Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (5 page)

Read Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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“She cried and said she didn’t want to talk about it. Ever.” Tangee’s jaw clenched, and Loco could see his mate fighting back the tears.

“That will be on top of my priority list, finding out your lineage.” Loco patted Tangee on his ass as they made their way back up front.

What a fine little bottom he had.

Images of sinking back into that tender flesh flashed before his eyes. Too bad Tangee had to work, and then work some more. Loco shook his head at the insanity of it all.

“You guys done?” Mark asked, kicked back reading a motorcycle magazine.

“Yeah, thanks.” Loco sat and pulled his mate in his lap.

“No prob. Tangee’s a good kid. I try to help out as much as I can.” Mark flipped the page, not looking at either of them.

“Hello. Right here, guys.” Tangee waved his hands in the air.


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Mark and Loco chuckled. “We know you’re here, brat,” Mark teased.

Loco had asked Mark if he were gay. He chuckled and shook his head, telling Loco he was straight. Mark told Loco that he had no problem with what other people preferred, so Loco could cuddle and kiss Tangee all day and it wouldn’t bother him, not that it would have stopped the warrior.

The two had become good friends in the month that Loco had been coming here.

Mark was laid back and didn’t seem to get bent out of shape about much. He’d make a good warrior if he were pack. The guy had the physique for it, definitely had the attitude for it as well.

“Well, I have to get ready for work.” Tangee pushed himself from Loco’s lap, going to the back to get his jacket.

“You know he’s not going to leave with his mom and sister living here.” Mark set the magazine down onto his lap.

Loco hadn’t told Mark about his wolf, and he warned Tangee not to reveal their existence either. Only one human that they were aware of knew, and Alpha Maverick was ready to kill him and the Sentry, Cody, for that knowledge.

The only reason Frank still breathed is because he kept true to his word of not telling a soul, but if Maverick ever felt him a threat, he would kill Frank and Cody in a millisecond.

Protecting the mates was all that mattered. But if Loco were to reveal it to anyone, Mark would be the guy.

He wouldn’t do that to him though. Loco felt that it would be more of a burden on his friend than an advantage. So he kept it to himself.

“I know. I’ve been trying to think of a solution for that.” Loco stood as Tangee came out with his jacket on. “Ready?”


Loco held the door open as he led his mate out to his truck. He had been taking Tangee to work every time he was here.

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He even tried to hang out at the mini-mart, but Tangee’s boss was meticulous about watching the security videos every morning he came in and chewed Tangee out about having someone hang around the store at night. So Loco dropped him off then headed out.

He pulled into the lot, cutting the motor. “You have your phone?”

“Yep.” Tangee pulled the phone out of his front pocket that Loco had bought him.

It was one thing his mate had agreed to let Loco do. Loco had insisted that Tangee have it for safety reasons and so they could get in touch with each other. Tangee had agreed, stating that he had wanted one anyway for a while now.

“Call me if you need me, even if it’s just to say hi.” Loco leaned toward Tangee, kissing him repeatedly. It was getting harder and harder to drive away. “Watch yourself, be aware of your surroundings, and call me if the hairs on you rise.” Tangee rolled his eyes. “It’s the same lecture you give me every time before dropping me off. At least this time you don’t have to swing by my apartment because I forgot my phone.”

“Don’t take it out and leave it lying around where I can’t get to it or forget it,” Tangee recited in a monotone voice.

“Smart-ass, give me another kiss.” Loco reached over and pulled Tangee over to him fully. “I’ll miss you.” Loco took his lips in a searing kiss. There were some nights he would sit in the lot and watch his mate work, ensuring his safety, but tonight wasn’t going to be one of them.

He had a thousand things to do, things he had been putting off lately.

“Stay safe.” Loco pecked him one more time before Tangee slid out of his truck. He did sit and watch the hottie who was his until he was no longer in sight.

Loco pulled his truck from the space he had parked in, heading for the highway that would take him back home.


