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Letters to Penthouse XIV (20 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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I love making new friends!—
K.G., Phoenix, Arizona




This all happened to me some time ago, on a Saturday afternoon when I went over to my friend Kenneth’s house for our monthly poker game. I thought your readers would enjoy hearing about the “fix” I got myself into.

There were six guys playing, and of course Kenneth’s wife Annabel was there. My wife and I had known Kenneth and Annabel for many years, and they were good friends. After playing for a couple of hours, I was losing my ass and decided I needed a break. I folded my hand and got up to get some beer for everybody. I went in the recreation room, where there was a bar and also a hot tub. Annabel was there, and she helped me hand out the beer.

Annabel and I watched the game for a while, then went back to the recreation room to watch some TV. I asked her if it would be all right if I got in the hot tub to relax for a while. She said she would join me. I didn’t take this as any big deal, because we were old familiar friends and I figured a little nakedness wouldn’t bother anybody. I stripped down quickly while she went in the bathroom. She came out with just a towel around her. I grabbed a couple of fresh beers and handed her one of them. She took hold of my hand and dropped the towel as we stepped in the tub.

As we talked, I couldn’t help looking at Annabel’s tits. They were just under the water, but the jets were on and I couldn’t really see them. She saw me looking and asked if I thought they were too big. I said I couldn’t see them with all the bubbles. So she sat up straight, bringing into view a pair of the biggest tits I’d ever seen. The only bigger ones I’d seen were in magazine photos.

Trying not to stare, I asked how big they were, and Annabel said 42DD. They didn’t sag much, but maybe that was because of the water and the bubbles. Most big tits don’t have nipples to match, but these were an exception, big and long and hard. I fell in love with them. I’m not a big tit lover, but those nipples gave me a hard-on. I still dream about what they looked like.

Annabel told me that her nipples were really sensitive. She said she liked her husband to spend a lot of time playing with them and sucking on them. I said I thought they looked great on her. She smiled and reached over to give me a hug. She said she really liked me. Then she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, spreading her arms along the rim of the tub. Her nipples were just above the water. I couldn’t help myself. I reached over and twirled one lightly between my finger and thumb. She opened her eyes then and looked at me, but she didn’t move. She just said if I didn’t stop, I’d make her come. But I

I lifted one of her huge tits and sucked on the nipple. With my other hand I played with her other nipple. They seemed to grow even longer and harder. I loved them. As I sucked and nibbled, she grabbed my hand and put it on her pussy. She said she wanted me to make her come quickly.

I whispered, “No problem,” and found her hard clit. It was like a small dick. I rolled it between my thumb and finger, and in almost no time she climaxed. I stopped sucking on her nipple and looked up at her.

“God, that was great!” she said. “I loved it.”

I played with her clit some more, and she was on her way again. She was moaning and squirming, and it didn’t take long for her to come a second time.

I grabbed my beer and took a long swig. I was still holding the bottle when I felt her hand moving down my stomach. She reached my dick, which was hard and ready to burst. When she touched it, it jumped. Then she started to rub it. She found my nuts and spent some time stroking them. I told her she should stop before I came in the tub. Instead she grabbed my cock and started to jack me off. She stroked and rubbed me like an expert, varying her touch and tempo. Finally I just leaned back, closed my eyes and enjoyed it.

After a while Annabel told me to stand up. She said she wanted to suck all the come out of me. I stood up in the water and she deep-throated me instantly. It wasn’t long before I came right down her throat. That was one fast blowjob! After she milked me dry, I told her that I had dreamed of her sucking me off. I also told her that I was in love with her tits, and she smiled and said she would flash them at me every chance she got. She said she would turn herself on for her husband by thinking about my cock down her throat.

That was the last time we were together, but I’ll always remember that hot tub. And who knows what might happen in the future?—
F.V., Stratford, Connecticut


Angela and I were eighteen and had been dating for two years before we had sex. She was, as the old song goes, “five feet two, eyes of blue.” She was very affectionate, but she would get upset if I tried to put my hands on her breasts or any other private place.

