Lost Property (7 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Lost Property
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“Oh yes, Sir!” Carol breathed, her eyes alight and her cheeks flushed. “It’s what I know we’ve all talked about and…well I don’t think there’ll be any problem!”


For the next stage in their training, Brian worked his students hard on combat training. They learned to spar with the two slaves, holding pads in front of them for the slaves to use as target practice with their whips. They themselves were equipped with similar straps to the ones the slaves had, except these had weights at their ends to add real venom to a strike.

“When you’re training raw recruits, that’ll give ‘em some incentive to keep moving, and in the arena that can mean the difference between winning and losing!” he called out as they dodged, and then lashed at the naked girls. “We’ll put ‘em on the whipping posts soon as they come in and ginger them up with a taste of the punishment whips! Then you buggers’ll really have to run to keep up with them!”

All four of the students were amazed at the speed and strength of the slaves to begin with but adapted quickly – fitness having been part of the profiling process – and within a couple of days, Jet and Cherry had been put back firmly in their places.

By the time Saturday evening came round, Brian had been able to e mail John Carpenter that so far had definitely been so good. It was to be hoped that it might get even better.

The four girls turned up promptly. Brian had been half expecting a no-show – by at least two of them – but all four came.

Tanya had something of the Slav in her rather thin face and green eyes, and her blonde hair and slim figure contrasted with Jenny’s slightly chubby good looks and buxom figure, while Chris was a brunette, like Jenny, but with small breasts and a pretty face. Brian noticed they all wore skirts, none of them below mid thigh.

They knew what this evening was about. But just in case they didn’t he called everyone together in the yard for introductions. His lads kept their composure well, he felt, and remained polite and self-contained, standing a few feet away, looking at the girls appraisingly but with no obvious signs of undignified lust. All four girls had very shapely legs, so that was a feat Brian was proud of.

Carol introduced the girls and Brian noticed she kept her eyes fixed firmly on him at all opportunities. He filed that for attention later and got straight down to business.

“Right. Carol tells me you’re keen on the arenas and want to join a stable as grooms.”

There were nods of assent.

“Any of you had any experience of being dominated? Because as grooms, if you make it that far, you’ll be just as available as the slaves. Ask Helga.”

Helga smiled and curtsied. All the girls’ hands went up. He hadn’t expected that.

“My ex used to put me over his knee,” Tanya volunteered shyly. “But he didn’t do anything else.” She was blushing furiously but standing her ground.

“Did you ask him to?” Brian asked her.

“Oh yes!” Tanya joined in the laughter this provoked and the ice was broken.

Carol said she had had a boyfriend who had once used a belt on her before making love to her and she had never forgotten it. Jenny had been caned at school and it had taken her years to come to terms with the contradictory feelings it had aroused in her. Chris admitted to having been spanked, having her nipples pegged and fantasising about going much farther.

“We met online and the chats sort of just grew and we realised we all felt the same,” Carol concluded.

“Well these gentlemen are capable of taking you where you think you want to go. The purpose of this evening is to see if it really is where you want to go. Now, first off, I suggest we go and take a look at Jet and Cherry. Helga can tell you what’s involved in their care, and after that…well we’ll see.”

The group proceeded to the stables, Brian found himself with Helga on one side of him and Carol on the other, her hip occasionally touching his as they walked. The sight of the famous slaves bedded down on their straw, hands clipped behind backs, one ankle chained to the back of their stalls, fetched excited yelps from the girls, especially when they were allowed in and Helga began to explain where all the welts came from.

“Show them what you’ve taken too, Helga,” Brian told her.

Obediently she unknotted the blouse she wore tied below her breasts and shrugged it off. The splays of small red dots left by the studded whip and fading long welts from the various other lashes criss crossing her breasts, back and shoulders, fetched only excited sighs from the girls and Brian began to have hopes. He noticed Carol took her eyes off Helga’s body only to seek him out and give him a shy smile.

