Lost Property (10 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Lost Property
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As the rigs emerged into the paddock from the yard, there was applause from the crowds who leant over the railings, anxious to study form. The visiting team had the privilege of parading first and their three rigs were completing their circuit when Carlo and his fellow drivers emerged.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” the compere’s voice boomed out over the PA. “Please welcome the N’Benga stable’s entries for the first heat!”

One of the household girls darted forwards and applied a thin PVC number to the black girl’s stomach and right thigh, then came towards Carlo and Blondie, putting a number five on the pony’s stomach and thigh.

“I need hardly remind you of the identity of Number Five! Owned and trained by the CSL stable but running in the N’Benga colours today, the incomparable Blondie, driven by none other than Carlo Suarez himself! Number Four
is Des
rt Night who

s won three, been placed five times and pulled up once. Number Six
, Turkish Delight
has been placed four times but has yet to win – but don’t let that deter you from a flutter on her! I’m told she’s been improving markedly in training.”

As he had been speaking, Carlo had steered the rig over to the railings and was walking Blondie along it, letting hands reach out to trail across whatever parts of her body they could touch. She was used to it and didn’t let it spook her, she even played to the gallery a bit these days. She arched her neck prettily and lifted her legs occasionally as if she was impatient to break into a trot. Carlo would haul back on the reins and she would champ at the bit and get a couple of touches from the driving whip. Carlo let her entertain the public while he glanced over to the bookies’ pitches. Even as he watched the odds on Blondie were shortening, she was just as pert and spirited as ever, as far as the public could see. But Carlo was aware that nowadays more and more people came to watch her to see the mighty fall, whereas before they came to marvel at her prowess.

Well they would just see what happened today, he told himself grimly.

As the six rigs began to exit the paddock and head for the starting line, the crowd drifted towards the stands on either side of the track, a multi-coloured flock of spectators from all corners of the world, all enjoying the fine morning and looking forward to a good day’s sport. And unlike the crowds who had elected to stay at the arena and watch the contests in the pens, the racegoers were more genuinely sporting. At the arena, the contests would form the backdrop for continual orgies on the terraces, the naked women grappling and struggling inflaming the crowd’s passions. But here the focus was on the performances themselves and Carlo knew that across the world in private clubs and in houses and in some public places too, the images of the races would be being relayed live and heated debates would be taking place as bets were placed.

The track was wide enough for four rigs to line up abreast and the visitors had already taken their places, so, as had been agreed among the drivers the tall black girl took the lead position for the home team while Carlo and the driver who rejoiced in the given name of Holiday, lined up behind. Over a middle distance race like this one, it wouldn’t make any difference.

As was a tradition by now, while the compere went through the runners’ names and numbers again and gave the state of the odds, the drivers dismounted and checked their ponies’ tack one last time. Carlo ensured the crupper was correctly settled between Blondie’s labia so that the pain and pleasure would keep her focussed, just as the stinging in her rectum and the dildo in her vagina and the way the two shafts would rub against each other inside her would ensure she ran as fast as she could to get them all removed, and that in turn would serve her master.

“Number One; Orient, sixteen to one. Number Two;
Sweet Dream, eight to one from ten to one. Number Three; Susie, twenty to one, drifting out from fifteen to one. Number Four; Desert Night, five to one from eight to one. Number Five, Blondie, three to two on. Number Six; Turkish Delight, thirty to one from twenty to one.”

Carlo let the compere’s voice drift over him as he stroked Blondie’s nipples into even harder erection than the plugging and tines had. He would fancy an each way bet on Turkish Delight at those odds. She looked a sturdy little thing he thought as he took his seat again, wrapped the reins tight around his left hand and shook out the whip in his right.

