Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4) (28 page)

BOOK: Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4)
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“I’ll always love Cooper and the rest of you guys like brothers, but that’s where it ends,” Wheland said.

“You may want to have another conversation with Jayson about this,” Alex said. “Because it doesn’t seem to me that he understands what you had with Cooper is old history and it wasn’t a big deal.”

“I plan on doing that next chance I get,” Wheland said.

“Does Rooster know about you and Coop?” Alex asked.

Wheland nodded. “Yeah, I told him early on,” Wheland said. “He understands I have a past and I know he has one, too, so we’ll figure it out as we go.”

“I’m glad you’re happy,” Alex said. “Does this mean I can go back to calling you Mick?”

Wheland grimaced. “This may sound crazy, but I like the fact Rooster’s the only one that gets to use that name for me.”

“I get it,” Alex said. “It’s something special between the two of you.”

“It feels right,” Wheland said. He leaned forward over his knees. “Listen, about the shit that happened with Trina on opening night.”

“Please don’t feel obligated to tell me,” Alex said. “I respect you for wanting to keep some stuff private and for yourself.”

“I appreciate that,” Wheland said and smiled. “No matter what, you guys will always be my brothers.”

“Brothers by choice,” Alex said, and stood up from the couch. “That’s a bond stronger than blood.”

Wheland walked Alex to the door and pulled him to his chest for a hug. “I love you, man,” Wheland said.

“Same here,” Alex said, and stepped away. “We’ll get this Hep B shit taken care of and move forward.”

“D.C. is five or six days out?” Wheland asked.

“Something like that,” Alex said.

Wheland watched Alex open up the door to his suite and step into the hall.

“I’ll see you later,” Alex said with a wave and walked back to his room.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Rooster woke up and rolled onto his back. He stared blankly at the ceiling for a minute, and as usual, his thoughts immediately went to Wheland. He wondered if Wheland had talked with Cooper yet about the Hep B issue. Jesus, he was less than thrilled to be dealing with this, but considering this was the first time he’d been faced with a serious STD, he figured he’d been pretty damn lucky up until now. Besides a case of the crabs he’d had more than a decade ago, Rooster had managed to skate through all the whoring around he’d done over the years with both women and men, and survived. Part of that survival was due to him always using condoms with anyone other than his ex-wife.

Until Wheland.

For the simple reason of being in love, Rooster wanted to throw his usual caution to the wind and go bareback with Wheland because of everything it stood for and the level of trust involved. That’s what he wanted with Wheland, but he also was hoping the decision to go bare wouldn’t come back to haunt him. Sharing that experience with Wheland felt right, like it was meant to be that way.

Rooster wasn’t naïve. He knew every time he had sex with a new partner he was accepting the risk of contracting a serious disease. Taking on that risk with Wheland didn’t seem to matter because Rooster was convinced Wheland was worth every risk involved. And, for that reason alone, Rooster would put aside any anger he might harbor about the possibility of being exposed to this and get tested.

Right now, he wouldn’t allow himself to waste his energy on the “what ifs” regarding a positive blood test. He’d cross that bridge when and if he came to it. And if Wheland tested positive, they’d deal with it together. There was no way in hell he was walking away from Wheland because of this. That was for sure.

Rooster turned onto his side and reached for his phone. He saw the missed text message from Wheland and opened it. Seeing the typed words of love had Rooster grinning like a fool. No matter how many times they said it to the other, Rooster doubted he get tired of it. It was like the air filling his lungs. He needed it to live.

He thought about sending a reply text to Wheland and decided to call him instead. He really just needed to hear his sultry voice and feel the calm that came from it seep into his bones.

Wheland answered on the second ring. “Hey, babe,” Wheland said. “Finally roll out of bed?”

“Actually, I’m still in bed, but I’m awake,” Rooster said. “Sorry I missed your text.”

“Hmmm, you in bed... that conjures up a truck load of sweet visuals for me,” Wheland said.

“Nothing you haven’t already seen,” Rooster said.

“And, it’s nothing I’ll ever get bored of seeing again and again,” Wheland said.

Rooster laughed, then he remembered the serious question he wanted to ask Wheland and the smile fell from his face. “Did you have a chance to talk with Cooper?” Rooster asked.

“I did and it didn’t go exactly as I’d planned,” Wheland said.

