Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4) (37 page)

BOOK: Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4)
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Rooster had to think about what he was feeling pressing and then easing into his entrance. It was hard and phallic shaped like a dildo and... oh, shit! It vibrated. A tremor rattled through Rooster’s body.

“No coming,” Wheland said beside Rooster’s ear. “I’ll stop whatever I’m doing every time you get close. You don’t get to come until I tell you to.”

The dildo in Rooster’s ass went deeper, repeatedly pulsing on his gland. As promised, Wheland shut down the vibrations, withdrew the dildo by several inches, and squeezed the base of his cock every time Rooster was at the threshold of release. Once he’d calmed down, Wheland began fucking him with the dildo again. Wheland was right about this being a punishment. It was the sweetest kind of torture he’d ever experienced. He loved it... and he hated it.

Rooster’s legs were shaking and Wheland finally removed the toy from his ass. Rooster heard it hit the carpet and Wheland stepped around to his front. Wheland’s lips brushed against Rooster’s.

“Do you trust me?” Wheland whispered.

Rooster nodded, silently praying Wheland would put an end to this and let him come.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” Wheland said. “I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll swear you’re going to pass-out.”

Rooster groaned and felt the rope connected to the chain loosen as Wheland adjusted the length.

“Trust what I tell you to do and know that I will not let you fall,” Wheland directed. Wheland grabbed on to Rooster’s hips. “When I lift you, wrap your legs around my waist, lean back a bit, and let the rope hold the weight of your arms.”

Rooster hesitated and Wheland gave another command. “Trust me not to drop you.”

Wheland’s fingers dug in to the flesh on Rooster’s hips and lifted. Rooster’s legs looped around Wheland’s back and Wheland stepped back quickly to pick up the slack of the rope, and leaned in to support Rooster’s back with his arms. Rooster was now secured around Wheland’s waist and supported by the rope attached to the chain and hook in the beam.

“Are you ready for me?” Wheland asked.

“Fuck, yesssss,” Rooster sighed.

Wheland tipped his hips, aligned his cock to Rooster’s opening, and thrust forward. The movement was quick and calculated and Rooster felt the rush of every inch Wheland fed to him. The pleasure was blinding and Rooster’s balls drew up tight to his body. He would not last, considering what Wheland had already put him through. The angle Wheland held him put the head of his cock in direct contact with Rooster’s sweet spot over and over.

“Do you wanna come?” Wheland asked.

“I need to so bad,” Rooster said, his voice shaking.

“Shoot for me, baby,” Wheland said. “Right now.”

Four pumps from Wheland’s cock into Rooster’s ass and Rooster was gone without one touch to his aching dick. Ribbon after ribbon of come rocketed from Rooster’s tip and sprayed across his stomach and chest in a zigzag pattern.

Wheland continued to chase his orgasm. He let go of one arm and quickly yanked off the blindfold covering Rooster’s eyes, then placed his arm beneath Rooster’s back again, holding him slightly inverted. Rooster lifted his head and their eyes locked. Rooster had never seen Wheland look more blissed-out. The intensity in his beautiful eyes melted Rooster’s bones. He felt weightless in Wheland’s secure embrace and the restraints, as if he were floating.

“Watch me fuck you,” Wheland said.

Wheland’s hips snapped again and again, going deep as he could possibly get with each thrust. Rooster watched his lover intently. He knew the moment the orgasm slammed in to Wheland from the mask of euphoria that washed over Wheland’s face, but his gaze continued to hold Rooster’s in an intimate embrace all their own.

“Fuck, Sonny! You are making me lose my mind,” Wheland growled, and then he arched in to Rooster and released inside of him. Wheland’s knees buckled and he had to steady himself to keep them both upright.

Wheland’s aftershocks rumbled through Rooster causing his own dick to twitch, and then finally Wheland disengaged his softening cock from Rooster and began to settle Rooster’s feet down onto carpet. Wheland reached up and hit the tension release on the rope and brought Rooster’s arms down, he unbuckled the handcuffs and freed Rooster’s wrists. His fingers rubbed at the imprint left on Rooster’s skin from the rope, then moved to massage the muscles in Rooster’s arms. The embrace that followed steadied Rooster but it also centered him, made him feel very much a part of Wheland’s soul.

“That was seriously intense, Mick,” Rooster said.

“Was it too much?” Wheland asked.

“Not at all,” Rooster said. “I love how you test my limits and the pleasure is better than anything I’ve ever experienced. I can’t wait to do it again.”