The starter came to stand by the fence on their right, the crowd behind both fences fell silent in the stands. He raised his pistol and with a loud report and a small cloud of cordite, they were off. Immediately Desert Night was whipped up hard and the tall girl stretched her legs into long strides and took the lead. Turkish Delight stayed on Carlo’s right shoulder as he let two of the opposition rigs settle in ahead of him. The strategy was to make Desert Night the target for the visitors, give them something other than Blondie to worry about. Meanwhile Turkish Delight who was not expected to do very much anyway, was to ride shotgun on Blondie to prevent any boring or barging. In a heat it was always possible that a team would sacrifice one entry to take out the opposition’s strongest entrant – this was part of the arenas after all and definitely not the playing fields of Eton.

For one circuit of the track they settled into a steady canter, Carlo could hear Holiday holding station just by his right shoulder, Desert Night had opened up a significant lead and was holding it, forcing the two rigs ahead of him to concentrate on her.

As they exit the stadium it’s Desert Night by three or four lengths from Orient and Sweet Dream. Blondie is tucked in at fourth and looking comfortable with Turkish Delight half a length behind and Susie is the back marker!”
The compere began his race commentary.

They veered off the grass track and onto a dirt road that led them out and round behind one of the stands.

“If you watch the screens ladies and gentlemen, you’ll see how the race progresses. The rigs will take the big circuit twice and return to race twice around the stadium track to the finish line.”

They were following the road that Carlo had walked down after breakfast, it sloped uphill in this direction and immediately he could feel Blondie begin to work. Her shoulders strained and her strides became more laboured as she pushed off with each foot against the gradient. It continued at a gentle slope for some two hundred yards before turning off to the left and climbing more steeply. Carlo began to ply the whip, stroking it across Blondie’s upper back and shoulders, just encouraging her to keep on trying. Soon the course took another left hand corner and levelled out. Here it skirted the feet of the hills that stood behind Johnson’s estate and looking to his left, Carlo could see out to sea over the stadium a little below him. Blondie began to speed up, relishing the level ground once more. Carlo reined her in slightly, the track was undulating and if a pony charged too quickly she could stumble on one of the down slopes.

“Desert Night is still well clear! Orient and Sweet Dream are holding station. Blondie has moved up a little and Turkish Delight and Susie are bunching behind her!”

After a straight that was nearly a quarter of a mile long, Carlo knew the track veered left once more and entered its most demanding stretch. It sloped downhill but went through a series of turns which meant that between turns the rigs were running almost across the face of the slope. Too much speed over the rough, hard earth could easily overturn a rig as they had no suspension. However, a bold and confident driver could possibly launch an overtaking manoeuvre there.

Blondie ran smoothly along the straight, needing no more than the occasional touch of the whip and tweak of the reins as the dips opened up before her and then Carlo pulled her back before she began the descent, then let her run on. The pull back would alert her to the danger, but it was imperative she had her head to watch where she trod on the downward slope, so pulling her head back the whole way down was out of the question.

“Steady, girl!” Carlo admonished as one foot slid a little in the dust, he touched her briefly on both shoulders and she leaned back against the weight as she turned right. Carlo leaned out to his right to help with balance and then they were turning left and Carlo leaned to his left, then it was right again, one more left and the slope eased off. Carlo whipped her up to let her know the way was good ahead and she sped off.

“Turkish Delight and Susie are losing Blondie! She’s moving up on Sweet Dream but Carlo’s not using much whip yet!”

Carlo knew there was still a long way to go as they pounded past the stadium and began the second lap. The gradient told straight away once more and this time, Turkish Delight and Susie closed right up. Susie’s driver even attempted to come round the outside of Turkish Delight and for a while they ran three abreast, then when Carlo thought he had tired Susie enough, he lashed Blondie with some strength for the first time and as they began the steeper climb, the tall blonde really dug in and pulled clear. Her back began to shine with sweat. Turkish Delight dropped back but still stayed in touch. He was fairly sure they had lost Susie though. This time around Carlo began to let Blondie loose and whipped her along briskly. Once more he balanced the rig as it zig zagged across the slope with, surprisingly, Turkish Delight guarding his shoulder. He looked back at one turn and saw that Susie was far from finished and that Delight was performing her function very well and blocking her.

