Love Unbound (5 page)

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Authors: Evelyn Adams

Tags: #marriage, #love story, #bdsm, #submission, #bbw, #rubenesque, #series, #contemporary romance, #dominance, #committment, #curves, #sexy series, #second honeymoon

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When he took her mouth she lost her mind,
arching up to meet him desperate for his touch. He kissed her hard,
forcing her mouth open, not that she would have denied him
anything. His tongue plundered and tasted, and she opened
completely to him.

Releasing her mouth, he laid a trail of hot,
hungry kisses along her neck. He sucked to the point of pain,
grazing the skin at the base of her throat hard enough to leave a
mark. The thought of being marked by him sent her own desire even
higher, and when his mouth found her breast she dissolved, panting
and crying. He sucked hard, too hard on her overly sensitive
nipple, and it felt like he was fighting for his own control. Small
whimpers erupted from her throat as he suckled her.

“Too hard, too hard.” Her desire felt alive,
swamping her and she could barely form the words.

His mouth continued the path down her body,
across the soft mound of her belly, to her aching sex. He licked,
using his tongue wide and flat, across her opening and through her
swollen lips. When his tongue found her clit, her breath caught in
her throat. He teased her, swirling the tip of his tongue around
the tight bundle of nerves. He wrapped his lips around the
throbbing bud and sucked.

She exploded, keening and crying wordlessly
as the orgasm crashed over her. Her muscles spasmed around the
fullness off the balls, clenching as he slowly pull the chain from
her body, each one adding to her pleasure.

When she was empty she felt the head of his
cock at her still pulsing opening and then he was inside her.

He stroked, long, powerful thrusts extending
her climax as he reached for his own. He felt so hard, his thrusts
punishing. She couldn’t do anything but lay completely open for him
and take him in. He was so deep inside her. His cock bumped against
her womb, skirting the line between pleasure and pain. Her orgasm
went on and on and when he roared with his own release she felt the
throb of his cock as he spilled his seed deep in her body.




She woke up alone. After they’d recovered,
he’d unfastened her and left, telling her to keep the blindfold on
for five more minutes. She’d been so spent; she must have drifted
off to sleep for a few minutes.

Pushing off the blindfold, she sat up and
stretched. The bands hadn’t been uncomfortable, but they left her
feeling stiff. And she needed a bathroom.

He’d left the light by the front door on for
her, and she saw light coming from the back corner of the
warehouse. He’d cleared away everything, including her clothing.
She grabbed a blanket from the bed, wrapped it around her and went
to explore.

The door led to a small bathroom complete
with a very industrial looking shower. Thick, white, fluffy towels
at odds with the Spartan nature of the room hung on the back of the

Cat didn’t take time to wash her hair, but
the warm water from the shower took away the chill and eased her
stiff muscles. When she glanced at her reflection in the tiny
mirror above the sink, a rumpled, well loved woman stared back at
her. Her lips were still full and red from Owen’s kisses and her
shoulder length brown hair framed her face with the nest of tangles
and curls she’d gotten thrashing around as Owen fucked her.

She hardly ever said or even thought that
word, but made love was too tame for what he’d done to her. God, it
had been amazing. She still couldn’t believe he’d done all this for
her, for them. Everything they’d done, even the parts that pushed
her – hell, maybe especially those parts – combined to make this
one of the most powerful experiences of her life. She wanted to
tell him and looked around half hoping he’d step out of the shadows
lining the warehouse.

The only thing there were the drape covered
easels. Cat was curious, but she wasn’t sure she should snoop. She
danced in her bare feet on the cold concrete, finally deciding to
scurry back to the bed. She’d barely burrowed under the covers when
the front door opened.

He still wore his mask and he carried a small
picnic basket – Zorro meets red riding hood. She watched him walk
toward her and could have sworn his normal stride had been replaced
with a lord and master swagger. Hiding her grin, she peered over
the top of the covers.

“You must be hungry. Did you find the

He sounded stiff and formal, even a little
cold, and he wouldn’t meet her eyes. Now that she wasn’t trembling
with desire she wanted her sweet, funny Owen back not this
controlling guy. Stop being ungrateful, she chastised herself. He
went to a lot of trouble to do this for her. She still didn’t know
how he’d managed it. If he wanted to stay in character, the least
she could do was play along.

