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Letters to Penthouse XIV (23 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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I led her into the bedroom. Once inside I locked the door, and we began hurriedly undressing. The moment we were both naked I was all over her, caressing her breasts and letting my hands rove down to her rump. She leaned her head against my shoulder and her soft-scented hair brushed my cheek. I kissed her all over her face, her neck and her shoulders, and gently licked the rubbery nubs of her nipples.

Felicia sank to her knees to perform fellatio on me. “You don’t have to that unless you want to,” I told her.

“I do want to,” she said. She put her mouth on my cock and coated the head with her saliva. Tingles shot through me. She took the whole thing into her mouth then, and to my delight she demonstrated an uncommon knack for just the right kind of touch, the right kind of movement by which she could pleasure a man with her lips and tongue. I clasped her shoulders and stroked her neck with my thumbs on either side. She dug her fingers into my buns as she sucked me. Her long hair brushed across my legs as her head bobbed up and down, and her nose nestled into my pubic hair at each downstroke.

I found myself wondering if she swallowed, titillated by the erotic image of my semen running down her throat into her digestive tract. I was tempted to let her continue working her oral magic until I blasted off inside her mouth. But her skill at this foreplay seemed so promising that I feared I’d shortchange myself if I settled for a blowjob. Besides, I didn’t want to be selfish; I wanted to give her as much pleasure as she was giving me.

I pulled my dick out of her mouth and pulled her to her feet, then gently pushed her onto the bed and lay down next to her. We curled into the 69 position, my mouth fastening onto her pussy as hers went back to my cock.

I fancied myself a fairly accomplished cunnilinguist, and I began lapping at the pink folds of her vaginal lips, dabbing at her clitoris with gentle swabs. A quiver rippled through her body. She was wet. The scent of her pussy filled my nostrils and her brown patch of pubic hair tickled my chin.

Meanwhile Felicia was kissing the base of my shaft while the tip of my penis bobbed under her chin, pushing into the fleshy underside of her jaw. She nibbled at my testicle sac, sucking the skin with her mouth, pulling and stretching the skin of the scrotum outward and then releasing it. Suddenly I felt her take my balls into her mouth, wrapping her lips around the scrotum. Her tongue rolled the twin orbs around in her mouth like two balls of candy she was trying to melt on her tongue.

I was devotedly slithering my tongue into her slit when Felicia abruptly broke off this intensely erotic play. She sat up and rolled me over onto my back, then climbed on top of me and straddled me, guiding my cock into her pussy. I groped at her tits, craning my neck to bring my lips up to her nipples, which were just beyond reach. She rode me back and forth, becoming progressively more bold and violent. Loose strands of her tossing mane of brown hair swept across my face and chest as she bent over me, her jouncing pussy sheathing my rod completely each time her torso sank down on me.

She had me in a fever. I’d never before been balled as aggressively as this, and it really lit my erotic fuse. I heaved up, tumbling her off me. I grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed and placed it under her spine as I pushed her onto her back and spread her legs.

Her hands grabbed my head as I lowered my face to her crotch. Her fingers combed through my hair, raking my scalp. The sight of her snatch in front of my face mesmerized me, and the rich distinctive aroma of her cunt brought an adrenal rush to my brain.

Moistening my tongue and lips, I began ravishing her little garden, licking and massaging the pink folds unhurriedly with savoring laps and gentle caresses up and down, back and forth over the full length and breadth of her crotch, from the crown of her pubic mound down to her anus. I rubbed one hand over her smooth flat tummy while the other slipped under her butt, fondling each cheek before pushing down into the crack separating the fleshy buns, spreading them apart to expose her anus. Finding the mark, I attempted to insert my middle finger into that passage. It was closed up tight, but with a little coaxing the muscles began to relax, and my finger wormed its way through the anus and into her colon. I kept it there as I continued to stimulate her entire vaginal region with my lips and tongue until I brought her to orgasm.

After that I moved up from her pubic area and began to cover her lower body with soft kisses. I zeroed in on her belly button, and soon discovered that she was hypersensitive in that spot. Licking her navel set her off. Consequently I devoted more attention to this hot spot, and listened to her purrs of approval as I slowly caressed that belly button with the tip of my tongue.