“How so?”

“Well, for starters, Cooper insisted on discussing it in front of the entire band,” Wheland said.

“Oh, shit.”

“Oh, shit, is right,” Wheland said. “Now, not only does everyone know Cooper and I were possibly exposed to Hep B, they also know about him and me hooking up. I have Jayson to thank for letting that dead cat out of the proverbial bag.”

“I thought Jayson was cool with it?” Rooster asked.

“I thought so, too, but apparently he’s not,” Wheland said. “Next chance I get I’ll have a talk with him. He needs to understand that what I had with Cooper was so insignificant it isn’t worth even remembering.”

“It wasn’t completely insignificant,” Rooster said. “It helped you to figure out your true self and that led you to me. One of these days I’ll have to thank Cooper for opening your eyes.”

“You have a funny way of looking at things,” Wheland said. “And I love you for it.”

“Have you made an appointment to get tested?” Rooster asked.

“Alex decided it made sense for all of us to get tested at the same time,” Wheland said. “He called our band manager and had him find a lab that would send a tech to us and keep it all confidential. It sounds like it will happen during our D.C stop on the tour, but that’s several days away.”

“Are you nervous about the results?” Rooster asked.

“Of course, but I’m more worried that you got it from me,” Wheland said. “If I have it and passed it along to you, it will kill me.”

“Don’t worry about that now,” Rooster said.

“You must be pissed off you’re being dragged in to this,” Wheland said.

“Honestly? I was at first, but then I researched the disease and realized if we do have it, it can be managed and I’m okay with that. If we don’t have it, we’ll be getting that vaccine I told you about.”

“Did you make an appointment?” Wheland asked.

“Not yet, but as soon as I get downstairs, I’ll be calling for one,” Rooster said. “The sooner we get tested and can put this behind us, the better. Neither of us needs to be stressing over this.”

“Thank you,” Wheland said.

“For what?” Rooster asked.

“For not freaking out about this,” Wheland said.

“Stop blaming yourself, Mick. We don’t even know if it’s a reality for us yet.”

“True, but still...”

“Don’t go there,” Rooster said. “We’ll deal with the facts not what’s been speculated.”

Wheland sighed. Rooster was right, but he still hated the fact his past was now crossing paths with Rooster. “Are you recording today?”

“Not until later,” Rooster said. “How about you?”

“We’re packing up to head over to the venue,” Wheland said. “I’m going to try and get together with Dante before the show and see if he can help me with the solo on
Devil’s Ladder

“Sounds good, Mick. That’ll get your mind off of the blood test.”

“I’ll text you after the show and see if you’re free to talk,” Wheland said.

“Have a great show, babe,” Rooster said.

“Love you, Sonny. So much.”

“Love you, too.”

Wheland dumped his backpack inside his dressing room, then walked down the hall to the dressing rooms for Dagger’s band. He found the door for Dante and knocked. When no one answered he went in search for Dagger.

“You looking for Dante?” a security guard wearing a collared shirt with the Black Ice band logo on it asked.

Wheland nodded at the man.

“He’s still outside on the bus,” the guard said.

Wheland pushed his way through the door to the back lot. Several lines of 18-wheelers and buses were parked neatly end to end and one after another. Wheland found the area for Black Ice’s equipment trailers and tour bus. He walked around the front of the long, sleek black vehicle and bumped in to Ashton as he was barreling away from the bus.

“Is Dante in there?” Wheland asked Ashton.

“Sure as fuck is, but he’s not alone,” Ashton said.

“Would it be okay if I left a note for him on the table?” Wheland asked.

Wheland saw an odd expression float across Ashton’s face; eyebrows knitted together, cheeks red with anger. Wheland didn’t know Ashton well enough to be certain what it meant, but an educated guess told him it sure as hell looked a lot like jealousy. Could Ashton be jealous of Dante being with someone else?

“Do whatever the fuck you want,” Ashton said, finger combing the wavy blonde mop of hair he had off his forehead. “He loves an audience, so he’ll probably want you to fucking stay and hang out.”

Before Wheland could respond to Ashton, the guy stepped around Wheland and disappeared behind another bus. Wheland looked up at the stairs to the bus. He contemplated going back inside the venue, then decided to take a chance on what waited for him inside the bus and leave that note. He climbed the stairs and rounded the corner past the drivers cab and into the hallway leading to the living quarters in the back.

