Live In Position (59 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

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"Tell me Sophia," his voice was stern and only the full explanation would do. I told him everything she said.

"You are not expected to do anything you don't want to do." He reassured.

"That's not it. Do I really have to give up my time with Victoria and you to fulfill my desire to be published? I don't know if I can be the social wife you need and it would crush me to push a nanny onto Victoria."

His arms enveloped me in a tight embrace.

"I don't need, desire, or wish for a social wife. I want you. You're all I have ever needed." He pulled back, cupped my face with his right hand and kissed my forehead.

"But you deserve to have –"

"What I want and need?" he finished for me. I nodded and dropped my eyes. "That is you, only you. You have to know that."

A tear slipped over my cheek. He wiped it away.

"There will be no other nanny, unless you desire there to be one and or any other children we have." I looked up to his face. His eyes were serious and sure, more sure than I felt at the moment.

"You desire to publish your book and your hard work deserves it. We'll work it out. Even if I don't wish you to leave on a book tour, I'll work to support it."

My lips crashed to his. His words meant so much, his reassurance meant more, and the feel of his hands and lips on my body only confirmed what he just said.

Pushing onto the bed, I climbed over his body and attacked him feverishly. Ripping away his clothing, a deep rumble escaped his mouth. He flipped me to my back and kissed my neck as he tore my t-shirt, collar to hem.

The feel of his hands grabbing onto my body brought forth moans of anticipation from my lips. Again, I flipped him onto his back removing his pants and underwear in rough tugs. My jeans met his on the floor and the immediate need to grind onto the hard length became my immediate goal.

I straddled him again and ground down onto him. The feel of the smooth, hard shaft between my swollen wet lips made both of us groan with need. I was flipped onto my back once again in our battle for domination. His hands gripped my hips and he slid into me fast and hard.

"Oh yes," I growled, grasping onto his biceps.

Pulling his head down so I could conquer his mouth, I flipped him onto his back again. I shifted my hips back and forth against him, producing moans and profanities from his beautiful mouth.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around my torso. I lifted and descended his hard swollen shaft, grinding my clit against his pubic bone with each motion. The burn began and just when I got close he flipped us.

"Not yet," he smirked before taking my mouth with his and pumping into me ferociously.

My legs wrapped around his waist and sought the release he denied me.

"Not yet," he groaned against my neck. "I want to cum together."

I growled in frustration.

"Be patient my beautiful bride to be." He licked my left nipple and pinched the right.

My body was flushed with heat and the sexual frustration was bringing out my impatience and animalistic side. With a small shift of my body, I gained ground and flipped him over again. The flip caused us to slide from the bed onto the floor – me on top.

Neither of us stopped our desire for dominance. I grabbed his arms before he could wrap them around me and pushed them down to the floor. My fingers dug into his skin as I dragged them from his wrists, down his arms, and over his chest.

He grabbed my hips as I rose and fell above him. Sitting upright, my hands cupped my breasts before I massaged my nipples and tossed my head back.

"Fuck baby," he growled, placing his hands on top of mine. "You are so sexy." He gasped as I slid our hand down my stomach to the spot I desired to be touched.

When our fingers pressed on the swollen bundle between my parted lips, I convulsed with pleasure.

"I'm going to come," I heaved out from my lungs, continuing to rub where our bodies were joined.

Collin grabbed my hips and pulled me onto him harder. I screamed his name and tightened around him. My body lurched forward onto his chest. White dots burst behind my clenched eyelids as I came around his hardness.

"Christ Sophia," he screamed. The sporadic pattern of this thrust the tell-tale sign that he too had met his release.

Our sweat covered bodies lie in a heap on the floor, panting for breath and tightly holding onto each other. Eventually we made it to the bed, where I slipped into an exhausted and sated sleep.

The sound of ringing pulled me from such a deep sleep I almost grabbed Collin's cell phone first, just so I could toss it against the wall. I shifted from his chest as he answered his phone. His arm pulled me back tightly.

"Hello?" he half croaked half whispered. For a moment I wondered if the other person could hear him. "Grace? Why are you calling at this hour?" His entire body tensed.