“I brought you something to eat.” He set the
basket on the bed and she scrambled to sit up, holding the covers
over her naked breasts. “Go ahead; open it.”

He poured her a glass of the wine he’d opened
earlier and handed it to her. The basket held a sandwich wrapped in
waxed paper, a small container of potato salad, a bottle of water
and cherries. She felt her face heat, remembering what he’d done
with the cherries, and knew she must be blushing.

Reaching out, he stroked a finger along her
cheek and smiled at her, finally meeting her eyes. “I’ll be back,
kitten. Eat and rest. We have a big day tomorrow.”

Before she could ask what he meant, he leaned
in and kissed her, hard and then rose and walked out the door.

Feeling abandoned and more than a little
lonely, Cat watched the door, hoping her Owen, the one without the
mask, would walk back in.

It was too cold to wander around barefoot and
naked. By the time she finished her dinner, she’d given up on
hoping he’d come back. She snuggled under the covers and fell


Owen twisted in the back seat, trying to get
comfortable without letting cold air leak into the sleeping bag. It
wasn’t working. When he planned on sleeping in the car he assumed
he’d be a little uncomfortable. He hadn’t planned on feeling so

The stuff he’d planned for Cat had gone
better than he’d imagined. She’d been so into it. God, he’d never
seen her that excited. It excited him, too. He just wished he could
be sure it was him that turned her on. She knew it was him behind
the mask. He was sure about that, but what if she was imagining
someone else when she was blindfolded? What if he was a stand in
for some fantasy guy. He didn’t think he could stand that. They’d
been playing parts and he needed to know that she’d been with

And what about tomorrow? He’d planned things
he wasn’t even sure he was comfortable with. How could he go
through with any of it if he wasn’t sure they were solid? He needed
to feel connected to his wife.

Enough. There was no way he was sleeping in
this cold cramped car. He sat up and reached over the seat for the
damn black mask. He yanked it on, cursing softly and climbed out of
the car.

He opened the door to the warehouse as
quietly as he could. Cat lay buried under a pile of covers on the
bed. He heard her soft snoring and smiled to himself. She hated
when he teased her about it, but it made it easy to be sure she was
asleep. He turned off the light by the entrance and crossed the
expanse of room to close the bathroom door, plunging the warehouse
into almost complete darkness.

He stripped off his clothes, tucked the mask
into his pants pocket and climbed under the covers with his wife.
His body curled around her warmth, fitting her back to his front in
a dance they’d done thousands of times. He buried his face in her
hair and breathed in the familiar scent of her. When he reached
around to cup her breast she sighed and wiggled her ass back
against him. Christ, just like that he was hard again. He started
to count. He didn’t want to make love to her while she was asleep
–not this time anyway. He didn’t want to think about her dreaming
about somebody else while he was inside her. The thought hurt more
than it should and he held her tighter, molding himself to her.

“So glad you came back.” Her voice sounded
soft and sleepy. He could barely make out the words. She was
obviously exhausted.

“Shh, baby. Sleep now.” He murmured against
her hair and willed his erection down.

“Missed you, Owen.” Her drowsy words sent a
jolt from his tender heart to his thickening cock. Even asleep she
knew him. She hadn’t been dreaming about anyone but him. He kissed
the top of her head and cradled her in his arms.

“I love you, Cat.”

His words roused her and she turned in his
arms, finding the tender skin at the base of his throat and
scraping it gently with her teeth. He groaned and felt her shift
further in his arms.

“I love you, too, Owen. And I love what you
did to me. Thank you.” Pushing against his shoulders, she rolled
him onto his back. In a heartbeat, she straddled him, taking him
deep inside her. Together they began to move.



Cat woke in an empty bed with the light
pouring in through grimy windows.

“Good morning, kitten.” She sat up looking
for him and found him sitting in a chair, black mask firmly in
place, watching her. His hands cupped a mug of coffee, steaming in
the cool morning air.

