Logan's Redemption (22 page)

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Authors: Cara Marsi

BOOK: Logan's Redemption
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“I’m okay now,” she said, pushing away from him. Her body missed his warmth. She fought her need to stay in the protective shelter of his arms.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

She hugged herself. “I’m fine. You arrived just in time.”

His smile made her heart ache for what they once had. “You and that vase had everything under control.” He rolled his eyes. “Unlike the useless guard I hired. I found him asleep outside in his car.”

Laughing softly, she bent to pick up the vase from the floor, shaking her head at the water soaking into her Oriental carpet.

The loud knock at the front door made her jump. She almost dropped the vase again.

“Police. Open up.”

Doriana sucked in her breath. “The nine-one-one call. I forgot.”

“I’ll get the door,” Logan said, striding across the room.

A half-hour later Doriana saw the police out. She turned to Logan, standing in the living room. “Maybe they’ll come up with something.”

He shook his head. “I know they’ll try, but there’s not much evidence.”

She walked into the room and flopped down on the nearest chair.

Logan crossed his arms and leaned against the mantle, studying her. “You look tired. Go upstairs and get some rest. I’ll wait for Josh.”

Doriana’s face burned and she averted her gaze. How could she tell him she didn’t know where Josh was? Logan would think her a terrible mother. A knot twisted in her stomach. The responsibility of raising a child alone had always weighed heavy on her. Her parents helped, but they didn’t live with Josh. And the way they spoiled him sometimes made her job harder. She lifted her gaze to Logan’s. Maybe she wasn’t so alone any more.

Drawing a deep breath, she sat straighter. “I don’t know where Josh is.”


His face harsh with worry, Logan moved closer and leaned over her chair, bracing his hands on the sides. “He’s only fifteen. What do you mean, you don’t know where he is?” 

“He’s not at Steven’s. He lied.” Doriana stared at Logan’s faint stubble of beard and inhaled his scent, citrus and male. Angry male. Angry at her or Josh?  

“Has he lied before?”  Logan’s gaze bore into hers and she pushed back in the chair.

“No, this is the first time. I think. I don’t know.”

Logan straightened. His skin stretched taut over his high cheekbones.       

Doriana relaxed her muscles as if a weight lifted off her chest. Logan wanted to help. She was no longer alone. Tears sprang to her eyes. “I’ve been having a little trouble with Josh lately. Just teenage rebellion.”    

Logan’s intense stare made her shift uneasily. “It may be nothing,” she said, sliding her gaze from his.   

“Doriana, tell me what’s been going on. He’s my son. And I know a little about wild teenage boys.”

She looked at him and he shot her a wry smile. She saw a leather-clad Logan on his black motorcycle, exciting and sexy. “I guess you do know something about rebellious teens.”

He took her by the shoulders and pulled her from the chair. Holding her at arm’s length, he stared into her eyes. “Josh may be wild, but he’s got a better chance than I ever did. He’s got you for a mother.”

Her throat thickened with unshed tears. “Thanks,” she managed to whisper.   

“I’m new at this parent stuff,” he said. “Tell me what Josh has been up to and we’ll get through this together.”

She wanted to believe him, wanted his help. But her mind held her heart at bay. She had to be careful, to go slow. For her sake and Josh’s.

Unable to think with Logan so close, she walked to the other side of the room. Gathering her thoughts and buying time, she ran her fingers over the clock on the mantle. The cool smoothness of the brass calmed her. “Josh has been breaking curfew,” she said, turning to Logan. “He’s secretive. He has friends I don’t know. He won’t tell me where he goes or what he does.”

Logan’s eyes narrowed and his forehead creased with worry. “Drugs?”

“I don’t think so. I haven’t seen any evidence, and I’ve been looking.”

“Alcohol then?”

“I doubt it, but with kids you never know.”  

“Do you have any idea where he could be?”  Logan’s eyes hardened and his voice took on a professional tone. He reminded her of the two policemen who’d just left. She suspected if she peeled back the protective layers Logan draped over himself, she’d find a different Logan Tanner.     

She swiped at a tear. “If I knew, would I be standing here?”  Her breath rushed out as guilt nicked her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I know you’re just trying to help.”

His gaze softened. “You’ve been under a lot of stress.”

She relaxed her stance. “Josh is a good kid. We’re just going through a rough patch.”
It was rough, all right
. “My parents have been wonderful, always there for us. But they’ve spoiled Josh. They’ve tried to compensate for his lack of a father.”

Hurt flicked in Logan’s eyes. She wanted to bite the words back.  

“Damn it, Doriana, if I’d known.”

“What would you have done? Come running the minute you heard you had a child?”

He threw her a tortured look. “I wasn’t always in places I could leave easily. But I would have gotten here as soon as I could.”

She stiffened. “Were you in prison?” 

“God, no.”    

The door opened and they both turned at the sound. Josh entered the hall. Surprise flitted across his face. His features tightened and the rebellious teen she’d come to dread took over.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Where were you?”  Doriana walked toward him.

“At Steven’s.”

“Don’t lie, Josh. I called Mrs. Morelli.”

He shrugged. “Then I wasn’t at Steven’s.” His tone dared her to argue.

Logan took a step forward. “You’ll treat your mother with respect. She’s been worried sick about you.”

Josh narrowed his eyes. “You can’t just show up out of nowhere and try to be my father.”

Doriana heard Logan’s sharp intake of breath and slid him a glance. Only the muscle clenching in his jaw revealed his inner turmoil. A mask had slipped over his face, shielding his emotions. Somehow he’d learned to hide his feelings and she wondered again what Logan’s life had been like in the years they’d been apart.  

