Live In Position (58 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"Hey, sweetheart," I smiled and rubbed her cheek.

"Hey," she yawned.

"Pawpaw and Carla want you to spend the night with them. Is that okay? Your dad and I will only be a few minutes away. Just one phone call –"

"Get out of here," Carla hissed and laughed quietly.


"Uh-huh," she nodded and rolled to her side.

I kissed the side of her head and chewed my lip nervously, walking from the room. Collin rubbed my shoulder when he met me on the top step. He disappeared into the room for a couple of minutes and then joined me in my lingering descent of the stairs.

"She will be just fine," Carla whispered down the steps after us.

"We will take good care of her." My father stated with a shake of Collin's hand.

"I believe you will." He smiled appreciatively at my father. "I assure you that I will take good care of Sophia."

A grin spread on my father's face.

"You'd better hope that you do." He gave Collin a fake glare and then patted his back.

Collin wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the car.

"Are you sure about this? Shouldn't we go back? We could just take her with us, or all of us sleep in the same bed?"

Collin looked down at me with amusement on his face.


"You," he snorted jovially.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I think you're suffering more than Victoria." He opened my car door. I hesitated.

"Aren't you worried she'll wake up and not know where she is or think we left her?"

His long arm stretch over the top of the car door and his hand cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch.

"You are so beautiful, inside and out." There was a moment of whimsy in his eyes, but he blinked it away quickly. "I love you so much, now get in the car."

Faking an angry scowl before kissing his palm, I sat into the car. The door shut and soon he was next to me in the driver's seat.

"Are you sure –?"

"She will be fine with her grandparents."

I snapped my head to look at him. The grin on his face was gorgeous. The engine roared to life and we pulled away from the house.

"So, where am I going?"

"Um, go down three blocks and then turn left at the light. We'll drive straight and run directly into the Forrest Lodge." I paused. "I should warn you. This isn't a five star hotel." I teased.

"That's okay. I don't need five stars." He shrugged.

"You sure about that? Because I'm talking log cabin-like rooms with animal heads on the walls," I bit my lip to hold back the laughter when I visualized Dr. Collin Bishop in one of these rooms.

"All we need is a bed, well that's not true." He looked at me quickly before turning back to the road. "We don't need a bed to get started on the grandbabies. We could start right here in the car."

My mouth fell open.

"Eavesdropper," I exclaimed. "I knew you'd caught that part of the conversation."

"I'm only teasing," he laughed. "Well, I'm partially teasing. I know you don't want a baby, so –"

"It's not that I don't ever want children, Collin, you know that."

"Well, you had better get them before I am too old to provide." He grinned.

"You aren't that much older," I shook my head.

"Sophia, you are about to turn twenty seven," I looked up from my lap to him in surprise. "What? You think I don't know when your birthday is?"

I opened my mouth to state he never said anything about it last year, but then thought that wouldn't be the best thing to blurt out and closed my mouth.

"You and Victoria are only a couple of days apart." He obviously felt the need to confirm his knowledge. I nodded. "This year your birthday will not go uncelebrated."

"I don't want to celebrate. It's just another day and –"

"Is that what you would tell Victoria?"

"No, but that's different." I looked out the window. "Pull in over there."

He pulled in as instructed, but didn't drop the conversation.

"We will debate your birthday later. My point is that you are going to be twenty seven and I am quite a few years older than you."

"I know, but it doesn't matter."

He shut off the engine and looked me directly in the eye.

"I'm seven years older than you."

I nodded. "Doesn't matter," I shrugged and climbed out of the car.

Collin met me at the trunk and grabbed the bags before I could.

"You know I will not push you to have kids; however, please know I would rather have children before I'm too old to enjoy them. I already lost so much with Victoria because of my stupidity." He shook his head, disappointed with himself.

"I'm not promising children soon, but I promise to practice A LOT." I swayed a little more as I walked into the lodge.

Collin quickly followed with a bag strapped over each shoulder and his hands on my hips, holding tightly. I thought he was going to break the little bell on the desk with the force he was hitting it.

"Will you relax," I pulled the bell away from him and laughed.

An older man I didn't recognize came out to the desk with a warm smile and a sweet welcome. Collin practically threw his credit card and license at the man, who in return chuckled at his eagerness for a room.

"Newlyweds?" The older man smiled knowingly.

"No," I answered, a little embarrassed.

"Not yet," Collin corrected and kissed the side of my head. "I still have to convince her to go through with the marriage."

The old man chuckled and handed over the key.

"I figure if I knock her up then she'll want to marry me sooner." He swatted my butt and pulled me toward the stairs.

"Collin," I hissed at him.

He grinned widely.

"Whatever it takes to keep her," the old man yelled out to us.

