Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (9 page)

Read Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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“Wow.” Melonee’s eyes were wide as Tangee and Loco led her through the front door, Loco carrying her pink bag of clothes for her weekend getaway. “What’s all the noise?” she asked, looking up at Tangee with wide eyes.

“Your new friends.” He led her into the den, the mates doing their usual jumping around and shouting.

“You’re such a dick,” Oliver yelled at Blair as he dropped his controller.

“Hey! Watch your mouths,” Loco yelled.

Oliver spun around to argue. When he spotted Loco with Melonee in his arms, he slapped his hand over his mouth, his eyes growing wide.

“Everyone, this is Melonee.” Loco pulled his little sister—which she was, technically, since he mated Tangee—into his arms and carried her into the room.

“It’s a girl.” Johnny looked as though Loco was carrying a tumor in his arms. He shrank back, a look on his face like he just sucked a lemon. “What are we supposed to do with her? Talk about boys and paint our nails?”

“No, silly, she’s too young to get her nails painted.” Cecil waved Johnny away. “She’s a cutie. What’s her name?”

“Melonee.” Loco rubbed his hand on her back, soothing the worried look she had.

“Hi, Melonee.” Kyoshi came forward. He put his hand into the frightened little girl’s, giving her a big smile.

“Hi.” Her voice was tiny as she sat in Loco’s arms then she
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wiggled around until she could look down at Kyoshi.

“How old are you?” Kyoshi used a soothing voice that most people used with small children. A voice Loco still heard him use with his cousin Keata.

“This many.” She held up five little fingers.

“Wow, you’re old.” He laughed as she began to giggle.

“Is she housebroken?” Johnny asked from behind Cecil.

“She’s not a wild animal. She’s a kid.” Loco set her down, hovering over her to make sure she didn’t become frightened.

“Who’s the cutie?” Maverick asked as he sauntered into the den.

“This is Melonee, Tangee’s little sister. She’s staying for the weekend, so if you could warn the Sentries about their potty mouths...” This got another giggle from Melonee. “And, uh, the noises they make when they
, I would appreciate it.”

“I’ll make sure her little ears stay innocent.” Maverick bent down and shook Melonee’s hand. “Are you hungry?” She nodded as she smiled up at the Alpha. Loco thought for sure she would be frightened of his six-nine height.

Tangee took a step forward, his hand raised like he was about to snatch Melonee away from Maverick at any moment, but Loco pulled him back. “She’s fine. No warrior in this house would see any harm come to her.”

Tangee nodded. Loco watched as she was being taken away by their Alpha. She looked so fragile in his large arms. He was six-nine and carrying a five-year-old, but he seemed in his element with her, which furrowed Loco’s brows.

* * * *

“Then let’s see what George has in the refrigerator.” Maverick lifted her into his arms so he wouldn’t throw his back out trying to walk and hold her hand.

“Well, what in the blue blazes is such a charming little gal doing

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with a big galoot like you?” George came to Maverick’s side, smiling at the little girl.

“Watch it. This is Melonee, Tangee’s little sister. She’s staying for the weekend.” Maverick shifted her to one arm as he reached for the refrigerator door. “She’s hungry. What do you have?”

“I can fix her a big bowl of the left over spaghetti.” George pulled the large container out, spooning the strings into a bowl to reheat.

“I don’t think she can eat that much.” Maverick eyed Tank’s mate as he made her a bowl with a serving large enough to feed Tank.

“Sorry.” George chuckled. “Used to feeding you guys.” He poured most of the pasta back, giving her a child size portion.

“S’getti.” She clapped her hands and bounced in Maverick’s arms.

He had to hurriedly put his hand on her back before she bounced right out of his grasp.

“I guess she likes your suggestion.” Maverick looked around.

Should he send one of the warriors to buy her a high chair? She looked too little to sit in one of the chairs that surrounded the breakfast table. Maybe she used one of those booster seats he had seen children sitting in while eating in a restaurant? He pulled his cell phone out while balancing her. “Hey, Cody, come in the kitchen please.” Maverick hung up.

“What’s up?” Cody asked as he strolled in a few minutes later. He smiled when he saw Melonee perched on Maverick’s arm. “I didn’t know Cecil was pregnant.”

“A—Jerk, I need you to hurry into town and get her a high chair.”