At the bottom of the slope the whips began to be plied in earnest. From here it was a sprint on level ground. Carlo began to lay into Blondie’s quivering buttocks, urging her onwards. As they entered the stadium once more, she at last began to pull clear of Susie but now she was closing on the fast tiring Sweet Dream. Carlo glanced round to check that Delight wasn’t too close and pulled sharply out to overtake. As he had thought he would, Sweet Dream’s driver also pulled out to block him, but Carlo reined Blondie in just enough, pulled her back, veered in the other direction and then wrapped the lash so it caught her breasts.

She knew what that meant and surged forwards, missing the back of Sweet Dream’s rig by inches but pulling past on the inside. He managed a quick look behind before he concentrated on Orient and saw that Turkish Delight had charged past on the outside of Sweet Dream as she had belatedly been swung in to try and block Blondie. He was impressed.

“Brilliant passing manoeuvre by Blondie! And by Turkish Delight who’s looking good value for a placing! Orient is closing on Desert Night as they enter the last lap but Blondie’s closing on both of them!”

Carlo kept the whipping steady to her back and shoulders to keep her concentrating, the plugs and the tines would be tormenting her as she sweated. Steadily they closed on Orient, and by the time the final lap began, Blondie was on her shoulder. As Orient was the best prospect for a place in the final for her team, Carlo knew the driver wouldn’t risk tangling his pony up in a blocking manoeuvre. It was a straight race to the line and Blondie was pulling steadily past. Suddenly Desert Night’s wind went and it happened so quickly it took them both by surprise and they had to pull sharply around her to sweep past. Second place in a heat was fine with Carlo and he reined Blondie in as the line approached, crossing it at a comfortable canter while Orient was driven needlessly hard for victory. Turkish Delight came in third, overtaking Desert Night on the final turn.

Back in the tack room, Carlo had Blondie kneel under a shower with her bottom in the air and sluiced her down. He didn’t give her a full enema as she would be plugged again for the final but cooling her down from where the studs had bitten in and the plugs tormented her meant she would be more refreshed and ready to go. He towelled her down and led her around at a gentle walk to ease her muscles off before he left her tongue-tethered to her hook and went to watch the end of the second heat. It was not a very successful one for the N’Benga estate, they only got one through but Turkish Delight’s time had been good enough to see her into the final so it was evenly balanced.

There was a half hour pause for the second heat ponies to cool down and to allow their drivers to administer some refreshment. Carlo let Blondie kneel in front of him and allowed her a blow job. He adored the feel of her heavy steel tongue ring flicking around his helm and held himself there for a few moments before letting himself feel her lips caress his full length as he sank deep into her throat and pushed to achieve release in the tight channel. The spurts of protein he gave her to swallow, followed by some tepid fruit juice would help keep her going. Holiday did the same for Turkish Delight, his teeth gleaming white as he grimaced at his climax, the black haired pony swallowing him down with well-practised ease. The third Johnson rig was a pony called simply Melon; and it was plain to see why. She was almost as well endowed as Purdy, was as dark skinned as Desert Night but was more compact and stronger looking.

All three ponies objected to the fresh butt plugs and having the studded tack re-applied and for a while the room was noisy with snorts, stamps and rattling of bits against teeth. But with a few snaps of the reins across stomachs and thighs, things settled down. Melon’s driver took special care to ensure her tits were tightly bound.

While they paraded this time, pictures from the arena itself were relayed, Carlo was proud to see Ox applying a pinning hold to her wrestling opponent in one of the pens. Out on the floor of the arena itself, Tigre was slugging it out in a boxing match and the camera just caught Trouble applying the winning body slam in her match. But despite that, it was still close and all was to play for.

“For the final of the racing today ladies and gentlemen!” the compere announced as the rigs assembled at the starting line again. “Number One is Orient; sixteen to one. Number Two is Blondie holding at six to four on. Number Three is Dawn Light; drifting out to forty to one. Number Four is Turkish Delight shortening to six to one. Number Five is Melon; also at forty to one and Number Six is Ash; fifteen to two.”

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