Like most males, I was intensely curious about the female body. The only naked women I had seen were in the pages of magazines. I would often try to imagine what a naked woman would look like in real life. When I saw a woman, I would try to envision her pubic hair and the crack between her legs. But I didn’t think I would ever see Angela’s pubic hair or her incredible rear end or any other secret female parts of her until we were married.

One Saturday night I took her home after a date during which we’d done some heavy necking. We were kissing good night at her front door when she whispered to me that she was having her period. That startled me, because she had never shared that kind of information with me before.

She went on to say, “I started on the pill after my last period, so when this one’s over I’ll be safe and we can
do it

I drew her to me and kissed her passionately, sliding my hand down over those sweet little buttocks, which she had never let me touch before. I took great pleasure in just running my hand across those marvelous round cheeks. Angela gave a wicked little giggle and moved her hips back and forth slightly, to show me that she was enjoying it also. Then she said good night, spun around and went in the house, leaving me standing there stunned.

As you can imagine, I had a hard time going to sleep that night. All I could think about was my sweet, amazing Angela. She and I were actually going to do it! My hands were really going to be on her breasts, and on that superb butt. Not only that, but I would actually be fingering her pussy! This was almost more than I could imagine. With my hand on my erection, I reached for a tissue. I knew I was going to be squirting into it in a minute. As I tried to imagine sliding my hard-on in Angela’s sweet young body, it wasn’t long before I soaked the tissue with my semen.

When I saw Angela at school on Monday she gave me a knowing smile. We sat together during lunch, and she told me that her period was over. She said I should come to her house after school; her mother wouldn’t be home until six, and her father was out of town till Thursday.

I couldn’t believe it. In just a little while I was going to have sexual intercourse. Angela and I were actually going to fuck. After school I hurried to her back door so no one would see me, or the lump in my pants. She was waiting for me with a sweet and loving smile. She had taken off the blouse she’d been wearing and put on a sweatshirt. I put my arms around her, and we kissed as though we were pledging our lives to each other.

Sliding my hand up under my sweetheart’s sweatshirt, I felt her bare back. A little thrill ran through me as I realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and that her breasts were naked under the sweatshirt. I could have devoured that sweet, marvelous young woman right then and there. Looking in her pretty blue eyes, I had a sense that she was reacting to my hand being on her back as strongly as I was—except that she didn’t have an erection to deal with.

Angela took my hand and led me up to her bedroom. Here I was, in my sweet love’s own room, where she spent a lot of her life, much of it naked. She’d probably had sexual fantasies right there on that bed, and perhaps even masturbated while lying there. I’d heard that many women masturbated almost as much as men.

Angela sat on the bed and pulled me down next to her. We kissed, and I ran my hand up the back of her shirt again. She sank down on her back, and my hand slid around her body, going instinctively to her breast, her marvelous breast. The sensation was so fantastic that my other hand soon joined in, and I was holding Angela’s naked tits at last, my palms stroking her nipples.

Emotions went roaring through my body. I knew absolutely that I was the only guy that had ever touched those breasts. The nipples were getting stiff, telling me that she was also enjoying what my hands were doing. Her blue eyes were smiling up at me as if to ask, “Do you like my tits?”

Now Angela took hold of her sweatshirt, pulled it over her head and tossed it on the floor. I pulled her to me, so that her perfect bare breasts squashed against my chest.

We kissed, and then she pushed me back and said, “Let’s do it with your chest bare also!” She unbuttoned my shirt and we took it off, while I filled my eyes with the most perfect breasts ever created. She put her arms around me, and our bodies pressed together. Oh, how marvelous to feel those hard little points pushing into my chest!

Drawing back again, Angela began playing with her own tits, cupping them in her hands and making her nipples touch mine. Lord, I loved this woman! As she cupped her tits, I bent down to kiss and lick her precious buttons, drawing each of them in my mouth in turn.

