Love Unbound (9 page)

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Authors: Evelyn Adams

Tags: #marriage, #love story, #bdsm, #submission, #bbw, #rubenesque, #series, #contemporary romance, #dominance, #committment, #curves, #sexy series, #second honeymoon

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“Look at how many there are,” he said, his
voice filled with the awe she felt. “They go on forever.”

“Yep.” They bobbed side by side in the
stillness of the night barely touching yet somehow more connected
than they’d been in months. Her body had adjusted to the water
temperature and only the tops of her shoulders and tips of her
breasts felt the chill of the night air. The cool air on her
nipples was deliciously arousing. Every so often she’d shift to
lower her breasts under what now felt like warm water and shiver as
she let them break the surface again, the contrast in temperature
tightening her nipples to hard points and sending tremors through
her body.

“I love you, Jules.” Max slid behind her,
letting his arms circle her. The extra buoyancy of him underneath
her lifted her breasts slightly out of the water. Achingly slowly
with feather light touches, his fingers played along the curves off
her breasts. When they grazed her nipples, her head fell back to
rest on his chest.

They floated weightless in the dark while he
stroked her breasts. The hard length of him nestled in the crease
of her bottom, but he didn’t rush. They listened to the frogs and
watched the stars as Max slowly, deliberately stoked fires Julie
thought had gone out. When her breath came in quick gasps and she
pressed back against his erection, he caught her earlobe between
his teeth and she trembled, parts of her coming fully awake for the
first time in months.

“I want to be inside you. Give me your

The absurdity of his words had them both
laughing, but only for as long as it took her to pass them to him.
He doubled the floats he already had and then pulled her over to
straddle him. The water and his skin slid effortlessly across her
naked body. It was the easiest thing in the world to take the hard
length of his cock into her slick heat. His answering groan sent a
ripple of pleasure through her.

“Oh God, you are so hot. So tight.”

He rocked against her, not thrusting as much
as settling deeper inside her. She kissed his wet lips, teasing his
tongue with hers and opening completely to him. He pressed up into
her and she rode him, the two of them bobbing on the waves they
made together.

It was a sweet aching grinding, but he
couldn’t get leverage to thrust. Instead of surging towards the
climax, he let the pleasure wash over them. His hands teased the
limited bits of skin he could reach while still keeping them
floating. Shifting slightly, he reached up and took her nipples
between his fingers and tugged the way he knew she liked. Her
answering moan and the way she pushed down on him, taking him even
deeper, had his cock throbbing. God, she was so beautiful, her
creamy curves glowing in the moonlight, and she didn’t realize

“You don’t know how beautiful you are, do
you?” She let out a little cry and collapsed, letting her head rest
on his chest. “Look, Julie. Look at your skin under the water.” His
fingers traced the tiny bubbles that clung to her skin. “A water
nymph, you’re a moonlit water nymph.” He rocked and she moaned as
his cock nudged against her womb. “Touch yourself for me. Come on,
baby. Please, let me see you.”

He could tell she was uncertain, but he
watched as her hand dipped under the water. Her fingers found the
place where their bodies joined and she stroked, riding his cock
and her hand until her breath came in gasps and her head fell

“Coming,” she panted. “I’m coming.”

“God, Julie.” He groaned as her muscles
pulsed, milking his cock and taking him over the edge with her. She
fell against him, forehead to forehead, but neither of them moved
to separate. They floated together until he felt her shiver with
cold instead of passion. “Come on, let’s get you warm.”

“I don’t want to leave.” As she said the
words he felt her tremble.

“I know, baby, but you’re cold. Let’s go
light a fire.”

They swam to the dock and he waited while she
climbed the ladder and pulled herself out of the water. Even in the
dark he could see her shiver. “Should have brought towels,” she
said as her teeth chattered and she searched in the dark for her

“Next time. Don’t worry about the clothes.
We’ll get them in the morning.” He caught her hand before she could
protest and tugged her up the hill toward the cabin.