I gasped in horror at their banter. Were they seriously discussing getting me 'knocked up' in the lobby of the lodge?

Collin unlocked the door and held the door for me. I knew he was a gentleman, but with all the talk I should've known he was up to something.

The door banged shut, causing me to startle and spin around. Collin dropped the bags and stalked toward me, tackling me onto the bed. I laughed loudly and screamed at him.

"Ah, ah, ah," he protested when I tried to get away. "You said 'A LOT' of practice. I intend to cash in on this."

He captured my wrists in his hands and my lips with his. The kiss was fierce and needy. I could feel his arousal grinding against me and moaned with anticipation. Collin pulled me up onto my feet next to the bed and began to remove my shoes, pants, shirt, underwear, and bra. I was about to lie back onto the bed, but he grabbed me and lifted me around his waist.

"Wha…Oh God." He cut me off with his mouth on my left nipple.

My back hit a wall. I moaned out when he moved to my right breast. Fisting his hair I could feel the rumble in his chest. There was a lot going on with his hands and when his bare cock slipped between my wet folds I figured out what it was.

His thrusts were so raw I threw my head back against the wall and grasped his shoulders. Grunts and groans left his mouth. When his tongue lapped one long lick over my left nipple my insides twisted ferociously. I dug my nails into his back as he repeated the action on the neglected right nipple.

"You taste so good," his tongue traveled between my breasts, thrusting up into me harder.

"Faster," I panted.

Grabbing an ass cheek in each hand he squeezed firmly and pumped into me. I screamed out from the way the squeeze further opened me to receive him. The scream encouraged him to drive into me harder. I grabbed a handful of hair in one fist and clawed at his left bicep. A feral orgasm ripped through me. My body was trying to come down from the high he had just given me, but his deep thrusts were keeping the spark lit.

"Bed," I moaned out.

"I don't want to stop," he growled.

I grabbed his hair and yanked his face to mine. "Lie on the bed."

He moved quickly, sitting on the bed with me straddled over him.

Once I coaxed him to scoot back, I planted my feet flat on either side of his hips. Hands braced on his chest, I rode him hard and fast. The sound of our dampened skin slapping was so erotic. I rode until my body was on the verge of a second explosion.

"Christ Sophia, I'm so…Oh fuck yes, baby," he inched up onto his forearms.

I opened my clenched eyes in anticipation of release and found his eyes focused on our connected bodies. Licking his lips, he watched as I drove him in and out of me. I couldn't believe how hot it made me that he wanted to see us, watch us.

His eyes snapped to mine. Pushing up until we were almost chest to chest, our eyes never leaving the others, he palmed my ass and guided me. A small crooked grin formed on his lips. Without a thought I licked his mouth and pulled back to stare into the intense green eyes that once sent a chill of fear down my spine.

Desire burned deeper and he guided me faster. The tension burst again. I screamed out for him and God, burying my head forward onto his shoulder. My legs wanted to give out from the force of the orgasm, but Collin kept me going until he wrapped his arms around me tightly and growled out my name.

Our chests were rising and falling against each other while attempting to catch our breath. My head was still on his shoulder and his arms were still around me tightly.

"Look at me," he kissed my shoulder before pulling back from the embrace.

I sat back and was surprised by the emotion in his face.

"What's wrong?"

My right hand went to his face. He covered it with his hand.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is right and it's because of you, of us." He kissed me softly and then looked back into my eyes. "Marry me, Sophia."

I opened my mouth, but his finger covered my mouth.

"I don't need months or years to know I want to be with you." He dropped his finger. "Marry me this summer."

I furrowed my brow. His face was full of hope, yet worry. I shifted to move from his lap. We were still connected. He held me in place.

"I love you Sophia Ashwood, become my wife." He kissed me again. A sweet loving kiss that left me breathless, so breathless I could barely respond.

So I nodded, with a whispered, "Yes."

Chapter Thirty Two

Half of the night and most of the morning I waited for my cell phone to ring. Waited for my dad or Carla to call me and tell me Victoria wanted us. It never came. My wakeup call this morning was his firm hand on my hip, his hard length sliding into me, and unbelievably sexy words being whispered into my ear from behind.

After showering and dressing I called to check on Victoria. Turns out she was thrilled to have spent the night with pawpaw and Grandma Carla. Pawpaw was making her his famous bear paw pancakes while grandma was making bacon. Once the invitation was extended I rushed Collin to get us back to my father's for breakfast. I love those bear paws.

Breakfast was easy conversation except for the knowing wink Carla gave me as we cleaned up breakfast. I eyed her curiously.

"So, any possibility I'll be getting more grandchildren…soon?"

I gasped.

