Loving Angel 3 (22 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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Ninja was holding my mother at gunpoint while Lee and some nigga I didn
’t recognize, were looking on with anticipation on their faces.

Lee was the first to see me. “Here’s your princess now Ninja
.” She said, announcing my arrival.

“Come join the party,” Ninja ordered as his cold, hard eyes fastened on me. I shook my head no and he pressed his gun into the side of Mina’s face, the threat implicit in his action
s. “Don’t try to give mi any problems or I’m gonna blow this bitch’s brains out.”

I knew the evil bastard would do it in a heartbeat so I sucked in a deep breath to calm my heart and reluctantly went to him. As soon as I was within his reach he backhanded me causing
me to fall onto the sofa and my cheek began throbbing with the beat of my heart.

“Next time I tell you to come
, you better do what I fucking say without delay.” The anger in his eyes scared me even more than the gun in his hand. “Now where’s my daughter?”

I held my tender cheek, I stared up at him with hatred in my eyes. The kids were upstairs in the nursery but not even beating me bloody would get me to reveal that information.

“I think you’re gonna have to beat the bitch’s ass Ninja,” Lee suggested when I wouldn’t reply.

He shook his head in the negative. “Beating her won’t help. She’s mad stubborn.” He gave me a lascivious look. “I’m gonna teach you a lesson in obedience tonight because it seems like you didn’t learn from the last one.”

I cringed at the thought of him
ever touching me again. I would rather die.

“I don’t see what you and Tyga see in this bitch
, when she ain’t even all that anyway.” Lee frowned up her face at us. “You’ve been jonesing for her pussy for months and Tyga is so addicted to the damn thing he doesn’t even want to fuck anyone else. I spent months working at that stupid club so that I could try to seduce him and the only thing he allowed me to do was suck his dick, once. Sometimes I wonder what the bitch has between her legs to have you two hooked.”

was when the missing puzzle piece finally clicked into place. Lee was that bitch Lena who used to manage my husband’s club. I’d only seen her the one time on the opening night of Adore so when I saw her months later, while I was escaping from Dread’s house, though she looked familiar I couldn’t remember where I’d seen her first.

Ninja gave her a death stare. “Bitch will you shut the fuck up and go find the damn kids

I was immediately off the couch. “That bitch ain’t going nowhere near my kids.” I didn’t trust that she wouldn’t try to hurt them because she obviously didn’t like me.

“If you don’t want her near your kids then take mi to them. I want to see my daughter.”

“She’s not your fucking daughter,” I retorted.

I could see anger building in his eyes as a muscle in his cheek twitched. And I was sure I would have gotten another slap to the face if Dread hadn’t chosen that moment to waltz through the front door with an unconscious Keya in his arms and two more goons following in his wake.

“You got the bitch uncle
!?” Lee said excitedly.

“Sure did, now I can’t wait for her to wake up.”

A solitary tear escaped my eye. The situation seemed to be getting worse and I didn’t have the slightest clue as to how we were going to get out of it. Tyga was hours away in Philly, Delco was gone on his honeymoon and Chance had disappeared as soon as Mina had shown up and the last time I called him, his phone was off. So if we were going to be saved we’d have to do it ourselves, but how?

“Go get the Rottweilers
out the van Vincent,” Dread ordered the nigga who had shown up with Ninja.

Vincent nodded
and then left.

Ninja grabbed onto my arm to get my attention. “Let’s
go.” He roughly pulled me off the couch. “If you keep refusing to do as I say you’re just gonna piss mi off and then I’ll have to shoot this bitch,” he used his gun to point at Mina, “and when I find the kids I’ll also shoot that little bastard you had with that nigga.”

The look of terror on Mina’s fa
ce and the trembling of her limbs told me she believed his every word.

As hard as it was to do
, I took him up to the kids’ rooms. I knew without a doubt that he could easily find them on his own and I also knew without a doubt that he would carry out his threat just to be spiteful. At least if I was with him I could try to keep them safe by any means necessary; even offering my body to him willingly.

I took him to Faith’s room first. I had a feeling he would be a l
ot calmer after he saw her. He believed she was his daughter, so I didn’t think he would hurt her.

stared down into her crib with a look of adoration on his face. “Damn, I can’t believe she grew so much already. And she’s starting to look just like mi.”

I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about because my daughter was the
spitting image of me.

“Let’s go get the kid now so that I can have him
near for when you misbehave,” he said after he had his fill of admiring my baby girl.

As much as I didn’t want him around my son
, I knew I didn’t have a choice if I wanted to keep Ricky close. I wasn’t about to leave my kid alone for Dread or one of his people to find him. They were all a bunch of sick sadistic bastards. At least with Ninja I could try to control the situation.

Ricky’s room was across the hallway and he was standing at his door peeking out when we got there.

“Mommy.” He ran to me as soon as he saw me, wrapping his arms around my legs. “I heard lots of noises and got scared.” He pouted and then his huge hazel eyes lit on Ninja. “Who is he mommy?”

Ninja bent down beside my son. “I’m your new step daddy
, and if mommy behaves we’re all gonna get along,” he smiled. “Are you gonna behave mommy?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly.

“Good.” The sadistic bastard stood then tapped me on the ass. “Which one of these rooms is yours?”

I pointed to the suite of rooms down the hallway from the nursery.

“Come show it to me.”

I looked to Ricky who was still hanging onto me
, then said, “Can we please take the kids with us. I don’t trust your people not to hurt them.”

“You want your kids in the room while we’re fucking?”
He snapped. “I hope you haven’t been fucking that nigga you are with while my daughter was in the room.”