“I think she is a little old for that. Maybe a booster seat?” Cody wiggled his fingers at Melonee. She smiled and wiggled her fingers.

“She’s cute. Where’d you find her? We gonna have to go underground now that you’re into kidnapping?”

“Fu—shut up. She’s Melonee, Tangee’s sister. She’s here for the weekend, and I want you to watch the noises you and Keata make.

You two already bring the walls down. I don’t need her going deaf.”

“Will do, and I’ll be back with that seat.”
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“I’ll feed her from my arms.” Maverick wiggled his fingers toward George, wanting the reheated pasta.

“You look good with a kid.” George smiled as he handed him the bowl with a shrimp fork.

“Can she eat with this? Doesn’t she, like, need one with the rubber tip?”

“Heck if I know. I ain’t got no young’uns.” George shrugged.

“Best I could find.”

“She can eat with that and sit at the table. She’s housebroken.” Tangee laughed as he came into the room.

“I sent Cody for a booster seat.” Maverick balanced the bowl as he fed her, slicing the noodles up into small portions.

“She’s five, not two.”

“She’s too little to do it on her own.” Maverick huffed as he fed her another forkful, wiping the pasta with her fork from her chin.

Tangee rolled his eyes. “If Melonee isn’t complaining, then neither am I. It’s good she finally has more than one male figure in her life, even though I’ve been around her and it’s only for the weekend.”

“I was thinking of making her own room, a princess room.” Maverick blushed and added, “For the times she is here.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Loco smiled at Tangee.

“You’re gonna spoil her rotten, and I have a feeling there isn’t a damn thing I could do about it,” Tangee mumbled as Maverick chuckled.

“Nope, not a thing, so we agree. I’ll go online and shop for her room after she eats.” Maverick picked a napkin up and wiped the sauce from her face.

“Hello? Do I have a say.” Tangee stepped forward, raising his hands for his sister.

“No,” Maverick and Loco said in unison.

Tangee crossed his arms over his chest, looking peeved that his sister was claimed by the warriors as their new little family member.


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“Don’t pout.” Loco pulled Tangee into his arms, kissing the bottom lip that jutted out. “Did you expect these guys to be hard-core all the time?”

sister,” Tangee said in a little pouty voice.

“Always,” Maverick assured him. “But we have a little one in our home. Can’t we pamper her?” Now Maverick was the one pouting.

“Fine.” Tangee threw his arms up. “I’m outnumbered anyway.” Maverick grinned one shitty-ass grin carrying her away. He stopped with his eyes narrowed. “I don’t have to change diapers, do I?”

Melonee was in such trouble.

* * * *

Tangee brushed her hair out, fresh from her bath. He had put her pajamas on, and now he had to dry her hair before she went to bed.

He and Loco had changed rooms, taking one with an adjoining room for Melonee.

True to his word, Maverick had gone crazy on the internet, even ordering a damn mini playground for the back yard. If Tangee didn’t know any better, the Alpha wanted a child.

He didn’t mind sharing his sister, but once all the warriors found out there was a child in the house, and a girl no less, they all reverted to goo-goo talking softies. They were taking turns carrying her around, feeding her nonstop and talking baby gibberish to her, and Melonee was sucking it all up.


“I don’t wanna go to bed,” she whined for the millionth time. She tried to stomp her foot, but Tangee fussed at her about her behavior, and she readily ceased, not wanting to upset her big brother.

“Little girls need their beauty sleep.” He sat her on his lap, tickling her belly. She gave a high-pitched squeal that brought the warriors running to his bedroom door.

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“What’s wrong?” Storm looked around. His eyes were wild and darting everywhere.

“Uh, giggling. No threat.” Tangee bit the inside of his mouth to stop the laughter at their behavior. You would think she was the queen and these men were her royal guard.

“So she’s okay?” Micah asked, searching around the room as Storm was.

“She’s fine.” Tangee waved them off.

“She needs a story read to her.” Cecil smiled as he made his way over to Tangee’s bed, crawling on it and settling back.

Maverick was soon joining them, sprawled out over the end of the bed, his boots hanging off, and chin resting on his hands as Cecil began the story.

Tangee tucked Melonee under the blankets, and halfway through the story, Cecil handed the book over to Tangee as he crawled over to Maverick and lay in his mate’s arms.

