Lost Property (17 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Lost Property
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Roughly he grasped her head and pulled her off him, rolling her onto her back and following so that now he lay between her wide spread thighs, her plump breasts spilling from the basque’s quarter cups. He lowered his head and nipped sharply at both deliciously rubbery nubs. Then he clasped one hand harshly around the softness of the breastflesh itself and manoeuvred his hips until her felt his helm come to rest at her entrance. Eagerly she reached down between them and as he thrust, she guided him safely into her welcoming warmth. He looked down into her large, dark eyes, watching them close as she savoured the delights of his long, slow surges into her body, he smiled at how well he could control this woman who herself was a professional controller of submissives. And as he began to increase his tempo and his pelvis slapped against hers and she bucked up against him fiercely, her eyes snapping open as her orgasm rushed towards her, he knew that their next gathering would not be short of slaveflesh. Between them they would see to that. They always did. Marie’s mouth opened in a silent O and then she began to utter cry after cry as her step-brother rammed into her, before he too roared his release and with final, tremulous, convulsions, they collapsed and lay still.

Later on they lay companionably, side by side, propped up on their elbows and looked at the blonde slave, standing patient and impassive by the trap.

“Suarez will do all he can to stop you,” Marie said eventually.

“I know. I’m rather counting on it,” Marcel replied.


Blondie could not sleep. It had been a long afternoon and it had not helped having to listen to and watch the man and woman repeatedly fucking only a few yards away from her. After their first bout, the woman had sat astride the man’s impressive cock and then after a further interlude, during which she had been whipped again, this time by the woman, the man had taken the woman doggy style, right beside Blondie’s feet, right there on the grass. Then they had caressed her between their naked bodies, she had felt the man’s hardness at her back, the woman’s breasts had rubbed her chest just below her own. She had cruelly squeezed and twisted her pierced nipples. Then they had laughed at the sticky outpourings of her cunt as they squeezed past the crupper strap. Just a touch of a finger on the clitoral rasper would have brought her off. But they would not give her even that and she had had to endure watching yet another rut. Then the woman had taken the whip on the drive home and been much harsher than the man – which came as no surprise to Blondie.

The aching need between her legs that had been there since the last games had become a raging inferno but she couldn’t find any way to assuage it. She tossed and turned on her straw, trying to rub her thighs together, she even turned onto her face and brutally rubbed her sore nipples against her sheet to try and garner some shards of pleasure, and it was probably the noise of her doing that which alerted the groom on his nightly patrol. Her stall was suddenly lit by moonlight and the figure of a man was in the doorway. She lay with her legs spread, her torso half twisted towards him, and waited to see what he would do. He looked both ways to make sure he was unobserved and then slipped inside and closed the door.

In the sudden dark she smiled as she heard the rustle of clothes being discarded, then the straw moved and he was kneeling beside her, his fingers groping roughly for the slit of her vulva. He had no problem locating her wide open entrance and sank them into her, twisting and flexing them, fetching groans of relieved pleasure from her. He muttered something about ‘to hell with leaving her untouched until the party,’ and she felt his fingers leave her before his full weight came down onto her, the hard shaft of his cock spearing up in one smoothly accepted lunge that had her gasping as her tunnel was stimulated for its full length. He was as urgent as she was and for a few minutes the darkened stall reverberated to the sound of a purely animal rutting as the two bodies slammed and slapped against each other, each one pursuing their own pleasure. At last, they both froze at their peaks, Blondie’s body bowed upwards under the man, her strong legs almost lifting him bodily off the bed of straw. Slowly they subsided, and almost as an afterthought he kissed and twisted her nipples, making her grimace in the dark.

Then he was gone and she sank into a deep sleep.

The next night he returned with some friends and they took her in all her holes until they were fully sated but none of them dared whip her. Claire gave a secretive little smile when she saw the state of the semen stained sheet the following morning. Back at the CSL stable an illicit orgasm would earn the slave a beating at the whipping post in the yard, but Claire seemed content to keep her secret and there was no retribution. However there were no further nocturnal visits either and Blondie wondered if Claire was exacting a price from the men for her silence.

