Love Unbound (4 page)

Read Love Unbound Online

Authors: Evelyn Adams

Tags: #marriage, #love story, #bdsm, #submission, #bbw, #rubenesque, #series, #contemporary romance, #dominance, #committment, #curves, #sexy series, #second honeymoon

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She didn’t want him to hurt her, but he
hadn’t – not really. Her stung nipple still tingled, but it wasn’t
with pain as much as it was an intense awareness. Everything else
they’d done felt amazing. She was still so wet. If anything the
snap to her nipple intensified her desire. Obviously her body
wanted this even as her mind struggled to catch up. And she was
safe with him. She knew it with ever fiber of her being. He might
push her limits, but he’d keep her safe. He’d protect them and what
they had together.

“Okay.” She said the word softly and
struggled to hold onto the blanket while she crawled back to the
center of the bed. When she started to settle herself cross legged,
she felt his hands grasping her upper arms.

“Not this time. On your knees, legs spread
and I’ll take this.”

She clutched at it, but he pulled the blanket
out of her grasp. Cool air assaulted her, and she felt her skin
pebble with goose bumps. Her nipples tightened to hard little buds.
She was cold and very naked, but she’d made her choice. She
wouldn’t go back now.

Using her hands to support herself on the
wobbly bed, she got to her knees. She took a deep breath and spread
her knees as far apart as she could before sitting back down on her
heels. The cold air made her even more aware of her wet sex, and
she caught the musky scent of her own arousal.

“Good. Hands behind your back.”

Cat hesitated for a moment but moved before
he could use the crop. She clasped her hands, twining her fingers
and letting them rest on the top of her butt. The position thrust
her breasts forward and left her feeling completely exposed.

“Much better. Now, if you hold very still,
you can keep this.” He leaned toward her and she smelled the
unfamiliar spicy scent and felt the warmth of him along her front
when he draped the blanket over her shoulders. She tried not to
wiggle as he tucked it in under her arms, skimming the sides of her
heavy breasts with his hands. Having her back covered made her
front feel even more naked, but at least part of her was

She felt his weight shift back and heard him
rustling with something beside the bed.

“You are so beautiful.” The naked
appreciation in his voice made her skin heat. She felt his hand on
her chin. “Mouth open, and your pussy spread wide. I’ll decide
which to fill first.”

She felt another flush of heat even as she
tried to make sense of his words. Tentatively, she opened her mouth
and froze in place, waiting.

Something hard trailed along the edges of her
swollen sex, sliding agonizingly close to her throbbing clit
without touching it. As Cat groaned in frustration, he popped a
bite of something cold wet and sour into her mouth. Pickle? She
tried to focus on chewing and swallowing the crunchy, dill bite
without choking as the crop traced a path from her pussy across her
belly to the underside of her breasts. How was she supposed to stay
still while he teased her? She gritted her teeth to keep from

He rubbed the flat of the crop over the tip
of her nipple, not hard but the threat of what he could do with it
got her attention. Her nostrils flared as she sucked in air.

“Mouth open, kitten.” His thumb pressed down
on her chin, and he placed a bite of sharp cheddar cheese on her
tongue. She chewed slowly and felt the tiny crystals from the
exceptional cheese burst against her tongue. It was one of her
favorites; he knew exactly what she liked. She started to relax a
little as he alternated bites of sour pickle, sharp cheddar and
crisp, sweet apple.

She swallowed and waited mouth open for the
next bite. Instead she felt something hard and smooth push against
the opening of her vagina. Cat clenched her fingers, struggling to
stay still as his thumb pressed her clit while he pushed what felt
like a small, round ball inside her.

“Hold it inside you, kitten.”

Even as her muscles clenched around the small
object, she felt him push another ball into her. The pressure of
his thumb against her clit was making her squirm and holding onto
the balls made the ache inside her worse. It wasn’t enough. She
needed so much more, and she pressed herself into his hand as hard
as her kneeling position would allow.