Finally I moved up and positioned myself over her body, my legs between hers. We gazed into each other’s dilated pupils, savoring that moment of wild anticipation before the final feverish ride to climax.

Her boobs pushed against my chest, the nipples hard and sensitive to the touch. I reached down to her groin and spread the lips of her labia. With my dick I plowed the pink furrows, probing for her opening. Finally I found the mark and wedged in until I pegged her hole dead center, and then I slid into her firmly and steadily, penetrating deep into the inner sanctum of her canal.

Her twat was moist with secretions, and I moved in and out of her with ease. Felicia’s arms and legs wrapped around me. Her breath blew sharp warm gusts on my neck. Her fingers dug into my shoulder blades. Her thighs hugged my loins and her knees dug into my ribcage. The backs of her calves rested on my lower back. With each thrust of my penis into her tight slippery pussy her heels bounced on my rump, and my testicles slapped against her buttocks.

Our tempo picked up as we both felt the rapid approach of orgasm. I bore in with powerful, penetrating jabs, pounding her butt into the bedspread. She clutched me frantically with arms and legs as her climax washed over her. “Splash me,” she gasped into my ear, over and over again. “Splash me, splash me!”

It was pointless to try to prolong my explosion further. She was in a fever for me to cream her, and I simply could not hold back my orgasm any longer. Grabbing her waist, I sank my penis as deeply into her as it could penetrate, then went rigid as I erupted.

A torrent of semen burst loose, flooding the depths of her canal in swift spurts. Each pulsing jet of ejaculated fluid sent waves of sensation coursing up to my brain, paralyzing me with ecstasy. The contractions went on and on until it seemed that they would never stop.

Finally I collapsed on top of her, gasping as I pulled air into my lungs. We lay in a heap, two panting bodies drenched in sweat and secretions. But when I attempted to caress her after recovering my breath, she pulled away, fretting that her husband might at this moment be downstairs, wondering where his wife had disappeared to. I withdrew my penis from her vagina, but I couldn’t help telling her what a marvelous, wild fuck she had been. She kissed me and returned the compliment, then sat up on the edge of the bed and began to get dressed.

We kissed at the doorway before going out, then went downstairs separately to rejoin the party. No one appeared to have even noticed our absence.

Sometime between nine-thirty and ten, Felicia’s husband finally arrived. He walked up to his voluptuous wife, slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her affectionately on the cheek. They looked like a perfect couple. He seemed like an amiable, jovial fellow who I might like to go have a beer with. Yet I felt no tinge of remorse at the fact that I had fucked his wife in an upstairs bedroom less than an hour earlier. He would be none the poorer for it, and she and I would take away from this party a very pleasant memory.—
R.V., Tuscaloosa, Alabama


The clock on the LCD told me it was nearly eleven. Only an hour to go before the weekend. The night air was brisk and full of promise. I yawned briefly as the light changed from green to red. The CB cued in with an inaudible protest from a coworker. The light changed and I made a right. There was an elderly man waiting at the bus stop with a plastic bag in his hand. He swung it back and forth impatiently.

I stopped and opened the door. Off in the distance a lightning bolt danced across the sky. The old guy and I eyed each other surreptitiously as he got on, but neither of us spoke a word.

Six blocks later I glanced in the rear-view. The terminal was just around the corner, and there were only six people left on the bus. A young couple was doing some deep kissing and heavy petting—the guy’s hand was up her skirt, for Pete’s sake. My new friend with the plastic bag stared out the window. A young mother was doing her best to calm her fretful child. Seated close to me was what looked like some long-haired oddball in a trench coat, leaning forward in his seat and focusing on the floor.

The elderly man stood and pressed the buzzer. It was music to my ears. I stopped and he stepped off. “Rear!” A voice from the back called, and I reached for the lever to open the side doors. More people got off.