“We used Helga as target practice to save wear and tear on the slaves,” Brian explained and went on to identify the different welts she carried. “Grooms serve wherever and however they’re needed,” he concluded.

Any doubts that Brian might have had about the girls’ resolve, melted away the minute he showed them into the dungeon. The array of X frames, padded benches, caning stools, stocks, chains, weights and ropes provoked only more excited squeaks from the girls who were well aware that they were destined to experience most of them that very evening.

“Alright, ladies!” Brian addressed them once they had all looked around and none had made a break for the door. “Let’s have you stripped. You too Helga.”

There were a few moments of urgent fumbling with fasteners, buttons and knickers and then five naked girls stood in a line before the men.

“Make your choice, gentlemen. Remember I want them given as wide an introduction as possible, so do make full use of pegs, clamps, weights, whatever takes your fancy.”

The four men moved forward and Brian beckoned Carol over, pushing Helga into the line. She gave him a knowing grin as she went but was immediately claimed by Mike whose eager pounce, Brian made a mental note of.

As for himself, since his last sub, Amelia, had spirited herself away from CSL and had become, after some adventures, the trainer for the Girl Squad in Eastern Europe, he felt he was owed some quality time with a girl who he might own. He missed the peace of mind that came with knowing there was always one female who could be utterly relied on to be pleasing no matter what she had been put through.

Carol was licking her lips nervously, holding her hands clasped in front of her, not knowing where else to put them. Brian took pity on her and ordered her to put them on her head. She obeyed and he could see the tension drain out of her as she came under the command of someone who knew exactly where she should put them. She had a submissive’s need for the certainties that submission brought with it.

Stripped naked her body delivered on all the promises he had felt it make him in the pub car park.

Her dark eyes were wide with anxiety and all the prettier for that, nerves had made her cheeks a little more flushed and her slightly parted lips were full and wide, promising the gentlest of caresses as a man slid his cock between them. The breasts were a decent size, the areolas pleasantly dark and the nipples a nice shade of red as they stood partially erect. The breasts themselves were full and rounded, youthfully high and prominent. Her belly was flat and a jewelled piercing adorned the navel prettily. She was clean shaven at her delta and the divide of her labia was unusually high and visible – an attractive feature Brian felt. Her hips were smoothly flared and her thighs long and the skin flawless. He made a ‘revolve’ gesture with one hand and she shuffled around to allow him to inspect her from behind. As she was unable to see his face, Brian allowed himself a wide grin. Her backside was delicious, the buttocks were high, deep and wide, her back was long and perfect for the lash. He reached out and took a handful of her hair, making her turn back to face him with the other. She was still wide-eyed with anxiety but her face relaxed into a delighted smile when he told her she would do.

He led her over to a wall where the collars and cuffs were kept and fitted her with fleece lined cuffs and a deep, lined collar with three O rings. It suited her slender neck perfectly and Brian felt himself harden at the prospect of breaking this tasty morsel in.

He took her to a corner where a chain hung down from a steel ring in the ceiling and using the karabiners on her cuffs, fastened her wrists above her head, then he stripped off his shirt, selected a heavy leather flogger from a rack on the wall and went to stand behind her. Around him the session was getting into full swing, Tanya was over John’s knee and her pert little bottom was getting the paddling its owner had been wishing for. Alex was already making Jenny twist and cry out on the X frame as his single tail wrapped her and bit at the sides of her breasts. Steve had Chris tied on her back on a table with her legs spread and raised and he was busily fucking her before he did anything else. Mike had Helga under the cane.

Having satisfied himself that all was progressing well, Brian moved forward and pressed himself against Carol’s back. Immediately she pushed her bottom back against him and swayed her hips so that she rubbed against the erection she could feel through his trousers. He reached around her and fondled her breasts, the whip he held in his right hand making contact with her soft skin. She gasped as she felt it and as he started working on her nipples, he twisted and pinched them, then pulled them. He was gentle to begin with but gradually became rougher and more demanding. Carol made no complaint and her nipples achieved impressive sizes as they responded to their mistreatment. Brian smiled as she nuzzled her head against his shoulder as he began to slide his hands down across her stomach, the whip’s tails stroking her sensuously. He ran his hands down to her delta and let his fingers explore the top of her cleft. She shuffled her feet as far apart as she could get them and as he sank his fingers further under her, he felt the physical expression of her need. Her sexflesh was warm and moist, her clitoris was a good sized nub and she groaned in appreciation as he rubbed it.