“They won’t be in the room with us,” I quickly assured him. “It’s a suite of rooms and it contains a mini living
room. They can stay in there.” When I saw that he was about to disagree, I resorted to begging and promises. “Please. They won’t disturb us and if I don’t have to worry about their safety, I’ll be more agreeable.”

He stared at me for a minute before saying. “I’m gonna do this for yo
u. But if I do you this favor and you don’t make me happy in return, you won’t like what I’ll do.”

I nodded and then hurriedly went to collect Faith. All the while Ricky was hanging onto my legs. I guess he must have felt the fear coming off me because he wasn’t even his usual talkative self.

When we finally got to my rooms I placed a sleeping Faith into the crib we had in there and then I seated Ricky on the loveseat after putting the TV on a cartoon channel.

“Watch TV until mommy gets back little booger,” I told my son
and he nodded.

“Time to pay up,” Ninja said then he seized my arm and dragged me to the bedroom.
Once he slammed the door behind us my heart lodged itself in my throat.

He grabbed me by the back of the head and stuck his tongue down my throat but as soon as his hands started roaming my body
, there was a knock on the door.

“Who the fuck is it!
?” He yelled.

“It’ me Vincent, Dread wants to talk to you real quick.”

He huffed in aggravation as he released me, then he went over to the bedside table and grabbed the cordless phone and then my cell off the dresser. “I’m leaving Vincent outside in the hallway so don’t even think about trying to escape,” he warned in parting.

I didn’t reply. I was too disappointed that he was taking the damn phone
s with him. As soon as he was gone I peeked out the bedroom into the mini living room and saw that Ricky was still busy watching TV. Once I assured myself that my kids were good for now, I ran to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. And when I saw what I was looking for I breathed a sigh of relief.

Ninja may have thought he had me cornered but I had a few tricks up my sleeve




‘Hey, this is Angel. I can’t get to the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep.’

“Fuck,” I growled in irrita
tion as I hung up on Angel’s voicemail and dialed my brother’s number. I didn’t understand why Angel wasn’t answering her fucking phone. That had been my third call to her in the last fifteen minutes. Sexy knew better than to not answer my calls. Whenever I left the state I always liked to keep in contact with her consistently.

My dumb ass brother wasn’t answering his phone either. And I was even more pissed at Chance than I was at my wife. At least I h
ad spoken to her two hours earlier but Chance had been MIA all day. He was supposed to be at the house watching my wife and kids but Sexy had told me that as soon as Mina had shown up Chance had disappeared. The nigga was now a member of my crew so he needed to take his responsibilities more seriously.

If I didn’t hear from them in the next hour I was gonna send Dwayne and Lux by the house. It may have seemed a little drastic but I had already told Angel that when I was away if she didn’t answer my call
s I was gonna do just that.

Still no answer from Angel?” Tyrone wanted to know as he overtook the car before him.

I shook my head no.

Ty, Andro and I were on our way back from the buyer my father-in-law had recommended. His name was Jose and we had hooked up with him at one of his traps in the heart of Philly. He seemed like he was making some paper and he was looking to buy as many keys as Kit was currently copping. With the two of them buying from me, my guys were going to be making a lot more trips to Miami.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about my sister if I were you,” Andro said from the back seat of the car. “Didn’t you say her crazy mother was at the house? She’s probably keeping her busy.”

I nodded again. I wasn’t too worried as of yet, but I liked being on the safe side. I still remembered leaving the state last year and when I got home my wife was missing.

We were currently leaving the busy streets of Jose’s neighborhood and were heading towards a less populated area.

A couple minutes after we’d left Jose’s neighborhood, another car suddenly bumped into the back of our ride. “Fuck!” Ty exclaimed as the car jerked. He had to swiftly step on the brake so that he didn’t hit the car before us.

“Why the fuck won’t people learn
how to drive properly?” I said irritably.

“The nigga is so stupid he was driving right on my bumper.”

Ty pulled over on the side of the road and we exited the vehicle as the passengers of the other car did the same.

What I expected from the driver of the other vehicle was an apology for running into us and his insurance information, but what I didn’t expect was for him and his passenger
to have quickly drawn weapons on us.

“Is this how you Philly niggas do it?” I asked as I glared at them. I couldn’t believe Jose was pulling some bitch move like this. What
did he expect to gain? We didn’t have any substantial cash on us and the only coke we had was the small amount from which we had allowed him to taste test.

“Nah, Phi
lly niggas don’t do it like this, but I do.”

The words were spoken by my wife’s brother as he pulled out his own gun and pointed it at me. With the amount of larceny I knew this nigga had in his heart
, I should have seen this shit coming. But he had been behaving himself so well lately, I had thought he was changing his ways.

“This is how you rolling nigga? I take you into my organization and you turn on me.”

“Take me into your organization?” Andro gritted with an angry curl to his lips. “I was a fucking lieutenant when I was in Miami yet instead of giving me my own crew you had the audacity to make that bitch nigga,” he waved the gun at Ty, “boss over me. So fuck you and your fucking organization, I’ve hooked up with a better team and we’re gonna take over New York.”

Ty glared at Andro
heatedly. “The only bitch around here is you nigga.”

The words had barely left Ty’s mout
h when Andro used his gun to clock my friend in the face. And as Ty fell to the floor, Andro continued savagely beating him with the piece.

I moved towards them to stop the beating but one of Andro’s accomplices growled, “You better
stay where the fuck you are!” And the look in his hard eyes told me he’d pull the trigger if I took another step.

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