Lord Peter Wimsey [01] Whose Body? (20 page)

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Authors: Dorothy L. Sayers

Tags: #Mystery.Classics

BOOK: Lord Peter Wimsey [01] Whose Body?
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"Lady Swaffham rang up, my lord, and said she hoped your lordship had not forgotten you were lunching with her."


"I have forgotten, Bunter, and I mean to forget. I trust you told her I had succumbed to lethargic encephalitis suddenly, no flowers by request."


"Lady Swaffham said, my lord, she was counting on you. She met the Duchess of Denver yesterday–"


"If my sister-in-law's there I won't go, that's flat," said Lord Peter.


"I beg your pardon, my lord, the elder Duchess."


"What's she doing in town?"


"I imagine she came up for the inquest, my lord."


"Oh, yes–we missed that, Bunter."


"Yes, my lord. Her Grace is lunching with Lady Swaffham."


"Bunter, I can't. I can't, really. Say I'm in bed with whooping cough, and ask my mother to come round after lunch."


"Very well, my lord. Mrs. Tommy Frayle will be at Lady Swaffham's, my lord, and Mr. Milligan–"


"Mr. Who?"


"Mr. John P. Milligan, my lord, and–"


"Good God, Bunter, why didn't you say so before? Have I time to get there before he does? All right. I'm off. With a taxi I can just–"


"Not in those trousers, my lord," said Mr. Bunter, blocking the way to the door with deferential firmness.


"Oh, Bunter," pleaded his lordship, "do let me–just this once. You don't know how important it is."


"Not on any account, my lord. It would be as much as my place is worth."


"The trousers are all right, Bunter."


"Not for Lady Swaffham's, my lord. Besides, your lordship forgets the man that ran against you with a milk can at Salisbury."


And Mr. Bunter laid an accusing finger on a slight stain of grease showing across the light cloth.


"I wish to God I'd never let you grow into a privileged family retainer, Bunter," said Lord Peter, bitterly, dashing his walking-stick into the umbrella-stand. "You've no conception of the mistakes my mother may be making."


Mr. Bunter smiled grimly and led his victim away.


When an immaculate Lord Peter was ushered, rather late for lunch, into Lady Swaffham's drawing-room, the Dowager Duchess of Denver was seated on a sofa, plunged in intimate conversation with Mr. John P. Milligan of Chicago.




"I'm vurry pleased to meet you, Duchess," had been that financier's opening remark, "to thank you for your exceedingly kind invitation. I assure you it's a compliment I deeply appreciate."


The Duchess beamed at him, while conducting a rapid rally of all her intellectual forces.


"Do come and sit down and talk to me, Mr. Milligan," she said. "I do so love talking to you great business men–let me see, is it a railway king you are or something about puss-in-the-corner–at least, I don't mean that exactly, but that game one used to play with cards, all about wheat and oats, and there was a bull and a bear, too–or was it a horse?–no, a bear, because I remember one always had to try and get rid of it and it used to get so dreadfully crumpled and torn, poor thing, always being handed about, one got to recognize it, and then one had to buy a new pack–so foolish it must seem to you, knowing the real thing, and dreadfully noisy, but really excellent for breaking the ice with rather stiff people who didn't know each other–I'm quite sorry it's gone out."


Mr. Milligan sat down.


"Well, now," he said, "I guess it's as interesting for us business men to meet British aristocrats as it is for Britishers to meet American railway kings, Duchess. And I guess I'll make as many mistakes talking your kind of talk as you would make if you were tryin' to run a corner in wheat in Chicago. Fancy now, I called that fine lad of yours Lord Wimsey the other day, and he thought I'd mistaken him for his brother. That made me feel rather green."


This was an unhoped-for lead. The Duchess walked warily.


"Dear boy," she said, "I am so glad you met him, Mr. Milligan.
my sons are a great comfort to me, you know, though, of course, Gerald is more conventional–just the right kind of person for the House of Lords, you know, and a splendid farmer. I can't see Peter down at Denver half so well, though he is always going to all the right things in town, and very amusing sometimes, poor boy."


"I was very much gratified by Lord Peter's suggestion," pursued Mr. Milligan, "for which I understand you are responsible, and I'll surely be very pleased to come any day you like, though I think you're flattering me too much."


