Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4) (34 page)

BOOK: Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4)
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He read Wheland’s short text message and his heart began pounding a little harder beneath his ribs knowing Wheland was on his way home. Rooster sent a text message back to Wheland, telling him he’d be waiting, then slid his phone back into his pants pocket.

He loved the excitement Wheland incited within him. Wheland was a shot of adrenaline to his system and filled his head with thoughts of forever. In such a short period of time his life had become a Hallmark greeting card overflowing with prose of love and eternity. Rooster smiled at the positive changes his life had gone through since he’d moved in with Wheland. He’d made the move back to L.A. mainly for work. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he’d find love with a man like Wheland.

Rooster packed up his guitar and sheet music and walked to the door of the sound studio. He waved good-bye to the sound engineers and continued down the hall toward the exit to the back parking lot. He left the building and inhaled, filling his lungs with the cool night air. He was dog-tired but the mere thought he’d be with Wheland in a few hours had him smiling.

Rooster started his car and quickly drove out of the parking lot. His plan was to get back Wheland’s house, shower, and try to catch a few hours of sleep before Wheland arrived. He knew there’d be very little sleep once Wheland walked into that house and that had Rooster smiling from ear to ear. He was nearly out of his mind with need to see Wheland. Ever since they shared that weekend in New York and admitted their feelings for each other, Wheland’s absence at home was insurmountable. It was a void, which couldn’t be filled no matter what kind of distraction Rooster came up with to get around the fact Wheland was not with him.

From the moment he woke each day, he’d filled his time with recording and writing new material. He’d completed twenty-six songs in the studio with his band, laid the tracks on all of them, and for the most part he was done with their next album. Unless the tracks needed tweaking with additional overlays, Rooster’s part was completed. The rest was up to them. They could decide which tracks would end up on the final product and go from there. Anything new required from Rooster could be recorded anywhere he might happen to be and basically phone it in by electronically sending the sound bites to the engineers. And wasn’t that sweet music to Rooster’s ears? He hoped Wheland would agree and understand the significance of what that meant.

They’d managed to finish the masters for this new album six weeks early and that freed Rooster’s schedule to join Wheland on tour. Rooster’s opinion of touring hadn’t changed. It was being without Wheland days on end that had him wanting to change the way he viewed touring. He simply couldn’t be without his man like this and if it meant living out of suitcase to be with him, Rooster would do it right along with Wheland. Because, the discomfort of endless traveling would be worth it to be with Wheland.

You are desperately in love. How sappy is that?

Rooster didn’t care if he was sappy, desperate, or pathetic. He’d never been this happy or content in his life and he didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought. Including his parents. Although Rooster knew they’d spend most of the three days together in bed, Rooster also hoped he could get Wheland over to meet his parents.

His father’s birthday was a few days ago and his mother had left a message for him on his cell phone reminding him of the birthday dinner she had planned for that Sunday to celebrate. Her message also extended the invitation for Rooster to bring his boyfriend. The fact his mother had used the term “boyfriend” was a giant step for her. Maybe after his parents saw him with Wheland they’d be less confused. He didn’t know, but he wanted them all to meet and that led to another issue. Would Wheland be interested in meeting his parents and sister, Angela? More importantly, would Wheland be okay with being introduced as his boyfriend to his family? Had they reached that point in their relationship? Although it was unplanned, Rooster had met Wheland’s sister and the meeting had gone well enough under the circumstances and he hoped one day Wheland would reach a point where the three of them could sit down and enjoy a meal together.

Rooster entered the security code to Wheland’s home and shut the door behind him. He dropped his guitar and backpack on the floor in the foyer, then hurried to the stairs taking them two at a time until he reached the second floor. He turned toward the guest room and stripped off his clothing; leaving it on the floor, and walked into the guest bathroom to shower. Wheland had wanted him to sleep in his bed, but Rooster still hadn’t been able to do that without Wheland spooned against him. Tonight he would, though. He’d be asleep and waiting for Wheland in his bed.

