Love This Life: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2 (11 page)

BOOK: Love This Life: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2
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Sebastian chuckled. “Bas—you know I don’t like nicknames. But I do like your conviction and sense of urgency. Lean back on your knees and I’ll give you what you want, Tess.”

She complied with his request, and with one smooth move, Sebastian was inside her. It wasn’t slow and methodical, this time. No, this time he was thrusting with such intensity the bed shook as if it would break and they’d end up in a pile of satin and silk and splintered wood on the floor.

The sound of bare skin slapping together filled the room and as his cock hit her in just the right spot, she screamed into the pillow. The force of the orgasm was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

With a few more quick thrusts, Sebastian came inside her. Her knees collapsed onto the bed as she felt the strong spasm of his twitching cock. Sebastian turned Tess on her side and held her close. “You are incredible,” he managed to say between labored breaths. He reached out and began to untie the knot that confined her wrists.

“I think we ruined your tie,” Tess commented as the piece of silk fell away and her hands were freed.

“I have plenty of ties,” he muttered as he kissed her shoulder, which was glistening with perspiration. “Let’s have a nice long bath.”

* * *

Sebastian drew a bath while Tess lay in bed with a dreamy expression of satisfaction on her face. What had just transpired between them was the hottest sex he had ever had. The summer was poised to be the best of his life—their lives.

“The water is perfect, come join me,” he called from the bathroom.

Tess walked into the room and stepped into the tub, sitting between Sebastian’s legs. It was a claw foot monstrosity that could easily accommodate three people. Sebastian began to wash Tess’ back with a sea sponge, the luxurious lather cleansing her skin.

“Why did you call me Bas?” he asked as he poured water over her back to rinse the away the soap.

“I don’t know,” she admitted, leaning back against his chest. “In the heat of the moment it just came out.”

“You never talked dirty to me before. I liked it.”

“You’re one to be cheeky!”

“Cheeky Bas, I think I like it.”

“If we’re going to have sex like this all summer, we’ll be too tired to do any sightseeing.”

“That’s not a bad thing in my book,” Sebastian remarked.

“I’m not spending my entire European summer indoors. If all you wanted to do was make love, we could have stayed at home and saved the money.”

“All right, then I’ll show you the wonders of Europe by day and spend the evenings showing you the wonders of ‘cheeky Bas.’”

Tess laughed aloud. “I’m starving. Can we order room service?”

“Anything for you, darling.”

* * *

After feasting on fluffy omelets and fresh fruit, they drifted off to sleep, their stomachs full and their desire sated. They slept through the night to ten o’clock the next morning, the sun peeking through the curtains.

Tess stirred in Sebastian’s arms. “Good morning,” he whispered.

“Hmm,” was all she could manage.

“Ready to start exploring the City of Lights?”

“Yes,” she replied, opening her eyes. “What do you have in store for us today?”

“Breakfast and then Notre Dame on the Île de la Cité. There’s a fantastic crepe shop nearby I know you’ll love.”

“You’re making my mouth water just talking about it. Let’s get dressed!” She sprang from the bed and rushed into the bathroom.

Tess dressed in a black skirt and cotton short-sleeved blouse, opting for her well-worn ballet flats, since they would be doing a lot of walking. Sebastian dressed in black trousers and gray button-down shirt, rolling up the sleeves to his elbows.

They walked along the cobbled streets of Paris, Tess in awe of its quaint cafés, vast open gardens, and many bridges. “Is it true what they say—that Paris is for lovers?”

Sebastian wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I think it is. This is the first time I’ve ever been to Paris with someone I loved.”

His remark made her smile. “I’ll always remember this—the warm sun on our faces, the cool breeze in the air, how very much I love you.”

Sebastian came to a stop on the Ponte Neuf bridge and pulled Tess into his arms. Ignoring the tourists, he kissed her with such passion that it took her breath away.

They toured the Norte Dame Cathedral. Tess admired the gothic architecture: the spire, the stained glass windows, and the great organ. Being Catholic, Tess had attended many church services and had been in many churches. This was so large and magnificent, she felt nothing but awe and reverence inside the massive place of worship.