"Ah, well," said the Duchess, "I don't know if you're the best judge of that, Mr. Milligan. Not that I know anything about business myself," she added. "I'm rather old-fashioned for these days, you know, and I can't pretend to do more than know a nice
when I see him; for the other things I rely on my son."


The accent of this speech was so flattering that Mr. Milligan purred almost audibly, and said:


"Well, Duchess, I guess that's where a lady with a real, beautiful, old-fashioned soul has the advantage of these modern young blatherskites–there aren't many men who wouldn't be nice–to her, and even then, if they aren't rock-bottom she can see through them."


"But that leaves me where I was," thought the Duchess. "I believe," she said aloud, "that I ought to be thanking you in the name of the vicar of Duke's Denver for a very munificent cheque which reached him yesterday for the Church Restoration Fund. He was so delighted and astonished, poor dear man."


"Oh, that's nothing," said Mr. Milligan, "we haven't any fine old crusted buildings like yours over on our side, so it's a privilege to be allowed to drop a little kerosene into the worm-holes when we hear of one in the old country suffering from senile decay. So when your lad told me about Duke's Denver I took the liberty to subscribe without waiting for the Bazaar."


"I'm sure it was very kind of you," said the Duchess. "You are coming to the Bazaar, then?" she continued, gazing into his face appealingly.


"Sure thing," said Mr. Milligan, with great promptness. "Lord Peter said you'd let me know for sure about the date, but we can always make time for a little bit of good work anyway. Of course I'm hoping to be able to avail myself of your kind invitation to stop, but if I'm rushed, I'll manage anyhow to pop over and speak my piece and pop back again."


"I hope so very much," said the Duchess. "I must see what can be done about the date–of course, I can't promise–"


"No, no," said Mr. Milligan heartily. "I know what these things are to fix up. And then there's not only me–there's Nat Rothschild and Cadbury, and all the other names your son mentioned, to be consulted."


The Duchess turned pale at the thought that any one of these illustrious persons might some time turn up in somebody's drawing-room, but by this time she had dug herself in comfortably, and was even beginning to find her range.


"I can't say how grateful we are to you," she said, "it will be such a treat. Do tell me what you think of saying."


"Well–" began Mr. Milligan.


Suddenly everybody was standing up and a penitent voice was heard to say:


"Really, most awfully sorry, y'know–hope you'll forgive me, Lady Swaffham, what? Dear lady, could I possibly forget an invitation from you? Fact is, I had to go an' see a man down in Salisbury–absolutely true, 'pon my word, and the fellow wouldn't let me get away. I'm simply grovellin' before you, Lady Swaffham. Shall I go an' eat my lunch in the corner?"


Lady Swaffham gracefully forgave the culprit.


"Your dear mother is here," she said.


"How do, Mother?" said Lord Peter, uneasily.


"How are you, dear?" replied the Duchess. "You really oughtn't to have turned up just yet. Mr. Milligan was just going to tell me what a thrilling speech he's preparing for the Bazaar, when you came and interrupted us."


Conversation at lunch turned, not unnaturally, on the Battersea inquest, the Duchess giving a vivid impersonation of Mrs. Thipps being interrogated by the Coroner.


" 'Did you hear anything unusual in the night?' says the little man, leaning forward and screaming at her, and so crimson in the face and his ears sticking out so–just like a cherubim in that poem of Tennyson's–or is a cherub blue?–perhaps it's seraphim I mean–anyway, you know what I mean, all eyes, with little wings on its head. And dear old Mrs. Thipps saying, 'Of course I have, any time these eighty years,' and
a sensation in court till they found out she thought he'd said, 'Do you sleep without a light?' and everybody laughing, and then the Coroner said quite loudly, 'Damn the woman,' and she heard that, I can't think why, and said: 'Don't you get swearing, young man, sitting there in the presence of Providence, as you may say. I don't know what young people are coming to nowadays'–and he's sixty if he's a day, you know," said the Duchess.


By a natural transition, Mrs. Tommy Frayle referred to the man who was hanged for murdering three brides in a bath.


"I always thought that was so ingenious," she said, gazing soulfully at Lord Peter, "and do you know, as it happened, Tommy had just made me insure my life, and I got so frightened, I gave up my morning bath and took to having it in the afternoon when he was in the House–I mean, when he was
in the house–not at home, I mean."

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