Rooster stepped out of the shower and towel dried himself as he walked to the doorway leading into Wheland’s bedroom. He took a few steps across the soft carpet. The scent of Wheland hung in the room; a warm, inviting blend of musk and man. Rooster especially loved inhaling the scent straight from the source of Wheland’s skin and hair, but tonight he’d fall asleep with Wheland’s pillow cradling his head. Rooster’s cock began to fill at the thought of Wheland. He tossed his damp towel in the master bathroom clothes hamper, shut off all the lights, and made his way to the bed, then folded back the comforter and slid beneath the cool sheets.

Rooster tugged Wheland’s pillow under his head. He rolled his face into the plush pillow and inhaled deeply. The faint scent of the man he loved lingered there and gave him comfort. He glanced at the alarm clock on table beside the bed. It was almost one-thirty in the morning. With any luck, Wheland would be home in a few hours. Rooster rolled over onto his side and smiled to himself in the darkness. Closing his eyes he imagined the many possible ways Wheland could wake him up and fell asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Wheland was almost jogging by the time he reached the front door of his house. He’d already seen Rooster’s car parked beside the garage and knew he was inside. There was no way in hell he could stop the hammering of his heart now. Wheland slid out of the car service vehicle, said good-bye to the driver, and hurried toward his house. He opened up the front door and stepped inside the large, lofty foyer. He spotted Rooster’s guitar case by the door and grinned. Wheland loved seeing Rooster’s things scattered around his house and the idea he was waiting for him upstairs left him breathless.

He dropped his bag at the bottom of the stairs and ran up to his bedroom. He took the corner in the hall and saw the partially open door to his room. He stood in the doorway for a moment and gazed across the darkened room. The only light came from a small nightlight in the master bathroom seeping into the bedroom and slivers of moonlight spilling in from the large, opened windows. A gentle breeze fluttered the sheer, floor-length drapes inside the room.

Wheland could see Rooster’s sleeping form under the covers on his bed and every nerve ending in his body sprang to life. He toed off his boots by the door and began discarding clothing as he walked across the carpet toward the bed. By the time he reached the side of the mattress, he was down to his boxer briefs. He shoved the briefs off his hips and kicked them from his feet. His cock was already standing at attention, as he stood there and watched Rooster sleeping for a moment.

In the stillness of the room, Wheland could hear the soft intake of Rooster’s breath and his gentle, purring snores. The sound had his eyes stinging with emotion. Rooster was lying on his side with his back facing Wheland and his fingers itched with need to touch the man slumbering in his bed. He lifted the sheets and slid into bed. The closer he inched across the mattress toward Rooster, the more he could feel his heat.

Wheland’s fingers touched Rooster’s bare hip; his lips pressed a feather light kiss to the bend of Rooster’s shoulder, and a soft moan escaped his lover’s mouth.

“Baby, is that you?” Rooster’s groggy voice asked.

Wheland pressed his body from shoulder to thighs against Rooster’s backside. His cock nestled into the crease of Rooster’s ass and Rooster’s fingers gripped Wheland’s hand on his hip and twined their fingers. Wheland dragged the scruff of his whiskered chin across Rooster’s shoulder and over to his neck. His teeth bit into the flesh there and Rooster’s hips rolled back in to Wheland’s groin. Another moan slipped from Rooster’s mouth.

“Jesus, Sonny,” Wheland signed. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Oh, Christ. Me too,” Rooster said.

Wheland ran his nose up the side of Rooster’s neck. He nuzzled into the loose waves of Rooster’s hair, then pressed a kiss behind his ear.

“Baby, I’m clean,” Wheland whispered.

Rooster turned in Wheland’s embrace and faced him, his fingers skimmed the skin on Wheland’s bristly face. “You’re negative?” Rooster asked.

“Mmmm hmmm, I am,” Wheland said, brushing his lips to Rooster’s. “Negative for everything.”

“Me too,” Rooster said.

“Is that so?” Wheland asked. A slow smile curling his lips.

Rooster nodded and Wheland took his mouth in a possessive kiss that had them both breathless in seconds. Their tongues slid and curled around the other, probing into the warm wetness of each other; Wheland was nearly delirious from the pleasure of it. Wheland took Rooster’s leg and draped it over his hip, bringing their cocks together.

“Sonny, I want you so bad,” Wheland said. His fingers curled around their cocks and squeezed. He could feel them both pulsing in his grasp and started to slowly pump his fist over their hard flesh.