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Chapter Four

Tangee thought about Loco’s request to move away with him. He admitted to himself that it did intrigue him. Did he make the right choice in telling Loco no?

No, it was better to date first. He felt confident in that decision.

Tangee pulled the stock from out of his way, ripping open the glued lids and pulling the motor oil out.

He arranged them on the shelf, pulling the older ones toward the front.

Kicking the empty cardboard boxes to the back, and out by the dumpster, Tangee began tossing them in. He couldn’t linger. No one was in the store right now. He locked the rear door and went back to sweeping. Everything was done except mopping.

Tangee thought about Loco, his beautiful silver hair and coal black eyes. The way he hovered over Tangee, protecting him from harm.

Maybe he was being a little selfish.

There might be something to this mating. If it was possible to redo, Tangee decided he wanted Loco to claim him.

The past month had been the happiest ever in his life. Loco made him laugh, made him feel loved, and most of all made him feel safe.

He hadn’t realized what he’d been missing until Loco showed up.

How he would work everything out about his family he still hadn’t figured out, but he hated when Loco left him at night and hated working two jobs. Tangee still wanted to work, but in the small town Loco had described to him. It sounded cool. He lived in the city his whole life, never exploring outside its boundaries. How different
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could a small town be?

“Well, if it isn’t the tattooed freak that wouldn’t buy us dinner. I see your eye’s healed up”.

Oh, fuck.
It was the three guys from the soul food place. This couldn’t be happening.

Not now.

Not when he had just decided to leave all of this behind him. He had the worst luck in the world.

Tangee eased his hand over next to the register, hitting the green button on his cell phone. Mark was the last person he called. He would call Loco, but odds were he was out on patrol and wouldn’t be able to help.

Mark was much closer.

Tangee glanced down quickly to see the call had connected. He just prayed it didn’t go to voice mail. Mark was his only hope.

“Now you owe us dinner and a good ole ass-whooping. Think you’re cute, sending those guys after us?” The leader swaggered toward Tangee, curling his lip up in a snarl.

What in the hell was this guy’s problem?

And what was it about him that just made bullies zero in on him?

Tangee was terrified. He couldn’t take on one, let alone three.

This was gonna hurt real bad.

He prayed he wouldn’t need a hospital once they were done with him. Why couldn’t this be one of those nights Loco sat out in the lot?

His mate would have taken care of them before they even entered the store.

“Come on, guys. Let’s have us a little fun with Mr. I’ve-got-two-men. Since you can handle two, you’re gonna handle three. Hope you’re stretched and lubed.” The guy laughed, grabbing his crotch to show Tangee just what he meant.

The prick grabbed Tangee from over the counter, knocking the displays to the floor as he dragged him toward the back of the store.

Tangee fought like crazy. They were about to
him, and there

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wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

“Grab his legs,” the leader shouted at one of the other men.

Tangee swung his arms around, flailing them about. He kicked his legs back and forth, trying to break free.

His heart was in his throat and his stomach in one big tight knot.

Please, someone help me.
This was a nightmare he didn’t want.

They tossed him into the storage room. The leader yanked Tangee down, and his belly smashed over some crates.

“Oh god, no…Please, no,” he begged the men as he squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to be there. If only he could make his mind shut down, take him to a place where it was just him and Loco.
sorry, mate.

“I’d get the fuck off of him if I were you.” Tangee wanted to shout out in joy at that deep voice. His heart was pounding so loudly in his ears he thought for a moment that he was hearing things.

Was it really Mark?

“We were just having a little fun. He was all for it.” The leader laughed nervously.

Tangee shot up and ran over to Mark, getting behind him. “No, I wasn’t. They were about to rape me.” His voice broke, bordering on hysterics. The implications of what was just about to happen hit him.

Tears welled up and spilled over, relief that he wasn’t violated swamping him. Tangee’s whole body began to shake as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

“I didn’t think so.” Mark swung at the first punk that came at him, knocking him out cold. He clotheslined the second man, who squirmed around on the floor, scratching at his throat. “I thought we made it clear before that this man right here was off-limits to you punks?” Mark pointed at Tangee.