“Oh, I love what you’re doing,” Angela whispered. “It feels so

So I continued, running my tongue all over her breasts and nipples for quite a while. We were soon rolling around on the bed, with her tits in my mouth as she emitted satisfied little humming sounds. All this activity made her skirt ride up, and I couldn’t help sliding my hand up her leg to her buttocks. I felt those marvelous round cheeks through her silk panties. They did not disappoint me in any way. They felt just like I had imagined they would.

Slipping my hand under her waistband, I moved it to her bare buttocks. The thrill that flooded my nervous system was almost indescribable. This sweet wonderful girl was letting me play with her naked rear end. My fingers went in her crack and slid over her anus. Again, I knew that I was the only guy in the world who had ever done this—or, I hoped, ever would.

My fingers traveled on between her legs, and I felt that special crack with the hair around it. Angela parted her legs so I could reach all the way to her pubic bone and that intriguing triangle of hair. There I was with a breast in my mouth and a hand on a naked ass, my finger exploring a real live woman’s cunt, and that woman the most wonderful one in the world. It was almost more than I could take in.

Pulling my mouth off Angela’s nipple, I looked in those beautiful eyes. Again she gazed at me as if to see if I liked the feel of her secret parts. I think she saw in my eyes that I did. A second later she pulled away and hopped off the bed. Then, facing me, she pulled off her skirt and panties and laid them on a chair. Stark naked, she walked toward me, smiling at me to show me I was special. I saw that she was a natural blonde—not that I’d had any doubts.

Climbing back on the bed, Angela took my hand and slid my index finger between the lips of her cunt. I was overwhelmed by a desire to hold her close and kiss her, which I did while I ran my finger around in her vagina. She nestled against me and emitted soft purring sounds as I continued to finger her.

At one point Angela told me to push my finger toward the front wall of her cunt. She said that that was her G-spot, and that it gave her immense pleasure. She sucked in air as I ran my finger around it. Then she rolled on her back, gasping, “Oh! Oh! Oh!” over and over.

Finally she pushed my hand away, saying, “Let’s get the rest of your clothes off.” As I stood up, she unbuckled and unzipped my pants and anxiously helped me push down my pants and undershorts. There I was, completely naked, with my penis standing straight up in a salute to her. She took hold of my erection as I stood in front of her, and started rubbing it between her palms. Looking in that lovely face, with the beautiful blue eyes, I was again overwhelmed by the knowledge that I was about to enter into coitus with this wonderful young woman.

We lay on the bed again, Angela on her back, I on one elbow, looking down at her. Gently, she pulled me closer, until I was lying on top of her, with the tip of my penis bumping against her crotch.

Remembering that this was her first time, I took it slow and easy. I took my penis in my hand and slid it up and down in that fantastic valley of pink flesh. Finally I slid the tip of it in her funnel, planning to ease in slowly. But she wasn’t going to wait. She thrust her hips up toward me, taking almost the entire length of my tool in her sweet body.

It would be impossible to describe how incredible it felt, being buried in that sweet, wet, tight, warm hole. Looking down, I saw my erection sliding in and out of that marvelous fur-covered crack. Angela, with her eyes half closed, locked her heels behind my butt and pulled me more tightly against her.

I was trying not to move too quickly at first, letting Angela get used to me. But she had different ideas and bucked her hips strongly up and down, setting up a rigorous rhythm. Each time I plunged in her, our pubic hair intermingled. My mind reeled. I was fucking a woman for the first time, and she happened to be my most favorite human being in the world, and she was turning out to be eager and passionate as well as beautiful. I had to be the luckiest person in the universe.

“I want more than one orgasm,” Angela panted. “So the longer you can last, the more pleasure you’ll give me.”

“Oh, you sweet, sweet woman!” I said. “I want to give you as much pleasure as I possibly can. But remember, I don’t have any experience with this.”

Suddenly she said, “God, I’m coming!” Her body was already tensing, her eyes were closed, and she was panting. Then I felt her vagina pulsing and contracting tightly around my penis.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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