Lost in Flight (47 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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As Christina turned around to face Riley, he held her in place and every intricate detail of the conversation in the bathroom at the nightclub came into her mind.  Christina pulled away from Riley with a nervous laugh and headed toward the shower.  As she bent to take her shoes off, Riley said in a low voice, “Maybe we could put those back on later?” 

In the scheme of things, wearing shoes while having sex wasn’t really a big deal, but they were Mandy’s.  When she looked at him and said, “Okay, but these are Mandy’s,” he pulled a face and shook his head. 

“No.  We’ll just leave those off.”

She peeled her panties off and got into the shower, washing her make-up off.  As she started shampooing her hair, Riley joined her.  He stood behind her and started rinsing her hair, and soaping her down.  Under normal circumstances, Christina would have found this erotic.  Now all she could think about was Riley standing behind her, and what was hard and close to her butt.






Riley couldn’t understand why Christina was acting so nervous.  He put it down to the weird evening they’d had and hoped to allay whatever fears were going through her mind with attention.  He had fantasized about Christina wearing those hot shoes, but when she said they were Mandy’s, he remembered the dirty dancing in the nightclub and didn’t want the association.  Mandy was beautiful, but she was like a sister and that was a bone killer.

He joined Christina in the shower admiring her neck and back.  Riley had always loved the nape of a woman’s neck and back.  Christina had always been sensitive on the neck and he always focused there before moving further afield.  He rinsed her hair, running the wet strands through his hand and enjoying the feeling. 

Riley put conditioner in her hair and soaped her body while he waited.  He looked down at her ass and ran soap over her cheeks, stroking it with his hands.  Christina was narrow in the hips and didn’t have much of an ass, but he liked it.  Riley pulled her close to him, so she could feel how much he wanted her, but she jerked away. 






Christina spun around when Riley pressed himself against her ass.  With water running into her eyes and a nervous smile, she turned to face him.  She grabbed the soap off him and said a cheery, “My turn.”  She knew there had been a misunderstanding by the girl about the relationship with Riley, but she couldn’t get the anal adventures conversation out of her head. 

What if he was into that?  The ideas had to come from somewhere.  Christina didn’t want to give any indication that she was interested in going there, and by his own admission, he hung out with Mason Glenn. 
Mason Glenn
, Captain Debauched and Depraved.  If half the stories about Mason were true and she had it from a credible source, Bonnie, that some of them were, she wanted to make it quite clear that she wasn’t ready for that. 

She ran the soap over his body and stared at him.  Wow, she thought, he really is gorgeous from his head to his toes.  Christina had always thought he was smoking hot, but he looked better now than he did when they were together.  Riley had always been long and lean, broad shouldered, with narrow hips, but now, he had muscle definition. 

Christina had always preferred athletic slim men, like Riley, to hulking beasts.  He looked like someone who worked with his hands and was physically fit, and strong.  She knew from the cyber-stalking freaks that his major occupation was in business and with the band, but his hands told another story:  of someone who enjoyed the graft.

As she was soaping his chest and lingering on his abs, he pushed her head back under the shower, covered her eyes with his hands and rinsed the conditioner out of her hair.  While her eyes were covered, Riley placed a kiss on Christina’s lips.  She dropped the soap and they reached for each other, but they were so slippery, they almost had an accident. 

Both started laughing and Riley said into her ear.  “Let’s go to bed, Dina.”

They jumped out of the shower and as she reached for a towel, he smacked her on the ass.  It actually made her jump and she decided it was best to keep her backside out of harm’s way.  Christina wrapped herself in a towel and sat in front of the bathroom mirror combing the extra water out her hair, trying to dry it. 






Riley stood behind her stark naked, towel-drying his hair vigorously and when he’d finished he waited for her.  He watched her running a comb through her hair and decided he didn’t want to wait any longer.  He grabbed a towel and started rubbing it over her head to hurry her along.  After he’d finished, she did look like a scarecrow and she gave him a smile before combing it straight.