“What time is it?” Her words sounded thick.
After they’d made love in the dark, she’d slept so soundly. She
knew it must be late but she was shocked when he told her the

“About ten-thirty.”

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d
slept that late. Guilt and a full bladder had her scrambling out of
bed. She clutched at the blanket unwilling to make a naked dash
through the cold warehouse.

“Get a quick shower while you’re in there and
wash your hair.” What in the world did he have planned for her? “Oh
and kitten, leave the blanket.”

She threw an angry look over her shoulder,
dropped the blanket and bolted for the bathroom with the sound of
his laughter echoing behind her.


She came out of the bathroom with one towel
wrapped around her body and another around her wet hair. The hot
water had been bliss, easing aches she didn’t know she’d had. She
felt refreshed, a little hungry and only slightly apprehensive
about what he had planned. That changed when she saw what he’d done
while she showered.


A long strap hung over one of the I beams and
both ends dangled about six feet off the ground. A plain bar with a
ring on each end rested on the carpet below the strap. A spreader
bar. She was pretty sure from her reading that it was a spreader
bar. She swallowed hard and cleared her suddenly tight throat.

He worked fast. He‘d managed to finish his
set up and was sitting in the chair sipping his coffee. Even
wearing the mask, she could see his smug expression. Fine, he may
be in charge for the weekend, but he didn’t have her tied up yet.
He was still her Owen underneath all the props and bravado. She had
power here. She sashayed over to him, putting a little swing in her
hips. Halfway there she let the towel drop and walked the rest of
the way naked. It was his turn to swallow hard.

She grinned at her own brazenness and settled
herself on his lap. He struggled to sit up straighter and look like
he was in control with a naked woman on his lap. She took the cup
from his hand and swallowed a mouthful of coffee.

“You’ve been busy.” She motioned toward the
straps with the cup. “It’s early for sex, though, isn’t it?”

“Not for what I have planned, kitten. We’ll
be lucky if we fit it all in.” His words were innocent enough, but
the way he said them had heat flooding low in her belly. He was
back in charge. “Why don’t you sit on the floor between my feet and
we can get started.”

She shot him the dirtiest look she could
manage. Sit at his feet – no fucking way.

“Easy, kitten.”

“Don’t kitten me.” She spat the words at him,
and he had the nerve to laugh at her. “I don’t know what you have
planned, but I am not some kind of slave.”

Faster than she thought he could move, he
reached around her and pinched her nipple hard. She gasped as her
nerves zinged to life. Slipping his other hand between her legs, he
slid his middle finger inside her, pressed his thumb on her clit
and started to rub small tight circles around the bundle of nerves.
Christ, just that fast she was on fire again. She wanted to stay
mad – needed to stay mad – but his hand was making it hard to
remember why. His finger curled, stroking the spot just inside her

“I hadn’t planned on making you my slave.”
His breath felt hot against her ear. “But if I wanted to by the end
of the day, I could get you to call me master.” He caught the
tender lobe between his teeth and tugged, sending delicious tremors
running through her. Oh Lord. She fought to keep from letting him
see how his touch affected her, but as he continued to stroke and
rub her, she knew it was a fight she would lose. “Sitting at my
feet will make it easier for me to braid your hair. Or would you
rather use your safe word?”

Him and that stupid safe word crap. But her
pulse had started to race and it felt like he’d forged a connection
between her nipple and her clit. It wasn’t even eleven o’clock in
the morning and she wanted him again. She didn’t trust herself to
speak so she shook her head.

“Good.” He withdrew his hands, and she
struggled to hide her disappointment. He leaned forward, forcing
her off his lap and pulled out the pillow he’d been leaning
against. He set the pillow on the floor between his feet and
motioned to her.

She settled herself on the pillow still warm
from his body. It wasn’t enough heat to keep her from regretting
the loss of her towel, but there was no way she’d let him see that.
She fought a shiver and heard his soft chuckle. He was having way
too much fun playing with this dominance thing. It hadn’t occurred
to her when she fantasized about having him take control how much
he might enjoy bossing her around. It certainly wasn‘t something he
got to do very often.

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