I leaned up onto my forearms and glanced to the bedside clock, almost midnight. I frowned and looked back to Collin. His right hand was over his face while he held the phone to his ear with his left.

"I understand, but this couldn't have waited until tomorrow? It is quite late." There was a long pause and Collin cleared his throat, his eyes shifting to me with an odd expression.

Even without knowing, my heart began to pound in my chest at what she could possibly be saying to him. A million things raced through my head. Collin's dismissing tone pulled me from my irrational panic.

"I will talk to you tomorrow, at a decent hour." He slammed his phone onto the table next to the bed.

I rolled to face away from him, still trying to get my irrational thoughts under control. Why was I jealous of this woman? He just spent the evening professing his love and desire for me, not to mention the amazing sex right before he held me while we slept.

Collin's presence appeared against the back of my body. His arm snaked its way over my waist, so he could pull me tighter to him. He said nothing, which only intensified the building dread.

"Everything okay?" The tremble in my voice was evident to my ears.

He kissed the back of my neck. "Everything's fine."

I sighed. He was going to make me ask and it was going to sound like I was nagging about his ex. Ugh.

"What did she want?"

"She wanted to talk about Victoria's birthday."

"At midnight?" My voice rose without my permission.

It was silent for a moment and each passing minute felt like I could hear ticking.

"I don't know what she was thinking, other than wanting to create a problem. Her excuse was the pretense of wanting to be present for her birthday." He snuggled into my body more. "There isn't a problem is there?" Worry laced his words.

I shrugged. "I don't have one, but she will if she continues to call at this hour."

The pressure of his mouth on my shoulder made me turn my head to the side. The hand on my stomach slid up to my face and pulled it toward his. He kissed me.

"You have nothing to worry about. She won't call again, and her calling changes nothing between us." He kissed me again.

When did I turn into someone who needs so much reassurance? This isn't who I am. I hate it.

Collin fell back to sleep quickly with one hand cradling my breast and his head buried in my back. However, for me, sleep would take another hour to find me, which gave me too much time to assume the things she could have said to him over the phone.

Grace was up to no good and I knew it. I could only hope Collin truly was over her and the spell she had cast on him before. Then I prayed I was strong enough to make it through all of this and come out the same person.

Chapter Thirty Three

Three days before Victoria's birthday party I was ready to pull out every strand of hair on my head. Ilene was constantly at the house going on and on about the birthday party, and the closer the party got the more she shifted the conversation to wedding planning. I still wasn't sure what her angle was, trying to be so involved with me, but I was staying on guard just in case.

Grace had not called back at such a late hour, but she definitely called Collin frequently. It was starting to unnerve me and that fact irritated me. I had never been an insecure, jealous type of person, but somehow that was exactly what I had become. When she would call, I found myself pausing whatever I was doing and trying to listen in on the calls, even if it was only one side I could hear. It was pathetic.

Today we were finally getting Victoria's cast removed. She was bouncing with happiness in the back seat when I pulled into the hospital parking lot. Collin was away on another trip, but he had been able to arrange for her doctor to meet us at the hospital.

Once inside we walked the familiar cold, sterile corridors until we reached our destination. The nurse took Victoria's name and asked us to take a seat in the waiting area. We only sat for about ten minutes before her name was called. It took twenty minutes to complete the removal, cleansing, and checkup. Then we were on our way back to the car.

"It feels so much better to have that off," Victoria practically sang. I smiled down at her and took her hand, swinging our arms as we walked. "Can you believe how stinky that thing was?" She wrinkled up her nose and I laughed.

When the elevator doors slid open my eyes landed on two familiar figures. They were leaned toward each other with serious expressions and hushed tones. It was obvious by Dominic's tensed shoulders they were having a disagreement. Grace's hard expression only confirmed it.

How the hell did those two know each other and what would they have to argue about?

As soon as I thought it, Dominic sighed loudly and glanced around the lobby. His eyes landed on me, widened and he straightened his posture. Mumbling something to Grace, he walked away in the opposite direction. Her wide eyes found me and filled with panic.

"Grace," I nodded as we walked by.

Her mouth opened, but she couldn't speak. Victoria buried into my side. We escaped to the car without one word from her. My thoughts were still plagued.