Wheland smiled broadly and pulled Rooster tight against his chest. They kissed, but this time it was a soft and gentle exploration of each other’s mouths. Wheland’s hands slid up Rooster’s back and into the thick hair on his head and then he pressed his forehead to Rooster’s.

“Seeing you put your trust in me like that... it takes my breath away,” Wheland said. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Rooster teased.

“Yeah, it is,” Wheland said. He took Rooster’s hand and led him to the bed, then helped him up on top of it. Wheland crawled on the bed beside Rooster and wiggled an arm beneath Rooster’s head, then he pulled Rooster against his side. “I’ll go get a towel to clean us up in a bit. Right now, I just want to hold you.”

Wheland needed to keep the skin to skin contact with Rooster; needed to have him as close as possible, with his chest pressed to Wheland’s and his head tucked beneath his chin. The silky texture of Rooster’s skin under his calloused fingertips was soothing and the occasional quiver and soft moan from Rooster let Wheland know his touch was very much wanted. This was exactly why he flew all the way back to L.A. for three days. The hours he’d spent on the plane were worth every minute of the time he now had with Rooster. He simply loved loving Rooster and the intimacy they now shared because of it.

“I know my visit here isn’t very long, but I really needed to see you,” Wheland whispered, then pressed a kiss to the hairline at the top of Rooster’s forehead. “Just holding you like this means so much. It’s going to kill me to have to leave you again.”

Rooster smiled and kissed Wheland’s collarbone. “I have a bit of news,” Rooster said.

“What’s going on?” Wheland asked.

“I was able to finish up my guitar tracks on the next album,” Rooster said. He came up on one elbow and looked into Wheland’s eyes. Rooster saw confusion in Wheland’s gaze but waited a minute for the information to settle in Wheland’s brain.

“That’s over a month earlier than you expected,” Wheland said after a few seconds.

“I’m six weeks early,” Rooster confirmed. “Do you know what that means?”

“I’m not sure, and I certainly don’t want to assume anything, so why don’t you go ahead and tell me,” Wheland said.

Rooster chuckled. “It means my schedule is free for a while and I can go with you on tour... that is if you still want me to.”

Wheland jack-knifed up in bed. “Are you fucking serious?”

“I wouldn’t dare joke about this,” Rooster said.

Wheland rolled Rooster onto his back and came up over him. His smile was endless and his eyes glistened with emotion. “You have no idea how happy you just made me,” Wheland said.

“Oh, I think I do, because knowing I can go with you when you leave on Tuesday makes me pretty fucking excited, too,” Rooster said.

Wheland kissed Rooster then set his head onto Rooster’s shoulder; his face nuzzled against Rooster’s neck. “This is turning out to be one helluva weekend,” Wheland said.

Chapter Thirty

Alex sent out a text message to Wheland and the rest of the guys in the band, requesting a band meeting at five o’clock on the afternoon they all arrived in Jacksonville. Wheland was the early to arrive at Alex’s hotel room; leaving Rooster alone in their room while he got his band meeting over with. The first thing that stuck out to Wheland were the two people missing in Alex’s overly quiet room. Wheland walked into the living room area of the suite and sat down on the couch.

“Where’s Chase and Danni?” Wheland asked Alex.

Alex sat down in a chair opposite Wheland and wrung his hands together in his lap. “Danni and Chase stayed back in L.A.,” Alex said. “She’s having some tests done.”

“Is everything all right?” Wheland asked.

Alex nodded, but Wheland couldn’t help but notice the concern etched all over Alex’s face.

“The blood tests we had done revealed she’s pregnant,” Alex said softly.

A smile burst out on Wheland’s face. “That’s fantastic!”

“She started bleeding over the weekend,” Alex said. “The doctors are concerned being on tour with me might be too much stress for the baby, so they stayed behind. Chase is taking her to see a doctor today to make sure the baby is okay.”

“Jesus, I’m sorry man,” Wheland said.

“I want to be there with her for this, but I can’t and that pisses me off,” Alex said.

“She’s not alone with Chase there, and she understands the demands of your job,” Wheland said.

“That doesn’t matter,” Alex said. “I want to be there. She’s my wife.”

“Do the others know?” Wheland asked.

“No, not yet,” Alex said. “I’m going to tell them when everyone gets here. If she loses the baby, I’m flying home for a while. Fuck the tour. We’ll reschedule.”

“Danni won’t lose that baby,” Wheland said. “She’s healthy. Everything will be fine. I’m sure of it.”

“Well, I wish I could share your confidence,” Alex said. “It nearly killed me to leave them in L.A.”

“I know what you mean,” Wheland said, and then a broad smile slid across his face. “Rooster came back with me.”

