Liars and Outliers (46 page)

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Authors: Bruce Schneier

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better at solving
Leda Cosmides (1989), “The Logic of Social Exchange: Has Natural Selection Shaped How Humans Reason? Studies with the Wason Selection Task,”

scans of the brains
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we cooperate primarily
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reputation information
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eBay changed this
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remember negative
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theory that gossip
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whom to interact
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establish group interests
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gossip helps keep
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Diamond merchants
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a pair of eyes
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names and addresses
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There's a great word
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Quakers would cooperate
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vestigial remnants
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people who look like
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same accent
Shirley Lev-Ari and Boaz Keysar (2010), “Why Don't We Believe Non-Native Speakers? The Influence of Accent on Credibility,”
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change our patterns
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don't sound like
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how to cooperate
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Platinum Rule
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reputation scale
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Criminals have signals
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Shared brand names
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Saudi Binladin Group
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pay a premium
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more reputable producer
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cultivate their brand
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A small complaint
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isn't an effective
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Maine lobstermen
James M. Acheson (Apr 1972), “Territories of the Lobstermen,”
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Shame is a common
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excessive CEO pay
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Informal punishments
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bad apples diminishes
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if Alice kills Bob
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Nazis instituted this
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various cultures
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