“Ohhh, fuccckkkk! That feels so good,” Rooster said.

Wheland’s hips rocked into his fist. “Do you want me bare again?” Wheland asked.

“Please, Mick,” Rooster sighed, nipping at Wheland’s bottom lip.

“Hand me the lube,” Wheland said.

Rooster reached beneath his pillow and removed a tube of lubricant and handed it to Wheland.

“I love how prepared you are,” Wheland said. He flipped the cap open and liberally squirted his fingers with the gel, then moved his hand between Rooster’s legs. His fingers curled over Rooster’s sac and lightly squeezed, then slipped behind heading directly toward Rooster’s opening. When Wheland’s finger pressed against the tight rim, Rooster sucked in a breath, making a hissing sound and Wheland covered his mouth with his. As his tongue was pressing into the warmth of Rooster’s mouth, Wheland’s finger was breaching Rooster’s hole.

Their kiss started slow and escalated into something bordering desperate and needy. Wheland took what he wanted and lost himself in Rooster’s mouth. He tugged Rooster closer to his chest and rocked his finger in and out of Rooster. Wheland deepened the kiss, fucking Rooster’s mouth with his tongue, and added a second finger inside Rooster’s tight heat.

Rooster was slowly becoming unglued in Wheland’s arms. Wheland crooked his fingers inside Rooster and skimmed over his prostate. Again and again, Wheland spun his fingers and ended with a teasing tap on Rooster’s gland. Wheland added a third finger and Rooster groaned loudly.

“Jesusssss, I’m getting close,” Rooster sighed against Wheland’s open mouth.

Wheland’s arm circled Rooster’s waist tighter. His fingers continued to work inside Rooster’s ass and Rooster’s hips began to rock against Wheland’s fingers; in an effort to drive them deeper. Rooster arched and threw his head back, exposing his throat, and Wheland took full advantage. His tongue licked at the Adam’s apple, then he opened his mouth against the warm skin and sucked. This had less to do with pleasuring Rooster and had everything to do with marking his man in a spot he knew everyone would see. The bonus was having Rooster writhing in his arms while he sucked on his throat.

Between them, both their cocks were leaking and creating a slippery pool for them to slide back and forth. The pleasure was pulling Wheland right to the edge of crashing and he wasn’t anywhere near ready for this to be over. He wanted Rooster to blow apart in his arms first. He buried his fingers deeper and began fucking Rooster with them. On the withdraw Wheland made a point of stroking Rooster’s prostate before thrusting his fingers back inside.

“Baby, you’re killing me,” Rooster panted.

“Come for me,” Wheland pleaded, and took Rooster’s mouth again.

“Please, I need you inside,” Rooster said.

Wheland held Rooster’s gaze. The moonlight streaming in through the open drapes made his damp eyes glisten. Wheland slowly removed his fingers from Rooster. He used the lube on his fingers to slick his cock and quickly pressed the head to Rooster’s stretched opening. Wheland slid inside and watched Rooster’s eyes close.

“Baby, watch me love you,” Wheland said. His arms wrapped around Rooster’s back as if holding something fragile and precious and in every sense of the words, he was. Rooster was all that and then some to him and having him in his arms again was perfection.

Rooster’s eyelids slowly lifted and Wheland was gifted with the emotion pooling in Rooster’s golden brown depths. Wheland’s cock slid all the way in and Rooster lifted his leg higher to allow Wheland to go deeper still. When Wheland reached bottom he stopped and waited for Rooster to adjust to the fullness.

“I can feel you pulsing around my cock,” Wheland whispered.

“I won’t last long,” Rooster said. “I’m so fucking close.”

Wheland felt Rooster’s channel clamp down on him and his body tensed. He took that as a sign and began thrusting; sending long, deep thrusts into Rooster, dragging the head of his cock directly over Rooster’s gland. The results had Rooster losing his mind.

“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Rooster shouted.

A breath later Wheland felt Rooster’s hot release spray between their stomachs. Wheland rolled his hips and pumped several more times, drawing out Rooster’s orgasm while chasing his own. One final thrust sent Wheland spiraling over that blissful precipice he’d only managed to feel with Rooster.

“Oh, fuck, baby,” Wheland said. “I love you.”