“Not yet.” He chuckled, and his voice was
warm and tender again. He cupped her sex with his palm and used a
finger to push the balls deeper inside her. He ground the heel of
his hand against her swollen clit and when she groaned with
pleasure he touched her lip with something hard. Inhaling, she
smelled dark, rich chocolate and used the tip of her tongue to
taste the bite he held against her lip. The sharp intake of his
breath let her know this was affecting him as much as it was her.
She took the bite he offered with her teeth and pulled his thumb
into her mouth along with the chocolate. His groan turned to a
growl as she sucked his thumb, running her tongue along it.

“I said not yet.” His voice sounded strained,
and he pulled away from her. She felt the bed shift and heard the
soft pop of what sounded like a champagne bottle. He pressed a
glass against her lips. “Sip.”

Crisp, cold wine flooded her mouth and the
bubbles prickled her tongue. She thought of the Don Perignon story
where the blind monk proclaimed, “I am drinking the stars.” The
wine danced in her mouth and when he offered it again, she greedily
drank another swallow.

“Don’t move.” She heard him swallow, felt the
bed shift and then, oh God, his mouth on her breast, cold this time
and full of wine. He held a mouthful of wine over her nipple and
the stars prickled against her sensitive skin. He suckled hard,
swallowing the wine and pulling her nipple deep into his mouth
before releasing it to repeat the process with her other breast.
The cold air hit her wet nipple, and it pebbled tight. He went back
and forth, alternating the sparkling wine with long hard pulls on
her tender flesh until she thought she’d go mad. Clenching her
hands, she strained to keep her hands behind her back. Just when
she was sure she couldn’t stand a minute more, he raised his head
from her breast and kissed her, hard and hungry and tasting like
wine. She gave herself over to the kiss, leaning into him. He held
her with one arm and cupped her sex with his hand. She gasped as
she felt him push two more balls inside her. Her muscles tightened
around them and she groaned against his mouth. He broke the kiss,
tugging her bottom lip with his teeth.

“One more,” he said, leaning away from her.
He pushed the fifth bead inside her and she practically whimpered,
swollen, full and aching with need. “Now it’s my turn to eat.”


Holy God. He was going to explode. He’d never
used Viagra, but he wondered what the danger was with having an
erection that lasted more than four hours. His cock had been hard
since she walked in the door and it kept getting harder.

If he concentrated on her reactions, he could
at least stay a little detached from his own but not enough.
Watching her open her mouth to take the bites from his fingers made
his cock throb. When she’d pulled his thumb into her mouth and
sucked, he’d felt it in his cock. It had taken every bit of control
he had to keep from throwing her back on the bed and sinking balls
deep into her.

He just had to hold out for a little bit
longer. Then he could slide into her hot slick heat and lose
himself. The next part was a little tricky. That should take some
of his attention away from his aching cock. He glanced down to make
sure the Velcro restraints were alongside the bed where he’d left
them. That was a credit card charge he was glad he wouldn’t have to

He’d debated whether to take her blindfold
off for this part or not. He liked the idea of her watching what he
was doing, but he wasn’t sure he could use the crop with her
watching him. His black mask gave him some anonymity, but he wasn’t
sure it would be enough. And he wanted the option to use the

He didn’t get off on hurting her, at least he
didn’t think he did. It was more like smacking her ass or the
reason a boy pulls a girl’s hair. Whatever the reason, he liked the
power and he loved the way it unbalanced Cat and got her out of her
own head.

He’d decide about the blindfold later. He had
to bind her first.

“Stay very still, kitten.” He watched as she
froze completely alert for whatever he was going to do next. She
shifted a little on her heels and he imagined the beads moving
around inside her. The thought of pulling them out of her while he
licked and sucked her clit had his cock throbbing.

In a desperate move to distract himself, he
moved around her to arrange the pillows into a pile for her to lean
against. She swiveled her head to follow his movements and he
smiled to himself. Being blindfolded kept her on edge without him
even touching her, and he loved the way she trembled as she waited
for his next move.

Her head turned toward him as he knelt in
front and bent to kiss her. She lifted up to meet him, her lips
demanding and greedy. Her mouth opened for him and she sucked in
his tongue with small hungry noises. It almost undid his willpower,
and he had to force himself to pull away.