After the rough deck boards, the grass felt
soft against her feet. Julie forced herself not to think of snakes
or anything else she might step on. She worked even harder not to
try to cover herself with her hands. They were gloriously naked
together and Max had said she was beautiful. He showed her she was.
She wasn’t about to let her own insecurities ruin things between

“Race you!” She smacked his naked butt and
bolted for the cabin.


Read more of Max and Julie’s story in YOUR
Indulge in more Forbidden Fruit with a sneak
peek at


Abby is in a hurry to meet her husband at
home for their anniversary weekend, but it’s the last thing she
plans to hurry. With two jobs and two kids, she and Tim have been
rushing through their lives, barely taking time for sleepy sex at
the end of the day. The best anniversary present she can imagine is
time together – enough time to really make love; to enjoy each
other’s bodies like they did when they were first married.

Tim loves his wife more than he did the day
he married her, and he’s looking for a new way to show her. After
fifteen years, they know exactly how to please each other and how
to touch each other. Without intending it, their lovemaking has
become routine. Tim wants to try something new, and if his plan
works, they’ll have a whole new kind of intimacy to explore.

With three child-free days stretching out in
front of them, Tim and Abby have a chance to unwrap the best
present ever and celebrate an anniversary they’ll never forget.




Tim put the bag with the food in the fridge
and called out for Abby. Her car was in the garage so she had to be
home somewhere. He hadn’t expected her to be back already, and it
made him smile to think she was as eager for their weekend as he
was. Hopefully, she’d think eating in was a good idea, too. He
didn’t want her to think he didn’t want to take her out. He just
didn’t want to waste a minute of the time they had together out in
public around other people. He walked to the base of the steps and
heard the shower running. Perfect. Picturing his wife naked in the
shower, he took the steps two at a time.

He tossed his jacket and the small black bag
on the bed and unbuttoned his shirt. He could smell the peach
scented body wash Abby loved and he moved faster, dropping his
pants to the floor and stripping off the rest of his clothes. He
pushed open the bathroom door and stepped naked into the steam
filled bathroom. Abby obviously hadn’t heard him come in. Her head
was tipped back, mouth open in pleasure and she was using the
shower sprayer and her hand to get herself off. His cock, already
hard, turned to steel. He’d been married to her for fifteen years.
How was it possible to want her so much? But watching her give
herself over to her pleasure, he couldn’t imagine anything sexier –
unless it was him making her come.

He heard her breathing pick up, coming in
gasps as the orgasm took her. He stepped closer so he could see her
better through the steam and spray. She must have sensed him
because she straightened quickly, sliding the glass door open to
look at him. Her expression shifted from startled to guilty.

“I couldn’t wait,” she said sheepishly.

“Don’t stop,” he said. “I love watching

She made a disbelieving face, and he reached
out and caught her hand. “Don’t believe me?” He took her warm wet
hand and wrapped it around his cock. Her eyes went wide with
pleasure at the evidence of his arousal. He leaned in and kissed
her, licking the water from her lips. “Is there room for me in
there, too?” he asked.

“Absolutely,” she said, grinning.

Tim climbed in, blocking the spray, and she
reached for him, feeling the water slip between them as her hand
grasped the hot hard length of him. He felt like iron covered with
velvet, and the water made everything smooth and slippery. She
stepped closer to lick at the trickle of water that ran down his
chest. He bent his head and caught her mouth with a kiss. She
tasted mint and the familiar taste that was Tim. Running her hands
across his chest, she let them slide down his belly to his hips.
His hands cuffed her wrists, stopping them from moving.

“Let me make you come this time,” he murmured
against her ear. Shivers raised across her skin, warring with the
heat from the shower.

Spinning her around, Tim put her hands on the
wall of the shower. He wedged his legs between hers and used his
feet to press hers against the edges of the tub. Abby felt him hard
and ready, and she arched back into him.

“Don’t move.” The command in his voice
started delicious tremors low in her belly.

