Liars and Outliers (44 page)

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Authors: Bruce Schneier

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compassion extended
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invention of agriculture
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Unrelated elephants
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ritualized battles
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Vampire bats
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help each other
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transactional analysis
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potential mate
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altruistic acts
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kind people
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George Price
Oren S. Harman (2010),
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bargaining games
Gary E. Bolton (1998), “Bargaining and Dilemma Games: From Laboratory Data Towards Theoretical Synthesis,”
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found a coin
Paula F. Levin and Alice M. Isen (1972), “The Effect of Feeling Good on Helping: Cookies and Kindness,”
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flying through clouds
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mirror neurons
Giuseppe di Pellegrino, Luciano Fadiga, Leonardo Fogassi, Vittorio Gallese, and Giacomo Rizzolati (1992), “Understanding Motor Events: A Neurophysiological Study,”
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altruistic innately
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fairness and justice
Katarina Gospic, Erik Mohlin, Peter Fransso, Predrag Petrovic, Magnus Johannesson, and Martin Ingvar (2011), “Limbic Justice: Amygdala Involvement in Immediate Rejection in the Ultimatum Game,”
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and attractive
Tania Singer, Ben Seymour, John P. O'Doherty, Klass E. Stephan, Raymond J. Dolan, and Chris D. Frith (2006), “Empathic Neural Responses Are Modulated by the Perceived Fairness of Others,”
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found that oxytocin
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someone's oxytocin
Michael Kosfield, Marcus Heinfichs, Paul J. Zak, Urs Fischbacher, and Ernst Fehr (2003), “Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans,”
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Adam Smith
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non-kin groups
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Indirect reciprocity
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biological models
Herbert Gintis (2003), “The Hitch-Hikers Guide to Altruism: Genes, Culture, and the Internalization of Norms,”
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Patricia Churchland
Patricia S. Churchland (2011),
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our murderousness
Samuel Bowles (2006), “Group Competition, Reproductive Leveling, and the Evolution of Human Altruism,”
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And these processes
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Chapter 4

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky (2003), “A Bozo of a Baboon: A Talk with Robert Sapolsky,”

Matt Ridley
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hyperbolic discounting
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Francis Fukuyama
Francis Fukuyama (1995),
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James Madison
James Madison (1788),
The Federalist
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many distinct levels
Richard J. Smith (1996), “Biology and Body Size in Human Evolution: Statistical Inference Misapplied,”
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begin to fail
Bruce Schneier (Jul 2009), “Security, Group Size, and the Human Brain,”
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Code of Hammurabi
Martha T. Roth (1997),
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Chapter 5

Douglas Hofstadter
Douglas Hofstadter (1985),
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free-rider problem
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Whooping cough
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Chapter 6

don't overfish
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1754),
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defections happen
Brian Skyrms (2004),
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Snowdrift Dilemma
Michael Doebeli and Christoph Hauert (2005), “Models of Cooperation Based on the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Snowdrift Game,”
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social dilemmas
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much more complicated
Richard H. McAdams (2008),
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need to conform
Solomon Asch (Nov 1955), “Opinions and Social Pressure,”
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Chapter 7

not to vote
William Riker and Peter Ordeshook (1968), “A Theory of the Calculus of Voting.”
American Political Science Review,

people vote
Derek Parfit (1984),
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