Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (7 page)

Read Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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“You asked for it.” Loco arched his back, his hips swaying like a hula dancer, but slower, as his hands reached above his head. “Ride me, Tang.” The song changed to “Liquor Store Blues.” Oh hell. Loco danced backward, his hands touching all over Tangee’s body, as he nipped and sucked at Tangee’s neck. Loco growled seductively as he hitched his hips with a few short bursts, sending his cock deeper into Tangee’s ass.

“Silver, if you keep that up, I’m going to come.” Tangee grabbed Loco’s shoulders tighter, slamming down as his mate swayed from side to side.

“Not yet, babe. I don’t want this to end just yet.” Loco slowed his dancing down, his black eyes staring into Tangee’s seductively.

His skin tingled with goose bumps, his own eyes never leaving Loco’s. They danced around to a slower song, making love not only in the physical sense, but emotionally as well. Loco’s eyes seducing him in ways a body would never be able to. They reached deep into his soul, telling him how much Loco cared about him, how much he meant to Loco with just that one look.

“I love you, Tangee.” Loco slowed danced, his hands caressing Tangee’s head, back, and bottom. “I’ve never been this happy, ever. I went out of my mind every time I had to leave you. You honestly have no idea how in love with you I really am.” Tangee swallowed around the lump forming in his throat. “I love you, too.” He buried his face in Loco’s neck, inhaling deeply. “I’ve never loved anyone this deeply before.”

“Are you ready?” Loco spun around, his hips lazily swaying, his feet tapping out a slow rhythm.

“Yes, claim me.” Tangee tilted his head to the side, waiting for Loco to bite him.

“I love you,” Loco said softly as he kissed behind Tangee’s ear.


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“Do you accept me as your mate, Tangee?”

“Yes, Loco. Now and beyond death.”

Loco nipped at his shoulder and then sunk his teeth in, his cock rocking in and out to the song. Tangee’s head rolled further to the side, his cock smashed between them. He mewled in a high pitched echo. “Fuck me, Silver.”

Loco grabbed Tangee’s sides, his hips jerking up and down so fast under Tangee that Tangee shouted as he came. His ass clenched as his balls drained of seed.

Loco licked at Tangee’s neck, and then he cried out, his head falling back as Tangee’s ass heated with Loco’s come.

Loco tightened his arms around Tangee, squeezing him hard. “It worked, Tangee.” He gasped. “It worked, we’re mates.” Tangee was surprised when he felt his shoulder wet with Loco’s tears. Tangee began to laugh with joy, Loco’s crying contagious as he wept.

“I meant what I said.” Loco cupped his face. “I love you so much.”

Tangee laid his head on Loco’s shoulder, contentment settling inside of him. “I love you just as much, Silver.”

* * * *

Loco closed the door quietly as his mate slept peacefully. Tangee looked good in his bed. It was a relief to finally have him here. No more worrying about what could be happening to him, no more missing the hell out of him.

“Did it work?”

Loco jumped. “You just scared the shit out of me.” His heart was beating wildly in his chest. Normally, a Timber wolf had superior hearing, unable to be snuck up on, but with his mind preoccupied with the sight of Tangee in his bed, his guard had been down.

“Seems you’re going for a record on firsts. I never thought I could
Loco’s Love


sneak up on you.” Maverick chuckled. “So did it work?” Loco couldn’t help himself. He grinned from ear to ear. “Hell, yeah.” They tapped knuckles, and Loco puffed his chest out in pride.

“You know it’s in the genes.”

“That’s usually where a cock is kept.” Maverick laughed.

“Smartass.” Loco laughed, too.

“Glad to know it worked.” Maverick clapped him on the back as he walked down the hall.

“Me, too.”

* * * *

Tangee woke early, sliding out of bed and pulling some clothes on. He looked over to see Loco was still sleeping, his silver hair fanned out behind him. Tangee was in awe, and his heart clenched every time he looked at the gorgeous man.

Tiptoeing quietly, he left the room, closing the door silently behind him. He was starved. There had to be a kitchen in this place somewhere.

Tangee walked down the winding staircase, a loud noise coming from a room off to the right catching his interest. Tangee walked at a slow pace until he stood at the opening.

These must be the mates Loco talked about so much.

Tangee tried to pick out the one who was a half-wolf like him, but he couldn’t tell. He knew the guy’s name was Drew, but he didn’t know which one that was.

