers can be.”

“Right,” Dwayne cosigned. “Tell Mina we said thanks for allowing you to ride.”

“You two niggas can suck this dick,” Chance replied with an equal measure of humor, grabbing onto his crotch causing them to laugh at him. He was accustomed to their teasing because they fucked with him a lot and he’d just fuck with them right back.

“Don’t you have Mina for that or did she find a younger nigga to take care of the job. Y
ou’ve been slacking off baby bro?” Delco asked between chuckles.

“Nigga please, I was the one who stopped giving her this good dick,” Chance defended. “A young nigga like me can’t stay fucking one trick too long. Too many bitches out there want this dick and I’m about to write your baby mama’s name on my list.”

“Which one?” Dwayne inquired. “Because last time I checked this nigga had two of them.”

This led to another round of laughter. This time the joke being on Delco.

My phone rang, interrupting their fun. “What’s good?” I asked Lux who was on the end of the line.

“The big fish just showed up,” he informed me. Lux and John were currently hidden in two trees close to the house
while watching the scene through binoculars. “He brought another nigga with him so now there are six of them. Kinda wondering why he needs so many people for a buy.”

“You think it’s a set up?”

“I wouldn’t put it past this motherfucker.”

“A’ight, keep your eyes open.” I hung up and then rang Tyrone.

We were getting close to the location so Dwayne had fallen back from Ty and Soner.

“What’s good my nigga?” Ty wanted to know.

“Lux thinks it’s a set up. Six niggas total on the scene. I’m not sure I want you to go in anymore.”

“Nigga chill, I got this,” he replied and hung up. That was the thing with that reckless ass nigga; he did what he wanted when he wanted to. All I could do was shake my head at the phone in my hand.

“What’s the plan?” Chance asked.

“Same as before.
Lux thinks it’s a set up but you know that nigga Tyrone don’t listen for shit.”

“We’ll just have to stay closer so that when shit pops off we’re not far away,” Biz said. I was thinking the same thing.

When we got to the long dirt road that led to the house we parked the van by the entrance because we would be hoofing it from there. After checking our guns and ensuring we had extra ammunition, we traveled up the trail at a quick clip.

Lux buzzed me saying, “Our boy just got here.”

“When they go inside the house change locations, I’ve got a feeling he’ll need you.”

“Roger that,” he replied like he was some type of covert operative.

We had left Dwayne and Biz behind with the van. They were to give us a fifteen minute head start and then head in our direction. A getaway ride should always be on standby in any smartly carried out operation.

It was a long ass drive way and it took us more than five minutes to jog its length but we couldn’t have made the drive because they would have heard us coming. We were almost to the house when we heard shots firing. I pulled out my Glock and sped up, taking the lead with my boys coming in close behind me.

When we ran into the yard there were several things I noticed at once. A body crashing through one of the front windows of the house, a nigga riddled with bullets was lying by the open back doors of our weed van and Lux and John were pinned down by bullets behind one of the cars as they returned fire.

We i
mmediately took cover behind the weed van and started letting loose. Both Chance and Delco had semi-automatic weapons and they were blazing.

The figure that had crashed through the window started crawling on his belly in the direction of Lux and John.

“Who the fuck is that?” Chance asked.

“I think
its Tyrone,” I replied. Only a fucking crazy nigga like him would throw himself through a fucking glass window to get away from his attackers. “We have to set off hard at those bitches so he can get clear.”

And that was what we did; we made it rain bullets like we were setting off fireworks on Independence Day. Luckily we
had brought enough extra clips for more than one reload.

John must have recognized Ty too because he ran from behind his cover and started dragging him to safety. Unfortunately his actions revealed what was transpiring because he wasn’t
crouching low enough and one of those niggas in the house quickly rose from behind the broken front window and put some bullets in him.

I shot the nigga three times in return, but it was already too late because John had fallen to the ground and wasn’t getting back up. Ty completed his crawl, dragging John’s
body with him and found cover behind the car with Lux.

Dwayne screeched onto the scene, stopping close to the side of the house
, uncaring that he was being shot at. I was wondering what the fuck they thought they were doing until I saw Biz pop up from one of the side windows, throwing something at the house that shattered a window. He followed his first throw with two more and as soon as the van shot away from the house there was a loud blast from inside the house following in its wake.

