Logan's Redemption (32 page)

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Authors: Cara Marsi

BOOK: Logan's Redemption
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“He’s gone,” she said. “It’s been hours.”

“Calm down, Lena. Who’s gone?”  The lump in his throat told him that he already knew the answer.

Doriana jerked awake. She sat up and clutched the sheets to her chest, staring at him with wide, frightened eyes.  

“Josh is missing,” Lena said. “For hours. He won’t answer his cell.”   

Fear punched Logan in the gut. “Josh is missing?”   

Doriana’s face drained of color. “Josh? Gone?”  She grabbed for the phone.

Logan shook his head and put his hand out, stopping her.

“Lena, tell me everything,” he said. He listened intently to Lena’s nervous voice. Doriana stared at him, chewing her lip and twisting the bed sheets between her fingers.

According to Lena, Josh had been acting secretive all day, spending most of his time on his phone. A few hours ago they heard him go out. When they checked the garage they found that his new car was missing. His grandfather was out now looking for him. Lena ended her story on a strangled sob.

“Josh probably wanted to take his new car out for a spin,” Logan said. “He’ll be back soon and everything will be okay.”

He kept his voice low and smooth, trying to settle Lena. The quiver in his stomach belied the calmness of his words. “Call us as soon as you hear something. Doriana and I will start phoning his friends.” He replaced the receiver and looked at Doriana.   

She grabbed his arm. “What happened? Where’s Josh?”

He gathered her close and stroked her hair. “Josh left your parents’ house a few hours ago. Your father is out looking for him.”

Doriana pushed away from him. “He’s driving that car. He has only a learner’s permit.”

“Dorie, he’s sixteen years old. And he has a hot car.”

Tears glistened in her eyes. “That damn car. Things were going too well with Josh. He was just waiting for the right time.”

Logan took her chin between his fingers. “We’ll find him. I promise.”

* * * *

Doriana clutched the mug of chamomile tea that Logan had insisted she drink. She took small sips. Anxiety clenched her stomach muscles until they hurt. Hours had passed since the phone call from her mother. And still no Josh. Lena reported that Dan had come home, defeated.

Logan paced the kitchen, running his fingers through his hair. Lines of tension bracketed his mouth. They’d called all of Josh’s friends. If any of them knew where Josh was, they weren’t talking. Logan’s contact at the police department promised to help.

Logan stopped in front of her. “I’m phoning Steven again. He’s hiding something.”

Doriana shook her head. “We’ve spoken to him twice.”

Determination tightened Logan’s features. “I’m calling again.”

He reached for the phone. It rang before he touched it. Doriana and Logan stared at each other. Her heart thudded and her hand shook so hard she couldn’t hold the ceramic mug. She set it on the counter.

Logan grabbed the phone. “Yes?” The word, clipped and hard, shot into the mouthpiece. He stiffened. “This is Josh’s father.”

Doriana stopped breathing.

“How serious?” Logan asked at last. “Which hospital?”

Doriana clutched the counter edge. “Hospital?” 

He hung up the phone and looked at her with raw fear.

“Josh is dead, isn’t he?”  She sank to the floor.

“No, Dorie, no.” He knelt beside her and cradled her in his arms. “Josh is hurt. He had a car accident. That was the police on the phone.”

Tears spilled from her eyes. “That damn car. I told my parents. If Josh dies, I’ll never forgive them.”

“There’s no time for that,” he said, pulling her up. “Let’s get to the hospital.”

* * * *

Doriana and Logan ran through the double doors of the hospital emergency room. Doriana’s head throbbed. Every nerve in her body seemed to scream out her anguish.

“Josh Callahan,” Logan shouted to the desk clerk.

The clerk barely glanced at them and typed a few keys on her computer.

“Hurry up,” Doriana said, pounding her fist on the desk. “I want my son.”

A nurse wearing green hospital scrubs walked up to them. “I know where he is. Follow me.”

