Lost in Flight (46 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Riley and Jed were still talking when Johnny, and Christina finished their performance.  The crowd was booing and yelling for more, but Johnny was having none of it.  He had his hands up smiling at the crowd and Riley thought “uh-oh.”  Riley moved toward the stage, but it was too late.  There was a fraction of a pause and someone yelled abuse, then food started flying. 

Johnny was trying to cover him and Christina, but they took more than a few direct hits.  Andy James jumped up on stage to try and help them down, but got hazed for his troubles.  Riley and Jed looked at each other.  There was nothing they could do, so they did the only thing they could.  They burst out laughing.

Christina was screaming, Johnny laughing, but Andy looked dangerous.  Andy was blocking as much stuff with his hands as possible, then turned and stared at the crowd.  He marked people with his eyes, until the missiles slowly stopped.

Jed tapped Riley on the shoulder.  “That lad might just be able to tame Gabby de Ville you know.” 

Riley shook his head.  “Doubtful.” 

Jed pulled a face.  “Well, he might be able to defend himself before she eats his head off on the wedding night.” 

Riley doubted that too, but he knew Andy would give it his best shot.  Riley watched Bonnie Howard approach Christina, who was trying to wipe the food off her face and get it out of her hair.  The two women started an intense conversation and Christina looked his way a couple of times. 

He held her eyes briefly and then turned to Jed.  Nodding at Christina and Bonnie, Riley said, “My cue to leave.”  He made his way out of the bar and decided he’d give her fifteen minutes.  If she wanted him, she could come get him, otherwise he was going back to the hotel.






“Are you okay?  That looked really horrible.” 

Christina wondered what gave it away:  the screaming, punctuated by “owwwws,” or the arms over her head, begging people to stop?  Looking at Bonnie, Christina replied.  “You know, it actually was.” 

Bonnie looked Christina directly in the eye and said, “Dina, I have to talk to you.” 

After Bonnie had given her the account of miscommunication, Christina stared at her friend.  “So, Riley isn’t Mr. Anal Adventures?” 

“No, he is, but there’s been a misunderstanding.” 

Christina was trying to get this clear in her mind:  1) Riley was Mr. Anal Adventures, but 2) he hadn’t been on any with the cute blonde.  She was oscillating between concentrating on Bonnie and making eye contact with Riley who hadn’t moved from the bar.  He just stood there and every time she looked up he was staring at her. 

Sighing Bonnie said, “The girl read more into the situation than what was there.  As much as it really, really hurts to say, Mandy was right.  I’m so, so, sorry.”  Christina took her hand and gave it a squeeze.  She knew Bonnie was only looking out for her, but she could have done without the drama and this heinous night at Pax.

“There’s something else,” Bonnie said quietly, “I can’t tell you all of it okay because I promised I wouldn’t, but… Riley’s feelings… he still cares for you.  A lot.  He’s just wary of getting hurt.”

Christina stared at Bonnie.  “How do you know this?”

Bonnie grimaced.  “He told me on Thursday.  We had a meeting and he told me he still loves you.  I didn’t trust him Dina and I thought he might be playing games, but I believe him now.” 

When Christina looked up, Riley wasn’t there.  Looking around the bar to find him, she made eye contact with Jed, who pointed at the door.  She said to Bonnie,  “I have to go.  Can you run some interference for me with the others?  I’ll be back soon.” 

Christina made her way passed Jed, who grinned.  “Good luck.”  Yes, good luck.  She could do with some of that right about now. 

There was no sign of Riley when she got outside, so she walked up and down trying to find him.  Just as she was about to go back inside, she heard him say behind her, “Did you have a nice night at Pax?” 

Christina spun around and made eye contact with him.  Riley was looking at her with the half-smile on his face she loved and his eyes were full of amusement.  Her mouth turned up at the corners and she said, “Oh yeah.  It was great – a little strange maybe,” making them both laugh. 