He was tempted to throw her on the bathroom floor, but tonight wasn’t about being reckless like last weekend.  It was about patience, exploration, and pleasure.  Speaking of pleasure, he put his tongue piercing in.  He grinned to himself:  he had a little surprise for her.  He knew she didn’t like surprises, but he hoped she’d make an exception for this one. 

For once, they had a place to themselves without fear of interruption or disapproval from anyone else and he planned to make use of it.  When Christina stood up and smiled at him he almost shouted, “thank fuck,” but kept himself under control.  She clutched her towel to her chest and motioned with her head to the other room. 

She leaned against the bedroom wall, with her back pressed to it and he stood in front of her, placing his hands on either side of her head.  He moved into kiss her and felt her arms go around his neck.  Riley went to pull her towel off, but she grabbed it and held on. 

He stepped back to look at her and frowned.  Christina was nervous and he didn’t know why, but he smiled at her.  “Are you okay?” he asked and when she said an unconvincing, “sure,” he nodded.  “Do you want to do thith, Dina?  Becauthe if you’re having thecond thoughth it’th okay.” 






Christina did want to do this.  She wanted to do it a lot, but she couldn’t control her nerves and why was he lisping?  “Why are you talking funny?”

Riley grinned and poked his tongue out at her, “Pierthing.”  She blinked.  He had a silver stud in his tongue and he clasped it between his teeth with a click before letting it go. 

“Why would you have a…” and then she stopped herself. 

Riley’s grin turned into a full smile and he laughed.  Christina felt herself blush.  Well, duh, it was obvious what it was for and she wanted to face-palm for asking such a stupid question. 
Oh my god
, she thought,
he is a man-whore

This felt dirty and dangerous.  Here she was in a hotel room with her ex-husband, aka Mr. Pierced Anal Adventures.  Christina hadn’t felt this way last weekend, but that’s because she hadn’t heard the ‘conversation’. 

She had always felt safe with Riley sexually, but that’s before she found out his tastes now ran into the wild zone.  Before last weekend, they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.  Sometimes, ignorance really was bliss.

When she looked up Riley was staring at her with a half-smile on his face and an eyebrow raised.  He knew she’d disappeared for a minute and she smiled back.  “You okay, Dina?”

“I’m fine,” she lied, making Riley’s eyebrows draw together. 

“Then, why are you tho nervouth?”

Christina shrugged and huffed.  “I’m not.”  She could tell he was unconvinced, but he leaned in towards her and kissed her on the neck.  He ran the stud up her neck, making her skin tingle.  Okay.  This definitely had promise.

“Yeth or no, Dina?”  Riley asked.  “Yeth or no?”  Each question was punctuated with a kiss on her neck, collarbone or lips.  She remembered this seduction technique well.  She’d lost her virginity to him this way.  Then, like now, she’d been nervous, but he’d kissed her fears away asking her the “yes or no” question, until she’d grabbed his head, groaned “yes” and kissed him passionately. 

History didn’t repeat itself.  Christina said, “yes” straight away, but quickly learned they weren’t just passionate kids anymore.  Somewhere in the last five years or so apart, he’d joined the super-league of sex-capades, while she’d remained somewhat of an amateur.  The discrepancy in experience reinforced the gulf between them and she felt contradictorily satisfied, yet miserable.






When Riley had started his slow torturous assault on her body, Christina gave herself over to the experience as she always did.  There was an intense sensuality that heightened her senses, making her beg and plead.  He used his talented tongue and deft fingers to bring her to the brink, and keep her there.  She decided his tongue stud and what he did with it should be illegal.

Before he rolled the stud over nearly every part of her, he’d told her exactly what he was going to do.  The anticipation his words engendered had excited her in a way that was both surprising and shocking.  Then his exploration began, which was leisurely and thorough.