“That’s a perfect size for pegs and needles,” he told her.

Her only response was a breathless ‘oh’ of excitement. He reached further, the tails of the whip caressing her legs and put a couple of fingers up into her vagina which was surprisingly capacious and very wet. She began to work her hips against him urgently and he laughed softly as he stepped away and shook out the tails of the whip.

She gave a hoarse cry of shock as she felt a whip for the first time but from then on held her peace until Brian was working across her bottom, her back by then showing a fair covering of thick flares of reddened skin from the flogger. Her head fell back and she began making breathless little cries that signalled a climb towards orgasm. Brian laid the lash on harder and watched as she worked her hips back and forth, jerking them as though she was being fucked and eventually giving out a climactic shout before her head flopped forwards and Brian could see her ribs heaving in the aftermath.

He looked around again. The room was filled now with groans and sighs, interspersed with the thud and smack of whips, the swooshing of a cane and the more meaty slapping of a heavy paddle or tawse. All of the girls were serving with admirable determination and it wouldn’t be long before the men gave in to the urge to satisfy the raging erections that were tenting every pair of trousers. Brian realised his were no exception and took them off before going to stand in front of Carol. Her head was lolling against one upraised arm, her eyes were heavy lidded and her mouth was open and softly inviting. Brian considered that she would be a fitting adornment to any man’s bed but for the moment he was in a hurry and simply lifted her legs and moved in. She responded eagerly and gripped him around his waist so he could guide his cock safely into her. Her cunt suctioned open quickly and smoothly and he slid fully into her. Once he was safely lodged he reached behind her and took a bracing grip on her flogged buttocks as he began to fuck her. She looked him in the eye and gritted her teeth as he dug his nails into her bottom and she thrust back against him as he pounded into her.

When he finally came, he was pleased to note that she kept her attention on him, ensuring that he came fully and satisfactorily. Whether she came or not he couldn’t tell but she understood that her pleasure was secondary to his.

A very pleasing beginning.

From there the evening progressed as well as it had promised to. He left Carol in Alex’s capable hands as he passed an agreeable few minutes with Jenny’s melons. He whipped them first and then pierced the nipples – just once through each and then left her energetically fucking Steve. Tanya gave him a superb blow job as he discussed her progress with John. A prolonged beating with a single tail was decided on as her next test. Mike had pretty little Chris on the medical bench and was dilating her rectum and vagina. The insides of her thighs bore the marks of an earlier beating and her hands were stroking them and feeling the steel implements that invaded her body, even as Mike opened her arse up even further. As Brian watched, he decided she was open enough and went round the bench to her head. He dropped the support so that her head fell back and he drove his cock deep into her mouth. After a few seconds a smile of purest delight lit up his features and Brian concluded that Chris could deep throat a man quite readily.

That left Helga. She was held against a wall, her back to it, her legs spread and her arms raised and spread too. Locking forceps had been attached to her labia and weights suspended from them. She smiled as she saw him approach.

“They’re a talented bunch,” she said.

“Which?” he asked.

“Both! But Patti will love knocking some new girls into shape.”

“Yeah, I’ll make arrangements tomorrow to send ‘em along. Mike seems to have taken a liking to you. I’ll have to see that doesn’t cause any friction.”

As he had been speaking he had dug his fingers into Helga’s ample breastmeat, deliberately teasing the whip reddened skin again. She pushed against his hands, urging him on.

“Oooh! Thank you, Sir,” she whispered, closing her eyes to savour the pain more intensely. He massaged her brutally hard for a while and then flogged her again before returning to Carol and claiming her.

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