By the time she’d finished giving him her account of losing Bonnie, her and Mandy’s discovery of the dirty room and El Creepo’s pursuit his shoulders were shaking with laugher.  Riley cupped her face in his hand, “Only you.” 

He looked at her dress and pursed his lips.  “By the way, I meant to compliment you on your outfit.  I didn’t think you’d go for that, um, color, but it certainly draws the eye.” 

Christina shrugged.  “I think the food and gunk accessories make it pop.”

Riley laughed and took her in his arms.  He kissed the top of her head and then pulled away.  “No offense, Dina, but you really smell.”

She slapped him and he grabbed her, dragging her to his chest, while she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him back.  She mumbled into his chest.  “I’m sorry,” but he stopped her. 

“We need to talk.”




In relationship etiquette, the “we need to talk” phrase is in the same level of anxiety grouping as “I love you, but…”  The apprehension these four little words can create could only be further reinforced if they were accompanied by the theme music from “Jaws.”  Christina’s heart was in her mouth and her throat went dry.  She’d blown it with her crazy.

She pushed back from Riley and waited for him to say what she thought he was going to say.  This was a big mistake and too much trouble.  He put his hands in his pockets and lifted his shoulders up into his neck.  He wouldn’t make eye contact with her, so she braced herself for what was coming.






Clearing his throat, Riley said, “I’m not a perfect person, Dina.  You know that better than anyone else, but you also know me better than that.  Well, I hoped you did.  I’m not
guy.  I went on one date with someone else after we’d gone postal at each other.  I was really angry with you, but I stopped further contact after we went out on Tuesday night.” 

Riley was trying to get a sense of Christina’s emotions, but she’d moved back from him and her face was unreadable.  He noticed her body had gone tense and she’d wrapped her arms around her waist, gripping the sides of Johnny’s jacket with her fingers.  “Mason Glenn invited the girl along tonight – not me.”

Christina glared at him, hissing, “

Riley knew Mason’s name was like a red rag to Christina, but he pressed on.  Nodding, Riley said, “Yes, Mason Glenn.  He – agh – never mind, about Mason.  The important bit is I wasn’t dating anyone else while you and I were hanging out.”






Hanging out?
  thought Christina.  Hanging out?  This was what they were doing “
hanging out
.”  Well, she didn’t think they were actually dating and now it had been confirmed.  They were “hanging out.”






Riley could tell she was uncomfortable, so he tried for clarity, but didn’t get there.  “So, let’s make things clear.  No more games.  When we’re together, there’s no one else.  Deal?” 






Deal?  It was as clear as mud to Christina and she wasn’t making any “deals” unless she could read them on paper.  She pulled back from Riley and stared at him.  He was acting nervous and shifty.  She watched him run his hands through his hair, and over his face, then stuff his hands in his pockets.  Eyeing him curiously, she asked, “What do you mean?”






In the interests of staying on point and to stop himself from groaning at her, he said, “I’m talking about being with other people and well, you know, sex, Christina.” 

He watched her blink a bit and she said, “I know that, Riley, but I’m not clear on the other stuff.” 

Riley kept saying in his head, “small steps” because if they were ever going to unravel the knots, then they had to work through them slowly and there were plenty.  “I’m talking about you and me, Dina.  If we’re together in the same place – there’ll be no one else.  You won’t have to worry about me being
guy and I won’t have to worry about you being
girl.  We can take small steps and work it out.”

It took Christina awhile to respond and Riley could see her processing it through her mind.  He didn’t say anything further because he wanted her to understand what he was saying and she could be flighty.  Whenever he’d tried to be firm with her about reconciliation, she’d driven him off with a pitchfork. 






The problem was she didn’t understand.  It sounded like he didn’t want to be
guy with other women, but he wanted to be
guy with her.  Christina frowned and said, “So, let me clarify this, you just want ex-sex - if we’re in the same place?  No strings attached?”