When they exited the cathedral, Sebastian walked Tess across the street to the small shop and ordered two chocolate crepes. He handed one to Tess and then gave the cashier a few francs. They walked out of the shop and sat on a bench.

Tess took a bite of the crepe. It tasted like hazelnut. “I thought it was chocolate.”

“French chocolate is mixed with hazelnut. This is the French’s equivalent of fast food. Do you like it?”

She nodded her head. “Yeah, I do. It just wasn’t what I expected.”

“Wait till I take you to Laudrée.”

“I don’t know what that is, but I can’t wait.” Tess finished her crepe and sighed with happiness. “Where to next?”

“Musee D’Orsay—we’ll take the metro.”


After wandering around the art museum and eating dinner in a romantic café, Sebastian stopped by Laudrée and purchased a box of macarons. Tess marveled at the pale green interior and colorful pastel confections with flavors like rose, pistachio, violet, and chocolate coconut.

Back at the hotel, Tess was lounging in a bubble bath, relaxing after their long day. Sebastian entered the bathroom with Tess’ Nikon in hand.

“What are you doing with my camera?” she asked in a leery tone of voice.

“Taking pictures,” he replied as he looked through the viewfinder and pressed the button.

“You can’t take pictures of me in the tub!” she exclaimed. “I’m naked.”

“You are surrounded by bubbles, and unfortunately, I can’t see any of the good naked bits, so the photo is practically tame.” Sebastian put the camera down and held out the box of macarons. “Here taste one.”

Tess reached for the round chocolate delicacy filled with white crème. She took a bite and it melted in her mouth. “Oh my God,” she moaned. “This is amazing.” She had never eaten the sweet treat before and was grateful they didn’t have a shop in New York. This honeymoon was going to make her fat.

Sebastian picked up the camera and started snapping more photos.

“Stop! It’s bad enough you’re taking the pictures of me naked. You need to get me eating, too?”

Sebastian stopped photographing Tess and knelt down beside her. “I’ll stop if you share that macaron with me.”

Tess smiled and then popped the rest of the treat in her mouth. Sebastian frowned, but Tess leaned over and kissed him, allowing his tongue to taste the chocolate and coconut. “Why don’t you join me?”

Chapter 14 - This Summer



Bonjour from the City of Lights! Paris is a city full of culture and beauty. Sebastian and I are reveling in the lap of luxury at the George V. We spend our days scouring art galleries (the Musee D’Orsay was my favorite!), marveling at the architecture and eating croissants in quaint cafés. One of the highlights was the evening Sebastian took me to dinner at the Jules Verne restaurant at the top of the Eiffel Tower. The views, the food and having my husband by my side is a moment I’ll remember forever.


Love you!






Greetings from the municipality of Monaco! This is an amazing city on the sea. Sebastian and I spent our day lounging on Larvotto beach watching the rich and famous at play, and splashing in the clear blue Mediterranean Sea. In the evening, we got dressed up and went to the Casino de Monte-Carlo. I felt like I was in a James Bond movie and Sebastian looked so handsome in his tuxedo. He even won some money! Thank God, because you wouldn’t believe how expensive it is to stay here.


Love you!






Hola! from Spain. Today Sebastian and I toured the basilica Sagrada Familia. I find it odd that Sebastian likes to tour churches but doesn’t believe in religion. I love seeing the various architectural designs. Everything is so old in Europe compared to America. Sometimes I pinch myself to think I’m walking where someone walked a thousand years before me. We also visited the Picasso and Miró Museums. My favorite thing by far was the Barcelona Zoo. (Secretly, I think it was Sebastian’s favorite, too!)


Love you!






Greetings from Madrid, Madre! We visited the Royal Palace today. It’s the largest palace in Western Europe. It was opulent, but I still prefer Buck House (Buckingham Palace). I guess my English husband is rubbing off on me. We strolled through the Plaza de Orienete and shopped in the local market. I wish you could be here with me to see all these wonders, but I’m happy I get to share them with you like this. I’ve taken so many photos, Sebastian made me mail them home so I wouldn’t have to lug them around in my suitcase!


