Live In Position (57 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"I understand you're pregnant, again." His words were strained. It made me nervous. The sly smile that slipped across Grace's face made my stomach knot up.

"Yes," she placed a hand to her small bump.

"Well I think perhaps you should slowly work Victoria into the idea of a sibling. She didn't seem too receptive to the idea –"

"As I'm not too receptive about my daughter calling me by my first name, while she labels the help as 'mommy'," Grace quipped before Collin finished. His arm around me tightened.

"While you're in my," he paused and took a breath, "
home, you will respect my fiancé."

"Of course, I apologize for my behavior, but you must understand how it feels for a woman, a mother, to deal with such a thing." She was really laying it on thick. I could only hope Collin wasn't buying her horrible acting.

"I'm sure that it is."

My head snapped to look at his face. Did he really believe this B.S?

"However, I will not force her to call you mom. If you prefer something other than Grace then we can talk with her."

Grace's eyes narrowed on me briefly. I caught it, did Collin catch it?

"I suppose Grace will do, for now." Her eyes shifted from me to Collin with a large smile on her face.

"I'll go and get Victoria." Collin stood and walked out of the room.

The fake sugary sweet smile slipped off of Grace's face. A sneer appeared.

"If you think for one second you could possibly replace me where either of them is concerned, then you are dumber than I thought." She snorted. "Collin and I have history and a connection, as well as his inability to resist me."

"Oh, well, if he would rather have a boney, cruel, irresponsible woman who has shown up pregnant to another man, he can have you." I growled back

She snorted again.

"I can assure you there is only one person I want." Collin's cut through the tense moment.

Grace's shocked expression was only intensified by her loud gasp. As for me, I could've let worry and insecurities settle in, but the cocky side grew in me. I stood up and walked directly toward Collin, passing him.

"I can assure you that you're the only person I want as well," I spoke over my shoulder and finished leaving the room. "In fact, I'll be upstairs in
bed if you need me."

There was a low rumble in his chest. I couldn't find it in me to be embarrassed or ashamed for talking that way in front of Victoria. When I reached our room, I shut the door and danced around laughing. I was so proud of myself I couldn't help it.

Chapter Thirty One

Victoria was bouncing around her room throwing things into her bag, humming. I left her to finish on her own and went back to my own packing. Reaching up to a high shelf in my closet, the feel of Collin covered my back. I gasped. He chuckled while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That, was not funny," I lightly smacked the arm latched around my stomach. "What did I tell you about appearing out of nowhere, huh?"

"Did you need help getting something down?" He chuckled.

"Maybe," I pouted. He nudged the side of my head with his chin. "I was trying to get that sweater." Using my index finger I pointed it out.

He reached up with one arm and pulled it down.

"Thank you." I took the sweater and started to walk away. He wouldn't release me. "I need to –" He spun me and claimed my mouth.

I moaned and dropped the sweater. He pressed his body into mine, shoving us against a row of hanging clothes. Lowering his lips over my chin and neck, I was finally able to pant out some words.

"Victoria…Tacoma…" I tried to catch my breath, but he palmed my breast and fondled. "Gotta leave soon…" I moaned. He pinched my nipple through my clothing. "Collin," I warned.

"Fine," he growled and released me.

Taking some deep breaths to calm myself, I bent down to pick up the sweater. His hand grasped my hips and firmly pressed me against him.

"You are so –"

"In love with you," he finished.

My heart melted. Rising up on my toes, I kissed him quickly. He eyed me hungrily. I practically ran out of the closet.

"I can catch you," he teased.

"We need to go soon, so control yourself." I laughed, tossing the large sweater into my bag.

"Control is only fun if it means I get to tie you to the bed and order you to do

My head shot up to determine if he was serious. The grin on his face was playful, but he held a hint of seriousness in his eyes. My stomach flipped with excitement, which surprised me. Would I really consider letting him tie me up?