“Hey, I know you. You’re from the tattoo place.” Some guy with piercings all over his face stood and crossed the room. Tangee was a little nervous. He wasn’t really sure how all this mating stuff worked.

Would they accept him or brush him off?

“I’m Oliver. What’s your name?” The guy with the piercings extended his hand.

Tangee shook it, feeling slightly more relaxed. “Tangee.”

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“I like that. So, what brings you here?” Oliver led him further into the room. All noise had stopped, and everyone was staring at him.

Tangee wanted to crawl under a rock. He was uncomfortable with all this attention.

“He’s my mate.”

Tangee turned around to see Loco smiling down at him. “I told you I have exceptional hearing. Did you really think you could sneak out?” Loco pulled him into a tight embrace, nipping him behind his ear.

“No way! Really?” A short guy with dark brown hair jumped up and ran over to Loco, hugging them both. “I’m so happy for you.

“Thanks, Drew. Tangee, this is my good friend, Andrew.” Loco introduced them.

Drew punched Loco in the arm. “
. Hi, Tangee. Cool tattoos.” Drew smiled at him.

“Hey, Drew.” Tangee tried to see if he could spot the guy’s canines, but he just looked like an ordinary young man. Tangee cringed back when a short Asian man came running, plowing into him.

“Loco, mate. Goody.” He laughed.

“And this is my little buddy, Keata.” Loco smiled at him fondly.

“His English isn’t that great, but we’re working on it.”

“Roger that.” Keata beamed.

“Me next, me next.” A man with his golden blond curls bouncing on his shoulders came up to them.

“This is Johnny. He’s mated to Commander Hawk.” Loco ruffled Johnny’s hair.

Loco pointed at another guy. “That’s Oliver’s brother, Blair. And that’s Keata’s cousin, Kyoshi.”

The other, Kyoshi, walked over and bowed. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Tangee.”

“Uh, you, too.” Was the guy always this formal?

“‘Sup, Tangee.” Blair tapped knuckles with him. “Cool tats.”
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“Thanks.” Tangee smiled at all the guys around him.

“Is real fire?” Keata asked.

“No.” Tangee titled his head and stared down at Keata. He had a tattoo of a wall of flames surrounding his neck, licking at his chin and ears. But how someone could mistake it for being real was puzzling.

Maybe Keata was confused with his English.

“Oh, is good. No need water.” Keata skipped off.

What a strange little fellow, Tangee thought.

“And this is the famous Cecil, the mate to the Alpha.” Loco gave Cecil the evil eye.

“Oh.” Tangee remembered Loco warning him over and over again to not go with this guy on any of his harebrained adventures.

The man looked harmless. What was Loco so worried about? He was only about five-foot-five, with a cute little flop of hair over his right eye and darling amethyst eyes. He looked like an innocent young man, completely harmless.

“What has Loco been telling you?” Cecil crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the warrior.

“Uh, nothing but nice things?” What was Tangee supposed to say—
My mate told me to run from you like Satan

“Come on, babe. Let’s get you something to eat.” Tangee looked up to see the adoration in Loco’s eyes. His breath caught.

It was the same look he had last night when he professed his love.

Tangee had fallen in love with Loco while dating him, but last night took it to another level.

“Lead the way.” He slid his hand in Loco’s, his heart beating a bit faster at the contact.

“Hey, George, this is my mate, Tangee.” Loco introduced him to a man wearing a cowboy hat when they entered the kitchen. The smells coming from this room were heavenly.

Tangee noticed fresh fruit lying on the cutting board and smelled something divine simmering on the stove.


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His stomach growled at the savory scents.

“Hey, Tangee, glad to meet ya.” George wiped his hands on a towel then reached over and shook his.

“Smells wonderful in here. What are you cooking?” Tangee inhaled deeply, the aroma wafting around his nostrils and down into his lungs.

George held a finger up then grabbed a spoon and dipped it into the pot, bringing it out and holding it up to Tangee’s lips. Tangee opened and accepted the spoon, his lips closing over it. Spices immediately assaulted his taste buds.


Too spicy, Tangee waved his hands in front of his mouth as he ran around trying to find something to put the fire out with.