They hurried after the woman. Doriana clung to Logan and ran with him through the halls. Her heels clicked on the hard floor, echoing the rat-a-tat of her heart. The strong odors of antiseptic and blood made her gag. The beds lined up in the hallways and the other people milling about passed by in a colorful collage.

The nurse stopped in front of a small curtained room and pulled aside the drapes, motioning them in.

Josh lay on a bed, eyes closed. Blood and dirt clung to his face and his skin glowed deathly white. Tubes were hooked up to his arm and one pale foot peeked out from the sheet. His other leg was bloodied and bent at an unnatural angle. The jeans on the bloodied leg were ripped open.

Doriana burst into tears and sagged against Logan. He grabbed her, breaking her fall. Holding onto each other, they approached the bed.

Doriana looked down at her son, his beautiful face marred by scratches and cuts. One eye was swollen shut. “My baby,” she choked out. Sobbing, she touched his face. His fevered heat burned her fingers. Her tears spilled onto the bed.

Josh opened his good eye slowly. He blinked and turned toward them.

“Mom,” he whispered.

He looked over at Logan and managed a thin smile. “Dad.”









Doriana jerked upright. The hard back of a chair pressed against aching muscles. She blinked, trying to focus sleep-filled eyes. The glare of sunlight on stark white walls and the harsh odor of industrial cleaner made her eyes water. A faint beeping sound came from somewhere, bringing her fully awake.  Panic seized her, tightening her chest. Her gaze swung to the still body on the bed.  

Josh! Her baby! She jumped up, almost knocking over the chair where she’d spent the night. It teetered on the wood floor before settling back down.

Rubbing her eyes, she walked toward the bed. Josh slept, his breathing even. Thank God. She took one of his pale hands in hers and stroked the soft, dry skin. Bags sending fluid through his body were hooked up to one arm and machines monitored his vital signs.

She brushed hair back from his face. He felt hot. The doctors had warned he might have a slight temperature for a few days. At least they’d cleaned the blood and dirt from his face. Despite his cuts and bruises and a black eye, Josh looked so like Logan with long lashes shadowing high, chiseled cheekbones. Her heart lurched. She’d been wrong to think she could  keep father and son apart.   

She glanced at Josh’s leg, wrapped in a cast. The doctors had operated on his broken leg late last night. Because of the severity of the break and a concussion, they’d kept him overnight.

She shifted her attention to the other chair in the room. Empty now. She and Logan had kept vigil at their son’s bedside. She smiled, remembering the new closeness that bound them. Sleep had been next to impossible. Only total exhaustion had allowed her to drift off just as dawn broke. She wondered if Logan had gotten any sleep.   

Leaning over, she kissed Josh’s forehead. “What were you thinking?” she whispered. “Drag racing and driving without a license?”  His soft breathing was her only response. Thank God he would be okay. She’d worry about punishing him later. She rubbed a hand over Josh’s shoulder. Not getting his driver’s license for a long time might be punishment enough.

“You’re awake.” Logan’s low voice touched her like a caress. She turned and smiled at him. Lines of fatigue creased his eyes and mouth. He looked as tired as she felt.

“I brought you coffee.” He handed her a Styrofoam cup.

“Thanks.” She sipped the strong, hot brew. The liquid coursed through her body, making her feel more alert.

Logan put an arm around her shoulders and drew her close. “I know coffee is one of your addictions.”

She laughed softly. “I’ve found a new addiction.” She leaned against his strong body, drawing his energy and comfort.

Logan kissed the top of her head. “How’s our boy?”

“Sleeping,” she said.

“No, I’m not.”

Doriana jumped at the sound of Josh’s weak voice. Coffee splashed out of the cup, burning her hand. She didn’t mind the pain. Josh would be all right and Logan was at her side. Nothing else mattered.

Josh blinked his good eye and tried to smile. “You’re both here.”

Logan reached over and gently ruffled Josh’s hair. “We’ll always be here for you, son.”

Did she imagine the catch in Logan’s voice? She glanced at him. His eyes shone. Tears? Love filled her. She and Josh needed this man in their lives.