She made a frustrated noise deep in her
throat. He loved seeing her like this. Knowing she wanted him was a
huge turn on. Normally, their sex life was just fine. They both had
orgasms most of the time. Okay, he always did, but he tried to make
sure she had one, too. Most of the time she did even if it wasn’t
usually just from the sex. Still he didn’t think either of them was
dissatisfied. They had what he thought must be better than average
married people sex.

It wasn’t anything like this.

He was so hard it felt like his cock was
going to Incredible Hulk his pants and Cat was a quivering bundle
of need, much more sex kitten than reserved school teacher.
Amazing. Just like you read about he thought and smiled.

Owen took a deep breath and counted to ten to
make sure he was back in control before he leaned in to kiss Cat

She immediately arched up to meet him with a
need that took his breath away. He forced himself to think about
what he was doing so he didn’t lose control.

Gently, still kissing her, he helped her lean
against the pile of pillows. Before she had a chance to react, he
cuffed her wrist with one of the Velcro straps. The cuff was
attached to a nylon strap that ran under the mattress and to a
Velcro cuff on the other side of the bed. Catching her other hand
before she could pull the strap loose, he cuffed her wrist.

He broke the kiss and leaned back to watch
her test the bonds. She tugged ineffectively at the straps and
whimpered when she realized she was caught.

“Please,” she said, more breath than word.
She spread her legs wide, giving him a breath stealing view of her
pussy, wet, swollen and ready for him. He could just catch a
glimpse of one of the balls peaking out of her opening and the cord
that linked them together. Her hips bucked like they had a mind of
her own, and he finally understood what wanton meant.

One, two, three…

He breathed and counted silently, willing
himself to stay in control. He was definitely leaving her
blindfolded. There was no way he wanted her to see how much effort
it took for him to stay in control. She cried out in frustration
and he reached out to touch her.

“Shh, kitten.”

“I need…” Her words trailed off on a moan as
he slid a finger alongside her swollen clit. She lifted her hips,
desperate to press herself into his hand, and it struck him again
how appropriate the nickname was for her. She was a kitten trying
to rub herself against whatever she could reach.

He let his fingers trail away from her sex
and along her thigh. She practically cried in frustration.

“Soon, baby, I promise,” he said, his own
control slipping.

He caught her leg behind the knee and raised
it to meet her elbow. She didn’t fight him; she helped, eagerly
spreading her legs wide for him. He used another strap to cuff her
knee to her elbow. He repeated the process with her other leg and
then leaned back to admire his work.

“So beautiful,” he murmured, his voice barely
more than a growl. “You are so beautiful.”

Her nipples jutted out, swollen and red, and
her pussy lay open to him like the petals of a flower. She was
bound open for him, needy, hungry and ready for whatever he wanted
to do to her. His cock was an iron bar and he felt like a god about
to ravish a maiden. It felt primal and totally masculine, like he
was some kind of Viking ready to pillage. No mild mannered
professor here.

He would thrust his cock into her and fuck
her until she shattered and he roared his own release. But she was
going to come one more time first.


He’d tied her open for him. It wasn’t
uncomfortable. The pillows supported her and the bonds were soft if
inflexible. But she was completely open, every bit of her exposed
to him. And she was too hungry to care.

He had to touch her. She needed him to touch
her. She ached with it. Every time she moved the balls shifted
inside her and her clit throbbed. She’d never felt like this before
– swollen and completely at the mercy of her body. It was such an
animalistic feeling, like childbirth but with pleasure instead of

“Please,” she cried in frustration. “Oh
please, I need you.”

The bed shifted and she heard the sound of a
zipper. He must finally be taking off his clothes. She almost wept
with relief.

He knelt between her legs, but the bonds kept
her from moving closer to him. The bare skin of his legs pressed
against her bottom, and his impossibly hard cock rested on her
belly just above her sex. She strained against the bonds. If she
could just raise her hips, but all the straps would let her do was
arch her back, pressing her breasts forward. He leaned over her,
the wiry hair on his naked chest teasing her sensitive nipples. She
clutched desperately at the straps holding her wrists.

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