Riley wondered how she could interpret what he’d just said and come up with that conclusion.  He counted to ten, trying to calm himself.  “No. I just think we should take things slowly.  I’m not looking at you as some booty call and I’m not asking you to get serious – yet.” 

He glanced at her, trying to gauge her reaction, but the shutters had come down on her face. 
wanted to get serious, or at least try, but he wanted to know if she did.  He wasn’t going to put himself out there if all she wanted was a fling.

Riley was about to say more, but was interrupted by Johnny and Andy James.  Johnny waved at them and came over.  He’d wiped most of the stuff off his face, but still looked like he needed a shower.  Andy James had marks and smears of all sorts of crap over his jacket, but apart from that he looked relatively clean.  

Johnny looked at Christina and Riley saying, “Hey – me and Andy are heading back.  My girlfriend’s at the hotel and I don’t want to leave her alone all night.” 

Tapping Andy on the arm, Johnny laughed, “And we seriously need to wash.”  They all laughed and Johnny said, “Catch you tomorrow.”  Christina gave Johnny’s jacket back to him and she started shivering, so Riley took his one off and placed it around her shoulders. 

Andy James grinned as he followed Johnny and said quietly to Christina, “Dry cleaning is on you, Martin, and I had no idea you could sing.  Apart from the food fight at the end, it was an interesting evening.  See you tomorrow.” 

They waved Johnny and Andy off in the town car, and Christina turned to Riley.  “You know everyone is going to freak.” 

He looked at her and gave a tight smile.  “Yep, but this is between you and me, and nobody else.  I’m sick of people getting in the way, Dina.  I want you and me to work this out on our own.”

She looked up at him and smiled, making his heart lurch.  “Okay,” she said, “Let’s go give this a try.”

He took her hand in his saying, “Let’s go get your coat and tell everyone we’re going.” 

Riley shook his head and burst out laughing.  “We’re going together because I don’t plan on leaving you alone by yourself again in Pax.  The havoc you can cause, Dina.  It’s unbelievable.” 



Chapter Twenty-two – Layovers 

Christina, Seattle, The Present, Saturday 13 October 2012


“Look at me, Dina.  Come on, baby, look at me,” Riley pleaded.  “Please don’t shut me out.” 

Christina didn’t want to look at him.  When she looked at him she felt emotionally drained and exposed.  His “look at me” commands were one of his signature moves and she was worried enough about his “moves” as it was. 

And shut him out?  She’d tried and it was impossible.  Riley had always been able to see straight through her and he’d never allowed her to keep a secret from him.  He would badger her until she caved in, then he would listen to her intently as she rambled and burbled, getting all her fears out. 

Why would now be any different?  What was she doing?  Her heart wasn’t strong enough to survive this – this “hanging out thing.”  She thought she’d learned her lesson where Riley was concerned, but she figured he wasn’t the only slow learner in the room.

Christina knew it was childish, but she grabbed a pillow and covered her face with it, so she didn’t have to look at him.  She cried in relative privacy, or as private as someone could get when they were in bed with the person they were crying about.  “Dina,” he pleaded, which just made her cry more.

They’d left the nightclub and headed back to the hotel where Riley was staying because it was closer, and they didn’t know if anyone else was staying at the townhouse.  The taxi driver was unimpressed with Christina’s appearance and worried about damage to his car from her filthy clothing.  Riley had to pay him extra for cleaning and in the end, the driver relented and they headed away. 

Christina and Riley sneaked through the hotel in the hope they didn’t run into any other members of the band.  They made it to his room without incident and as soon as they entered, Riley insisted Christina had a shower.  As Christina went to remove her dress, Riley stopped her.  “Allow me, I’ve been dying to do this all night.” 

He stood behind her, moved her hair over one shoulder and slowly unzipped her dress.  Riley kissed the back of her neck and peeled her dress off, pulling her toward him, cupping her breasts in his hand.  She sighed and leaned back against him and he ran his hand down her back to her butt.  It was when she felt him cup her butt cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze that she began to get skittish. 

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