He made her lay still and when she tried to grip him, pulling him closer and finding release he had continued his deliberate pace.  Riley’s kisses were gentle, interspersed with light nips and touches that made her jerk.  Each time she half sat up, he gently pushed her down and proceeded to tease her until she shook in response. 

Riley used everything to drive her wild: his voice, his breath, his hands, his fingers, his tongue...  She felt intoxicated by the taste and feel of him, and his complete authority over her body.  When he finally entered her, she hadn’t just exploded.  She detonated and what was left of her was a gibbering idiot. 

To her acute embarrassment, she made noises that were inhuman.  Even to her own ears, she sounded like a cross between a goat and a seal.  She understood now why the French called it
la petite mort
(the little death) because for a moment, she could swear she’d seen the other side. 

He had made it all about her and it was the sexual experience of her lifetime.  She felt exposed, laid bare and defenseless to him.  In the aftershock of what happened, Christina felt as if he owned her body and soul.  He’d often talked about them belonging to each other, but she felt like she’d just handed him her ownership certificate.

Christina had never felt this way with him in the bedroom before.  She’d always trusted him with her body and always would.  She knew he would never hurt her, but he’d pushed her limits.  In the past, she felt like an equal participant and recipient, but no longer. 

Now she felt like an amateur and she was self-conscious.  Her mind went to the place where it shouldn’t go, but she couldn’t help it.  The only way he could have become so experienced was through practice and she wondered how many women it had taken to make him so adept in the bedroom.






Sighing, Riley said, “Christina, if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I don’t know how to fix it.” 

For the last five minutes, Christina had had her face buried under a pillow and when he managed to wrench that off her, she’d covered her face with her hands.  And she was crying.  When she first started shaking, he just thought it was some kind of aftershock from their lovemaking.  To be honest, he was quite proud of himself for inducing that type of response, but it quickly turned to surprise when the sobbing and the pillow tug-o-war started.

Riley was becoming exasperated and frustrated with her refusal to talk to him.  “Look at me, Dina,” he commanded, “
Look at me
,” but she shook her head.  He kissed her hands to try and get her to move them away, but she kept them clasped to her face. 

He closed his eyes, lay on his back, and groaned.  “Come on baby, you have to tell me what this is about, otherwise I’m going to think I’ve done something wrong.”

Riley knew it couldn’t have been anything in bed they’d done because he was expecting complaints in the morning for keeping wild animals.  It had been awesome and he was waiting for a second wind before getting back to it.  Last weekend she’d cried in bed, but not because she was unhappy – it was just the opposite.  Now this. 

He was about to get up, get dressed and get out because all indicators were pointing to this turning ugly, when he heard her say.  “It’s embarrassing.  I can’t tell you and look at you.” 

“Okay,” he said gently.  “We can do that.  Just tell me what’s wrong.”  She uncovered her face and rolled over on her side with her back to him, so he snuggled in behind her, putting his arm around her holding her tight.  He moved her hair away from her shoulder and buried his face in her neck waiting for her to spit out the latest piece of drama. 

When Christina started her story about the conversation in the bathroom between Callie and the other women, Riley was caught between cringing, and laughing.  He did a bit of both, but the words “lube, beads, and anal” made it difficult to keep his laughter under control. 

But it was Christina’s statement of:  “If that’s what you’re into, I can’t do that.  Actually, I
do that.  I can’t give you what you need that way.  I-I-don’t even think I could even watch that on film,” that undid him. 

Riley’s body shook with suppressed laughter and he tried to hide away in her neck, but failed.  He rolled over onto his back and threw an arm over his face, laughing until they became silent sobs.  Tears were streaming from his eyes and he couldn’t remember a time when he’d laughed this hard with anyone, but her. 

“Are you laughing at me?  Oh god, you are,” she cried.  “I’m trying to be serious.  I told you this was embarrassing for me.” 

It was no good.  She made him laugh even harder, until he sounded like he was wheezing.  Predictably, Christina tried to get out of bed, but he was ready for her.  He grabbed her around the body and held on. 

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