"Why is everyone on uterus watch?" I tossed a dishtowel down on the counter.

She laughed lightly and shook her head.

"I'm just really enjoying it. I've been bugging my kids to get my babies over here, but I still want more."

"I just got engaged. Can I get married first?" I teased.

"If you promise you'll return with a full uterus," she giggled back.

"You are unbelievable." I grinned.

"Damn straight." She winked and left the kitchen.

We spent a few more hours visiting with my dad and Carla before loading back into Collin's car to begin the drive back to Seattle. Victoria dozed off after a half hour of driving. Collin held my hand in his. Bringing the back of my hand to his lips, I turned to him.

"So, what date would you like?" A large grin spread over his lips. I shrugged.

"I haven't really thought about a date."

He dropped our entwined hands to his lap and tension filled his body.

"I just haven't really had that much time between last night and this morning, now have I?"

He smirked.

"You've thought about it already?" I asked with curiosity.

"Of course," he smiled, keeping his eyes on the road stretched out before us. "I've been thinking May would be nice and not unreasonable."

"Isn't May considered spring? I thought you said summer?" A teasing smile spread on my lips.

"I'll take you as soon as you'll let me." He brought the back of my hand to his lips once more. I laughed, but quieted when I remembered Victoria was sleeping in the back.

"We could just take a trip to the JP next weekend if that's the case. Or wait, I guess it would depend on if we could get the marriage license in time. Maybe two weeks is a better…" My sentence drifted to silence when I saw the look on his face.

"An elopement, that's what you want?" His brow furrowed. "You don't want a real wedding?"

"I don't need some big white dress or a large crowded room full of guests to marry you." Trying to explain, it was a little more complicated than I thought it would.

"But it would be a first marriage for both of us, I would like to commemorate the day with family and friends. Would you object?"

"Collin, you know so many people, people who expect a certain
when it comes to these types of things. I don't think I can agree to be the subject of the scrutinizing and calculating eyes."

"Don't be absurd. No one will dare look at you with anything unpleasant. How about we only invite family and keep it to close friends?"

"Won't that lead to you being
black listed
or something?" A feeling of surrealism fell over me. Never in my life did I foresee having to hold this conversation about my wedding.

He chuckled. "So no big white dress?"

I opened my mouth, but someone else spoke from the back seat.

"You have to get the dress," Victoria exclaimed, shocking both Collin and I. "It's the most important part, and you said I could be your flower girl?"

Did I tell her she could be a flower girl? I didn't remember making that promise.

"Sweetheart," I spun in my seat, "It's just not my style to have some big to-do."

She unleashed the puppy dog eyes. "Please, I want to pick out dresses with you." Then she unleashed the pout lip and prayer hands, "Pretty please?"

"You are unbelievable." I giggled. With a sigh I continued. "Okay, a wedding, but a small wedding. Not some big elaborate three ring circus."

My eyes shifted sternly between Victoria and Collin. He reclaimed my hand and kissed it again.

"Whatever you desire," a mischievous look crossed his face.

For the rest of the trip Victoria continued to go on and on about wedding colors, flowers, dresses, cakes, etc. I swore when we got home I was going to search her room for copies of bridal magazines.

I was thankful when we arrived to the house. We were a little surprised to see Ilene's car in the driveway. I looked at Collin who sighed and carried the suitcases into the house. Victoria and I followed him in.

"Mother," he called out while setting the luggage near the steps.

"You're finally home," she approached from the kitchen. "Did you have a nice visit?"

"Mommy and Daddy are getting married, Grandma," Victoria exclaimed with a bounce in her step.

"Oh, they are?" Ilene looked between the both of us with a curios look.

"Yes, in May." Collin confirmed. I cringed on the inside, waiting for her disapproval.

"That's lovely. I know some wonderful planners that could really get this event underway." Ilene wrapped arms with me and pulled me toward the kitchen.

I glanced over my shoulder at Collin and gave him pleading look.

"Mother, we are keeping the wedding small. Family and close friends." His voice was familiarly firm and final.

"Of course," she waved him off and continued to pull me to the kitchen. Victoria breezed past me and sat at the kitchen table.

"We should start with colors, oh, did you have a place in mind? Our family church is quite lovely and I'm sure –"

"Mrs. Bishop, I appreciate you wanting to help, but," I paused because I didn't know how I was going to get out of this, but then inspiration struck. "I really want to focus on Victoria's birthday party first. You know, before I get wrapped up in wedding plans."

A confused look was sitting on her face and didn't seem to be going anywhere.

"We hold a birthday tea for Victoria every year. Why would that change?" She eyed me. I fidgeted under her stare.

"Well, I uh, plan a party with her school friends for her. She still enjoys the tea, so she
gets two parties. Will you, Larissa and Allison still be having it the Sunday after her birthday?"