A few days later, when Blondie was kicking the walls of her stall in frustration and boredom, Claire came for her in the middle of the day. She had a leash in her hands and Blondie looked at her hopefully.

ma blonde
,” she said, clipping the leash to her tongue ring. “You’re joining Monsieur’s zoo. Won’t that be fun?”


Chapter Twelve


I’ve never felt so sore! I mean the guys here are just so fit! They shag you over the table at lunch, they shag you in the middle of training and yesterday Mike, our guard, stopped me when we were out on a run and had me give him a blow job right out in the open. Like it was in the middle of a field! But what a cock! He’s massive and when it comes in your mouth you’re like; ‘OMG! I’m gonna drown before I get this lot down me.

But you do anyway. Lol! And at least I’m getting fit too. They work us hard but there’s no way I’ve got any fat on me that I shouldn’t have. I’ve got a real flat tummy for once and the last time I
weighed I’d lost about ten pounds since I arrived
. Mind you the girl who does the measuring and weighing likes to be looked after too – if you know what I mean. She’s got really nice legs and she tastes good anyway so why not. Specially if it means a whipping if you don’
t. Not that that’s
too bad with some of the hunks we got here.

“Training’s getting harder now! When you do press ups, they put spiked pads on the floor under your boobs,
it’s amazing how many I can do now before I give up. A
nd the rowing machines have got dildos on the seats. Honestly a girl doesn’t know if she’s coming or going! Lol!”

Angie sat back and stretched then re-read Kath’s – now edited - blog before sending it off to Mostyn. He insisted on vetting every word but so far was satisfied with the response from the public. ‘K; the diary of an Arena slavegirl’ was pulling hits by the tens of thousands and the transcripts in the paper were being discussed and leched over in pubs and clubs up and down the country.

On the sofa opposite her Sara was curled up and watching some soap or other, her short wrap left her pale and smooth thighs bare. Tomorrow was a club night and they would celebrate. After all payment for Kath had just landed in Angie’s account from Mostyn’s department and she was feeling flush. She was also feeling randy. Putting the laptop aside she stood up, Sara immediately looked at her for orders. Angie clicked her fingers and headed for the bedroom, behind her she heard the TV being switched off and bare feet padding after her. She smiled, subs were so damn easy! They deserved everything they got. In this case it was going to be the heavy leather flogger –the one with the studs.

’ she thought.


Their training had entered a new phase. They were much fitter than when they had arrived and, as if they recognised that fact, the men began to use them sexually much more frequently so that they were kept exhausted at each day’s end. Mike now frequently went into the cell next to hers and screwed her ‘sister’, whose name she still didn’t know. Kath could lie and listen to the noises, and frequently masturbate as she did so. But she was smugly aware that he only ever slept with her and she was able to continue to sneak out and phone her reports through. They weren’t regular of course, but Angie seemed happy.

The harsh discipline was becoming second nature and punishments were now dealt out each evening after supper. With no concessions to the weather the naked girls lined up by the whipping post and listened as ‘The Boss’ read out any punishments. The girl concerned would step forward and stretch her arms out along the bars of the T shaped whipping post to have her wrists shackled and then a cold, measured beating would ensue. But increasingly the girls would be hauled out of their cells quite late at night and taken to a sort of common room where the trainers relaxed, and there the sex would be hard and steamy and if there were any beatings, they were of the hot and lusty type that Kath was used to. For the first time she was acquainted with needle play and finding herself lying, tied down to a medical couch, squirming under the masterful gazes of her guards and trainers, Kath found a rich source of pride and pleasure, swiftly followed by ecstasy as one or other – or more – of the men took their pleasure with her afterwards.

The work outs in the gym, now that the men had adapted some of the equipment were proving extremely effective and she was aware that when she was set to wrestle another of the girls, the bouts were harder and longer. She was also insanely proud of her new-look body, even despite the spiked pads on the gym floor, her breasts were higher and firmer and so were her buttocks. Caroline said the same and always had her kneel and lick her out when she was weighed, it turned out that her first suspicions had been right. Beneath her crisp white coat, Caroline was always naked.