What was that about? Something is up with that skank-apotamus, but what? Should I say something to Collin? No, I don't need any more reason for him to be involved with her.

We pulled up to the house and a relieved sigh escaped my mouth. Ilene's car was not in the driveway for a change. Even though Allison's was, I wasn't too concerned. She usually avoided me.

Once we entered the house, Victoria ran off stating she wanted to go watch some television.

"I'll bring up some popcorn and we can watch together."

"Um," she got nervous, "that's okay, and I'm not really hungry." She fidgeted in the middle of the staircase.

"What's going on?" Her sudden secretive behavior had me curious.

"N-nothing," she stammered. "I just want to have some alone time." Without letting me respond, she darted up the stairs. Her room door shut loudly.

"What the heck?" I questioned the empty space around me. Deciding I would get things out for dinner, I walked to the kitchen.

Leaning in the refrigerator I heard a sniffling sound and stood up. I perked up my hearing, trying to locate where it was coming from. Wandering into the laundry room, it was empty. Walking through the other door I stopped in my tracks.

Sitting at the end of the dining room table was Allison, a wine glass, and a half empty bottle of red wine. Her shoulders were shaking lightly, her head lowered into her hands. I opened my mouth, but then closed it. I tried again to speak, but didn't know what to say.

"Al—?" her head snapped up with a frightening glare. "Are you alright?"

She snorted. "I'm just peachy," she snapped.

"Oh-kay," I turned to leave.

"So, you are getting married in May?" her voice was full of acid. I slowly turned back to her.

"Yes," I kept it short. She snorted again.

"Great," her sarcasm was heavy. "Well, here's to your future marriage and the end of mine." She raised her wine glass and drained it. The glass clanged when she set it down forcefully. For a moment, I thought it would break in her hand.

"I'm sorry," my voice almost a whisper.

"Yeah, me too," she snorted. "My divorce is final today," she snapped out and poured another wineglass full. I opened my mouth, but her next statement halted all words and train of thought. "And I find out I'm pregnant." She snorted and brought the glass to her lips.

I stood there with wide eyes and having no idea what to say. Turns out I didn't need to, she continued to rant.

"Of course I would get pregnant this easy now." She growled. "After so many miscarriages, injections, thousands and thousands of dollars, and the end of my marriage, now my body chooses to work the way it should have years ago." Drinking the last of the wine in her glass, she began to reach for the bottle again.

"You shouldn't be drinking," I blurted. She glared at me.

"I shouldn't be pregnant either, but I am." Her eyes stayed on me as she poured the wine.

"You're pregnant?"

Both Allison and I snapped our heads toward the other dining room entrance. Ilene stood with disbelief on her face.

"Who's child is it?" She quipped. "Have you been cheating on John?"

Allison's shocked expression turned to rage.

"Cheating on John?" she screamed and threw the bottle against the wall. "You're concerned about that cheating bastard! So what if I had cheated on him? Who is he to be angry over it?"

"Allison, I can't believe you have sunk so low as to sleep around on your husband –" Ilene didn't get to finish.

Allison charged her and slapped her across the face. Moving quickly, I grabbed Allison's shoulders. Once subdued, I stood between them. Allison unleashed her anger.

"How dare you?" She screamed. "I didn't cheat on Jonathan! It's his child Ilene!"

"Wh-what?" Ilene sniffed, cradling her bruised cheek.

"Don't look at me like that," she muttered and went back to her wine glass.

The dripping wine on the wall caught my attention. That was going to stain. What the hell am I thinking about that for? I turned my attention back to Allison.

"Does he know?" Ilene blurted out.

Was this woman stupid? Why is she still asking questions? By now she should be out the door, leaving Allison alone.

"Of course not," Allison snapped. "Why should I tell him? He would just prompt me to take him back and work on our marriage." She half snorted, half laughed.

I walked over and took the wine glass from Allison. Enough was enough, and I would not sit by allow her to drink anymore.

"You should go lie down for a bit." I began to walk away.

"Don't tell me what to do," she shouted. "You are nothing to me, regardless if my brother is fucking you."

That was it. I had enough. The drama was just too much.