The drive to Tacoma was quiet. Victoria played her video game in the backseat. Collin spent half of the drive on his phone with multiple people. I tried to read through some of the edits from the publisher, but reading and riding in a car have never been a good combination for me. When the nausea began I decided to put the book away and give it a break.

Collin's hand woke me a little bit later, as it wandered around my thigh. I wiped at my eye and stretched. Looking over my shoulder I saw Victoria, too, had fallen asleep.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Only about thirty minutes or so," he shrugged a little.

"Is that all?" It had felt longer.

"Yep, definitely not long enough for me to molest you in your sleep," he turned and winked. My heart fluttered.

"Pervert," I blurted. He burst into deep laughter, which made me laugh too.

"When did she pass out?"

He shrugged. "Not too long after you. You two seem to be very in sync with each other." He turned with a smile on his face before looking back to the road.

I lolled my head back onto the headrest and glanced out at the passing scenery. Movement from his hand caught my attention. I looked down to my lap and then up to his grinning face.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Exploring," he grinned.

I shook my head.

"Keep your exploration to a minimum. Your daughter's in the backseat." I swatted at his hand playfully.

"Come on, she's sleeping." I gasped and he laughed. "I'm only joking." He laughed harder.

When we pulled up I was excited to be back home and quickly got out of the car. Collin growled from the other side of the car, since I didn't wait for him to open my door. However, the smile on my father's approaching face completely voided out his growl.

"Dad," I jumped into his open arms. "I'm so excited." I squeezed him harder.

"Pawpaw," Victoria ran up and wrapped her arms around his legs.

"Hey there little princess," he pulled out of our embrace and picked her up into his arms. "Have you been good?" She nodded furiously. "Good, because I think we have some cookies waiting for you." He practically sang the last few words.

"We definitely have cookies," Carla appeared on the top step of the porch.

"Carla," I exclaimed and bolted up the steps. Taking her into my arms I squeezed her too. "I am so excited."

"You are?" she teased, "I've been waiting on him forever."

We both laughed and a flash of red hair went passed us.

"Honey, be careful they're still hot." Carla called out, racing to catch up to her.

I turned and saw my father and Collin standing uncomfortably. Crap! Walking back I took Collin's hand.

"Dad, this is Collin Bishop, my fiancé; Collin, this is my father, Rick." I motioned between the two of them.

Collin released my hand and held it out to my father.

"It's pleasure, sir."

My father accepted his hand.

"Same here. I'm glad you could make down today." Discomfort was all over my father's face.

"Anything for Sophia," Collin answered without missing a beat. My father smiled at him.

Once we were in the house, we sat drinking iced tea and eating cookies. Victoria grilled Carla on her wedding dress. She couldn't understand that Carla was not wearing a large white gown. Instead she was wearing a white suit with a small cap and veil. In the end, Carla took Victoria to see the dress.

Victoria tried not to look disappointed, but I knew her
well. She had big hopes for a large wedding like Miranda's. I offered her more cookies to make her feel better.

Soon the time came. We drove over to city hall. Dad worked for the city for so long that the judge was a
longtime friend. I'd grown up with the police force, lawyers, and other civil workers in my life. It was surreal to watch my father get married by a longtime family friend. Not to mention the look on both Carla and dad's faces as they pledge forever.

"We could be next, you know?" Collin whispered into my ear.

I turned my head and saw complete seriousness on his face.

"I have a feeling your father will be next." I whispered back.

"I meant today."

The words were breathy and sent tingles through my body. I shot him a look.

"There is a waiting period, sorry." I whispered back quickly.


I shook my head.

"Why won't you marry me?" He practically whined.

"You know why, now stop. Today is about my father and Carla." I took his hand into both of mine just to reassure him that my ceremony rejection didn't change how I felt about him.

We ate a late lunch at the diner, where many people toasted and congratulated their chief of police and his new wife. After, we drove back to my father's house. I grabbed the gift I purchased out of the car and took it in.

"Oh, Soph, you didn't have to get us anything." My father objected.