After ten more minutes of fussing and fighting the drooping eyes, Melonee was fast asleep.

The three crept from her adjoining room, Tangee clicking on her nightlight before he closed the door. “Thanks. It’s not as easy as my mom makes it look.” He chuckled.

“You have a houseful of men who will help any way they can.” Maverick patted him on his shoulder as he and Cecil left.

Tangee pulled his clothes off, crawling into bed with a loud yawn.

“Guess that means we won’t be having any fun tonight.” Tangee smiled as Loco entered their bedroom, his silver hair hanging loosely and his eyes full of lust. Was the guy crazy? “Only if I’m dead will I turn you down. Lay that pipe on me.”

* * * *

“Is that right?” Loco crawled onto the bed, predator style, nipping his way up his mate’s body. Loco lapped at Tangee’s nipples, making

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them come to a peak under his ministrations. “I’ll lay the pipe on you all right. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk straight for a week.”

“Promises, promises. Put a crook in my back then.” Loco chuckled at Tangee’s attempt at talking dirty. It was definitely unique.

“You like daring me, don’t you?”

“If it gets me fucked, bring it on, old man.” Tangee shot off the bed, kicking his shoes off as he dodged Loco’s grabbing fingers.

“Better keep it down.” Loco pointed to Melonee’s room, reminding his mate that they had to be quiet.

Tangee bent at the waist, his hands stretched out in front of him like he was in wrestling match. He left foot crossed over his right, circling around Loco. “You want it, catch it.” Tangee spun, narrowly escaping Loco’s attempt at grabbing him.

Loco grinned challenging at Tangee, wiggling his eyebrows as he came around the bed, trapping Tangee on the other side.

“Ha! Not so fast.” Tangee shot over the bed, tossing his shirt at Loco as his feet landed on the other side. “Come on. Are you out of breath? I can move a little slower.”

The shit took two really slow steps, his arms moving in slow motion as he turned his head, smiling evilly at Loco.

He was going

Loco kicked his shoes off and yanked his shirt over his head, throwing it at the bed. He rolled his shoulders, popped his neck from side to side, and bent at the waist.

Tangee stuck his hand out in front of him, palm up, as his fingers curled back and forth a few times, telling Loco to bring it on.

Loco’s canines lengthened, his eyes shifted, and then he broke camp, crossing the room in the blink of an eye, tackling Tangee to the floor.

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His chest covered Tangee’s back, his canines locking Tangee in place, but didn’t break the skin. Tangee’s hand slapped the carpet. “I give.”

“You will be giving all night.” Loco’s hips hitched forward, shoving his denim covered cock into Tangee’s highly displayed ass.

“I’m gonna work this ass until you tap out again.”

“Then do it and stop talking about it, Silver.” Tangee panted.

Loco reached around and unsnapped Tangee’s jeans, yanking them down to his knees. “I’m taking it just like this.” He could feel his mate’s lust multiply. Feeling Tangee’s desire mixed with his own was the best natural aphrodisiac. Loco shoved his jeans down, never leaving Tangee’s back. He lined his cock up and then was stopped.

Tangee had the butt plug in. Oh hell. Loco pulled it back until it was almost out, and then slid it back in, wiggling it around.

“Don’t tease me,” Tangee begged.

“Tapping out already?”

“No. I won’t tap out, now give up the pipe.” Loco pulled the plug free and laid it on the carpet. He lined his cock up again and eased in. Leaning forward once he was all the way in, he locked his teeth on Tangee’s shoulder again. Loco reached in front of Tangee and grabbed his wrists, thoroughly caging him under his body.

“Make it quick.” Tangee hissed.

Loco agreed. He kept his eyes on the adjoining bedroom as he thrust so hard, Tangee leapt forward.

“Harder,” Tangee whispered.

Loco slammed his pelvis against Tangee’s ass, their balls slapping together as he rode him fast and hard. Loco spread his legs further apart, gaining a better leverage. He snapped his hips, laying his pipe down on Tangee.

Loco mentally chuckled.


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“Take that ass, give it to me. Harder, Silver, harder. Make me squeal again,” Tangee whispered loudly.

Sweat broke out on Loco’s forehead and upper lip as he thrust faster and faster, his cock pistoning in and out of Tangee’s tight, swollen hole.

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