One night, Mike altered his routine. To start with it was the same though, Kath was roused by his coming through the door from the passage into their little enclave. He paused, deciding which of the two morsels he would choose and plumped for the green eyed girl on this occasion. Kath heard him enter the next cell and soon there was the sound of bed springs creaking. As usual she spread her own legs, imagining the blonde next door, splayed out for taking beneath Mike’s muscular body, and began to rub at herself as she heard the girl begin to cry out and the bed springs creak more and more rapidly. The climax came quickly; too quickly for Kath and she was still rubbing, her fingers swirling urgently, as she heard the cell door swing open and then clang closed. With a stifled groan she lay still, not wanting the humiliation of being found masturbating by Mike. But instead of him passing her cell and leaving, she looked up as she heard her own door being unlocked. Mike was pushing the blonde girl into her cell. She sat up as Mike followed her in.

“It’s time you two got properly acquainted,” he told them. “The going gets tough from here on in and you’ll need each other.” Then he left.

Kath swung her legs off the bed and padded over to the other girl. They looked at each other in the dim light for a long moment. Speech had been forbidden for so long that they didn’t dare break the rule. But, Kath thought, if Mike had specifically told them to get to know each other…Well, if it meant another visit to the whipping post, so be it. She had had several and they had been pretty fair beatings, but nothing she couldn’t handle.

She went towards the girl who was standing in a slightly awkward, huddled way and Kath realised the poor girl had been yanked unceremoniously straight out of bed after a good shag, and now she looked, she could see gleaming snail trails of spunk running down her thighs. She put a companionable arm round her shoulders.

“What’s your name?” she asked in a voice that came out as a whisper at first.

“Annie,” the blonde replied. “Yours?”

“Kath. Come on, let’s get into bed and we can make the most of being allowed to gossip!”

Annie smiled but stayed where she was.

“You never been with another girl?” Kath asked, taken aback. Annie shook her head, mute with embarrassment.

“Well, look at it like this,” Kath said. “You’re standing stark naked in a prison cell with your jailer’s spunk running down your legs. Climbing into bed with me can’t really make it much worse, can it?”

Annie managed a rueful grin and slid in next to Kath as she got back into bed. For Kath it was heavenly to feel a girl’s body, soft, warm and sensuously curvaceous next to hers again. But she took things slowly, given Annie’s inexperience and simply lay on her side, an arm under the girl’s neck.

“I’ll tell you about me, then it’s your turn,” she said and told her about her Mistress and how dominant she had been and how she, Kath, had been a submissive for some ten years and Angie’s slave for two.

Annie confided that although she had always had intensely submissive feelings, it had only been in the last couple of years that she had had the courage to explore them and had found a dominant boyfriend. She had loved submitting to him and was no stranger to the whip, but he had never wanted her to play with other submissive women.

“It’s not so bad here, not now they just take us when they want. I really like that,” Annie said. “It’s just that I can’t believe I was sold!”

Kath looked down at the girl as her bottom lip quivered and tears threatened to well up in those bewitching eyes. She leaned down and very gently kissed her soft lips.

“Even that cloud could have a silver lining,” she murmured.

She felt Annie freeze for a second at the touch of her lips and then slowly her mouth opened and her tongue flicked out. Kath deepened the kiss, feeling her breasts brush Annie’s as she bent further over her. Annie must have felt it too because she gave a throaty little moan and suddenly Kath felt her hand on her right breast, gently and nervously stroking it at first but as Kath pushed her tongue more passionately between Annie’s lips, she felt the girl’s fingers close over her nipple and begin to squeeze. In her turn she moaned her pleasure and moved her left arm so her hand rested on Annie’s delta. With no hesitation she parted her legs and Kath’s fingers began to explore the sodden pubes and engorged lips of the recently used vulva. She gave it a good stirring up with her fingers and then withdrew them, breaking the kiss and holding them up so Annie could see as she sucked them, smacking her lips at the rich blend of tastes.

“Mmm,” she said. “Want some?”

Annie giggled and bit her lip excitedly as she nodded. Kath foraged with her fingers again and Annie began to melt with pleasure before Kath raised her fingers again and let the girl lick the mixture of her own juices and Mike’s sperm off them. Then Kath bent her head and took Annie’s right nipple into her mouth, gently tonguing the deliciously rubbery little nub until she felt it harden and then she nipped it with her teeth, fetching another groan of pleasure from the girl. She lifted her head and grinned at her new lover, then began to slide down her body.