George chuckled and handed him a slice of bread. “Eat this. It’ll take the sting out. Guess you get the pot without the Tabasco sauce in it. I make two. Some mates love the spices. Others can’t tolerate it, and the way you’re jumping around means you’re on list number two.

I’ve been simmerin’ it to have for lunch.” Tangee let the bread soak up the fire as he grabbed a piece of melon and popped it into his mouth, automatically thinking of his sister.

He missed her.

Maybe he and Loco could go see them today. His mate did say a few days. Although it had only been one, he still wanted to go.

“What’s wrong?” Loco asked as he came up behind Tangee and wrapped his arms around him. “You’re sad.” He kissed the side of Tangee’s head.

“Just miss my sister. Can we go see her today?”

“Anything you want. We can go after lunch.” Loco kissed his neck then released him, grabbing at a few pieces of the fruit.

“Hey, you have to wait just like everyone else.” George swatted at his hands. “Tell the mates to set the dining room up. Lunch is ready.” George turned around and cut the burner off.

Loco’s Love


* * * *

For some reason Oliver had attached himself to Tangee. They were in the department store at the mall getting Tangee more clothes.

He felt weird spending Loco’s money, but his mate had argued that he needed them.

Tangee gave in. This was a small battle and not worth the argument.

Tangee paid no attention to what he was grabbing. It was just T-shirts and jeans. Nothing fancy. Loco tossed a few more into the growing pile.

“Enough, mate.”

“Never enough.” Loco growled. He paid for their purchases then told the others they would meet up with them in the food court.

“Where are we going?”

“To the gothic store.” Loco wrapped his arms around Tangee’s waist.

“I love that store. That’s where I bought two of my T-shirts.” That’s not why we’re going, Loco thought to himself. Tangee was in for a surprise.

“What are we getting?”

“I’ll give you a hint. When you turn it on, it buzzes.” Loco chuckled as Tangee blushed.


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Chapter Six

“I’ve never brought a guy home before, so I don’t know how my mom will react.” Tangee sat in the passenger seat, twisting his hands together nervously.

Loco reached over and pulled Tangee’s left hand over, entwining their fingers as he drove. He could feel it shaking slightly, and it was clammy. Who wasn’t nervous when taking their mate, lover, or fiancé to meet a parent? Tangee was going through a typical reaction.

“It’ll be fine.” He squeezed Tangee’s hand gently. His mate looked a nervous wreck. How bad could his mom be? His arms ached to pull Tangee into them, but that would be impossible to do while driving.

“She knows I’m gay and has never berated me for it, but she’s never openly supported me either. This could go either way.”

“Stop worrying. If it gets bad, then we’ll just leave.” Loco pulled into the driveway Tangee indicated. He unbuckled his mate and helped him down.

Tangee just stood there. Loco rolled his eyes and grabbed his mate’s hand, practically dragging him over the stone path to the front door. “If you really don’t want to do this, we can leave.” Before Tangee could open his mouth, the door flew open.

“Tangee!” A little cherub came rushing out to wrap her little body around his mate.

Tangee lifted her up in his arms as he carried her inside, and Loco followed.

“Melonee, this is Loco.” His mate introduced them as Melonee stared over Tangee’s shoulder, wide-eyed.

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Loco held his hand out, and Melonee grinned as she shook it.

“Nice to meet you, Melonee.” Tangee’s sister just giggled and hid her face in her brother’s neck.

Tangee set her down, the little girl craning her neck back to look up at him. He got down on one knee, smiling at her.

Loco thought she was cute as a button. Long, brown, bouncy curls ran down her back with a small pixie face turned up to him. Her big, blue, puppy dog eyes smiling back at him.

“Tangee, is that you?” a woman called out as she came down the hallway. She stopped when she saw Loco kneeling in front of her daughter. “Oh.” That’s all she said, her eyes looking from his mate to him, her eyes questioning.

Tangee turned around and wiped the palms of his hands on the front of his jeans. “Hi, Mom.” Tangee kissed his mom on the cheek.

“This is Loco, my, uh, boyfriend.” Loco watched his mate nervously look between him and his mother.

“Hello, Loco.” She hugged him tightly then stepped back.

“Hello.” Loco felt as shocked as Tangee looked, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. He glanced sideways at Tangee. His mate just stood there with his jaw on his chest, shock written clearly on his face. This must not be a typical greeting for his mother.

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