She stroked Josh’s forehead. “You have to rest, baby.”   

“I will.” He slid his gaze between the two of them. “Mom, Dad, I’m sorry.”

Doriana’s throat thickened with tears. “We’ll get through this together.” Logan pulled her tighter against him.

“How’s my car?” Josh asked.

“Totaled,” Logan said.

Josh grimaced. “Bet Grandpop is mad.”

Doriana lifted an eyebrow. “You’ve got more problems than an angry grandfather. Now, no more talking.”

* * * *

“Josh is napping,” Doriana said, coming into her kitchen and taking the mug of steaming coffee her mother held out to her. “He’s got a long road ahead of him, but at least he’s home. And the doctors say he’ll make a full recovery.”

Doriana inhaled the cinnamon-laced liquid. “Smells delicious, Mom. Thanks.”

“I made soup,” Lena said. “I’ll fix you a bowl.”

“Soup’s good,” Logan said, smiling at Doriana. He sat at the center counter, a bowl of thick soup and a slice of crusty bread in front of him.

Lena swung her gaze to Logan, then back to Doriana. “You both look tired. Your dad and I wanted to stay at the hospital last night, but at our age, we just couldn’t.”

She fixed Doriana with a pointed stare. “Your father was up half the night ranting that no one told him about Josh and Logan. He shouldn’t have had to find out something like that in a hospital.”

Doriana set her mug on the counter. “I know, Mom. And I’m sorry about that. I should have told you.” She let out a breath. “But, you and Dad knew I didn’t want Josh to have a car and you bought him one anyway. I tried to tell you he’s not responsible enough yet.” She stared at her mother, leaving unsaid the accusation that hung in the air between them.

Lena reddened. “We owe you an apology too, Doriana. If we hadn’t bought him that car, none of this would have happened.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “What if Josh had been killed?”

Doriana gave her mother a quick hug. “Josh is going to be okay, thank God, and we’ve all learned something from this.”

Lena swiped at a tear. “Sit, Doriana, and have some soup.”

Doriana sat at the counter and Lena ladled soup into a bowl and placed it in front of her. “It did Josh good to have both his parents there,” Lena said.

Doriana’s face heated. She dipped her spoon into the bowl of soup and stirred, not looking at her mother.

“You and Logan need sleep,” Lena said. “In separate beds.”

Doriana dropped her spoon. It clattered onto the tiled surface of the counter. “Mom!”   

Logan chuckled and Doriana narrowed her eyes at him. He tried, but failed, to squelch his smile.

“I could use some sleep,” he said, scrubbing a hand across his face. “But I have to check with the police first. I want to see what charges they’re filing against Josh.”

“Drag racing,” Lena said, shaking her head. “How could he do that? And what kind of friends was he hanging around with?” 

Doriana bristled at the recrimination in her mother’s voice. “Josh has been rebelling for a long time. I knew he was up to something, but I couldn’t get it out of him. I would have stopped him if I’d known he was involved with drag racing.”

Lena relaxed her stance. “You did the best you could, Doriana. You always have. The stress has been hard on us all.” She grabbed a towel and began wiping the counters.

Doriana smiled. Just like her mom to clean to relieve her worries.

The phone rang. “Maybe that’s Dad.” Doriana reached for the phone hanging on the wall.

“You played dirty, bitch. Now I’m going to hurt you.”

The evil voice on the other end of the line made Doriana freeze.

Logan jumped up from the table. He moved Lena out of the way and grabbed the phone.

Shaking, Doriana sank back into her chair.

“Scum hung up,” Logan said, replacing the receiver.

“Who was that?” Lena asked.

Doriana swallowed. She couldn’t look at her mother.

Logan crouched in front of Doriana until they were eye level. “What did he say, sweetheart?” he asked, brushing hair back from her face.

Doriana knew her mother was watching them, but she didn’t care. She took Logan’s hand and kissed the palm, needing his comfort.

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