Miss you!






Ciao from Italy! The Vatican, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica were amazing. Then of course exploring the ruins of the Colosseum and the Pantheon—so much history and better than any textbook I could read. The Trevi Fountain was magnificent. Sebastian and I threw a coin in the fountain. Legend has it that anyone who tosses a coin in the fountain will return to Rome someday. And the food—oh the food. Sebastian hasn’t let me step foot into one McDonald’s yet. (and I can’t admit it to him, but I haven’t minded at all!)


Love you!






Servus from Vienna, Austria! I am in love with this city. From the old world baroque Schrobrunn Palace to the Lipizzan ballet, this city is full of wonder. Sebastian took me to see one of his favorite paintings, Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss.” We had the most delicious sachertorte at Demel pastry shop. (I swear I’ve gained 10 pounds on this trip).


Love you!






Ajoj from Czechoslovakia! We walked through charming squares and crossed the city’s many bridges, both ancient and modern, that span the Vltava River. The city is alive with Gothic architecture: soaring towers, spires, and buttresses. Sebastian and I attended a performance at the State Opera. I didn’t understand a word the actors sang, but Sebastian was able to fill me in on the story.


Love you!






Greetings from jolly ole England! I can’t believe how quickly these past two months have flown. As sad as I am to be ending this journey, I’m happy to be coming home to see my friends and family again. I’m so blessed to have Sebastian in my life. I definitely made the right decision in agreeing to marry him. I’m so happy, Mom. I hope to have a life full of love and happiness just like you and Dad. So many stops on this trip; so many memories. I can’t wait to see you and tell you all about it in person and show you the photos I’ve taken on this trip.


See you soon!


Part 2 - Sophomore Year of College 1987
Chapter 15 - Into My Arms

Being back home in New Jersey and starting a new year at NYU left Sebastian with mixed emotions. Europe was so amazing because Tess was by his side. Although she was here with him now, there was something about not having a schedule and doing whatever he pleased that appealed to Sebastian. He definitely wanted to apply with Tess for the study abroad program, eager to explore more of Europe with her. Now all that was left was to decide on a city.

Tess was sitting on the couch studying. Suddenly she dropped her textbook on the floor and ran to the bathroom. Sebastian heard her retching behind the closed door. She slowly opened the door a few minutes later, looking a little worse for wear.

Sebastian handed her a cold glass of water. “Are you okay?”

“No, I feel so sick,” she replied, the blood drained from her face.

“Are you pregnant?” he gingerly asked.

“How could I be pregnant?”

Sebastian gave her a quizzical look but said nothing. Tess punched him in the arm. “I mean, how could I be pregnant when I’m taking birth control?”

“Well, it’s not a hundred percent effective, is it? How long have you been feeling like this?”

Tess did a quick mental calculation in her head and a look of sheer panic crossed her face. “I can’t be pregnant,” she reiterated with conviction.

“I’m running down to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test.” Sebastian grabbed his wallet and took the lift to the ground floor. Once outside, his mind wandered. Was it too much to hope that Tess might actually be pregnant? Even though he had never known his father, he could not dismiss the overwhelming desire he felt to be one. He wanted to give the baby everything he never had growing up. Sebastian wanted to share with his child all the wonderful things that Nanny had taught him. He made it to the pharmacy, just a few blocks away from the condo, and purchased the EPT. The female clerk gave him an odd look as she tucked the box in a small paper bag. Sebastian was grinning from ear to ear as he walked home with a boyish bounce in his step.

Tess grabbed the bag from Sebastian as soon as he entered the condo and ran back to the bathroom. She began to close the door behind her, but Sebastian placed his foot between the door and frame to stop her.

“What are you doing?” she asked while ripping off the box top.

“I’m waiting with you to see the results,” he simply replied.

“Then turn around,” she said, annoyed. “I’m nervous enough—I don’t need you watching me pee on a stick.”

Sebastian chuckled. He couldn’t stop himself. “I’ve seen you naked and made love to you. You’re really not going to be concerned with modesty now, are you?”

BOOK: Love This Life: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2
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