"Non-sense, it's not every day my daddy
gets himself one hell of a woman." I winked at Carla.

He opened the box which was filled with sun block, towels, and sunglasses.

"Um, Soph, I don't –"

"Keep digging," I urged.

Once he took the large towels out of the box, he found the envelope. Slipping his index finger under the flap, he pulled open the envelope and pulled out the two tickets.

"We can't accept this," my father looked at me in shock.

"Of course you can." I insisted. "You need a honeymoon."

"A what?" Victoria asked.

"What did she do?" Carla looked over my father's shoulder at the tickets. "Sophia, really, we can't –"

"Of course you can," I sighed. "I wanted to do this. Please?"

"I don't know," my dad hedged.

"What is a honeymoon?!" Victoria asked again.

"It's like a vacation for two people after they get married." Collin answered and set her on his lap.

"Oh," she sat with a concentrated look.

"So, you'll take the tickets right?" I stuck out my bottom lip.

"That's not even fair," my father chuckled. I stuck it out further. "Okay, okay." He patted Carla's knee, "Looks like we are going to Paris for our honeymoon."

"Yay," I cheered and hugged them both.

"Do I get to go on your honeymoon with Sophia?" Victoria was twisted in Collin's lap.

"What?" he asked with confusion.

"You said only the two people who get married go, but I want to go with you."

Collin started to laugh at her and I couldn't help but join in.

"Of course you can go," I rubbed her head and sat back down next to Collin.

"She can?" He whispered to me. I nodded and moved on to another conversation with Carla and my father.

The hours passed by and soon Victoria's yawning turned into dozing off in my lap.

"Perhaps we should let you get her to bed," Carla stood and started looking around. "Where are your bags?"

"Oh, I didn't get them out of the car."

"We're staying here?" Collin's question made everyone look at him. "Not that I object, I just wasn't aware." He put his hands up in surrender.

its okay, if you'd rather stay somewhere else then we can." I rubbed his knee.

"Why don't you leave Victoria with us, she can sleep in your old room?" I looked at Carla with wide eyes. "Then you two can get a room at the hotel," she saw my expression, "or not."

"We can't ask you to watch Victoria." Collin stated.

"Don't you trust us with her?" My father teased.

"Of course we do, but it's your wedding night." I argued.

"You should have tonight to yourselves." Collin added. I nodded in agreement.

"Non-sense, we'll have two weeks in Paris alone." Carla objected and pulled Victoria from my lap. "You go get her things."

"What if she wakes up and is upset because we aren't here?" I stood, following her.

"I'll stay with her so she knows where she is." Carla shrugged.

"No, we'll take her with us." I argued.

Carla swatted me away.

"Go get her bag and let me play grandma. It can be your gift to me." She smiled slyly.

"I gave you Paris," I chuckled.

"Then take it back. I'd rather play grandma." She giggled and took Victoria up the stairs.

I turned to Collin with a look of disbelief.

"Don't look at me. I am not going to argue with the bride on her wedding day." His hands were up in surrender, again.

I turned to my father. He shook his head.

"You won't win this one." He stood from his chair. "Let me walk you out and get her bag."

"I'll get the bag," Collin exited the room and the house.

"This isn't fair to you."

"Sophia, there is no stopping Carla with this, so give up. Plus when I told her you were engaged all she wanted to know was when she would get more grand babies."

"What?" I choked.

"You heard me, she wants grandchildren and I can't say that I object to the idea. That little princess up there has really given me a taste of being 'pawpaw'." He grinned large.

"Okay, aren't you the same man who told me you 'have a gun'?" I cocked one eyebrow at him.

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes and I still have the gun too. So if there is any screwing up on his part, you just let me know."

"I can assure you I have no intentions on messing anything up where Sophia is concerned." I spun at the sound of Collin's return.

"How long have you been listening?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh, long enough," he smiled at me with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

Collin handed off Victoria's bag to me. I took the bag upstairs, leaving Collin alone with my father. I was thankful Victoria was half awake when I sat next to her.

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