That nigga was too genius f
or his own good. He had thrown bombs in the house at them, destroying the entire right side of the building and starting a fire. The gun fire that had previously been nonstop suddenly ceased and after another three minutes passed without any return shots, I decided those fools must have all been blown away.

Me and most of my crew converged
on the house, while I sent Chance to go check on John and Ty.

Delco, Dwayne and I entered through a side door on the left side
, away from the blaze, while Lux and Biz went around the back. The first nigga we found, which was in the living room, was already dead. The second was Ty’s friend Soner and he was also dead. But the third was only half dead and it was obvious from the burns he was wearing, he was wounded from the blast. I continued to clear the house and left Dwayne to haul the wounded victim outside.

The fire and smoke was increasing so we were only able to do a very quick search. I was getting singed from the heat of the fire and the smoke was fucking up our lungs. We didn’t find either Ninja or Dread and I was hoping they had gotten blown up from Biz’s homemade bomb

“The back door was open,” Lux informed me when we all got back outside, some of us coughing. “I think there is a chance those mothe
rfuckers might have gotten away because I also found a bloody trailed that goes off towards the woods.”

“Fuck.” My anger was palpable as I walked over to the dude Dwayne had rescued from the house and kneeled beside him. “Where are those niggas Ninja and Dread
?” I asked him, but his only reply was a moan of pain.

“I don’t think that nigga knows anything,” Dwayne told me. “I already question
ed him.”

“Ty needs to get to the hospital and John is dead,” my baby brother said as he jogged over to us.

Anger at the news that I had just received caused me to pull out my gun and empty the clip in the head of the only remaining victim. I felt like howling at the motherfuckin’ full moon that was visibly in the sky.
My nigga John is dead





“Is this everything?” I asked Mike as I took the medium sized carton box from him. Keya had asked me to stop by Glitter and collect her things that she had left in her locker. Tyga had given her ass the boot after discoverin
g she was tricking in his club.

“Yeah, I think this is it. Keya never left a lot of her stuff here because she was afraid someone would break in
to her locker and steal them,” he told me.

“Thanks Mike
.” I was happy he had gathered her things for me.

“No problem,” he replied before walking away.

I was about to head out, when a short fat white guy who was sitting at the bar turned around and asked, “Do you know Keya?”

I screwed up my face at him, wondering if he was one of my sister’s tricks. “Why would you like to know?”

He pulled out a badge from his pocket and waved it at me. “I’m Detective Parker.”

I retorted. He had to come better than that. I wasn’t going to answer his question just because he was a detective. He was sitting in a strip club in the middle of the day, getting plastered. He wasn’t looking too official to me.

He glared at me with enough hate in his cold blue eyes to chill my blood. “You black bitches are
always trying to be difficult,” he sneered. “I know you know her because I just saw you taking her things from the manager. So just tell the dirty bitch I’m coming for her. If she thinks she has gotten away from me because she’s not working here anymore, she’s making a sad mistake. I’ll get to her in the end for fucking up my life.”

“I’m not
a fucking messenger,” I snapped and then I hurried away. That white dude had scared me shitless. And I knew he must have been someone my sister had infected.

I left the club and walked to my car at a quick pace while looking over my shoulder. I was
afraid he was going to follow me but luckily he didn’t.

As soon as I got into the car and
had locked the doors, I called Delco’s phone. I wanted to fill him in on what had just happened because my little exchange with the detective had left me with a bad feeling in my gut. But he didn’t answer his phone. I had been trying to get in contact with him since last night but for some reason he had gone M.I.A. And I was starting to think that he must be up to no good.

Although I told him I needed some time to think
, I’d always thought he would be there waiting for me to take him back whenever I was ready. After all, he did claim that he loved me and couldn’t live without me, so waiting a couple of months for my forgiveness shouldn’t have been any hardship.

I started the car and headed to New Jersey. I was gonna stop by my house to grab some things for the girls. They were currently at my mother’s house and she had asked me to allow them to spend the weekend with her.

As I pulled up in front of my house, I saw Delco’s car in the driveway. I wondered what his excuse was going to be for going missing for so long.

When I got inside the house I found him sitting on the couch with his head laid back and his eyes closed.

“I see you finally came out of the pussy you’ve been playing in,” I commented casually. I didn’t want him to know how much anger and hurt I was feeling at the moment.

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