“Oh god,” she heard Annie whisper as she realised what Kath was about to do but she made no move to close her legs and Kath was able to settle her face just above the girl’s vulva. She had a pungently fragrant odour to her excitement and Kath breathed it in and savoured it before lowering herself and probing with her tongue. Burying her face as deep as she could she took one long, luxurious lick up the full length of Annie’s slit, tasting once again the thrilling mixture of juices that characterised a recently vacated vagina – it was a taste that held many fond memories for Kath. Eagerly she stuck her tongue out and foraged deep inside her for any more. Annie began to buck her hips at her as she did so.

Her clitoris proved to be a wonderfully sensitive and prominent button that only took a few licks and flicks of the tongue to have its owner’s juices flooding over Kath’s face. In the dark she heard Annie climax in a series of low growls that were very different from the cries she made when Mike took her. When Kath resurfaced, Annie covered her face in passionate kisses and murmured her thanks before she wriggled her way down and returned the favour. She worked so hard and delved so deep with her tongue that her enthusiasm made up for any lacks in her technique and Kath orgasmed massively before the two lovers entwined sleepily and happily. Kath’s last thought was of Annie’s prominent little clit and what a treat it would be for the men to play with when they had her with her legs raised and spread in their recreation room. But maybe they already had.


At breakfast the next morning, the Boss announced that all the girls would now be kept clean shaven and Kath breathed a sigh of relief, she had resented the growth of unruly dark curls at her groin, she was used to being smooth down there and although Caroline and Helga had kept armpits and legs smooth, up until now they hadn’t touched the pubes. She wondered if it heralded some new development in their training and was soon proved right.

The Boss stood behind her and lightly ran his riding crop down her spine. Mike stood opposite him, over Annie.

“I think you’re over optimistic, Mike,” he said when he’d finished telling him they were going to be kept shaven from now on. “They’ve come on well, but not that well.”

“Sorry, Boss, I disagree and I stand by what I said last night.” He went to stand behind a brunette who was one of the pair of girls that the Boss himself guarded. Mike reached down and grabbed a breast. The girl gave a strangled yelp of shock as his hand clenched, two fingers trapping and squeezing the nipple.

“There, you see!” he said. “Still a bit raw. I reckon mine can take them, no problem.”

“Twenty says they can’t.” Behind her, Kath heard a crisp note crinkle and locked nervous gazes with Annie as they realised a bet was being made.

“You’re on and I’ll raise you another twenty, Boss!” Mike said gleefully. The girls all looked anxiously at the grinning male faces, they all understood that when men made bets concerning naked girls, whoever won, it was unlikely to the be the girls. But if anyone was going to pay the price for losing, it was most certainly going to be the girls.

“Okay, then are you agreeable to a wrestling bout in the gym in half an hour using a proper ring?” Mr Holden asked.

“Yep, that’s fine by me!” Mike said and returned to stand behind Annie.

“Steve, go and set it up please. In the meantime Mike, I suggest we take our respective pupils for shaving and then give them some last minute guidance. Alex and John, you take the others for shaving in a while then to the gym.”


Kath propped herself up on her elbows and watched Caroline working on her. The black haired girl had put her on her back on the couch and cuffed her ankles to a spreader bar before raising it, very much as she had on the first evening. Now she was using a cutthroat to slice away the troublesome growth from between her legs. It was a soothing feeling as she was using plenty of foam. She knew that a gladiator could have nothing on her body that could give an opponent a handhold, and a thicket of pubes would be a very tempting target. As she watched, Caroline daintily held up and stretched a labial lip while stroking it with the blade. Kath watched the expression of deep concentration on her face, it was similar to the one Mistress’ face had worn when she had been pegging or piercing her down there. There was something very seductive about being a slave at an arena stable, she thought. True they were kept almost as some sort of livestock, but at the same time care was lavished on them that most girls could only dream of. Their hands were kept clipped together behind them for almost every waking minute so that the grooms and trainers brushed their hair, made sure their bowels were in good order, cut their nails and performed almost every function a normal girl would do for herself. But, she thought as Caroline finished up and wiped her groin clean of foam, now was the time when she began to earn her keep.

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