Sighing, she turned back to her son and the painful job at hand. “Josh, go to your room. We’re all too wound up right now. We’ll talk in the morning. And you’re grounded for the rest of the month.”

“Whatever.” He put his foot on the bottom step.

Logan grabbed the collar of Josh’s coat, stopping him. Josh turned startled eyes to him.

“Apologize to your mother. Right now.”

Josh reddened.

Logan pulled on his collar. “Do it.”

Josh looked at Doriana. “Sorry,” he muttered.

Logan sniffed and pulled him closer. “You smell like exhaust fumes.” He examined the sleeve of Josh’s jacket. “Grease. Where were you?”

“Where was I? Where have you been all these years?”

Logan flinched as if Josh had slapped him.

“That’s enough, Josh,” Doriana said. “Get to your room.”

With a last defiant look at Doriana and Logan, Josh clumped up the stairs.

The slamming of his bedroom door released Doriana from her anger. Her knees buckled and she sat on the step, afraid she would fall.

Logan sat beside her and took one of her hands in his.

“I’m sorry, Logan.” She leaned against his chest, too spent to move.

“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered, kissing her temple. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer. “We’ll get through this together.”

She fought tears. She wanted with all her heart to believe Logan meant what he said, but she might be setting herself up for disappointment.  










The whispered word pulled Doriana from a wonderful, sensual dream, a dream filled with love and passion and Logan. She burrowed deeper into her covers. She refused to wake up.

“Doriana.” The voice grew more insistent. A hand touched her shoulder and gently shook her.

“Go away.”

“For God’s sake, wake up.”

The deep, masculine voice penetrated her sleep-addled brain. She slowly opened her eyes to a bare-chested Logan standing by her bed. Pearly fingers of dawn squeezed through the blinds and stroked the chiseled muscles on his hard chest. Her gaze traveled to the waistband of his tight-fitting jeans. If she reached out she could unbutton those jeans. Great dream.


The urgency in Logan’s voice woke her completely. A real flesh and blood Logan stared down at her. Much better than a fantasy.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What is it?” 

Logan’s gaze swept her and he drew a shuddering breath. “You are so beautiful.”

His husky voice covered her like satin. Her body responded with an answering heat.

A muscle worked in his jaw and he shifted his gaze to the windows. When he turned to her again his expression was guarded. “There’s been an incident at one of the construction sites.”

“Incident? What kind of incident?” She sat straighter. The covers slipped down to her waist.

He tensed. “I can’t think straight with you looking like that.”

She glanced down at her sheer nightgown. It revealed more than it covered. Face burning, she pulled the bedclothes up to her chin.

“As much as I want to stay,” Logan said, “I have to leave.”

“It’s barely light. And how do you know about this incident?”

“Your father called.”

She frowned. “I didn’t hear the phone ring.”

“He called my cell.”

She clutched the sheet. “How does he even know your cell number? And why didn’t he call me?”

“He didn’t want to worry you.” Logan knelt on the floor by her bed so that they were eye level. He reached out to touch her shoulder, his face grim. “There’s been more vandalism. This time someone was hurt.”

“No.” She put her hand to her mouth. The covers slipped down but she didn’t care. “Who’s been hurt?”

“The night watchman. He’s in the hospital. It’s not serious.”

“Thank God for that.”

Logan stood. “Our culprit has taken things to a more dangerous level. I’m going out to meet your father at the site. I want you and Josh to stay in until I get back.”

She jumped out of bed. “I’m going with you. It’s my company.”

He cupped her shoulders. “You’re not making this any easier. I want you safe. And Josh needs you. Stay here. Please.”

Logan played the Josh card. He knew she wouldn’t leave Josh alone, especially after the stunt he pulled last night. Fear and a draft of cool air made her shiver.

Logan’s gaze raked her. Desire sparked in his eyes. “Get in bed and cover up. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Do you have to go?” she asked, hugging herself.

He nodded. “I wish I didn’t.”

“Then stay.”

His eyes looked tortured. “I can’t.” He bent to kiss her lightly on the lips. “I’ll set the security alarm. And I’ve got someone new watching the house. He won’t dare fall asleep like that other slacker I hired.” Then he was gone.

“Be careful,” she whispered to the empty room.

Doriana climbed back into bed, but sleep eluded her. She missed Logan already. Having him close filled her with a sense of belonging and security she hadn’t felt in years.

* * * *

“Damn it, Tanner, I want this guy caught.”

“So do I, Dan. As much as you. Maybe more,” Logan added, his thoughts on Doriana and Josh.   

Callahan paced his large office. Fear and anger creased his face.

Freezing December rain hit the windows like thousands of fragments of rock, making a dreary Monday worse. Logan remembered why he hated Philadelphia in winter. He missed the Arizona sunshine. But Doriana and Josh were here. No one waited for him in Tucson.    

While Dan paced like an agitated bear, Logan studied his office, with its dark green walls and Wyeth and Picasso prints. The office reflected Callahan’s wealth and power. But someone was determined to bring the great man down. And Logan had to stop that from happening.

“Dan, why don’t you sit and let’s go over what we know.”

“I want results,” Dan said, taking a seat across from Logan at the small table.

“And you’ll get them.” Logan slid some papers toward Callahan.

When Dan finished perusing the papers, he took off his glasses and looked at Logan. “Not much to go on. What’s this about Candi Whiting? How is she involved and why haven’t I heard this before?”

“I’ve always suspected Candi knew something about the thefts, but now I have reason to believe she’s in this more deeply than I thought.”

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