“Seriously?” Alex asked.

“Yep, he was able to finish all his tracks and cleared his schedule,” Wheland said.

“That’s great, man. I’m happy for you,” Alex said.

A loud commotion erupted in the hallway and Alex glanced at Wheland. “Sounds like the rest of the guys are here,” Alex said.

Another crash hit the wall beside Alex’s door and then loud voices could be heard arguing. Alex reached his door, with Wheland right beside him, and opened it to see Ashton pinned to the wall by Dante. Dante held Ashton’s wrists above his head and his hips pressed to Ashton’s. For a second it was difficult to tell if they were turned-on or angry with each other... until they spoke.

“You don’t like where I stick my dick, too fucking bad, asshole,” Ashton yelled.

“I don’t give a shit who you fuck,” Dante bit out. “Just didn’t think you’d be desperate enough to go for my leftovers, but maybe sloppy seconds is your thing!”

“Fuck off!” Ashton growled.

“Three days away from you wasn’t nearly enough time,” Dante screamed into Ashton’s face, then bounced his groin against Ashton’s.

“Get the fuck off of me,” Ashton threatened Dante.

When Wheland saw Dante’s fist curl and coil back, he jumped in to action and yanked Dante away from Ashton. He hauled him in to Alex’s suite and shoved him into the kitchen.

“Care to tell me what that was all about?” Wheland asked Dante.

“None of your concern,” Dante said.

“I think it is,” Wheland said. “You two have been going at it with the bickering since we hit the road in January. There’s no way in fucking hell we’re going to listen to this for the duration of the tour.”

“Again, it’s not your concern,” Dante said, pushing his long dark hair off his face.

“Want some advice?” Wheland asked.

“Nope. Thanks, but I’m all set,” Dante said. The fierceness in his steely blue eyes slammed in to Wheland.

“Too fucking bad,” Wheland said. “You’re gonna hear it.”

“Look, Wheland. I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, but you’re crossing a line,” Dante said, stepping in to Wheland’s personal space. “What happens between me and Ash is our business... not yours or anyone else in Ivory Tower. Are you hearing me?”

Dante pushed past Wheland and jerked open the door and stepped out into the hall. A few minutes later Alex returned to the room with Cooper, Tony, and Jared behind him.

“Those two fuckers are out of control,” Alex said, scratching his head.

“I think they need to be locked in a room together and forced to work it out by either fucking or talking, but they need to sort this shit out,” Wheland said.

“I’d agree,” Cooper said. “They’re making us all tense.”

“You think they’re in to each other?” Tony asked Wheland.

“Hell yes, and for reasons only they know, neither of them wants to admit it,” Wheland said. “Every fight I’ve witnessed between them seems to be fueled by jealously when the other is with someone else.”

“I can arrange to have them locked in a room,” Alex said with an evil glint in his eyes. “That’s easy enough to do, but I’ll talk to Dagger about this first.”

“Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” Wheland said. His eyes followed Tony and Jared as they took seats side by side on the couch. It wasn’t the position they had together that set Wheland’s thoughts stirring. It was the glide of the back of Tony’s hand along the side of Jared’s thigh that quirked Wheland’s interest. The more he watched Tony and Jared together, the more suspicious he became of their friendship being more than they proclaimed.

“Wanna beer?” Tony asked Jared.

“Do you have to ask?” Jared smiled at Tony.

Tony used a hand pressed to Jared’s thigh to push himself to his feet, then he walked into the kitchen to remove two beers from the refrigerator. “Anyone else want one?” Tony asked.

“No thanks,” Alex said. “Take a seat. There’s something I want to talk to you all about.”

Wheland leaned up against chair and listened to Alex tell the guys about Danni’s pregnancy and the potential problems that were coming along with it. Everyone offered their support to Alex and the meeting concluded with a group hug and high-five cheer, the same cheer they did before each show. It was their way of showing Alex they all had his back through this, no matter the outcome, but Wheland could tell by the look in Alex’s eyes their positive energy hadn’t reached Alex. He hated seeing the worry masking Alex’s face and would make a better effort to make sure Alex didn’t drown with the stress of Danni’s pregnancy hanging around his neck. One way or another, they all needed to get through this tour.

Two weeks later, the tour brought them through Arkansas and into Oklahoma. Danni was holding her own on doctor prescribed bed rest with Chase at her side, and Alex was beside himself he couldn’t be there with them. Even still, they were doing their jobs on and off stage performing and giving interviews at every stop.