I spun back around and threw the wine glass in the same spot the bottle smashed. Allison flinched and Ilene screamed.

"That's it, Allison," I pointed at her. "The world does not revolve around you and I will not be your punching bag today. Either go lie down and sleep off the wine or just go up there and leave me the hell alone. I don't care. Once you've calmed down and maybe had time to think about things, then you can finish your arrangements to move the hell out of this house."

Everything had built up and was now flooding through the collapsed damn of my mouth.

"And Ilene, leave her to herself. She doesn't want your attention or help, so just let her be. I suggest you just let her go if she is going to continue on like a spoiled little brat!" The words were for Ilene, but I directed my eyes toward Allison who was staring at me with a shocked expression.

"Now, I'm going to my room and don't want to hear from either of you for the rest of day."

My hand slapped the two-way door to the back stairs. Once up the stairs, I went to my room and collapsed onto the bed. Tears were stinging my eyes and slipping over my cheeks. I cried out my frustration and insecurities until I fell asleep, dinner forgotten.

The room was barely lit when I woke. Stretching out the cramping in my body, I groaned and sat up. With a deep cleansing breath I left the solace of the bedroom.

Reaching the kitchen, I looked at the time, five in the evening. As I was leaning back into the fridge again, hands grasped my hips and pulled me back. I gasped in surprise. My heart pounded against my chest as Collin's lips pressed against my neck.

"You scared me," I breathed out. His arms encased my waist.

"Sorry," he mumbled against my skin.

"I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow?" I turned in his arms. He pressed his mouth to mine chastely.

"Nope," he grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"What are you up to?" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Come with me, no questions," he grabbed my hand into his and pulled me from the kitchen.

"What is going –?" He cut me off.

"I said no questions." A firm tug pulled me into the living room.

"Happy Birthday!" Victoria, Miranda, Benji, my father and new step-mother, Carla, shouted. My eyes widened and it took a moment for me to process the balloons, streamers, and guests.

"Wh-what are you all doing here?" I stepped to my father and hugged him before moving on to Carla.

"We received a call from your fiancé a few days ago," Miranda giggled as we hugged.

I turned to Collin. "You planned all of this?"

"I told you it would not go unnoticed this year." He half smiled. I wanted to lick his face.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek instead of licking his face.

The evening was filled with a catered dinner, a small cake, and a few presents, but most of all it was full of laughter and conversation. I hadn't realized how desperate I had been for a night like this. It was also nice to find out that Victoria had hidden away in her room so she could make me a homemade card and wrap the gifts Collin and her picked out.

The days following the small intimate party I felt better. It had been a rejuvenating night. My patience returned when it came to Ilene showing up unannounced and badgering me about wedding plans. She never brought up my mini breakdown with Allison and her, which I was thankful for.

Victoria's party day arrived and Ilene met me as soon as I stepped off the bottom step.

"Everything is prepared and ready," she informed me. "I checked everything this morning. They are setting up and will be ready by noon."

"Okay, thank you," I tried to be as genuine as I could.

She followed me to the kitchen. I poured a cup of coffee and heard an extra set of heels clicking on the floor. Turning with my mug at my mouth, I paused. Allison looked me over, gave me a small sly smile and then pushed in beside me for a cup of coffee. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

What the hell was that about?

With her mug in hand she sat down at the breakfast bar. Before I could say anything, Victoria bounded into the room with a large smile on her face.

"Good morning birthday girl." I set my mug down and opened my arms. She raced into them. I lifted her and spun. She giggled.

"Are you ready for your big party?" Ilene asked from the small kitchen table.

Victoria nodded in earnest, skipping over to her grandmother.

"I am so excited, I could scream." Victoria hugged her grandmother.

"What about her birthday tea?" Allison questioned.

"We are still having it," Victoria chimed in. "Are you coming too?" Her eyes lit up.

"Of course I am," Allison sounded insulted. "Why wouldn't I be there for your birthday?"

Victoria shrugged. "Grandma said she wasn't sure."

Allison looked to Ilene, but instead of anger there was sadness. Ilene's head was down, not returning Allison's gaze. It was time for me to intervene.

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