Two steps into the living room area and the visual of Dante sitting on the couch with a redheaded groupie bouncing on his lap wearing a short skirt raised up around her hips and a tank top assaulted Wheland’s eyes. Dante’s big hands held the girl by the hips, repeatedly thrusting his cock up in to her.

“Shit, sorry man,” Wheland said. “I was going to leave you a note.”

The redhead wiggled off of Dante’s cock and glanced over her shoulder at Wheland.

“Sweetheart, don’t stop what you’re doing,” Dante said. “I was getting close.” Dante slid his cock through the crack of the girl’s ass and aligned the tip of his condom covered cock at the opening of her pussy. “You wanted to fuck me. Let’s get this done.”

Wheland’s gaze dropped to Dante’s cock. It was long and thick with a nice mushroom head and glistened from the girl’s pussy. Wheland knew he shouldn’t be looking at Dante like this, but how could he not? The guy wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes, but Dante wasn’t Rooster, and for that reason this felt wrong.

Wheland forced his feet to move and started down the aisle toward the driver’s cab area at the front of the bus. Dante saw Wheland’s movement and called out his name. The sound quickly morphed into a moan. It was a moan so sensual it vibrated up the length of Wheland’s spine and stopped him in his tracks.

Dante waited until Wheland turned around and then he spoke. “Stay. I’m seconds away from giving this girl what she came here for,” Dante said.

Wheland looked down at the carpeted floor of the aisle, then back up at Dante. The guy had his head tipped back against the leather couch and his hips were thrusting up into the girl again.

“Fuck, yeah!” Dante said. “You ready for your present?”

A second later, Dante pulled out of the girl and positioned her on the floor between his spread thighs. He pulled off the condom and started jerking his shaft, then aimed the ribbons of come shooting from his tip onto her extended tongue and face. The grunting sounds Dante was making had Wheland’s cock tenting his pants. As hard as he tried to look away, Wheland’s cock wanted him to watch.

Once the last of Dante’s come was smeared onto the redhead’s face, Dante dismissed her to go clean herself up in the bathroom.

“It’s nice to see I have that effect on you,” Dante said, his eyes focused on the semi-hard cock Wheland concealed behind the denim of his pants.

“That’s not for you,” Wheland said, and cupped his groin adjusting himself into a more comfortable position inside his pants.

Dante laughed. He made no attempt to hide his cock as he tucked himself back into his jeans and grabbing a tissue to wrap up the used condom. “You saving that for Rooster?”

“Next time I see him, he’ll get all this and a whole lot more,” Wheland said.

“Hmmm, that fucker is one lucky bastard,” Dante said.

“I believe you’ve already mentioned that,” Wheland said.

Dante finished zipping up his pants as he walked to the refrigerator. “Wanna beer?” Dante asked.

“Sure, but only if you’re washing your hands first,” Wheland said.

Dante laughed and washed his hands at the sink, then pulled two imported bottles of beer out of the refrigerator. He popped off the tops and handed one to Wheland.

“What’s this note you mentioned?” Dante asked.

“Ashton said you were busy, but I could leave you a note,” Wheland said. “I assumed you’d be in the bedroom, not sitting on the couch. Sorry about that.”

“Knowing what I was doing, I’m surprised Ashton told you to come on up,” Dante said.

“If it means anything, he didn’t look particularly happy when he made the offer,” Wheland said.

Dante shook his head and finger combed his long, dark hair. “Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on with him lately,” Dante said. “I guess I’ll have to talk to him.”

Wheland raised one eyebrow at Dante. He hardly knew Ashton and he felt pretty damn sure he knew what was up with Ashton. Wheland considered offering Dante his insight into what he considered to be obvious, but chose to keep his thoughts to himself. It wasn’t his business what Dante knew or didn’t know about his band members. Maybe when Dante was ready to see it for what is was, it would be crystal clear to him. In the meantime, Wheland would do his best to remain a quiet observer.

Wheland watched the redhead step out of the bathroom and enter the kitchen area. Her skirt was back in place and her face was fresh and clean. She leaned in to Dante for a quick kiss and Dante slapped her ass. “Thanks, baby,” Dante said. “Go ahead inside and wait for me there. I’ve got some business to conduct.”

BOOK: Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4)
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