He rocked his hips to ease them both through the aftershocks and lightly kissed Rooster’s mouth. Rooster cupped the side of Wheland’s cheek.

“I fucking love you so much it scares me,” Rooster said.

Wheland ran his fingers through the thick hair on the back of Rooster’s head. “Sonny, I’m scared, too,” Wheland said. “What I feel is so powerful. My gut instinct is to run from it. I’m not running this time. I’m going to embrace this feeling and I’m going to hold your hand the whole time I do it.”

“We’ll do it together,” Rooster whispered.

“We will,” Wheland said. “Always.”

Wheland slowly eased himself out of Rooster and rolled from the bed to get a warm cloth to clean them up. He returned a few moments later and crawled back on the bed. He knelt beside Rooster and lovingly wiped off his stomach and reached between his legs.

“I’m so happy about your test results,” Rooster said, his eyes watching Wheland’s movements while he cleaned him. “You must be relieved, too.”

Wheland sighed loudly. “I was really starting to stress about it,” Wheland said. “Not just for me, but for you and my entire band. It would have killed me if one of you had gotten sick because of me.”

“It wouldn’t have been your fault,” Rooster said.

“Maybe not completely, but I still would have felt responsible,” Wheland said. “Alex and Chase...”

“What about Alex and Chase?” Rooster asked.

“I’m not supposed to say anything,” Wheland said.

“Babe, whatever you say to me stays between us,” Rooster said. “That goes without saying.”

“They’re trying to get Danni pregnant,” Wheland said. “If Alex had tested positive for the Hep B it would have really altered their plans for a baby.”

“A baby? Seriously?” Rooster asked.

“Yeah, they’re both trying to get her pregnant so they won’t know who’s the biological father. They’ll both be the father to the baby. That’s the way they want it.”

“I think that’s great,” Rooster said. “And I think Alex and Chase will both be great fathers.”

Wheland smiled brightly. “Yeah, I think so, too.”

Rooster was quiet for a minute then he glanced at Wheland. “Do you ever think about that?”

“Thank about what?”

“Having kids one day?” Rooster asked.

Wheland inhaled slowly. “Sure. I’ve thought about it,” Wheland said. “Until recently I thought I’d achieve fatherhood with a woman.” Wheland rolled his head and held Rooster’s gaze. “I’d do it with you, Sonny. No question about it.”

“It means a lot to hear you say that, Mick,” Rooster said. “I think we’d make incredible fathers. Don’t you?”

“I know I’d be a better father than mine ever was,” Wheland scoffed.

Rooster pressed his palm to the center of Wheland’s chest. “You are
your father, Mick. His mistakes are his... not yours. I think because of the childhood you had, you’d be a great dad.”

“I certainly couldn’t do any worse,” Wheland said.

“My dad had a birthday a few days ago,” Rooster said.

“Did you go see him?” Wheland asked.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that,” Rooster said. “My mother invited us to dinner on Sunday to celebrate his birthday.”

as in, you and me?” Wheland asked.

Rooster nodded. “Yes, Mick. Both of us.”

“Your parents know about me?” Wheland asked.

“They know because I told them,” Rooster said.

“Were they cool about it?” Wheland asked.

Rooster paused before he spoke again. “They’re coming around,” Rooster said. “Do they wish their only son wasn’t gay? Of course. But, they are also learning to understand I was born gay and I’ll always be gay.”

“They really want to meet me?” Wheland asked.

“They do,” Rooster said. “I told my mom I was in love with you and it’s important to me they meet you.”

Rooster’s words filled Wheland’s heart to the point it felt like it might explode. He’d never been important to someone. No one had cared about him or thought he mattered enough for them to want to introduce him to their family. The fact Rooster had told his mother he was in love had tears forming in Wheland’s eyes. Everything about the man lying beside him was special. Genuine. Real. Wheland wasn’t sure it was possible to love Rooster more, but he did. In that moment he was positively overflowing with emotion for him.

“If you want me to meet them, I’m happy to do it,” Wheland said.

“Really? I mean, I know you don’t have a lot of time before you have to go back to the tour, but...”

“Baby. I said I’d do it,” Wheland said, using a finger to turn Rooster’s chin toward him. “I love you, Sonny. I’d walk through fire for you. Haven’t you figured that out by now?”

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