As I started up I glanced in the rear-view again. Everyone had left except for the long-haired freak. As I looked closer I realized that that mass of hair covered the face of a young girl, no more than twenty, possibly a college student, judging by the sweater and pants she wore. She was dozing on the seat. Then the bus lurched and she jerked awake. She stared at me through her silky, overly permed hair. “I’m sorry,” she said, giving me a sudden smile. “I must have fallen asleep.”

Suddenly lightning flashed again, and a sudden rainstorm descended on the city. I turned on the windshield wipers, but they were about as effective as pieces of paper trying to scoop up a puddle of water. As I concentrated on propelling the bus through the deluge, I became aware that the college girl had gotten up and come over to me. Now she knelt down beside me.

“What …” I said.

She unzipped my pants and began slobbering over my dick. It seemed like she couldn’t get enough; she was trying to swallow it all. I turned off the avenue onto the street that would lead to the terminal, and plowed into a hell of a flash flood. The sound of the engine stalling made me drive my fists against the steering wheel. She stopped sucking and said again, “I’m sorry.”

“For what, for god’s sake?” I said, and ran my fingers through her hair. She pulled my pants to the floor. Then she got up, removed her slacks and panties, leaned back over the steering wheel and raised her pelvis to my face. Her blonde pubic hair pointed straight to her snatch. “Now that’s the ticket!” I cried, and tongued her fiercely, savoring her juices in my mouth. Then I stood, turned her around and bent her over the seat. I slipped on a condom and took her from behind, feeling the tightness of her juicy cunt as it hungrily devoured my cock.

After some time she pulled away, exclaiming, “Now, I’m ready for a real ride!” She backed me down into the driver’s seat and jumped on my lap. With her back toward me, she moaned and squealed with pleasure as she slid down my shaft. I stuck my hands under her sweater and grabbed both of her firm supple breasts from behind, bouncing her up and down. I was starting to peak. “No don’t stop!” she screamed, clutching the steering wheel and twisting wildly around my dick. I tried to hold back, but I knew it wouldn’t be long. Then she brought one hand to her breasts, and the other went down to massage her clit. “Oh God, yes!” she shrieked. “Ride up inside me!” Drowning in her perfume, I unloaded inside her with such force that it drove her over the edge, and she cried out with an unearthly shriek before slumping back into my arms.

“They’re coming,” she whispered. I looked up and saw the headlights of a tow truck. I knew my supervisor would be coming too, ready to bust my ass for not completing my route. I chuckled nervously and raised her sticky thighs off mine. She quickly slipped on her slacks and slipped out the side door. She left her panties behind.

Later, as the tow truck hauled the bus away, my supervisor sighed as he wrote me up. “You ought to have your license revoked, you know that? But you got lucky this time, buddy.”

He was talking about the accident, but he didn’t know the half of it. “Hey, it was an act of nature,” I answered.

“I know, that’s why I don’t fire you,” he bellowed. “But you still fucked up. Again!”

“Right,” I said. I turned away and dropped her panties on the ground as I braved the rain back to the station.—
F.G., Dover, Delaware

Pursuit & Capture



My first date with Roger started out more like a business meeting than a romantic encounter. After we had ordered our dinner, and as we were drinking our first cocktail, he started his pitch.

Roger was a bachelor in his forties and not bad looking, although he had always seemed to me to be somewhat formal. He was an executive vice president of a fairly large company, and it appeared that to him the bottom line was everything. I was about ten years younger and unattached at that point. I was looking for a relationship, but I wasn’t at all sure that Roger was the one.

Roger told me frankly that he wanted a relationship built on sex. There were to be no commitments, other than that neither of us would see anyone else as long as the relationship lasted.

This totally blew my mind. I had not been prepared for anything like this. I told him that I didn’t know if I wanted a relationship like that, and I would have to consider it for a while.

After dinner and more cocktails, he invited me to his house to see some pictures he’d taken on a recent trip to Africa. I was surprised to hear about this journey, and I accepted his offer.

His house was one of those homes that could be pictured in
House Beautiful
, with marble-tiled floors, lavish surroundings, and lots of crystal, brass and coral.

I sat on a luxurious couch that seemed to cradle my whole body. Roger sat next to me and opened a huge picture album that rested on the glass table in front of the couch.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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