They boarded their tour bus after the Little Rock show to make the six hour drive to Oklahoma City. Wheland had Rooster curled around his body in a bunk on the bus and Cooper and Jayson occupied the bedroom at the back. The muted sounds of Alex talking with Chase wafted through the sleep compartment and the distant sounds of Tony and Jared playing another video game could also be heard. Wheland smiled against Rooster’s forehead, then pressed his lips to the warm skin. All seemed to be normal and settled in their little family. Controlled chaos is what Wheland liked to call it, but it worked for them.

It was a little after four in the morning and Oklahoma was still a few hours away, when Rooster’s phone vibrated on the shelf above their pillows. Wheland reached up with his hand and pulled it down to hand it to Rooster.

“Shit, it’s my sister,” Rooster said. “This can’t be good.”

Rooster answered his phone and Wheland could hear the hysterical tone to Angela’s voice coming through the phone.

“Angie, calm the fuck down,” Rooster said. “I can’t understand what you’re saying!”

Wheland watched the expression on his lover’s face changing by the second. He could tell the information Angela was giving to her brother was bad. He could see it in Rooster’s face, feel it in the tension settling in to Rooster’s body. A moment later Rooster said, “Okay. I’m on my way. I’ll catch the first flight I can out of Oklahoma City.”

Rooster ended the call and fell back against the pillows. Wheland rolled to Rooster’s side and set his hand in the center of Rooster’s chest.

“What is it?” Wheland asked.

“My mom,” Rooster choked. “They think she’s had a stroke.”

“Oh, shit,” Wheland sighed.

Wheland had a charter flight waiting for Rooster at the Will Rogers World Airport and the tour bus drove them directly to the executive departure terminal. Wheland had wanted to fly back to L.A. with Rooster but Rooster himself had urged Wheland to stay behind until he knew more about his mother’s condition and prognosis. Their good-bye at the airport was tearful and stressed. Wheland hated to see Rooster in such a state and the pain in his chest was enormous. He had wanted to do more for his lover and watching Rooster run from the bus and into the terminal to catch his flight nearly killed him.

Wheland waited for hours on end to hear from Rooster. His call didn’t come in until around midnight, after their Oklahoma City show ended. From the moment Rooster said hello, Wheland could hear the stress in Rooster’s voice and ached to hold him.

“It’s really bad,” Rooster said. “The doctors said the stroke did a lot of damage and there’s no brain activity on her scan. Mick... I don’t think she’s going to survive.”

“I’m so sorry, babe,” Wheland said. “I’ll fly out first thing in the morning.”

“No, Mick. Please, stay where you are,” Rooster said. “You’ve got a job to do.”

Wheland heard the tremor in Rooster’s voice as he choked through each phrase. His words resonated tremendous sadness, but Wheland could also detect the fear hidden behind the words, too. And why wouldn’t he be afraid? Rooster’s mother was dying, and knowing this was breaking Rooster wasn’t sitting well with Wheland.

He needed to be with Rooster to help him through this, offer emotional support, or a shoulder to cry on; whatever the man needed. Isn’t that what lovers did for each other? It was in that very moment Wheland made the decision to be with Rooster, no matter the consequences were with his band, and whether Rooster said he wanted him there or not. As soon as he finished this conversation with Rooster, Wheland would talk to Alex, and after that he’d be leaving for the airport.

“Are you with her now?” Wheland asked.

“I have to stay,” Rooster said, stifling a sob. “She’s on life support.”

“Life support? Shit, babe,” Wheland said. “How’s your dad and sister holding up?”

“They’re a mess,” Rooster said. “Extended family is starting to trickle in to the hospital now. In a few hours I’ll be drowning in a sea of useless relatives wanting to feed me, like I could fucking eat at a time like this! The doctors want to talk to us about unplugging her,” Rooster said and his voice cracked. “I asked them to do one more brain scan before we even think about making that decision.”

“I think you’re right to request another scan,” Wheland said.

“I didn’t know what else to do,” Rooster said using a soft tone. “My dad and sister are looking to me for the answers and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”

“What can I do to help?” Wheland said.

“You’re doing it right now by listening to me,” Rooster said. A pause fell between them and then Rooster said, “Shit, Father Romano just arrived. I gotta let you go so I can talk to him.”

“Call me with updates,” Wheland said.

“I will when I can,” Rooster said, and again his voice cracked with emotion.

“I love you,” Wheland said, but Rooster had already disconnected their call.

Wheland opened up his text message pad and typed out a message for Alex.

I need to talk to you,”
Wheland’s message to Alex read.

I’m in my room. Come on over,”
Alex answered.

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