“Fuck you.” The third asshole lunged at Mark with a razor blade in his hand. Mark threw his arm up and knocked the guy in his head with his right fist. The leader staggered back, shook his head and
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came at Mark again.

“Persistent piece of shit, aren’t you?” Mark kicked his left foot out, catching the punk right in his solar plexus. Mr. Leader hit the ground, wheezing, and then tried to stand up again.

“I think you need to stay down.” Mark turned to Tangee with fear in his eyes. “Did they hurt you? Did you call Loco? Did they…?” Mark searched his face, grabbing his forearms with a death grip.

“No, they didn’t. You stopped them. I didn’t call Loco. You were closer. And they didn’t hurt me.” Tangee hugged Mark around his waist, grateful that his phone didn’t go to voicemail and Tangee’s sanity down the drain.

“Go call him. I mean it.” Mark pulled his cell out and called the cops.

Tangee raced up front to the counter, grabbing his cell phone and pressing Loco’s number. His hands were shaking violently, barely able to keep the phone at his ear.

“Tangee, what’s wrong?” Loco said, automatically assuming the worst. Tangee never called when he was working the mini-mart. He was too afraid of getting into trouble.

“They…” He began to sob into the phone, nothing coherent that Loco would be able to make out. “Rape...” Tangee fell to his knees, dropping the phone and crying into his hands.

Lights began to flash across the walls, and Tangee knew the cops had arrived.

The police car pulled in front of the store, and two officers got out. Tangee straightened when he heard them come in, forgetting about his phone. He wiped the tears from his eyes and cleared his throat, trying his best to pull himself together.

“Someone called in an assault and attempted rape?” one of the cops asked Tangee.

“Yeah, I did.” Mark came from the back. “The three men in the back forcibly took my friend here to the back of the store and tried to rape him.”


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“But he’s a guy,” the other cop said before he could catch himself, a look of total disgust on his face.

“Your point?” Mark bit out.

“We need to question the three. You said they were in the back?” The cop looked past Mark into the back hallway, disbelief showing on his face.

“Yes. They’re in the back.” Mark hitched his thumb over his shoulder and put his arm around Tangee, the cop visibly scowling.

One of them went where Mark pointed while the other one questioned Tangee.

“Do you know any of them?”

Tangee ran a shaky hand threw his hair. “I had a run-in with them a month ago.”

“So you’re saying they assaulted you a month ago?”

“Yes, down at the soul food joint on Lorain Avenue. They claim I cut them in line then tried to make me pay for their meals. When I tried to leave, one of them punched me in the eye.” Tangee wrapped his arms around his waist, seeing the cop wasn’t gay friendly.

“So why didn’t you report that incident?”

“I just wanted to forget about it.” God, why couldn’t they just take the three in the back and leave?

“Are you sure you aren’t friends with them and just had an argument? See it all the time.” The officer pulled his notepad out, making it appear that he was writing something down.

“I don’t know them. Never seen them before.” Tangee was near tears again. Why couldn’t this cop be a professional? Mark pulled him closer to his side, and Tangee was thankful for his support.

The other officer came back to the front of the store. “Says this guy agreed to have sex with them, and his boyfriend here got jealous.”

“He’s lying!” Tangee screamed. This was unreal. He was terrified the cops would believe the three punks. They weren’t at all friendly with Tangee, and they were in no way helpful. “The security camera
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will show you that they grabbed me and forced me back there.”

“Well, I guess we will have to take them in. Tell your boss we need that tape.” The two officers turned away from Tangee and Mark as they radioed in for backup.

he has to take them in?” Tangee snarled at Mark. “I didn’t do anything wrong and
being treated like the criminal?” He had an urge to beat them over the head with their own notepads.

“Relax, Tang, the tape will prove they forced you. Ignore the ignorant cops.” Mark rubbed his hand on Tangee’s shoulder.

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