He stepped back, still blocking the shower, and she felt cold and
vulnerable and more excited than she’d been in a very long time.
She stifled a giggle. This was so much better than showering alone.
He shifted slightly and the hot spray hit her back, a glorious
contrast to the chill. The scent of peaches filled the cloud of
steam, and she felt him move in behind her, stroking soapy hands
down her back and sides.

“God, you are so beautiful,” he said as his
hands slid over her skin in long smooth strokes.

Every inch of her skin felt alive and
tingling. She could barely breathe let alone speak. She was a
quivering pile of need and would have turned toward him. Before she
could, he stepped against her and slid his soapy hands around to
cup her breasts and tease her nipples to hard peaks. He rubbed his
palms against the tight points, before kneading gently while he
licked and bit along her neck. His five o’clock shadow tickled and
scratched, adding to the sensations overwhelming her body.

“Please,” she begged, pressing back against
him. Need made her weak. She wasn’t sure how she was still

“Not yet.” His voice was a low, throaty
growl, and the force in it had her shaking in place. He pulled back
a bit, holding her still with one arm while his other hand slipped
between them, stroking her ass, letting his slick fingers press
against the tight ring of her ass before sliding between her legs.
His thumb slid inside her, curling to stroke her while his fingers
played across her aching flesh. Only his arm wrapped around her
waist kept her standing while the pressure built.

“I love you, Abby.” He spoke the words with
his lips playing along her neck and his hand stroking deep inside

“Love you, too,” she said, her breath coming
in shallow gasps.

He shifted, letting the hand around her waist
dip to stroke her sensitive clit. She arched, trying to rub his
cock against her cunt, but he pulled his hips back. “You first,
baby. I won’t last once I’m inside you.” Using two fingers, he slid
them deep inside her. Her breath whooshed out in pleasure and she
arched, lifting her ass and giving him better access to her. As he
continued to thrust his fingers inside her, he pressed his soapy
thumb against her tight rosebud.  When she pushed back against
him, he groaned and pressed his thumb past the ring of muscles.

“God, Tim,” she panted, lost in her own
pleasure. Taking her breathless cries as acceptance, he thrust with
his hand, his fingers sliding deep in her cunt while his thumb
glided in and out of her ass. He felt her start to tighten under
his hand and picked up his pace.  Watching the way her tight
ass swallowed his thumb had his cock so hard it practically bounced
in front of him. He wouldn’t be able to hold out for much

“Come for me,” he whispered against her ear.
He bit down on her shoulder, and she did, clamping down on his hand
and calling his name.

Before her body finished pulsing, he pulled
his hand away and replaced it with the thick hard length of him.
She stretched up on tiptoes, gasping as he filled her and even more
when she felt his fingers slide into her ass. While he fucked her
with his hand and his cock, she braced herself against the tile
shower wall, trembling with pleasure. The spray from the shower
washed down over both of them, driving away a chill she hadn’t
known she felt.

Surrounded with peach scented steam and the
man she loved, she lost herself again. She surrendered to the
sensation of him moving inside her and shattered as one orgasm
stretched into two. He slid his fingers out of her and she reached
up to wrap her arms around his neck. His hands gripped her hips
tight enough to leave bruises, and she felt him shudder inside her.
Tipping her head back, she kissed him wrapped in the warmth of the
water and his arms.

“Happy anniversary,” she murmured against his


Read more of Abby and Tim’s story in LOVE
Indulge in more Forbidden Fruit with a sneak
peek at


Jack and Christine rarely have sex anymore,
and when they do, it doesn’t satisfy either of them. Christine’s
let herself go and doesn’t believe her husband could be interested
in her. She’s always had trouble reaching orgasm during
intercourse. After sixteen years of marriage, she’s given up.

Jack thinks his wife just isn’t interested in
sex. He’s tried to fill his own needs by watching online porn and
masturbating in the shower, but he’s tired of feeling like a dirty
old man. He wants to be more than paycheck to Christine, and he’s
at the end of his rope.

Together, they’ve created a perfect storm of
missed opportunities and misunderstanding.

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