She stiffened.

"I'm, well, to be honest I guess I'm not sure about Allison." She swallowed hard.

"Well, I'm sure Victoria would still like to have tea with you." Smiling warmly, I hoped she would be reassured. A large smile spread on her face.

"I have a wonderful idea." She pulled me tighter to her side and moved us to the table. "Victoria, you and I will have tea together. It will be lovely."

"That's perfect," Victoria smiled at me. "Please say you will come with us."

I forced a large grin and did the only thing I could. I agreed.

"Wonderful, now let's talk about this wedding." Ilene sat down and pulled me down with her.

"Really, I need to plan Victoria's birthday before anything else." I was sure this would delay the wedding talk and planning with Ilene for at least a week.

"Oh, of course," She sat a little stiffer, but then relaxed. "What kind of party are you planning?"

I shrugged. "Whatever she wants." I turned to Victoria. "So?"

"Hmmm…can we do a swimming party?" Her eyes were filled with excitement.

I bit my lip. "It is too cold for the pool and I'll have to check with some local pools to see –" Ilene jumped right in.

"I'll make a call to Stephanie, she can get the pool and the banquet hall reserved at the Four Seasons in downtown." Ilene patted Victoria's hand.

"Don't you think that's a bit much? Can't we just contact the YMCA or –"

The look of horror on Ilene's face made it quite clear the YMCA was out of the question. She turned back to Victoria.

"So, did you have a theme in mind or is it just swimming?"

"Hmmm…maybe a carnival?" Her eyes lit up. Ilene turned back to me.

"I can call the party center we use tomorrow and get them to send and set up Carnival games and such, perhaps we could even hire clowns do that balloon thing." She turned back to Victoria. "We had a benefit once where they made these balloon animals. It was very entertaining for the children."

"That would be amazing." Victoria was grinning ear to ear.

"Victoria, I think that's a bit much for a birthday party. Don't you?"

"Non-sense, my granddaughter only turns eight once." Ilene smiled proudly. "I've never gotten to plan a child's birthday party like this before. It's quite fun."

I sighed and fought the urge to burry my head in hands.

"Now, where should we get the cake? There is this amazing cake place, I believe it is called Harlow Cakes, or something like that. She has been on those TV specials about weddings and cake creations. A carnival inspired cake would probably be nothing for her."

The extensive planning went on for another half hour before I excused myself to make dinner. It was a dinner Ilene had decided to stay for.

I pulled out the ingredients to begin preparing the marinara sauce. Once it was simmering on the stove, I pulled out the chicken breast, angel hair pasta, parmesan cheese and the other things needed for chicken parmesan. I also pulled out some bread loafs and began to prepare some garlic bread.

"That smells heavenly." Ilene's voice caused me to turn from the stove, "Though we should really get you a cook so that you won't have to do this all the time."

I furrowed my brow. "I really don't mind cooking."

"Oh, my dear, with the schedule you will have to keep, you will want a cook."

"Schedule?" What the heck was she talking about?

"Well, Victoria told me about your book, so you'll be traveling I'm sure." I shrugged a little and then gave a small nod. "Then you'll have your social engagements that will fill your day. Have you thought about a nanny for Victoria?"

"A what?" I choked.

"You don't plan to still do everything you do now, and keep up with everything else, do you? You simply won't have the time. Not with being the wife of a prominent surgeon and a published author."

Now crazy as it seems, Ilene suddenly made me think of so much I hadn't. Would I really have to give up so much to have what I desired most? Was it still what I desired most? Could I have Collin and Victoria, be the published author I have worked so hard to be, and fit into this 'position of wife'? Suddenly, I didn't know if I could and it scared me.

Worry plagued my mind as I finished, served, and ate dinner. I was distracted during the dinner conversation. When Ilene left for the night, and as I helped Victoria get ready for bed her words swirled around my mind. Collin eyed me curiously a couple of times, but didn't say anything until I stepped into our room for the night.

"Is there something the matter?" I turned away from my bathroom destination. Collin sat on the other side of the room in a sitting chair, his laptop in front of him on the coffee table.

"No," I spoke a little too fast. His eyebrow rose.

"Did my mother do or say something?" he stood and began to walk toward me.

I shook my head. "No, I mean, not really."

"Not really?"

"She just, well, she mentioned some things I hadn't really thought about and I, I just, it scares me."

He moved quicker and cupped my face.

"What scared you?"

"I don't know if I can do it." I blurted.

He froze and anger began to distort his handsome face.

"What did she say to you?" he demanded.

"Calm down, that didn't come out the way I meant it to." I tried to move away, but he pulled me back to him.

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